
 * Updated documentation

 * Add handling for Evo's "autocomplete" popups

 * Work around missing object:state-changed:focused events from Gecko
   and Gtk+

 * Fix several issues related to Thunderbird's spellcheck dialog

 * Work around broken custom comboboxes

 * Add handling for ROLE_HEADER

 * Handle error calling findAllDescendants in broken implementation

 * Enable toggling of speech via keybinding when it's not silenced, but

 * Set the profile when reloading settings

 * Fix Say All bug for Gecko content

 * Stop repeating tutorial messages when navigating amongst items of the
   same type

New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):

    de            German                      Christian Kirbach
    oc            Occitan                     Cédric Valmary
    pl            Polish                      Piotr DrÄ…g
    pt            Portuguese                  Pedro Albuquerque
