Overview of Changes in GTK+ 3.22.25

* The HighContrast theme has received numerous improvements

* Middle-click on scrollbars jumps to the position again

* Wayland:
 - Terminal sizing problems are fixed
 - The Wayland backend now implemented the KDE server-side decorations protocol

* X11:
 - Problems with menus on several X servers are fixed

* Bugs fixed:
 701296 gtkfixed accepts toplevel windows into its children list after gtk_w...
 728452 gtk_tree_view_column_create_button creates button which is leaked
 738387 ComboBox in appears-as-list-mode: popup is not hidden when focus is ...
 763517 Selected then unselected Label in ListBox gets wrong colour until ho...
 769877 [HighContrast(|Inverse)] dual-headerbars broken
 769879 [HighContrast(|Inverse)] tooltips problems
 771279 Segfault due to gtk_event_controller_get_widget() returning NULL but...
 775217 Warning message "gdkcursor-wayland.c:170: Unable to load blank_curso...
 776793 GtkComboBox with appears-as-list doesn't receive mouse events from a...
 777072 window shrinks when restored from maximized
 778811 Enter submenus when activating their parent item
 778930 gtk3-icon-browser: Add scalable icons to icon detail modal window
 780101 Menus do not display over remote X11
 781909 Implement KDE's server-decoration protocol
 782396 Inconsistent deprecation documentation for gtk_paint_spinner
 783995 Monitor API inconsistencies across X11 & Wayland
 784314 entry completion regression on wayland
 784509 wrong coordinates given to at-spi layer from GTK3 entries
 786220 Sometimes the volume icon is replaced with image-missing
 786794 Print dialogue has a printer called "printer"
 787274 ComboBox in appears-as-list-mode: Gtk-CRITICAL when popping down wit...
 787669 Middle mouse click on scrollbar is ignored
 787866 Untranslated key labels in the Keyboard panel of Settings
 788053 Window position wrong in HiDPI mode
 788458 (style) Array index 'i' is used before limits check.
 788496 HighContrast/win32: CSD Windows have missing border and shadows floa...
 788505 ComboBox in appears-as-list mode: Clicking a TreeView expander also ...
 788516 dialogs in gtk+ 3.22.24 have square borders.
 788573 HighContrast: titlebar separator is too wide and joined to buttons, ...
 788574 HighContrast: Ugly solid black corners at bottom of MessageDialog
 788575 HighContrastInverse: Windows lack visible borders, merge into each o...
 788577 Global -GtkComboBox-appears-as-list breaks opening menu-mode CBs by ...
 788580 HighContrast: .flat buttons become non-flat when their window is :ba...
 788614 Trying to reuse a TreeViewColumn causes criticals and a segfault (e....
 788841 Fix gtk_actionable_set_detailed_action_name API inconsistency
 788905 GtkRange horizontal scrolling causes movement in the wrong direction
 789141 Segmentation fault when adding Google online account
 789149 GtkGestureZoom leaks the list of sequences while calculating the dis...
 789327 appchooserwidget: Don't limit application list unconditionally
 789357 Regression in 3.22.23: GDK_WINDOW_STATE_TILED flag is never set

* Translation updates:
 Brazilian Portuguese
 Catalan (Valencian)