Changes since version 3.26 New answers: <none yet> Relabelled answers: <none> Revised answers: +Label buffovl: link to ghostscript and gsview homes, not CTAN +Label catalogue: editorial clarification +Label cmdstar: [tidying layout] +Label commercial: remove mention of the (defunct) Textures distribution :-( +Label dolldoll: editorial tidy (un-knotting tortuous text) +Label dtx: suggest dtxgen +Label dvipdfmgraphics: link to ghostscript home, not CTAN +Label editors: add texstudio (to texworks) in list +Label fontsize: recommend anyfontsize package, too +Label footintab: clarify "table in minipage" (should have been "tabular") +Label latexbug: removed "upload latex bug by email" (no longer available) +Label luatex: revised for updates from the project, and clarified +Label make: add arara and try; add vpp to ctan links list +Label man-latex: two more links to "Dickimaw" books +Label notWYSIWYG: rewritten after a bit of historical research +Label osf: \oldstylenums does use bold face to match surrounding text +Label otherprinters: link ghostscript home, not CTAN +Label previewers: link ghostscript home, not CTAN +Label psfchoice: mention newpx, give CTAN links for URW fonts in newpx,newtx +Label pspreview: link ghostscript, gsview home, not CTAN +Label recovertex: link ghostscript home, not CTAN +Label repeatgrf: link ghostscript home, not CTAN +Label scriptfonts: removed mention of ghostscript, add tg-chorus Deleted answers: -Label y2k: removed as no longer relevant Web interface, etc.: A statement of the FAQ's (PD) licence is shown in the introduction. Now use standard glyph for arrows, rather than "hyphen-greater" Translate \beta and \pi to greek letters rather than the letters' "names" Robin Fairbairns Hapless FAQer of Cambridge