%{{{ dk.mf -- Top-level driver for Ditko, the STOMPING SCENE logo font % dk.mf 1.1.2 92/02/17 % Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Damian Cugley % - pdc Tue. 25 Sept. 1990 % This is a "folded" file - likes starting % {{{ or % }}} indicate % start and end of sections. (I use a folding editor.) boolean testing; testing := unknown mode; %{{{ Print version info string font_version_string; font_version_string = "1.2 <pdc 92/02/17>"; if tracingtitles > 0: message "Ditko version " & font_version_string; message "Copyright (C) 1990 Damian Cugley"; fi %}}} %{{{ Macros %{{{ Utility macros vardef isalpha_p primary c = save ch; ch = byte c; (ch > 64) and (ch < 91) or (ch > 96) and (ch < 123) enddef; vardef isupper_p primary c = % must already be alpha byte c < 96 enddef; vardef isdigit_p primary c = save ch; ch = byte c; (ch > 47) and (ch < 58) enddef; def islower_p primary c = not isupper_p c enddef; %}}} %{{{ Macros to start characters with let Beginchar = beginchar; let elif = elseif; def beginchar(expr code, wd_u, ht, dp, lr, rr) = Beginchar(code, wd_u * u# + (lr + rr)*space#, ht, dp); if isalpha_p(code): if islower_p(code): "variant letter " & char(byte code - 32); else: "letter " & code; fi elif isdigit_p(code): "figure " & code; fi save l, r; l = hround(lr * space# * hppp); r = w - hround(rr * space# * hppp); pickup round_pen; enddef; def stdchar(expr code, wd_u, lr, rr) = beginchar(code, wd_u, cap_ht#, 0v#, lr, rr) enddef; def tallchar(expr code, wd_u, lr, rr) = beginchar(code, wd_u, body_ht#, 0v#, lr, rr) enddef; def dipchar(expr code, wd_u, lr, rr) = beginchar(code, wd_u, cap_ht#, dip_dp#, lr, rr) enddef; def talldipchar(expr code, wd_u, lr, rr) = beginchar(code, wd_u, body_ht#, dip_dp#, lr, rr) enddef; def Dipchar(expr code, wd_u, lr, rr) = beginchar(code, wd_u, cap_ht#, body_dp#, lr, rr) enddef; def Talldipchar(expr code, wd_u, lr, rr) = beginchar(code, wd_u, body_ht#, body_dp#, lr, rr) enddef; def change_width = % maybe something more sophisticated later if l < (w - r): r := r + 1; else: l := l - 1; fi enddef; def ifcode suffix $ = if known code$ enddef;%}}} %{{{ Alter the way the bbox is drawn def makebox(text rule) = for y = 0, body_ht, -body_dp, cap_ht, axis: rule((l,y)t_, (r,y)t_); endfor for x = l, r: rule((x, -body_dp)t_, (x, body_ht)t_); endfor for x = 0, w: rule((x, -dip_dp)t_, (x, dip_dp)t_); endfor % indicate "reference points" if charic <> 0: rule((r + charic*pt, h o_), (r + chatic*pt, 1/2h o_)); fi enddef; %}}} %{{{ Bits of kit %{{{ Nomenclature % z h - point where curve has horiz tangent % z v - vertical tangent % z j - joins stem etc. % z f - foot %}}} Nomenclature %{{{ Curves vardef curve_qtr_path(expr zh, zv) = zh{(xpart zv - xpart zh, 0)} ... superosity[(xpart zh, ypart zv), (xpart zv, ypart zh)] {zv - zh} ... zv{(0, ypart zv - ypart zh)} enddef; vardef curve_vhalf_path(expr zh, zv, zhh) = curve_qtr_path(zh, zv) & reverse curve_qtr_path(zhh, zv) enddef; vardef curve_hhalf_path(expr zv, zh, zvv) = reverse curve_qtr_path(zh, zv) & curve_qtr_path(zh, zvv) enddef; vardef curve_cycle(expr zv, zh, zvv, zhh) = curve_vhalf_path(zh, zv, zhh) & curve_vhalf_path(zhh, zvv, zh) & cycle