2.91.1 (unstable):

* Remove ComboBoxEntry and ComboBoxEntryText.
* ComboBox:
  - Add a has_entry bool to the constructors, replacing use of GtkComboBoxEntry.
  - Added set_entry_text_column(), get_entry() and get_entry_text(),
  - Added set_popup_fixed_width()
* ComboBoxText: Re-implemented with GtkComboBoxText.
  As a bonus this means that insert_text() will now work, and we can now
  define this widget and its data items in Glade.
* Main: Remove signal_run() and signal_quit().
* RadioButton: Added join_group().
* StatusBar: Remove get/set_has_resize_grip().
* Window: Added get/set_has_resize_grip(), get_resize_grip_is_visible(), get_resize_grip_area().
* Remove WrapBox.

2.91.0 (unstable):