Overview of Changes in 4.16.0, 09-06-2024

Note: This release changes the default GSK renderer to be Vulkan,
on Wayland. Other platforms still use ngl. The intent of this change
is to use the best available platform APIs. You can still override
the renderer choice using the GSK_RENDERER environment variable.

We believe that most of the problems reported with the new renderers
during the 4.13 and 4.15 development cycles have been addressed by now.

But the new renderers and dmabuf support are using graphics drivers
in different ways than the old gl renderer, and trigger new driver bugs.
Therefore, it is recommended to use the latest mesa release (24.2)
with the new renderers.

* GtkScale:
 - Fix positioning of scale values

* GtkEmojiChooser:
 - Make Control-clicks work for the recent section

* GtkPopover:
 - Make sure focus lands on the right widget when cascading

* GtkSpinButton:
 - Disable Emoji input for numeric spin buttons

* GtkSingleSelection:
 - Implement unselect_all

* Accssibility:
 - Fix roles for radio buttons
 - Check if ATs are listening before exporting trees
 - Add a check for sandboxed accessibility bus
 - Fix handling of the error message relation
 - Turn criticals into debug messages
 - Set expanded states properly in menus

* CSS:
 - Fix a few issues on bigendian systems
 - Avoid a crash with relative colors

* GSK:
 - Use the right GL context when exporting textures
 - Don't let colors influence depth decisions
 - Allow uploading of mipmap levels when tiling textures

* GDK:
 - Update keysyms from libX11 1.8.10
 - Implement cpu-side mipmapping
 - Use a thread pool for color conversions and mipmapping

* Vulkan:
 - Fix drag surface offsets

* Wayland:
 - Fix a crash
 - Associate EGL windows with context later

* X11:
 - Fix initial EGL context creation
 - Fix a problem with GL context creation

* Broadway:
 - Implement compute_size and request_layout

* MacOS:
 - Set transparent backgroiund for toplevel windows

* Windows:
 - Improve debug output
 - Detect Mesas d3d12 driver and request GDI compat

* Demos:
 - Set window icons in demos
 - Add a 64k x 64k image to the image scaling demo

* Translation updates
 Brazilian Portuguese