require_relative '../../spec_helper' include TeX::Hyphen include Language::TeXLive include TeXLive include Loader describe String do describe '#superstrip' do it "calls String#strip" do str = " foo bar " expect(str).to receive(:strip).and_return "foo bar" str.superstrip end it "strips TeX comments" do expect("foo % bar".superstrip).to eq "foo " end end describe '#supersplit' do it "calls String#strip" do str = "foo bar " expect(str).to receive(:strip).and_return "foo bar" str.supersplit end it "splits across whitespace ranges" do expect("foo bar".supersplit).to eq ["foo", "bar"] end end describe '#safe' do it "strips hyphens" do expect("foo-bar".safe).to eq "foobar" end it "strips spaces" do expect("ancient greek".safe).to eq "ancientgreek" end end describe '#titlecase' do it "capitalises each word" do expect("modern greek".titlecase).to eq "Modern Greek" end end end # TODO? Spec out PATH module describe Author do describe 'Class methods' do describe '.authors' do it "returns a hash of authors" do expect(Author.authors).to be_a Hash end end describe '.all' do it "returns the array of authors" do expect(Author.all).to be_an Array end end describe '.[]' do it "returns the author for the key" do expect(Author['donald_knuth']).to be_an Author end end end describe 'Instance methods' do let(:dek) { Author['donald_knuth'] } describe '#name' do it "returns the author’s name" do expect( eq 'Donald' end end describe '#surname' do it "returns the author’s surname" do expect(dek.surname).to eq 'Knuth' end end describe '#email' do it "returns the email" do expect( be_nil end end end end describe Language do describe 'Class variables' do it "has an end-of-header marker" do expect(Language.class_variable_get :@@eohmarker).to match /^\={42}$/ end end describe '.new' do it "creates a new Language instance" do expect( be_a Language end it "takes an optional BCP47 tag as argument" do language ='ro') expect(language.instance_variable_get :@bcp47).to eq 'ro' end # it "calls .languages" do # expect(Language).to receive(:languages).and_return({ 'pa' => nil }) #'pa') # end end describe '.languages' do it "sets the @@languages class variable" do Language.languages expect(Language.class_variable_get :@@languages).to be_a Hash end it "lists all languages" do # All the TeX files. Note [no] and [mn-cyrl-x-lmc] don’t have corresponding plain text files. expect(Language.languages.count).to eq 87 # Was 79; 3 more “TeX Live dummies” [ar] [fa] [grc-x-ibycus] TODO Maybe remove # Now 87 on 2025-02-14 end end describe '.all' do it "returns the list of languages as an array" do expect(Language.all).to be_an Array end it "returns 86 languages" do # That’s all of them except for [sr-cyrl] expect(Language.all.count).to eq 86 end end describe '.all_by_iso639' do it "returns a hash of arrays" do expect(Language.all_by_iso639).to be_a Hash expect( eq [Array] end it "groups languages by ISO 639 code elements" do expect(Language.all_by_iso639['en'].count).to eq 2 end end describe '.find_by_bcp47' do it "finds the language for that BCP47 tag" do language = Language.find_by_bcp47 'bn' expect(language).to be_a Language end it "calls .languages first" do expect(Language).to receive(:languages).and_return({ 'cy' =>'cy') }) Language.find_by_bcp47('cy') end end describe '#bcp47' do # TODO Add #8bitenc it "returns the BCP47 tag of the language" do language ='oc') expect(language.bcp47).to eq 'oc' end end describe '#iso639' do it "returns the ISO 639 primary tag" do expect('en-gb').iso639).to eq 'en' end it "works on 3-character tags" do expect('grc-x-ibycus').iso639).to eq 'grc' end end # describe '#name' do # let(:new_orthography_german) {'de-1996') } # # it "returns the name" do # expect( eq 'German, reformed spelling' # end # # it "calls #extract_metadata first if necessary" do # expect(new_orthography_german).to