3.19.2 - 25 November 2015

New Settings and Commands:

 * Add unbound commands to present selected text and link details

 * Add GUI to enable rewind/fast-forward and structural navigation
   in Say All

 * Make the use of color names configurable via GUI

 * Make speech and braille message settings configurable via GUI

 * Add preference and unbound keybinding to have Orca speak numbers
   as digits

 * Add explicit time format option for 12-hour time with seconds

 * Break up printable-keys keyecho into alpha, numeric, and punctuation


 * Improve presentation of Twitter timeline items

 * Fix several bugs related to navigation to fragments

 * Filter out hidden elements when presenting content

 * Use Gecko's onChildrenChanged callback for Thunderbird instead of
   the default (fixes issues related to cache management)

 * Use isLink() rather than a role check to eliminate false positive
   from anchors

 * Don't look for replicant for zombie locusOfFocus when in focus mode

 * Remove application from the list of ARIA landmark types (ARIA 1.1


 * Present newly-shown GtkInfoBars

 * Improve presentation of GtkEntryCompletion

 * Generate all child widgets of GtkListBox items


 * Work around several issues related to identifying and keeping track
   of the active window

 * Don't double/multi-present selection-state messages

 * Fix bug in which text was not presented because object had a name

 * Rewrite and fix several bugs in Orca's progress bar support

 * Filter out some more useless/bogus events (for performance)

 * Handle more instances of the undead (zombies); start handling the
   dead (fixes various and sundry bugs resulting from objects going
   defunct on us)

 * Fix double-presentation and incorrect ordering of frame name changes

 * Rewrite setLocusOfFocus and default script's onCaretMoved (improves
   performance, eliminates instances of not presenting new location)

 * Don't display shortcuts if braille verbosity is set to brief

 * Add NotShowIn=GNOME; to the desktop file

New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):

    cs            Czech                       Marek Černocký
    de            German                      Wolfgang Stöggl
    es            Spanish                     Daniel Mustieles
    pt            Portuguese                  Pedro Albuquerque
