3.31.1 - 19 Octoboer 2018


 * Include the selected item count when presenting selection

 * Fix double presentation of items in certain lists

 * Handle various instances of objects going defunct

 * Present expanded state even when state expandable is not

 * Treat expanded events from listboxes and push buttons as
   presentable events

 * Ignore spurious focus claim from gnome-shell window after
   switcher use

 * Add handling for objects with role "redundant object"

 * Ensure we're not silent when a cell gains focus

 * Add initial support for Smuxi (gnome frontend)

 * Restore X keyboard layout on orca segfault

 * Add support for removing user profiles


 * Improve behavior of page summary when caret context is null
   or the document cannot be found

 * Handle component interface failures in label inference

 * Sanity-check offsets before calling getRangeExtents()

 * Make braille presentation of new document web role consistent
   with old document frame role

 * Ensure we correctly speak the role of edit spin buttons


 * Work around Writer killing focused cell during row insertion
   and deletion

 * Don't present ancestors after editing Calc cell

New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):

    cs            Czech                 Marek Cernocky
