Version 0.10.0

* New and updated translations:
    Added zh_CN         by Yating Kuang <yatingkuang@ubuntukylin.com>
    Updated Swedish     by Anders Jonsson <anders.jonsson@norsjovallen.se>
    Updated German      by Mario Blättermann <mario.blaettermann@gmail.com>
    Updated Brazilian Portuguese by Enrico Nicoletto <liverig@gmail.com>
    Updated Czech       by Marek Černocký <marek@manet.cz>
    Updated Serbian     by Марко М. Костић <marko.m.kostic@gmail.com>
    Updated Hungarian   by Balázs Meskó <meskobalazs@gmail.com>
    Updated Polish      by Piotr DrÄ…g <piotrdrag@gmail.com>
Version 0.9.92

* New contructor methods for TDocument using custome ReadTypeFunc
* Bug fixes
* New and updated translations:
    Updated Polish      by Piotr DrÄ…g <piotrdrag@gmail.com>
    Updated Serbian     by Мирослав Николић <miroslavnikolic@rocketmail.com>

Version 0.9.90 and 0.9.91

* New TDocument.from_stream(), .from_string and .from_uri() methods
* API change TwNode and derived classes renamed to TNode
* Added parse capabilities to TDocument
* Improved performance tests, pointing: GDocument has better memory usage and
  better performance than xDocument; TDocument has better performance but more
  memory usage than GDocument.
* Bug fixes
* New and updated translations:
    Added Hungarian              by Matej Urbančič <mateju@svn.gnome.org>
    Added Slovenian              by Matej Urbančič <mateju@svn.gnome.org>
    Added Greek                  by Γιάννης Κουτσούκος <giankoyt@gmail.com>
    Added Swedish                by Anders Jonsson <anders.jonsson@norsjovallen.se>
    Updated Czech                by Marek Černocký <marek@manet.cz>
    Updated Brazilian Portuguese by Rafael Fontenelle <rafaelff@gnome.org>

Version 0.9.2

* API change Serializable.deserialize now return a boolean

* API change SerializableCollection: added new abstract methods for post-deserialization

* SerializableCollection: Implementations now support enable/disable deserialization
  for post-deseralization using SerializableCollection.deserialize_children() for initial
  document load time optimization

* More memory optimizations: SerializableCollection implementations don't hold
  objects for unknown properties/nodes

Version 0.9.1

* Added GXml.Node.parent property
* Performance measuring: GDocument equivalent to xDocument
* Memory usage: GDocument 42% less memory
* Memory for de/serialization using GDocument+TwDocument Vs.
  xDocument+TwDocument improved using 63% less memory

Version 0.9.0

API/ABI break

* API change: Removed GXml.SerializableJson and GXml.Serialization, due to they
  have been unmaintained for a while now.

* API change: GXml.NodeList is now a Gee.ArrayList<GXml.Node> specialiced class for better
  bindings support. The old class has been renamed to GXml.xNodeList.

* API change: Most interfaces now return owned properties in order to allow implementations
  to handle its internals without expose/keep in memory some data, returning
  objects just on request.

* New libxml2 implementation called GNode and derivatives, expected to replace
  old implementation. It is a creating objects on demand.

* New HtmlDocument for HTML handling

* Element interface removed finalize_attr (), due it is unsed

* Element added new get_ns_attr() for namespaced attributes

* Element implements set_ns_attr()

* xNode and derivatives enter to a maintenace status, in order
  to be deprecated in future, some tests haven't been added
  due to its internal complexity, like poor namespaces support. Is
  better to relay on GNode and derivatives. DOM API will be added
  in future versions to deprecate and remove xNode derivatives.

* Serializable tests now relay on GDocument

* Fixes on Unit Tests

* Added more stressful performance tests, to compare xDocument vs GDocument with
  equivalent performance