Version 0.0.12
July 11, 2005

* Add the libbeagle C API (Imendio, Joe Shaw)
* Big changes to the filtering code to make it more flexible (Joe, Fredrik
* Match multiple filters per indexable, use the highest ranking
  match (Fredrik)
* Match filters with a combination of Uri, Extension and/or
  MimeType (Fredrik)
* Allow FilterFactory to fall throught the filter list in the case of
  an error (Fredrik)
* Introducted events / callbacks when indexables are filtered (Fredrik)
* Mark files in the file system backend with the Filter used (Fredrik)
* Re-index files when a newer filter is available (Fredrik)
* Don't instantiate a new LuceneDriver for every remote indexing
  request (Fredrik)
* Allow us to disable Lucene locking per directory (Fredrik)
* Handle more failure conditions in the message passing code (Joe, Jon
* Add support for running without extended attributes, and speed up the
  sqlite fallback by using transactions (Joe, Fredrik)
* Use UTC timestamps in Lucene so that we're not boxing integers
  unnecessarily (Joe)
* Add throttling to the scheduler when many immediate priority tasks are
  added, like when untarring a tarball or running rm -r on a directory
* Set the default QueryDomain to both Local and System, so that per-user
  and the new systemwide indexes are both searched by default (Joe)
* Fix a bug whereby updates would cause hits to show up multiple times
  by issuing a subtract event before the add event (Joe, Daniel Drake)
* Friendlier inotify error messages (Daniel)
* libbeagle: Try BEAGLE_HOME and check that the bus socket exists (Daniel)
* Don't try and discover the file mime-type twice (Daniel)
* Small fixes to libbeagle (Lukas Lipka)
* Better built-in heap-buddy support (Jon)
* Avoid unnecessary boxing in the message passing code (Jon)
* Sqlite FileAttributeStore clean-ups (Jon)
* Added the ability to change an Inotify.Watch's event mask (Jon)

* Indexing of mail attachments (Joe)
* Add a mail filter, giving us Maildir support, and port the Evolution
  mail backend to use it (Joe)
* Use IndexableGenerators for the Blam and Liferea backends so that it
  scales and performs better (Joe)
* Configuration option to ignore files by path, pattern etc. (Fredrik)
* Configuration option to ignore mail folders (Fredrik)
* Added StaticQueryable for searched canned indexes (Fredrik)
* Disabled the LauncherQueryable in favor of the system indexing
  features (Fredrik)
* Fix the Evolution mail backend to not reschedule a reindex if it's
  already in the middle of indexing itself, which would otherwise
  interrupt it (Joe)
* Fix a bug in the addressbook backend with older (pre-2.2) versions of
  Evolution in which contacts wouldn't be indexed after the addressbook
  index was first created (Joe)
* Fix handling of gaim logs with non-ascii characters represented in
  names (Daniel)
* Update the properties in some backends to the be correct (Lukas)
* Explicitly disable filtering on gaim log indexables, since the stream
  we produce is already filtered (Jon)
* To ensure that beagle-index-info returns correct information, get
  the item count from the IIndexer, not the driver we are using for
  querying (Jon)
* Fix a problem where we were losing mails from the index if an IMAP
  summary was updated later (Joe)

* Added .desktop filter (Fredrik)
* Added .directory filter (Fredrik)
* Added Monodoc filter (Fredrik)
* Added Docbook filter (Fredrik)
* Filter text/x-chdr (C header files) using the C source code filter (Joe)
* Image filter abstraction. Created a FilterImage which all the image
  filters use. This lets us index F-Spot metadata information (Lukas)
* Added F-Spot metadata support which we now index (Lukas)

* Added beagle-build-index for building static indexes (Fredrik)
* Added beagle-manage-index for low-level Lucene index management (Fredrik)
* Configuration UI (Fredrik)
* Fix a problem with Best whereby the window wasn't being placed in the
  same place when F12 was pressed (Joe)
* Add a "Reply" action back to the mail tile, as it's available in Evo
  2.2 (Joe)
* Don't show "stop words" in the snippet highlights (Joe)
* Fix ImLogViewer to work with gaim's character escaping style (Daniel)
* Remember selected log in the IM timeline tree, improve searching,
  other random optimizations to the IM viewer (Lukas)
* Galago support and integration. Added Galago support to the Mail, IM
  log and Contact tile (Lukas)
* Fixed a crasher in TileMailMessage.cs and some random cleanups.  Fix a
  bug when the tile didnt show the subject when 'Who' was null. This was
  related to the email attachments (Lukas)
* Added an author field to the blog template (Lukas)
* Render mail attachments nicely (Lukas)

Web Services:
* Support for cascaded Beagle Networking (KN Vijay)
* Configuration of Beagle Web-services and Beagle networking via
  'beagle-config', with corresponding handlers for real-time update of
  configuration changes (Vijay)
* Added on-demand Prefetching and Caching of snippets for network hits
* Updates to Web interface wrt handling Actions for external accesses

Everything Else:
* Support either sqlite2 or sqlite3 (Daniel)
* Build fixes (Jon)
* Newsletter (Joe Gasiorek)
* Added Polish translation (Michal Kastelik)
* Added Turkish translation (Enver Altin)
* Updated Canadian English translation (Adam Weinberger)
* Updated Chinese translation (Chao-Hsiung Liao)
* Updated German translation (Hendrik Brandt)
* Updated Hungarian translation (Gabor Kelemen)
* Updated Norwegian translation (Terance Sola)
* Updated Spanish translation (Francisco Javier F. Serrador)
* Updated Swedish translation (Fredrik)
* All the stuff I forgot (All of the people I forgot)
