
\settowidth\marginparsep{\ }

% There is a \mmzset in memoize-doc-common.

% Hypdoc (which loads hyperref) must be loaded before memoize-code.
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, allcolors=blue}

\usepackage{memoize-code} % Also loads memoize-doc-common

%\pdfsystem{makeindex -s gind.ist \jobname.idx}


\title{The documented source of Memoize, Advice and CollArgs}
\author{Sašo Živanović\\[2mm]
  \ProvidesPackage{memoize}[2024/12/02 v1.4.1 Fast and flexible externalization]
    Memoize v\packagever\\
  \ProvidesPackage{advice}[2024/03/15 v1.1.1 Extend commands and environments]
    Advice v\packagever\\
  \ProvidesPackage{collargs}[2024/03/15 v1.2.0 Collect arguments of any command]
    Collargs v\packagever\\

  % pdftitle={Memoize},
  pdfauthor={Sašo Živanović},
  pdfkeywords={LaTeX, externalization, memoization}




\section{Auxiliary packages}

\subsection{Extending commands and environments with Advice}


\subsection{Argument collection with CollArgs}


\section{The scripts}

\subsection{The Perl extraction script \texttt{memoize-extract.pl}}

\subsection{The Python extraction script \texttt{memoize-extract.py}}

\subsection{The Perl clean-up script \texttt{memoize-clean.pl}}

\subsection{The Python clean-up script \texttt{memoize-clean.py}}


\IndexPrologue{\section*{Index}Numbers written in red refer to the code line
  where the corresponding entry is defined; numbers in blue refer to the code
  lines where the entry is used.}



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