enddef; %}}} Curves %{{{ "i" stuff - also "j" and lefthand stems vardef istem_pts@#(expr leftx, topy, boty) = lft x@#jut = leftx; lft x@#top = lft x@#bot = hround(leftx + jut); top y@#jut = top y@#top = topy; bot y@#bot = boty; labels(@#jut, @#top, @#bot); enddef; % Add a "tail" to the bottom of an existing istem: vardef jtail_attach@#(suffix $$) = z@#e = (lft x$$bot - jut, -d) + pen_adj; % end of tail z@#j = (rt x$$bot, baseline) - pen_adj; % where tail joins stem bot rt z@#bot' = z@#c; % z@#bot' is new end of stem z@#c = z@#j + whatever * (z@#j - z@#e) rotated -90; x@#c = rt x$$bot; penlabels(@#e, @#j, @#c, @#bot') enddef; % draw these with the square pen: vardef istem_path@# = z@#jut -- z@#top -- z@#bot enddef; vardef jstem_path@# = z@#jut -- z@#top -- z@#bot' enddef; % cutdraw this with the round pen: vardef jtail_path@# = z@#e -- z@#j enddef; %}}} %{{{ "n" bowl - also makes "h" vardef nbowl_pts@#(expr leftx, rightx) = z@#f = (r - nindent, baseline - 1/4penw); % foot y@#v = 1/2h; y@#j = njoin; rt x@#v = r; lft x@#j = leftx; top y@#h = cap_ht + o; x@#h = 1/2[x@#j,x@#v]; % top of arch labels(@#j, @#h, @#v, @#f) enddef; vardef njoin_path@# = z@#j{(z@#h - z@#j) yscaled 2} ... {(z@#h - z@#j) yscaled 0}z@#h enddef; vardef nbowl_path@# = njoin_path@# & curve_qtr_path(z@#h,z@#v) .. z@#f enddef; %}}} %{{{ "c" curve - also makes "G", "E" etc. vardef cbowl_pts@#(expr leftx, rightx) = x@#1 = x@#5 = rightx - xpart pen_adj; x@#2 = x@#4 = 0.55[leftx,rightx]; lft x@#3 = leftx - o; cap_ht - y@#1 = baseline + y@#5 = cgap; top y@#2 = cap_ht + o; bot y@#4 = baseline - o; y@#3 = 1/2[y@#2,y@#4]; labels(@#1, @#2, @#3, @#4, @#5) enddef; vardef cbowl_path@# = z@#1 ... curve_vhalf_path(z@#2,z@#3,z@#4) ... z@#5 enddef; %}}} %{{{ "p" bowl - also for "B", "R", "D" vardef pbowl_pts@#(expr leftx, rightx, midy) = lft x@#j = leftx; x@#e = hround(leftx + penw + 1/2u); rt x@#v = rightx; x@#h = x@#hh = 0.45[x@#j, x@#v]; top y@#h = cap_ht + o; y@#e = midy + 1/2v; y@#hh = midy; y@#j = njoin; y@#v = 0.5[y@#h, y@#hh]; labels(@#j, @#h, @#v, @#hh, @#e) enddef; vardef pbowl_path@# = z@#j ... curve_vhalf_path(z@#h, z@#v, z@#hh) .. z@#e enddef; vardef pbowl_draw@# = draw z@#j ... curve_vhalf_path(z@#h, z@#v, z@#hh) .. z@#e; cutoff(z@#e, 180); enddef; %}}} %{{{ "u" bowl % Adapted from "n" -- pdc Tue. 5 Nov. 1991 vardef ubowl_pts@#(expr leftx, rightx) = z@#t = (leftx + nindent, cap_ht + 1/4penh); y@#v = 1/2h; y@#j = cap_ht - njoin; lft x@#v = leftx; rt x@#j = rightx; bot y@#h = baseline - o; x@#h = 1/2[x@#j,x@#v]; top y@#jut1 = top y@#jut2 = cap_ht; %%%% lft x@#jut1 = leftx; rt x@#jut2 = rt x@#t; labels(@#j, @#h, @#v, @#t, @#jut1, @#jut2) enddef; vardef ujoin_path@# = z@#j{(z@#h - z@#j) yscaled 2} ... {(z@#h - z@#j) yscaled 0}z@#h enddef; vardef ubowl_path@# = ujoin_path@# & curve_qtr_path(z@#h,z@#v) .. z@#t enddef; %vardef ujut_path@# = % z@#jut1 -- z@#jut2 %enddef; %}}} %}}} Bits of kit %}}} Macros %{{{ Setting up %{{{ Ensure that |weight| etc. have been given values def set_default(suffix $)(expr v) = if unknown $: $ = v; fi enddef; set_default(weight, 1); set_default(hratio, 1); set_default(slant, 