%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
%% scikgtex --- Scientific Knowledge Graph TeX (SciKgTeX) is a 
%% LuaLaTeX package which makes it possible to annotate specific
%% research contributions in scientific documents. SciKGTeX will 
%% enrich the document by adding marked contributions to PDF
%% metadata in a structured XMP format which can be picked up by 
%% Search Engines and Knowledge Graphs.
%% More information on how to use the package can be found here: 
%% https://github.com/Christof93/SciKGTeX#readme
%% Author: Christof Bless
%% E-mail: christofbless@gmail.com
%% Released under the MIT License 
%% See https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\ProvidesPackage{scikgtex}[2022/11/13 v2.1.1]
%% init variable which checks if hyperref is loaded.
\directlua {%
  SciKGTeX = require('scikgtex')%
  CONFORM_TO_PDFA = false%
  \directlua {% 
    CONFORM_TO_PDFA = true%

    local new_property = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
    local ns = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#1}}"%
    SciKGTeX:add_property(new_property, ns)%

    local new_property = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
    local ns = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#1}}"%
    SciKGTeX:make_new_command(new_property, ns)%

    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%

    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%

    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%

    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%

    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%

    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
  \ifcsname href\endcsname%
    local label = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
    local uri = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#1}}"%
    SciKGTeX:print_entity(uri, label, \hyperrefloaded)%

    local contrib_n = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#1}}"%
    local property = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#3}}"%
    SciKGTeX.XMP:add_annotation(contrib_n, property, value, 'annotation-id')%

    local contrib_n = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#1}}"%
    local property = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#3}}"%
    SciKGTeX.XMP:add_annotation(contrib_n, property, value, 'annotation-id')%

%% Copyright (C) 2022 by Christof Bless <christofbless@gmail.com>
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the MIT License.
%% This work consists of the file scikgtex.sty
%% and the lua file               scikgtex.lua.
%% End of file `scikgtex.sty'.