3.17.92 - 16 September 2015


 * Add support for aria-roledescription

 * Work around missing object:state-changed:focused events from Gecko

 * Fix several instances of Orca getting "stuck" in Gecko content

 * Fix bug causing Orca to skip over nested iframe content during SayAll


 * Handle tracebacks resulting from Calc crashing

 * Explicitly deregister keystroke listeners before shutting down

 * Ignore state-changed:busy events seen when printing in Thunderbird

 * Eliminate false positive identifying Thunderbird spellcheck dialog

 * Fix a performance issue associated with appearance of dialogs with
   many widgets

 * Save messages and add braille output to the notification-daemon script

New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):

    de            German                      Christian Kirbach
    fr            French                      Claude Paroz
