Sender: niki@debian
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
Subject: Re: Keeping track of labels in long LaTeX documents
References: <> <bsbbov$2ea$> <bsbmhi$hm3$> <x58yl2pijf.fsf@lola.goethe.zz>
From: Guldo K <>
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Lines: 35
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Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 21:27:54 GMT
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NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 22:27:54 MET
Organization: [Infostrada]
Xref: comp.text.tex:291987

David Kastrup <> writes:

> refTeX <URL:>, it comes
> bundled with Emacs already, adding two lines to your .emacs file will
> enable it, it does nothing unless you use it and is fantastic for
> navigation and cross references.  If you set the variable
> reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX, AUCTeX will generate typical labels
> for sections, equations and stuff like that automagically.  And
> inserting references is very convenient, you really don't need to
> remember label names and so get pretty comfortable with the
> autogenerated ones.
> It also makes navigation through the document more convenient.
> In short: there is hardly a reason not to switch it on, and a lot for
> doing so.
> For people that have not yet seen the light, the showkeys package
> provides some help.

Oh my God!
David, this refTex is just beautiful!!!
How come I didn't know anything about this?
I read your message a couple of minutes ago,
and tried refTex right after; I love it!

David, THANKS A LOT!!!
And many grateful thanks to all who developed
this refTex.



Merry XMas to everybody! :-)