The following modules have a new version:
 - cheese (2.91.92 => 2.91.93)
 - file-roller (2.91.92 => 2.91.93)
 - gedit (2.91.10 => 2.91.11)
 - gnome-games (2.91.91 => 2.91.93)
 - seahorse (2.91.92 => 2.91.93)
 - vinagre (2.91.92 => 2.91.93)

The following modules weren't upgraded in this release:
   alacarte, anjuta, devhelp, ekiga, evolution, gnome-nettool, hamster-applet,


version 2.91.93:
   - Cheese widget bug fixes
   - Make Flash widget not cover the GNOME Shell panel
   - Loads of updated translations


version 2.91.93

        New or updated application translations:

        * Brazilian Portuguese (Rodrigo Padula de Oliveira)
        * Chinese (Hong Kong) (Chao-Hsiung Liao)
        * Chinese/Traditional (Chao-Hsiung Liao)
        * Dutch (Wouter Bolsterlee)
        * Estonian (Ivar Smolin)
        * Kannada (Shankar Prasad)
        * Norwegian Bokmål (Kjartan Maraas)


gedit 2.91.11

New Features and Fixes
- Resurrect the plugin message bus (Jesse van den Kieboom)
- More improvements in the new user help (Jim Campbell)
- Misc bugfixes

New and updated translations
- as (Nilamdyuti Goswami)
- bg (Krasimir Chonov)
- es (Daniel Mustieles)
- it (Milo Casagrande)
- pl (Piotr DrÄ…g)
- sl (Andrej Žnidaršič)
- sv (Daniel Nylander)
- zh_CN (YunQiang Su)
- zh_HK (Chao-Hsiung Liao)
- zh_TW (Chao-Hsiung Liao)


gnome-games 2.91.93

256x256 icons added for aisleriot and gnomine by Lapo Calamandrei. Aisleriot
switched the default theme back to bonded and temporarily removed the experimental
clutter mode.

Shortlog since 2.91.91:
Alexander Shopov (1):
      Updated Bulgarian translation

Andrej Žnidaršič (2):
      Updated Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation

Aron Xu (1):
      Update Simplified Chinese translation.

Bruce Cowan (1):
      Updated British English translation

Christian Persch (12):
      aisleriot: clock: Add translator comments
      aisleriot: Move app icons to aisleriot
      aisleriot: Switch default theme back to bonded
      aisleriot: Fix card theme menu
      aisleriot: More debug UI
      aisleriot: Add 256x256 app icon
      aisleriot: Crush PNG files
      libgames-support: Ifdef icons not used on hildon
      aisleriot: Remove sol/clutter from 3.0 branch
      aisleriot: icons: Add 256 size freecell app icon
      aisleriot: icons: Make 256 size aisleriot and freecell icons more similar
      aisleriot: Crush PNG files

Craig Duncan (2):
      Don't show a preview when "Choose difficult blocks" is switched on
      Only show the preview block in the correct circumstances

Duarte Loreto (1):
      Updated Portuguese translation

Fran Diéguez (1):
      Updated Galician translations

Ivar Smolin (1):
      [l10n] Updated Estonian translation

Jason D. Clinton (5):
      help: new help uses .mo files too so ignore .mo files everywhere
      help: new help generates .page files; ignore those sync up with from upstream pango git
      build: add new Gnomine icons from last commit to build system
      gnomine: use the new Gnomine icons in the About dialog

Lapo Calamandrei (1):
      gnomine: add icons from Lapo Calamandrei

Lucian Adrian Grijincu (1):
      Updated Romanian translation

Manoj Kumar Giri (1):
      Updated Oriya Translation

Marek Černocký (1):
      Updated Czech translation

Mario Blättermann (1):
      [l10n] Updated German translation

Peter Mráz (1):
      Updated Slovak translation

Rudolfs Mazurs (1):
      Updated Latvian translation.

Thomas Hindoe Paaboel Andersen (3):
      gnibbles: Better error message if clutter fails to init
      quadrapassel: Better error message if clutter fails to init
      version bump

Yuri Myasoedov (1):
      Updated Russian translation


seahorse 2.91.93

 * Set the primary-toolbar style class on the toolbar [Cosimo Cecchi]


Vinagre 2.91.93

Cosimo Cecchi (1):
      Add some style classes and junctions to make vinagre look better

David King (1):
      Post-release version bump to 2.91.93

Kjartan Maraas (1):
      Updated Norwegian bokmål translation