
* Many usability fixes, dialogs clean up, more GTK+ stock usage, etc.
* Show the program version in bug-buddy.
* Build system fixes.
* Make the tests build optional (disabled by default).
* Make gnutls requirement optional (disabled by default).
* Logo updated (Alejandro Valdés).
* Fixed a typo (Bob Mauchin).
* Many GObject related fixes and refactoring (Alejandro Valdés, Claudio).
* GyrusConnection class works with secure connections.
* Allow login with passwords with special characters.
* Several code cleanups.

Bug fixes:

#337655 -- Allow passwords with special characters.
#319436 -- Use correctly gnutls_record_recv () when it needs more than 1024 
#429160 -- Logo shows old gyrus version.
#432628 -- Typo in src/gyrus-admin-mailbox.c
#429138 -- Private data of GObject classes are not hidden.

New and updated translations:

ar: Djihed Afifi
ca: Jordi Deu-Pons
en_GB: David Lodge
es: Francisco Javier F. Serrador 
fr: Robert-André Mauchin and Claude Paroz
dz: Sonam Pelden
fi: Ilkka Tuohela 
hu: Albitz Nóra
sv: Daniel Nylander
vi: Clytie Siddall