2.25.5 - 19-Jan-2009


* Fix for bug #535221 - Automatic shortcut information spoken

* Fix for bug #562060 - Speech should speak multi case strings as words

* Fix for bug #562327 - Desktop tutor message order problem

* Fix for bug #563171 - src/orca/flat_review.py:getZonesFromText
  should clip zones based on what text is visible

* Fix for bug #563200 - Orca not spoken the character code 8222
  character.  Added double low quote and single low quote to the
  character names and punctuation table.

* Fix for bug #567428 - "readonly text" spoken when caret changes
  line (in evolution)


* Fix for bug #566954 - ARIA toggle button state not handled correctly

* Fix for bug #566955 - Need to remove extra whitespace from braille
  output for Firefox 3.x.

* Fix for bug #567167 - Orca sometimes (re)announces that the document
  frame has just received focus in Firefox 3.x.

* Fix for bug #567864 - Orca stops responding when flat review is used
  in thunderbird message window and message is closed

* Partial fix for bug #567984 -Structural navigation needs to consider
  text within the document frame.

New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):

    es       Spanish              Francisco Javier Dorado Martinez and
                                  Jorge Gonzalez
    hu       Hungarian            Attila Hammer and Gabor Kelemen
    nb       Norwegian Bokmål     Kjartan Maraas
    pt       Portuguese           Rui Batista and Duarte Loreto
