= License =

The Fedora Operating System is a compilation of software packages, 
each under its own license. The compilation itself is released 
under the MIT license (see the file LICENSE). However, this 
compilation license does not supersede the licenses of code and 
content contained in the Fedora Operating System, which conform 
to the legal guidelines described at

= Source Availability =

The accompanying Fedora Linux 43 release includes copyrighted
software that is licensed under the GNU General Public License and
other licenses. You may obtain the complete machine-readable source
code corresponding to portions of this release by sending a request, including the version number to:

VP, Legal - Products & Technologies | Red Hat, Inc. | 100 East Davie Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 USA

You may also access a copy of this source code at:

This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information and shall
expire three years following the date of the final distribution of
this release by Red Hat, Inc.

= Export Compliance Information =

For US export compliance information, please see: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/legal/export/