Version 2.13.2

- UI redesign. Fixes bugs #148643 and #320542. (Lucas Rocha)
  * Removed 'New Window' and 'Open Folder' from 'File' menu;
  * Removed 'New Window' and 'Open' items from toolbar;
  * Moved rotation toolbar items to the right edge;
  * Added Next/Previous button to toolbar for easy navigation
    through image collection;
  * Added 'Go' menu with Next/Previous/First/Last Image items;
  * Status shows the position of image within a collection,
    not the number the selected images;
  * Added 'Image Collection' item to 'View' menu to Show/Hide
    image collection pane;
  * Accelerators: Ctrl+PageDown and spacebar switches to the next
    image, Ctrl+PageUp switches to the previous image, Ctrl+Home
    switches to the first image, Ctrl+End switches to the last image,
    F9 shows/hides image collection pane, F5 starts slideshow.
- Fix crash when setting window icon. Fixes bug #320245. 
  (Claudio Saavedra)
- Removed confirmation dialog when removing an image. Fixes
  bug #309046. (Lucas Rocha)
- Option to use an image as the desktop wallpaper. Fixes bug
  #140768. (Nirmal Kumar, Lucas Rocha)
- Page Up and Page Down scroll images up and down. Fixes bug
  #152364. (Lucas rocha)
- Several code cleanups. (Lucas Rocha, Paolo Borelli) 
- Correct keys that cancel Fullscreen and Slideshow. (Lucas
- On single and collection view, default focus on 
  image. Fixes bug #169836. (Lucas Rocha)
- Make it possible to use '=' or '+' for zooming in. Fixes
  bug #320367. (Lucas Rocha)
- Added accelerators from numerical keypad for zooming in
  and out. Fixes bug #315183. (Felix Riemann)
- Make scrollbar buttons work in thumbnails pane. Fixes
  bug #124653. (Juan Carlos Inostroza)
- More coherent fullscreen/slide show behavior. Fixes
  bug #317392. (Lucas Rocha) 
- Window icon is a thumbnail of the image. Fixed bug
  #311720. (Lucas Rocha)
- Use intuitive gnome-icon-theme icon for image viewer
  instead of EOG icon. Fixes bug #167087. (Lucas Rocha)
- Fix width of the information pane that was too small.
  Fixes bug #313674. (Ed Catmur)