3.20.1 - 25 April 2016 Gecko: * Fix presentation of title bar in Gecko apps * Work around Google Maps killing the focused widget * Fix offset used when evaluating text selection in content with embedded objects * Don't set new focus to context object if context object is zombie * Only update locusOfFocus to context replicant if locusOfFocus is a zombie * Don't use generated text as name for web content which exposes a name, unless it's a combo box or spin button * Cache label-related information for web content for performance * Ignore events from Mozilla's self-repair hidden page * Don't do SayAll for page fragments * Prevent locusOfFocus change when navigating in SeaMonkey message list Unity Panel Service: * Work around labels reporting an index in parent of -1 * Work around label descriptions containing unwanted content * Fall back on name when labels fail to implement the text interface Gtk+ * Handle changes in Gtk+ 3.20 combo boxes * Only treat cells with non-whitespace chars as real active descendants * Ignore row-reordered event spam General: * Fix a false positive with clipboard messages * Don't re-present description if it was used as name fallback * Handle unhandled case of objects becoming defunct * Fix syntax error in Bulgarian help file New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!): hu Hungarian Attila Hammer it Italian Milo Casagrande pt Portuguese Tiago Carrondo sl Slovenian Matej UrbanÄiÄ =========