Overview of Changes from GTK+ 2.24.19 to 2.24.20

* Backport changes from GTK+ 3 to look for rc files in system
  config dirs in addition to /etc/gtk-2.0 and ~/.gtkrc.

* Backport changes from GTK+ 3 to look for the immodules cache
  file in libdir. gtk-query-immodules-2.0 gained an --update-cache
  option to write the output to the correct location. Note that
  this may require slight adjustment of distro packaging.

* Bug fixes:
 560337 GtkFileChooser hour time missing for current date files
 649390 CRLF text is copied to clipboard as CRCRLF on Windows
 698183 quartz: Text input is too slow and some keys are broken...
 702455 Add support for Avahi printers to gtk 2.24.x

* Translation updates: