Overview of Changes from GTK+ 2.24.13 to 2.24.14

* File chooser:
 - Use the bookmarks file from the same XDG location
   as GTK+ 3 if present
 - Add a setting to specify the startup mode

* Bug fixes:
 577806 gtk_file_chooser_add_shortcut_folder adds duplicates...
 626499 GtkClipboard unnotified on change of OS X pasteboard...
 644906 gtkimcontextime.c: NULL pointer reference
 652204 Making GIMP crash with the Text Tool
 663990 Tablet pressure is broken on MacOSX
 668239 texts disappear when notebook switch page at zh_CN l...
 672193 windows (including menus) shown multiple times don't...
 681845 Cancel image export crashes or freezes gimp
 682919 Crash in GTK+-3.x (3.0.x-3.5.12+) on Windows with CJK...
 684419 crash when closing Document History window
 685959 [Win32] Memory leak on every redraw of a widget
 688710 [PATCH] Splash screens shouldn't stay on top of all a...
 689235 Broken function declarations corrupt the stack on win...
        Quartz: Use window background pattern
        Quartz: Use the correct minimal line width

* Translation updates