Changes since version 3.21

New answers:
 +Label inlgrphapp:   inline code to standalone graphics (new: gmp, mpgraphics)
 +Label inst-texlive: install a package from TeX live
 +Label startup:      getting started with (La)TeX

Relabelled answers:

Revised answers:
 +Label archives:    redo and update for 2 CTAN archives, cover
 +Label codelist:    updated and reformatted
 +Label drawing:     removed inline code stuff to +inlgrphapp
		     mention XeTeX driver for pstricks
 +Label dtx:	     mention sty2dtx
 +Label findfiles:   a more uniform description of what happens
 +Label fontsize:    deal with omissions from fix-cm
 +Label hash:	     describe command-defs-within-commands in LaTeX syntax, too
 +Label logos:	     mention hologos, metalogo
 +Label ltxcmds:     show use of (la)texdef package
 +Label luatex:	     correct pdfTeX version number, add links to distributions
 +Label man-latex:   add CTAN reference for "Getting something out of LaTeX"
 +Label mathml:	     expand font details to all known current free maths fonts
 +Label mpprologues: mpsproof.tex has now moved on the archive
 +Label oddpage:     clarify use of \ifoddpage for LaTeX users
 +Label pdftexgraphics: describe use of auto-pst-pdf
 +Label psfchoice:   discuss MathTime Pro 2 Lite fonts
 +Label scriptfonts: mention rsfso, mnsymbol, mathabx and urwchancal
 +Label struttab:    describe use of makecell
 +Label textrace:    offer mf2pt1 (about time, too!)
 +Label uploads:     general update, including mirroring technologies
 +Label xetex:	     add link to documentation
 +Label xfigetc:     replace link for jfig

Deleted answers:

Web interface, etc.:
 Work on a slightly more sane layout is under way, but not yet in a
  shape to be released
 Since the start of March 2011, "last edited" tags have been added to/updated
  in answers that have changed

Robin Fairbairns