receive(:extract_metadata).and_return({ 'name' => 'German, reformed spelling' }) # # end # # it "doesn’t call #extract_metadata if @name is already set" do # new_orthography_german.instance_variable_set :@name, 'Deutch in neuer Rechtschreibung' # expect(new_orthography_german).not_to receive :extract_metadata # # end # end # describe '#displayname' do # it "returns @name most of the name" do # romansh ='rm') # expect(romansh.displayname).to eq 'Romansh' # end # it "strips to the language subtag part" do # polytonic_greek ='el-polyton') # expect(polytonic_greek.displayname).to eq 'Greek' # end # it "returns Norwegian for [nb] and [no]" do # bokmål ='nb') # expect(bokmål.displayname).to eq 'Norwegian' # end # it "returns Serbian for [sh]" do # serbocroatian_cyrillic ='sh-cyrl') # expect(serbocroatian_cyrillic.displayname).to eq 'Serbian' # end # it "calls #extract_metadata if needed" do # friulan ='fur') # expect(friulan).to receive :extract_metadata # friulan.displayname # end # end describe '#babelname' do it "returns the Babel name" do expect('de-1996').babelname).to eq 'ngerman' end it "calls #extract_metadata first" do german_CH ='de-ch-1901') expect(german_CH).to receive :extract_metadata german_CH.babelname end end # describe '#packagename' do # it "returns the package name for TeX Live" do # expect('gu').packagename).to eq 'indic' # end # it "uses some questionable choices" do # expect('grc').packagename).to eq 'ancient greek' # end # end describe '#licences' do let(:church_slavonic) {'cu') } it "returns the licences as an array" do expect(church_slavonic.licences).to eq ['MIT'] end it "call #extract_metadata first if necessary" do expect(church_slavonic).to receive(:extract_metadata) church_slavonic.licences end it "doesn’t call #extract_metadata if @licences is already set" do church_slavonic.instance_variable_set :@licences, ['MIT licence'] expect(church_slavonic).not_to receive :extract_metadata church_slavonic.licences end it "raises an exception if @licences is nil or empty" do nolicence ='qnl') allow(File).to receive(:read).and_return("code: qnl\nauthors:\n - me") expect { nolicence.licences }.to raise_exception NoLicence end end describe '#lefthyphenmin' do let(:swiss_spelling_german) {'de-ch-1901') } it "returns the left hyphenmin value for typesetting" do expect(swiss_spelling_german.lefthyphenmin).to eq 2 end it "calls #extract_metadata first if necessary" do expect(swiss_spelling_german).to receive :extract_metadata swiss_spelling_german.lefthyphenmin end it "doesn’t call #extract_metadata if @lefthyphenmin is already set" do swiss_spelling_german.instance_variable_set :@lefthyphenmin, 1 expect(swiss_spelling_german).not_to receive :extract_metadata swiss_spelling_german.lefthyphenmin end it "uses the generation value if typesetting is missing" do ethiopic ='mul-ethi') expect(ethiopic.lefthyphenmin).to eq 1 end end describe '#righthyphenmin' do let(:french) {'fr') } it "returns the right hyphenmin value for typesetting" do expect(french.righthyphenmin).to eq 2 end it "call #extract_metadata first if necessary" do expect(french).to receive :extract_metadata french.righthyphenmin end it "doesn’t call #extract_metadata if @righthyphenmin is already set" do french.instance_variable_set :@righthyphenmin, 2 expect(french).not_to receive :extract_metadata french.righthyphenmin end it "uses the generation value if typesetting is missing" do ethiopic ='mul-ethi') expect(ethiopic.righthyphenmin).to eq 1 end end describe '#authors' do let(:traditional_orthography_german) {'de-1901') } it "returns the authors as an array" do expect(traditional_orthography_german.authors).to eq ['Deutschsprachige Trennmustermannschaft'] end it "calls #extract_metadata first if necessary" do expect(traditional_orthography_german).to receive(:extract_metadata).and_return({ authors: ['Werner