2.25.90 - 02-Feb-2009


* Fix for bug #553678 - orca can act badly at login time

* Fix for bug #561548 - Orca locks up when closing some Pidgin

* Fix for bug #562060 - Speech should speak multi case strings as
  words.  Adjust the regexes used.

* Fix for bug #563128 - Text-based setup should offer option to
  automatically launch Orca on login

* Fix for bug #567428 -"readonly text" spoken when caret changes line.

* Fix for bug #568751 - Interaction with the punctuation preferences
  can cause a hang

* Fix for bug #568589 - braillegenerator adding image string
  versus braille.Component for table cells

* Fix for bug #568875 - Pressing "Apply" button in preferences dialog
  causes autostart option to be checked

* Fix for bug #569118 - Use C_() instead of Q_() with context NOTE:
  you need to install SUNWgnu-gettext and rerun your autogen.sh to
  work with this change on OpenSolaris.


* Fix for bug #537303 - Certain FF3 add-ons interfere with Orca's
  ability to provide access to content.

* Fix for bug #552965 - aria-valuetext ignored

* Fix for bug #567984 - Structural navigation needs to consider text
  within the document frame.

* Fix for bug #568467 - aria-describedby text spoken twice via 
  Where Am I

* Fix for bug #568550 - Add default keybindings for navigating by

* Fix for bug #568631 - Orca does not update the position for
  same-page links which reference objects by name/id in Firefox 3.

* Fix for bug #569346 - No speech for image-only ARIA buttons and ARIA
  menu items

* Fix for bug #569835 - Orca should support the ARIA haspopup

New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):

  NOTE - the fix for bug #569118 caused changes in every *.po file.

    ca       Catalan              Gil Forcada
    es       Spanish              Francisco Javier Dorado Martinez and
                                  Jorge Gonzalez
    hu       Hungarian            Attila Hammer and Gabor Kelemen
    ko       Korean               Changwoo Ryu
    sv       Swedish              Daniel Nylander