3.17.91 - 2 September 2015


 * Treat (un)ordered HTML lists without list items as if they were divs

 * Clear the cache and try once more when the next/previous context
   cannot be found

 * Treat web documents as top-level roles for the purpose of Zombie

 * Fix MathML line navigation issue

 * Fix issue causing Orca to skip certain web content during Say All

 * Improve caret navigation around images lacking content, interaction,
   and size


 * Updated documentation

 * Add ability to override object role when generating tutorial messages

 * Handle more event floods from LibreOffice and gnome-shell

 * Handle several "The process appears to be hung" AT-SPI2 errors from
   Firefox and LibreOffice

 * Work around broken custom comboboxes and listboxes which lack items

 * Fix bug in presentation of chat messages from non-active applications

 * Add option to speak 12-hour time without seconds

New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):

    ca            Catalan                     Jordi Mas
    el            Greek                       Tom Tryfonidis
    es            Spanish                     Daniel Mustieles,
                                              Miguel Rodríguez Núñez
    gl            Galician                    Fran Diéguez
    hu            Hungarian                   Gabor Kelemen
    pl            Polish                      Piotr DrÄ…g
    sv            Swedish                     Anders Jonsson
    zh_TW         Chinese (Taiwan)            Chao-Hsiung Liao
