-*- mode: outline -*-
* Changes in ekiga 3.0.2 (2009-01-12)
- Make sure sound events are played through the correct devices. (#564370)
- Fixed crash on missed call.
- Do not show the assistant after an upgrade for which Ekiga was already successfully setup.  
- Added settings migration from Ekiga 2.0.x.
- Allow answering/rejecting calls from the main window even if we use notifications.
- Do not try refreshing SUBSCRIBE requests for which the 200 OK contains an expire time of 0. 
- Fixed sending ACK request to incorrect address when particular types of proxies are being used.
- Fixed test for CANCEL receipt on INVITE clearing call.
- Ignore multiple forked CANCEL messages.
- Fixed issue with registration to a non-standard port.
- Fixed restarting timers if get pathological response to a transaction with incorrect Cseq header field.
- Fixed missing route set on SIP commands in a dialog when using outbound proxy.