% From mitthesis package % Documentation: https://ctan.org/pkg/mitthesis \ProvidesFile{mydesign.tex}[2025/01/28 v1.05 Typographic design options for thesis] %%%%%%%%%% Color support %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Color package: xcolor. %% Change this if you prefer something else \usepackage[dvipsnames,svgnames,x11names]{xcolor} %% can add option [table] to xcolor to use color in tables (see xcolor documentation) %%%%%%%%%% Hyperlink and line number colors %%%%%%%%%%%%%% \AtBeginDocument{ % Using color names from xcolor package \hypersetup{ linkcolor=Blue3, citecolor=Blue3, urlcolor=violet, filecolor=red, % anchorcolor=yellow,% not all pdf viewers recognize this field (although Firefox does): hyperref issues a warning % colorscheme=phelype,% overrides link, cite, url, file colors with a preset scheme, through \DocumentMetadata } % \ifmit@lineno \renewcommand{\linenumberfont}{\sffamily\mdseries\tiny\color{violet}}% line numbers will be sans-serif, medium weight, tiny, and violet \fi } %%%%%%%%% Caption support %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % see documentation for details of how to customize captions \RequirePackage{caption} \RequirePackage{subcaption} %%%%%%%%% Customize list environments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % see documentation for details of how to customize lists %\RequirePackage{enumitem} %%%%%%%%% Customize titles and section headings %%%%%%%%%% % % see documentation for details of how to customize headings %\RequirePackage{titlesec} % these titlesec commands just automate the bold math in some headings (rest follows default styles) %\titleformat{\section}{\mathversion{bold}\normalfont\Large\bfseries}{\thesection }{1em}{} %\titleformat{\subsection}{\mathversion{bold}\normalfont\large\bfseries}{\thesubsection}{1em}{} %\titleformat{\subsubsection}{\mathversion{bold}\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}{\thesubsubsection}{1em}{} % ==> NOT every font includes a bold math version, so you may need other math macros in the headings to get bold math <== % mitthesis.cls adds \mathversion{bold} by patching section heading without using titlesec. %%%%%%%%% Change page margins %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % The default thesis margin is 1 inch all around. You may want different margins (e.g., to add a gutter for binding), % in which case you can use the \newgeometry command from the geometry package. Refer to the package documentation % for details. % % mitthesis defaults: [top=1in,bottom=1in,left=1in,right=1in,marginparwidth=50pt,headsep=12pt,footskip=0.5in] % % The following tells the geometry package to use a two-sided layout with a 1 cm binding offset on the inside % and 1 inch margins all around, reducing textwidth slightly (by 0.7 cm). See geometry documentation, Section 8.2. % %\newgeometry{twoside, bindingoffset=1cm,margin=1in,marginparwidth=50pt,headsep=12pt,footskip=0.5in}