Lemberg', 'others'] }) traditional_orthography_german.authors end it "doesn’t call #extract_metadata if @authors is already set" do traditional_orthography_german.instance_variable_set :@authors, ['German hyphenation patterns team'] expect(traditional_orthography_german).not_to receive :extract_metadata traditional_orthography_german.authors end end describe '#synonyms' do it "returns the synonyms as an array" do expect('sl').synonyms).to eq ['slovene'] end it "returns an empty array instead of nil if there are no synonyms" do expect('sk').synonyms).to eq [] end end describe '#encoding' do it "returns the encoding" do expect('sh-cyrl').encoding).to eq 't2a' end it "returns “ascii” if applicable" do expect('pms').encoding).to eq 'ascii' end it "can also return something else" do expect('fur').encoding).to eq 'ec' end it "returns nil if patterns are Unicode-only" do expect('sa').encoding).to be_nil end end describe '#github_link' do it "returns the GitHub link" do upper_sorbian ='hsb') expect(upper_sorbian.github_link).to eq '' end end describe '#<=>' do # it "compares Language’s using @name’s" do # expect('de-1996') <=>'fr')).to eq 1 # end it "uses BCP47 codes if names are not available" do expect('zh-latn-pinyin') <=>'cu')).to eq 1 end end describe '#readtexfile' do let(:basque) {'eu') } it "reads the TeX file" do expect(File).to receive(:read) basque.readtexfile end it "stores the contents into the @@texfile class variable" do basque.readtexfile expect(Language.class_variable_get(:@@texfile)['eu']).to match /1ba.*1ko.*1t2xe.*su2b2r/m end it "recovers gracefully from nonexistent files" do expect {'kl').readtexfile }.not_to raise_exception end end describe '#patterns' do it "returns the patterns" do danish ='da') expect(['.ae3', '.an3k', '.an1s'].all? { |p| danish.patterns.include? p }).to be_truthy end it "calls .languages first" do language ='eu') expect(Language).to receive(:languages).and_return({ 'eu' =>'eu') }) pending "Needs pondering" language.patterns end it "loads the patterns" do language ='fi') expect(language.patterns[151..154]).to eq ['uu1a2', 'uu1e2', 'uu1o2', 'uu1i2'] end it "doesn’t crash on inexistent patterns" do expect {'zu').patterns }.not_to raise_exception end it "caches the list of patterns" do language ='ru') language.patterns expect(language.instance_variable_get(:@patterns)[0..2]).to eq ['.аб1р', '.аг1ро', '.ади2'] end it "uses the [no] patterns for [nb]" do expect('nb').patterns).to eq'no').patterns end it "expands the Esperanto patterns" do esperanto ='eo') expect(['.di3s2a.', '.di3s2aj.', '.di3s2ajn.', '.di3s2an.', '.di3s2e.'].any? { |p| esperanto.patterns.include? p }).to be_truthy end end describe '#exceptions' do it "returns the hyphenation exceptions" do language ='ga') expect(language.exceptions[0..2]).to eq ['bhrachtaí', 'mbrachtaí', 'cháintí'] end it "calls .languages first" do language ='hu') pending "Needs examining" expect(Language).to receive(:all).and_return({ 'hu' =>'hu') }) language.patterns end it "loads the exceptions" do language ='is') expect(File).to receive(:read).and_return("alc-un alc-u-nis-si-me alc-un-men-te") language.patterns end it "doesn’t crash on inexistent patterns" do expect {'iu').exceptions}.not_to raise_exception end it "caches the exceptions" do language ='sk') language.exceptions expect(language.instance_variable_get(:@exceptions)[0..2]).to match ['dosť', 'me-tó-da', 'me-tó-dy'] end it "hashes the exceptions" do language ='en-gb') language.exceptions hyphenation = language.instance_variable_get :@hyphenation expect(hyphenation.count).to eq 8 expect(hyphenation['however']).to eq 'how-ever' end end describe '#hyphenate' do it "hyphenates with the appropriate patterns" do czech ='cs') expect(czech.hyphenate('ubrousek')).to eq 'ubrou-sek' end it "takes hyphenmins in account if available" do language ='de-1996') expect(language.hyphenate('Zwangsvollstreckungsmaßnahme')).to eq 'zwangs-voll-stre-ckungs-maß-nah-me' end it "takes exceptions in account if available" do american_english ='en-us') expect(american_english.hyphenate('project')).to eq 'project' end it "initialises the hydra if needed" do language ='de-1901') language.hyphenate('Zwangsvollstreckungsmaßnahme') expect(language.instance_variable_get(:@hydra)).to be_a Hydra end it "calls #exceptions" do esperanto ='eo') expect(esperanto).to receive(:exceptions) esperanto.instance_variable_set :@hyphenation, { 'ŝtatregosciencon' => 'ŝta-tre-go-scien-con' } esperanto.hyphenate('ŝtatregosciencon') end end describe '#private_use?' do it "returns true for languages with private use BCP 47 tags" do expect('qls').private_use?).to be_truthy end it "returns true otherwise" do expect('qyz').private_use?).to be_falsey end it "doesn’t crash on two-letter tags" do expect {'qa').private_use? }.not_to raise_exception end it "returns false on two-letter tags" do expect('qt').private_use?).to be_falsey end it "works correctly on four-letter tags" do expect('qaaa').private_use?).to be_falsey end it "works correctly in the presence of subtags" do expect('qtz-GB').private_use?).to be_truthy end end describe '#extract_metadata' do it "returns a hash with the metadata" do language ='bg') expect(language.extract_metadata).to be_a Hash end it "raises an exception if the metadata is just a string" do language ='qls') allow(File).to receive(:read).and_return("just a string") expect { language.extract_metadata }.to raise_exception InvalidMetadata end it "raises an exception if the licence is missing" do language ='qlv') allow(File).to receive(:read).and_return("name: language virtual\ncode: qlv") expect { language.extract_metadata }.to raise_exception InvalidMetadata end it "raises an exception if @authors is nil or empty" do not_church_slavonic ='qcu') allow(File).to receive(:read).and_return "code: qcu\nlicence:\n name:\n MIT" expect { not_church_slavonic.authors }.to raise_exception NoAuthor end it "doesn’t crash on invalid licence entries" do syntax_error ='qse') allow(File).to receive(:read).and_return "foo:\nbar" expect { syntax_error.extract_metadata }.not_to raise_exception Psych::SyntaxError end it "sets the language name" do language ='th') language.extract_metadata expect(language.instance_variable_get :@name).to eq 'Thai' end it "sets the licence list" do language ='la') language.extract_metadata expect(language.instance_variable_get :@licences).to eq ['MIT', 'LPPL'] end it "sets lefthyphenmin" do pali ='pi') pali.extract_metadata expect(pali.instance_variable_get :@lefthyphenmin).to eq 1 end it "sets righthyphenmin" do german ='de-1996') german.extract_metadata expect(german.instance_variable_get :@righthyphenmin).to eq 2 end it "sets the list of authors" do liturgical_latin ='la-x-liturgic') liturgical_latin.extract_metadata expect(liturgical_latin.instance_variable_get :@authors).to eq ['Claudio Beccari', 'Monastery of Solesmes', 'Élie Roux'] end context "With Swedish as an example" do let(:swedish) {'sv') } it "sets the message" do swedish.extract_metadata expect(swedish.instance_variable_get :@message).to eq "Swedish hyphenation patterns" end it "sets the old pattern file name" do swedish.extract_metadata expect(swedish.instance_variable_get :@legacy_patterns).to eq "svhyph.tex" end it "leaves @use_old_loader to nil in most cases" do swedish.extract_metadata expect(swedish.instance_variable_get :@use_old_loader).to be_nil end it "sets the @use_old_loader boolean to true if applicable" do norwegian ='no') norwegian.extract_metadata expect(norwegian.instance_variable_get :@use_old_loader).to be_truthy end it "leaves @use_old_patterns_comment to nil in most cases" do swedish.extract_metadata expect(swedish.instance_variable_get :@use_old_patterns_comment).to be_nil end it "sets the @use_old_patterns_comment to string if applicable" do german_AR ='de-1901') german_AR.extract_metadata expect(german_AR.instance_variable_get :@use_old_patterns_comment).to eq "Kept for the sake of backward compatibility, but newer and better patterns by WL are available." end it "sets the long description" do swedish.extract_metadata expect(swedish.instance_variable_get :@description).to eq "Hyphenation patterns for Swedish in T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings." end it "sets the Babel name" do swedish.extract_metadata expect(swedish.instance_variable_get :@babelname).to eq "swedish" end it "sets the Babel name even if it is slightly silly ;-)" do german_NR ='de-1996') german_NR.extract_metadata expect(german_NR.instance_variable_get :@babelname).to eq "ngerman" end it "sets @package to nil in most cases" do expect(swedish.instance_variable_get :@package).to be_nil end it "sets @package for a few languages" do gujarati ='gu') gujarati.extract_metadata expect(gujarati.instance_variable_get :@package).to eq 'indic' end end end describe '#has_apostrophes?' do it "returns if patterns have apostrophes" do expect('be').has_apostrophes?).to be_truthy end it "returns false otherwise" do expect('bn').has_apostrophes?).to be_falsey end end describe '#has_hyphens?' do it "returns true if patterns have dashes" do expect('uk').has_hyphens?).to be_truthy end it "returns false otherwise" do expect('tr').has_hyphens?).to be_falsey end end describe '#isgreek?' do it "returns true if language is Greek (sort of)" do expect('grc').isgreek?).to be_truthy end it "returns false if not" do expect('la').isgreek?).to be_falsey end it "now returns true for Ibycus too" do expect('grc-x-ibycus').isgreek?).to be_truthy end end describe '#message' do it "returns the message to be displayed on the terminal" do expect('af').message).to eq 'Afrikaans hyphenation patterns' end end describe '#known_bugs' do it "returns the known bugs" do american_english ='en-us') expect(american_english.known_bugs.keys).to eq ['de-mo-c-rat'] end end describe TeXLive do describe '#loadhyph' do it "returns the name of the pattern loader file" do expect('cy').loadhyph).to eq 'loadhyph-cy.tex' end it "replaces the main sh subtag by sr" do expect('sh-latn').loadhyph).to eq 'loadhyph-sr-latn.tex' end it "returns the old loader name if applicable" do expect('grc-x-ibycus').loadhyph).to eq 'ibyhyph.tex' end end describe '#list_loader' do it "returns the tlpsrc line with the loader" do expect('hr').list_loader).to eq 'file=loadhyph-hr.tex' end it "no longer includes an empty line for Arabic and Farsi" do expect('ar').list_loader).to eq "file=hyph-ar.tex" # was "file=hyph-ar.tex \\\n\tfile_patterns=" end it "includes a Lua special line for Ibycus" do expect('grc-x-ibycus').list_loader).to eq "file=ibyhyph.tex \\\n\tluaspecial=\"disabled:8-bit only\"" end end describe '#list_run_files' do it "returns the list of TeX file" do # pending "Something changed" # ... and changed back expect('ka').list_run_files).to eq ['tex/generic/hyph-utf8/loadhyph/loadhyph-ka.tex', 'tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/tex/hyph-ka.tex', 'tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/ptex/hyph-ka.t8m.tex', 'tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/txt/hyph-ka.pat.txt'] end it "works correctly" do pending "change" expect('zh-latn-pinyin').list_run_files).to eq [ 'tex/generic/hyph-utf8/loadhyph/loadhyph-zh-latn-pinyin.tex', 'tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/tex/hyph-zh-latn-pinyin.tex', 'tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/txt/hyph-zh-latn-pinyin.pat.txt'] end end describe '#patterns_line' do it "returns the patterns line for TLPSRC" do expect('tk').patterns_line).to eq "file_patterns=hyph-tk.pat.txt" end it "returns two files for Serbian" do expect('sh-cyrl').patterns_line).to eq "file_patterns=hyph-sh-latn.pat.txt,hyph-sh-cyrl.pat.txt" end end describe '#exceptions_line' do it "returns the exceptions line for TLPSRC" do expect('nn').exceptions_line).to eq "file_exceptions=hyph-nn.hyp.txt" end it "returns two files for Serbian" do expect('sh-latn').exceptions_line).to eq "file_exceptions=hyph-sh-latn.hyp.txt,hyph-sh-cyrl.hyp.txt" end end describe '#extract_apostrophes' do it "returns the list of patterns with apostrophes" do expect('af').extract_apostrophes[:with_apostrophe]).to eq ['.af6ro’', '.a7fro’s', '.l’7etji', '.m’7etji', '.r’7etji', 's’9ie.', 'x’9ie.'] end it "returns nil otherwise" do expect('nl').extract_apostrophes[:with_apostrophe]).to be_nil end end describe '#extract_characters' do it "extracts the list of characters with in lowercase and uppercase" do expect('id').extract_characters).to eq (('a'..'z').to_a - ['x']).map { |c| c + c.upcase } end end describe '#comments_and_licence' do it "extracts the header" do expect('kmr').comments_and_licence).to match /^% title: Hyphenation patterns for Kurmanji \(Northern Kurdish\).*The patterns are generated by patgen from a word list of approx\. 2500\n% hyphenated words provided by Medeni Shemdê$/m end end describe '#list_synonyms' do it "returns a list of synonyms" do expect('es').list_synonyms).to eq ' synonyms=espanol' end end describe '#list_hyphenmins' do it "returns the hyphenmins" do expect('gl').list_hyphenmins).to eq "lefthyphenmin=2 \\\n\trighthyphenmin=2" end end describe '#message' do it "returns the message to be displayed to TeX users" do expect('de-1996').message).to eq 'German hyphenation patterns (reformed orthography)' end end describe '#legacy_patterns' do it "returns the file name of the legacy patterns" do expect('de-1996').legacy_patterns).to eq 'dehyphn.tex' end end describe '#use_old_loader' do it "says whether to use old loader or not" do expect('de-1996').use_old_loader).to be_nil end it "returns true if applicable" do # pending "Refactor in progress" expect('no').use_old_loader).to be_truthy end end describe '#use_old_patterns_comment' do it "returns true if language uses old patterns" do expect('de-1996').use_old_patterns_comment).to be_truthy end it "returns nil otherwise" do expect('no').use_old_patterns_comment).to be_nil end it "is a string" do expect('cop').use_old_patterns_comment).to be_a String end end describe '#luaspecial' do it "returns the Lua special comment" do expect('mn-cyrl-x-lmc').luaspecial).to be == 'disabled:only for 8bit montex with lmc encoding' end it "returns nil otherwise" do expect('mn-cyrl').luaspecial).to be_nil end end describe '#description' do it "returns the long description" do text = <<-EOD Hyphenation patterns for Dutch in T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings. These patterns don't handle cases like 'menuutje' > 'menu-tje', and don't hyphenate words that have different hyphenations according to their meaning. EOD description = text.split("\n").map(&:strip).join("\n") expect('nl').description).to eq description end it "returns nil for new spelling German, for some reason" do expect('de-1996').description).to be_nil end end describe '#package' do it "returns the package name if applicable" do expect('bn').package).to eq 'indic' end it "returns nil in most cases" do expect('bg').package).to be_nil end it "calls #extract_metadata first" do hindi ='hi') expect(hindi).to receive :extract_metadata hindi.package end end end end describe Package do let(:latin) { Package.find('latin') } let(:german) { Package.find('german') } let(:hungarian) { Package.find('hungarian') } let(:norwegian) { Package.find('norwegian') } describe "Instance variables" do it "has a @name" do expect( eq 'latin' end end describe '.new' do it "initialises @languages to an empty array" do package ='mongolian') expect(package.instance_variable_get :@languages).to eq [] end end describe "#description_s" do it "returns the short description" do expect(latin.description_s).to eq 'Latin hyphenation patterns' end end describe "#description" do it "returns the long description" do expect(latin.description).to match /^Hyphenation patterns for.*modern spelling.*medieval spelling/m expect(latin.description).to match /Classical Latin/ expect(latin.description).to match /Liturgical Latin/ end it "returns the long package description" do text = <<-EOD Hyphenation patterns for German in T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings, for traditional and reformed spelling, including Swiss German. The package includes the latest patterns from dehyph-exptl (known to TeX under names 'german', 'ngerman' and 'swissgerman'), however 8-bit engines still load old versions of patterns for 'german' and 'ngerman' for backward-compatibility reasons. Swiss German patterns are suitable for Swiss Standard German (Hochdeutsch) not the Alemannic dialects spoken in Switzerland (Schwyzerduetsch). There are no known patterns for written Schwyzerduetsch. EOD description = text.split("\n").map(&:strip).join("\n") expect(Package.find('german').description).to match description end end describe '#add_language' do it "adds a language to the package" do package ='indic') assamese ='as') package.add_language(assamese) expect(package.instance_variable_get(:@languages).first).to eq assamese end end describe "#languages" do it "returns the list of languages" do expect( eq ['la', 'la-x-classic', 'la-x-liturgic'] end end describe "#has_dependency?" do it "returns the external dependencies" do expect(german.has_dependency?).to eq "dehyph" end it "returns nil for most packages" do expect(hungarian.has_dependency?).to be_nil end end describe "#list_dependencies" do it "lists the dependencies" do # FIXME Should return ['depend hyphen-base', 'depend hyph-utf8', 'depend dehyph'] or nothing expect(german.has_dependency?).to eq 'dehyph' end end describe "#list_support_files" do # FIXME? list_non_run_files it "lists doc and source files" do expect(hungarian.list_support_files('doc')).to eq ['doc/generic/hyph-utf8/languages/hu', 'doc/generic/huhyphen'] # FIXME Should return ['texmf-dist/doc/generic/huhyphen', 'texmf-dist/doc/generic/hyph-utf8/languages/hu'] or nothing end end describe "#list_run_files" do it "lists the run-time files" do # pending "it crashes ;-)" norwegian_run = norwegian.list_run_files # pending "it crashes again ;-)" # Fixed now expect(norwegian_run.count).to eq 11 expect( { |f| f =~ /tex\/hyph-[^\.]*\.tex$/ }).to eq ['tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/tex/hyph-no.tex', 'tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/tex/hyph-nb.tex', 'tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/tex/hyph-nn.tex'] end end describe '#<=>' do it "compares two Package’s" do # puts hungarian.class, german.class expect(hungarian.<=> german).to eq 1 end end describe '#find' do it "returns the package with that name" do expect(Package.find('norwegian')).to eq norwegian end end end describe Converter do describe '#read' do it "reads the conversion data" do converter =, '..', '..', '..', 'data', 'encodings', 'macedonian.dat')) mapping = converter.instance_variable_get(:@mapping) expect(mapping).to be_a Hash expect(mapping.count).to be_equal 42 expect(mapping[248]).to be == 'ш' end end describe '#convert' do it "runs one pass through the file" do converter =, '..', '..', '..', 'data', 'encodings', 'macedonian.dat')) mkconv = converter.convert(File.join(File.expand_path(__dir__), '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', 'old', 'other', 'mk', 'mkhyphen.tex')) expect(mkconv.each_line.count).to eq 725 expect(mkconv).to be =~ /1шу$/ end end end