%% latex sample.tex %% makeindex sample %% makeindex -o sample.and sample.adx %% makeindex -o sample.nnd sample.ndx %% makeindex -o sample.lnd sample.ldx %% latex sample.tex \documentclass{book} \usepackage{index} \listfiles \makeindex \newindex{aut}{adx}{and}{Name Index} \newindex{not}{ndx}{nnd}{List of Notation} \newindex[theenumi]{list}{ldx}{lnd}{Items} \shortindexingon \proofmodetrue \def\aindex{\index*[aut]} \begin{document} \tableofcontents \newpage \chapter{Here is a ^[aut]{chapter} title} \section{Section header\index[aut]{section}} Here is some text.\index{subject} Here is \index[not]{notation}some more \index[not]{sin@$\sin$} text. \newpage Here is some ^{more} _[not]{notation} text. Here is yet more \aindex{text}. \section{Another Section header _[aut]{section2}} And here is some math: $x^1_b$. Here is an ^[aut]{index} entry \fbox{inside an \index[not]{min@$\min$}fbox} \fbox{Here is an ^[aut]{entry} in a box.} \section{An indexed list environment} \begin{enumerate} \item First item \item Second item\index[list]{second item} \item Third item \newpage \item Fourth item \item Fifth item\index[list]{fifth item} \item Sixth item \end{enumerate} \printindex[not] \printindex[aut][Here is a prologue for the author index. Note that it is set in a single column at the top of the first page of the index.] \printindex[list] \printindex \end{document}