LaTeD Version 1.1
(c) Gene Ressler 1993, 94, 97

LaTeD is a graphical editor for drawings in the LaTeX "picture" 
environment.  It runs under MSDOS or in a Windows DOS box.  The
distribution includes full sources, including LaTeX source for 
its documentation.

LaTeD is meant to be one of those "right arm" tools that 
returns a lot for a minimum investment of learning time.  It 
is a simple and quick way to make clean-looking {picture} 
environment drawings and diagrams for your LaTeX documents.
LaTeD makes it as easy as possible to live with {picture}
restrictions and get beautiful outputs on the first try.

Features include:
  - Runs well in a DOS box under Win 95 and NT 4 as well as 
    DOS 5.x and later.
  - GUI with Undo.  Drawing tools include 
    . line, vector, solid, dashed, and black-filled boxes, 
    . text justified within any of the unfilled boxes plus the 
      option of an invisible justification box, 
    . open and filled circles given by radius or diameter, 1/4, 1/2, 
      and full ovals, 
    . modify tools for reshaping all objects and changing text.
    . Other editing is through a pick set chosen with pick and unpick tools 
      and a tool to cycle the latest pick among nearby objects. 
    . Picks can be deleted, moved or copied. Copies can be in one 
      or any number of equally spaced instances.
    . Bounding box can be computed by LaTeD or user-drawn.
    . Earlier-saved drawings can be merged with the current one,
      providing a simple drawing library facility.
  - Fakes short lines with multiput dots.
  - Nearly WYSIWYG (LaTeD knows about line and vector slopes, but
    not circle diameters, and it only approximates text size).
  - Writes {picture} in optional {figure} including caption,
    {center}, and/or complete {document} (for quick proofing).
  - User docs with figures by LaTeD.
  - Full sources for everything.

No warranty of this software of any kind is expressed or implied 
by the author.

Copy and use this program freely for any purpose except for sale
of the program (including the source code) itself.  That is, 
no one can copy this program for the purpose of providing it to 
another person in exchange for money or other compensation, even 
if this program is only part of the exchange.

All copies of computer source code in this distribution, whether
copies in whole or in part, must have this notice attached.


Please let me know now you are faring with LaTeD:

Installation files: install\*.*

To get started: 
  0. Make sure you have a VGA-compatible display and that 
     you're running MOUSE.COM or MOUSE.SYS under DOS (or 
     else that you're running TED in a Win 95 or NT DOS box).
  1. COPY a:\install\*.* YourInstallDirectory
  2. Add YourInstallDirectory to the DOS path.
  3. TED

Win 95 hint:
  If mouse response is sluggish (crosshairs and rubber band
  cursor are jerky) while running in a Win 95 DOS box, set 
  the DOS box or shortcut properties, "Misc" tab, "Idle Sensitivity"
  to a lower (slider more to left) value.

Documents: install\ted.dvi

To compile source:

  TC++ for DOS V1.0:
    copy makefile.tcc makefile.

  BC++ V4.0 (16-bit compiler)
    copy makefile.bcc makefile.

To clean up after make:

  make clean

To make stripped binary in ..\install
  make install

To build documents in source\docs:

  blatex ted