0); %}}} %{{{ Set various "ad-hoc" parameters v# = 1/18designsize; u# = v# * hratio; body_ht# = 14v#; % height of letters that go up cap_ht# = 12v#; % height of most letters shoulder_ht#= 10v#; % height of `0' axis# = 1/2[body_ht#, -body_dp#]; dip_dp# = 2v#; % dip of most letters that dip body_dp# = 4v#; % dip of letters that dip a lot agap# = 4u#; % amount arch of "a" indented ajut# = 3.5u#; % amount arch hanges over (>= jut#) cgap# = 2.5v#; % amount ends of "c" curl in nindent# = 2.5u#; % indent of foot of "n" etc. njoin# = 9u#; % attatchment point for "n" etc to stem jut# = 2u#; % amount serifs stick out penw# = 2v# * weight; penh# = penw#; % might change this later o# = 1/6v#; % overshoot space# = 1v#; % standard sidebar superosity = 3/4; % bit squarer than ellipses %}}} %{{{ Convert to device units & create pens mode_setup; define_pixels(u, v, body_ht, body_dp, axis, cgap, nindent, njoin, space); define_whole_pixels(jut, agap, ajut); define_whole_vertical_pixels(shoulder_ht, cap_ht, dip_dp); define_whole_blacker_pixels(penw); define_whole_vertical_blacker_pixels(penh); define_corrected_pixels(o); baseline = 0pt; pickup pensquare xscaled penw yscaled penh; square_pen = savepen; pickup pencircle xscaled penw yscaled penh; round_pen = savepen; % for doing cutdraw operations pair pen_adj; pen_adj = 1 / (2*sqrt2) * (penw, penh); currenttransform := identity slanted slant yscaled aspect_ratio scaled granularity; % If the result of asll that is the identity, economize on time somwhat: if currenttransform = identity: let t_ = relax else: def t_ = transformed currenttransform enddef fi; %}}} %}}} %{{{ Input program files % Allocate ligatures in 128..255: numeric next_lig; next_lig = 127; % one less than min code def set_codes text t = forsuffixes $$$ = t: code$$$ = incr next_lig; endfor enddef; set_codes short_dash, long_dash, left_quote, right_quote, german_quote; input dkpunct input dksym set_codes ll, oo; input dkalpha % first pass - all uppercase if not testing: \input dkalpha fi % second pass - lowercase with variants uppercase %input dkfigs %}}} %{{{ Ligtable ifcode.short_dash: ligtable "-": "-" =: code.short_dash; ligtable code.short_dash: "-" =: code.long_dash; fi ifcode.left_quote: ligtable "`": "`" =: code.left_quote; ligtable "'": "'" =: code.right_quote; fi ifcode.german_quote: ligtable ",": "," =: code.german_quote; fi % Letters def tkern = "t" kern -(6u# - 1/2penw#) + 1/2space# enddef; ligtable "a": "A": tkern ifcode.ae: , "e" =: code.ae fi ; ifcode.ee: ligtable "e": "e" =: code.ee; fi ligtable "l": "L": tkern ifcode.ll: , "l" =: code.ll fi ; ifcode.oo: ligtable "o": "o" =: code.oo; fi ligtable "r": "R": "e" kern -u# ; ligtable "u": "U": "l" kern -1/2jut#, "L" kern -1/2jut#, "r" kern -1/2jut#, "R" kern -1/2jut#; ligtable "v": "V": "e" kern -u#; %}}} ligtable %{{{ Font metric info font_identifier = jobname; font_coding_scheme = "Font-specific"; font_slant = slant; font_normal_space = 6u#; font_normal_stretch = 4u#; font_normal_shrink = 2u#; fotn_x_height = cap_ht#; font_quad = 18u#; font_extra_space = 4u#; %}}} %}}} dk.mf %Local variables: %fold-folded-p: t %End: