Overview of Changes in GTK+ 3.3.6

* GtkApplication has grown support for exporting application
  menus and menubars on the bus, as a GMenuModel. The
  new GtkApplicationWindow toplevel automatically
  displays these menu models when needed.

* GtkSpinButtons have received a long-overdue face-lift
  to make them easier to use with both mouse and touch.

* GtkScale has gained a has-origin property to request
  filled-in drawing of the trough.

* GtkWindow can now request that the window manager hide
  the titlebar when the window is maximized.

* The GtkTreeView accessibility support and the core
  treeview code have been extensively refactored;
  performance should be much improved. But watch out
  for regressions.

* The GtkFileChooser entry completion code has been
  extensively refactored; it now uses GtkEntryCompletion

* Excessive dependencies have been culled from Requires:
  lines in pc files. Dependent modules may have to declare
  dependencies that they were getting 'for free' in the past.

* Theming improvements:
 - The background-clip and background-origin CSS properties
   have been implemented

* Win32 improvements:
 - Theming of column headers, radio buttons and menuitems,
   notebook tabs, etc has been fixed
 - Menus, tooltips, and other popups show above the task bar

* Wayland:
 - The Wayland backend has been updated to the current Wayland API

* Bugs fixed:
 603823 Print to File suggests ".ps" as filename...
 640317 gtk_draw_insertion_cursor should be moved to gtk_render
 646461 Leak in gtkfilechooserbutton.c: model_free_row_data
 650943 Clicking resize grip causes strange mouse grabbing beh...
 661428 Allow themes to know when a toplevel window appears un...
 662814 Request for way to tell gtk_recent_manager_add_item_qu...
 664137 Crash in Audacious audio player when browsing the add ...
 664456 segfault on arrow keypress in empty GtkIconView
 664467 prop-editor is broken for GdkColor properties
 664469 color button doesn't notify "color" and "alpha" when c...
 664537 GtkCssProvider: don't segfault when CSS file is not found
 664640 CUPS authentication does not work
 665140 Draw the scale split
 665326 FTBFS: missing Xi/Pango/Fc for gtk-query-immodules-3.0
 665616 Add hide-titlebar-when-maximized setting
 665741 Crashes in treeview when pressing End key.
 665999 Introspection wrong for GDK_INPUT_ONLY vs GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT
 666242 Separators in menuitem are not vertically aligned
 641999 Consider adding a workarea API
 657578 Toggling the state of a GtkCheckButton causes accessible...
 659445 Accessible event.any_data is incorrect for text-removed...
 663573 Rework GtkFileChooserEntry
 666392 widget: Flip the sensitive flag even if the state doesn't...
 666552 Layered region is leaked in GdkWindow

* Updated translations