@echo off rem $Id: install-tl.bat 30369 2018-03-11 13:01:27Z siepo $ rem Wrapper script to set up environment for installer rem rem Public domain. rem Originally written 2009 by Tomasz M. Trzeciak. rem Localize environment changes setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion if "x86"=="%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" ( if ""=="%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%" ( echo 32-bit no longer supported. echo See https://tug.org/texlive/windows.html echo about installing the 2022 32-bit release. pause goto eoff )) rem check version rem output from 'ver' e.g. rem 'Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22621.382] for w11, and rem 'Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.508] for w10 rem It is w11 from 10.0.22000 on. for /f "usebackq tokens=2 delims=[]" %%I in (`ver`) do set ver_str=%%I set ver_str=%ver_str:* =% rem only windows 10 and higher officially supported if %ver_str:~,2% == 4. goto tooold if %ver_str:~,2% == 5. goto tooold if %ver_str:~,2% == 6. ( echo Windows 10 is the oldest officially supported version echo but Windows 7 and 8 should mostly work. echo Windows Vista has not recently been tested and may or may not work. pause goto winok ) rem Windows 10 or higher if "AMD64" NEQ "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" ( if "AMD64" NEQ "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%" ( rem Assume ARM64; will need windows 11 or later. if %ver_str:~,5% EQU 10.0. ( if %ver_str:~10,1% EQU . ( if %ver_str:~5,2% LSS 22 ( echo On ARM64, only Windows 11 and higher have x86_64 emulation. pause goto eoff ) ) ) ) ) :winok rem version of external perl, if any. used by install-tl. set extperl=0 for /f "usebackq tokens=2 delims='" %%a in (`perl -V:version 2^>NUL`) do ( set extperl=%%a ) rem set instroot before %0 gets overwritten during argument processing set instroot=%~dp0 set asked4gui=no set forbid=no set tcl=yes set args= goto rebuildargs rem check for a gui argument rem handle -gui tcl here and do not pass it on to perl or tcl. rem cmd.exe converts '=' to a space: rem '-parameter=value' becomes '-parameter value': two arguments rem we test for value == parameter rather than the other way around rem to avoid some weird parsing errors rem code block for gui argument: look at next argument :dogui if x == x%1 ( set tcl=yes set asked4gui=yes goto nomoreargs ) set q=%1 if "-" == "%q:~,1%" ( rem %1 is no value for -gui but another parameter set tcl=yes set asked4gui=yes goto rebuildargs ) if text == %1 ( set tcl=no set forbid=yes set args=%args% -no-gui shift goto rebuildargs ) else if wizard == %1 ( set tcl=yes set asked4gui=yes shift goto rebuildargs ) else if perltk == %1 ( set tcl=yes set asked4gui=yes shift goto rebuildargs ) else if expert == %1 ( set tcl=yes set asked4gui=yes shift goto rebuildargs ) else if tcl == %1 ( set tcl=yes set asked4gui=yes shift goto rebuildargs ) else ( echo Illegal value %1 for -gui set errlev=1 goto eoff ) rem last case was -gui without parameter to shift rem loop for argument scanning :rebuildargs shift set p= set q= if x == x%0 goto nomoreargs set p=%0 rem flip backslashes, if any set p=%p:\=/% rem replace '--' with '-' but replace quotes in %p rem with something else for comparing set q=%p:"=x% if not "%q:~,2%" == "--" goto nominmin set p=%p:~1% :nominmin rem countermand gui parameter for short output, help and profile install. rem even if gui was explicitly requested. if -print-platform == %p% ( set tcl=no set forbid=yes ) if -print-arch == %p% ( set tcl=no set forbid=yes ) if -version == %p% ( set tcl=no set forbid=yes ) if -no-gui == %p% ( set tcl=no set forbid=yes ) if -profile == %p% ( set tcl=no set forbid=yes ) if -help == %p% ( set tcl=no set forbid=yes ) if -gui == %p% goto dogui rem -no-gui or not a gui argument: copy to args string rem a spurious initial blank is harmless. set args=%args% %p% goto rebuildargs :nomoreargs rem set preserves quotes, and its argument is the remainder of the line rem so do not here quote paths with spaces in it set wish=%instroot%tlpkg\tltcl\tclkit.exe if not exist "%wish%" set wish=%instroot%tlpkg\tltcl\bin\wish.exe if not exist "%wish%" set tcl=no if %forbid% == yes set tcl=no rem Check for tex directories on path and remove them. rem Need to remove any double quotes from path set path=%path:"=% rem Break search path into dir list and rebuild w/o tex dirs. set path="%path:;=" "%" set newpath= for /d %%I in (%path%) do ( set ii=%%I set ii=!ii:"=! if not exist !ii!\pdftex.exe ( if not exist !ii!pdftex.exe ( set newpath=!newpath!;!ii! ) ) ) path %newpath% set newpath= set q= if "%path:~,1%"==";" set "path=%path:~1%" rem Use TL Perl path=%instroot%tlpkg\tlperl\bin;%path% set PERL5LIB=%instroot%tlpkg\tlperl\lib rem Clean environment from other Perl variables set PERL5OPT= set PERLIO= set PERLIO_DEBUG= set PERLLIB= set PERL5DB= set PERL5DB_THREADED= set PERL5SHELL= set PERL_ALLOW_NON_IFS_LSP= set PERL_DEBUG_MSTATS= set PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL= set PERL_DL_NONLAZY= set PERL_ENCODING= set PERL_HASH_SEED= set PERL_HASH_SEED_DEBUG= set PERL_ROOT= set PERL_SIGNALS= set PERL_UNICODE= set errlev=0 rem Start installer if %tcl% == yes ( "%wish%" "%instroot%tlpkg\installer\install-tl-gui.tcl" -- %args% ) else ( perl "%instroot%install-tl" %args% ) rem The nsis installer will need this: if errorlevel 1 set errlev=1 goto :eoff :tooold echo TeX Live does not run on this Windows version. echo TeX Live is officially supported on Windows 10 and later. pause :eoff