Overview of Changes in GTK+ 3.13.7 to 3.13.8

* Wayland:
 - Implement Drag-and-Drop
 - Use subsurfaces for entry completion popups
 - Use subsurfaces for tooltips

* Bugs fixed:
 156164 Fix _gtk_text_buffer_get_line_log_attrs for last line
 346886 GtkTreeModelFilter doesn't allow multiple calls to set_visible_func
 415415 tree lines drawn in black
 602443 Can't use .glade with GtkListStore, gint64/guint64 and design-time data
 641638 Remove AM_PATH_GTK_3_0 macro
 658722 Drag and Drop sometimes stops working
 674264 Credentials from gnome-keyring is not used while printing
 680067 Credits in About dialog don't support https
 695504 gtk-demo: entry completion doesn't work
 697855 Implement DnD in wayland
 720269 ScaleButton: scrolling on the button doesn't do anything
 729215 Please implement Wayland subsurfaces
 731380 gtk3-demo button box works badly with a touch screen under wayland
 733967 provide proper pseudostates for radios and checkboxes
 734290 Checkbox inconsistency / usability issues in gtk3-3.13.5-2
 734374 wl_touch serials are ignored
 734753 Path bar - buttons don't have enough padding
 734961 GtkAboutDialog uses deprecated property
 735012 Toolbars take too much space
 735014 GtkPopover smart positioning broken in RTL
 735034 application_get_menu_by_id should either ref or be transfer none
 735119 inconsistent order of close/help buttons
 735223 Touch scrolling invalidates more than intended
 735226 Avoid NULL surface access if a window is shown/hidden within a frame 
 735253 GTK+ requires symbols not available in specified gdk-pixbuf version
 735294 No widgets visible in simple applications with gtk+ 3.13.3 and later
 735300 clicking on Actions tab in inspector causes abort
 735301 Duplication of words in comments (for for, the the)
 735310 GtkLabel selection background missing with Adwaita
 735321 Get the default gkt-font-name font size from user font
 735337 Crash in inspector, in the CSS editor
 735353 GtkTreeView::row-activated not emitted sometimes
 735368 try to tidy up the TextView background rendering
 735389 client crashes if it gets an invalid keymap from the compositor
 735401	make check fails on 3.13.7 without --enable-installed-tests
 735428	gtk_main() tries to unlock an unlocked mutex
 735531	Make tooltips use subsurfaces on wayland
 735545	MenuButton: dismiss menu/popover when toggling programmatically
 735593	Implement CSS font-stretch property
 735830	Pixmap based cursors get surface destroyed after first use
 735831	Change current cursor on grabs

* Translation updates: