Overview of Changes in GTK+ 3.17.5

* GtkFileChooser:
 - Always search in the current location, and indicate this in
   the subtitle. Show progress for long searches, and show a nice
   empty state.
 - Make search in recent files work
 - Fix sorting order of recent files and search results
 - Various improvements to keyboard navigation:
   - Ctrl-F toggles search
   - . opens location entry
   - Alt-P focuses the sidebar
   - Escape stops search and closes the location entry
 - Move the name entry to the header bar in Save modes
 - Don't show Trash and Recent in the sidebar in Save modes
 - Allow renaming and deleting files in Save modes
 - Improved sizing behavior of columns
 - Improved formatting of the time and location columns
 - Time column can show date and time
 - Move fixed and network drives and volumes from the sidebar
   to a new view that also allows to connect to remote servers
 - Use popovers for context menus and support long press to make
   them accessible with touch

* GtkScrolledWindow
 - Keep scrollbars below treeview headers
 - Switch the roles of secondary and middle click on scrollbar steppers
   - Primary click starts low-speed autoscrolling
   - Secondary click start high-speed autoscrolling
   - Middle click scrolls to the end
 - Tweak button bindings on scrollbars (and scales)
   - Primary click warps to the location
   - Primary click with Shift jumps by pages
   - Secondary click starts variable-speed autoscrolling

* Theme and CSS
 - GtkSwitch has a new slider-height style property to make square
   switches possible
 - Support CSS letter-spacing for labels and entries
 - Partial support for CSS text-decoration

* Font handling
 - Per-widget font options and font maps are supported now

* gtk-demo has various new and improved examples

* X11
 - Fix rendering stalls over remote ssh connections

* Wayland
 - Various fixes to make Copy-Paste and Drag-and-Drop work better
 - Ignore size increments for maximized and fullscreen windows
 - Fix cursor handling in hi-dpi

* Mir
 - Various fixes and improvements

* Broadway
 - Windows can now be maximized

* OS X
 - Support windows with a fixed aspect ratio

* Bugs fixed:
 325150 Save As dialog cannot delete or rename files
 593372 save dialog treats trailing spaces literally
 720684 "Places" panel in Open File Dialog should should have a mnemonic...
 741800 GTK3 apps have huge rendering pauses/hangs over SSH connection
 748892 wayland: focus issue with gnome-terminal
 750870 gtk3 does apparently ignore replayed events?
 750994 X11: First mouse wheel event ignored after right click or Alt+Ta...
 751341 GtkWindow: fix default empty window size with CSD
 751368 wayland: gnome-terminal does fill entire area when fullscreen or...
 751401 crash on DnD
 751414 File descriptor leak in gdk_wayland_selection_request_target()
 751443 resource_path value cleared in gtk_image_set_from_resource
 751447 GtkSearchBar takes up half the height of gnome-system-monitor's ...
 751448 Bookmarks sometimes disappear when dragging them away
 751625 build error with pure wayland
 751677 per-widget font options
 751689 switch: add a style property for the switch height
 751739 Deadlock in X11 when setting XSetErrorHandler while another thre...
 751752 Memleak when both opening shm and opening file in tmp fail
 751754 GtkSwitch: calling gtk_switch_set_active in the handler for noti...
 751793 DnD: Look up past insensitive widgets for the DnD drop site
 751800 Warn for whitespace at beginning or end of new folder names
 751805 Avoid the scrollable border when placing scrollbars
 751811 improve the font_options setter
 751877 gtkdrawingarea: crash when drawing a video
 751910 Headerbar - Buttons doesn't work until focus is changed
 752000 GtkApplication vs. _NET_WM_USER_TIME
 752016 testgmenu: use the menu binding code
 752025 wayland: print correct coordinates during DnD
 752034 Delegate permanent devices and connected networks from Places Si...
 752088 Improve GtkImageMenuItem documentation to reflect deprecation st...
 752093 Improvement to GtkImageMenuItem long description and code snippet
 752131 GtkButtonBox has spacing between buttons by default when set to ...
 752509 GtkFileChooserButton causes layout jumps
 752520 Crash getting a NULL visual in glx_pixmap_get
 309300 Add a key binding for adjusting the value in a spin box
 725551 GTK FontChooserWidget should show a placeholder text in the empt...
 751812 add gtk_widget_set_font_map
 752502 Documentation fix for GdkGLContext
 752616 wayland: Always apply scaling factor to cursor hotspot and dimen...
 752599 GtkDrawingArea: Only respects background-color if "draw" signal ...

* Translation updates: