3.19.3 - 16 December 2016

New Settings and Commands:

 * Create separate cell-vs-row reading options for tables in GUIs, text
   documents, and spreadsheets

 * Add GUI option to configure capitalization style


 * Improve performance of presentation of web listboxes

 * Improve presentation of headings which contain embedded objects

 * Improve presentation of non-empty anchors


 * Ensure the correct voice is used when generating current line of text

 * Call gdk_notify_startup_complete()

 * Fix several bugs related to presenting the locus of focus

 * Fix double-presentation of top-level Gtk+ alerts

 * Cache the string in addition to the offsets for selected text (perf.)

 * Add more sanity checks for defunct objects and applications

 * Stop filtering out events from ROLE_FILLER (because some applications
   lack proper roles)

 * Don't treat a series of periods as an ellipsis

 * Treat ROLE_PAGE as a top-level object when doing Zombie checks (fixes
   Evince issue)

 * Don't verbalize punctuation or capitalization for system messages

New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):

    es            Spanish                     Daniel Mustieles
    pt            Portuguese                  Pedro Albuquerque
