2008-07-14 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> * gtk/src/gtk_signals.defs: Regenerated, so that the new signals and properties are actually generated. * gtk/src/calendar.hg: * gtk/src/cellrenderercombo.hg: * gtk/src/menu.hg: Minor corrections to fix the build. * gtk/src/gtk_signals.defs.patch: Really create this patch to make life easier next time. 2008-07-14 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> * gtk/src/Makefile_list_of_hg.am_fragment: * gtk/src/gtk_vfuncs.defs: * gtk/src/toolshell.hg: Added ToolShell, though it is not used by anything yet, to avoid breaking ABI. * gtk/src/accelgroup.hg: Added get_is_locked() and get_modifier_mask(). * gtk/src/plug.hg: Added get_embedded() and get_socket_window(). * gtk/src/selectiondata.ccg: * gtk/src/selectiondata.hg: Reimplemented get_data(), get_data_type(), get_format(), and get_display() with the new accessorfunctions. * gtk/src/dialog.hg: Reimplemented get_action_area() and get_content_area() with the new accessor functions. * gtk/src/entry.hg: Added get/set_overwrite_mode(). Reimplemented get_text_length() with the new accessor function. * gtk/src/handlebox.ccg: Reimplemented is_child_detached() with gtk_handle_box_get_child_detached(). * gtk/src/handlebox.hg: * gtk/src/layout.hg: Reimplemented get_bin_window() with the new accessor function. * gtk/src/image.hg: Added a set() overload that takes a Gio::Icon, wrapping gtk_image_set_from_gicon(). * gtk/src/menu.hg: Added get_accel_path() and get_monitor(). * gtk/src/menuitem.hg: Added get_accel_path(). Added right-justified and submenu properties. * gtk/src/messagedialog.hg: Added get_image(). * gtk/src/socket.hg: Added get_plug_window(). * gtk/src/treeviewcolumn.hg: Added get_tree_view((). * pango/pangomm-1.4.pc.in: Depend on cairomm, because it does. 2008-07-12 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> * gtk/src/cellrenderercombo.hg: * gtk/src/cellrendererpixbuf.hg: Added gicon property. * gtk/src/clipboard.ccg: * gtk/src/clipboard.hg: Added request_uris(), wait_for_uris(), wait_is_uris_available(). * gtk/src/entry.hg: Added overwrite_mode and text_length properties. * gtk/src/iconinfo.ccg: * gtk/src/iconinfo.hg: Added IconInfo(icon_theme, pixbuf) constructor * gtk/src/icontheme.hg: * gtk/src/image.hg: Added get_gicon() and gicon property. * gtk/src/menu.hg: Added many new properties. * gtk/src/plug.hg: Added embedded and socket_window properties. * gtk/src/scalebutton.ccg: * gtk/src/scalebutton.hg: Added set/get_orientation(), get_plus_button(), get_minus_button(), get_popup(). Added orientation property. * gtk/src/settings.hg: Added many properties. * gtk/src/widget.hg: Added damage_event signal. Added window property. * tools/m4/convert_gtk.m4: Added a conversion for GIcon. 2008-07-10 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> * gtk/gtkmm/stock.cc * gtk/gtkmm/stock.h: Added PAGE_SETUP, PRINT_ERROR, PRINT_REPORT, PRINT_WARNING. * gtk/src/statusicon.hg: Added get_x11_window_id(). * gtk/src/toolitem.hg: Added toolbar_reconfigured(). * gtk/src/tooltip.hg: Added set_icon_from_icon_name(). * gtk/src/widget.ccg: * gtk/src/widget.hg: Added get_snapshot(). Reimplemented get_allocation() and get_window() with the new C accessor functions instead of direct struct field access. 2008-07-10 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> * gtk/src/gtk_methods.defs: Regenerated with h2defs.py. * gtk/src/treeviewcolumn.hg: Deprecated the existing cell_get_size() and added another, because the cell_area parameter has changed to a const in gtk_tree_view_column_cell_get_size(). * tools/m4/convert_gdk.m4: Added necessary conversions, because some C parameters have been corrected to const, so we don't need to do so many const_cast<>s. * gtk/src/printer.hg: Added get_default_page_size(), wrapping gtk_printer_get_default_page_size(), new in GTK+ 2.13. * gtk/src/pagesetup.hg: Added load_from_file() and load_from_key_file(), wrapping gtk_page_setup_load_file() and gtk_page_setup_load_key_file(), new in GTK+ 2.13. Added create_from_file() and create_from_key_file() to match the C new functions, now that we can reimplement them. * gtk/src/printersettings.hg: Added load_from_file() and load_from_key_file(), wrapping gtk_print_settings_load_file() and gtk_print_settings_load_key_file(), new in GTK+ 2.13. Added create_from_file() and create_from_key_file() to match the C new functions, now that we can reimplement them. 2008-07-03 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> * gtk/src/toolbar.hg: Mark set/get_tooltips() as deprecated (because it is in GTK+ now). * gtk/src/toolbar.ccg: Remove the define of GTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED so the deprecated gtkmm methods still build. get_tooltip_object(): Just return 0 because the implementation requires GTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED, to get the odd alternative GTK+ API, and that is now too complicated. It is broken anyway - the fault of GTK+, not us.