3.37.2 - 1 June 2020


 * Present aria-sort value when focus moves to sorted row/col header

 * Ensure we present functionally-empty entries from web apps

 * Make ARIA gridcell cells caret-navigable if browse mode is sticky

 * Fix bug causing us to skip over objects in certain grids in browse

 * Handle links whose sole content is an image with alt=""

 * Force browse mode switch in web apps when child document claims focus

 * Don't repeat label, name, or role when in the same object in SayAll

 * Improve performance of presenting status bar items for web/Electron
   apps (e.g. VSCode)

 * Check for "keyshortcuts" attribute also for browser UI

 * Eliminate chattiness from Chromium omnibox

 * Ensure we present the correct row when navigating to table with
   missing rows

 * Improve structural navigation in HTML tables with conflicting ARIA

 * Ensure we announce role and content of elements with ARIA's separator

 * Ensure we verbalize punctuation for named items inside code elements

 * Improve heuristic to identify elements serving as fake placeholder
   for text

 * Use caret-moved event to recover from object destruction

 * Prevent Orca from wandering into hidden objects and improve recovery
   when the currently-focused object is removed/destroyed

 * Improve overall performance processing caret-moved, children-changed,
   and text-changed events

 * Expand embedded objects for live region text insertions

Mouse Review:

 * Fix several chattiness issues

 * Fix presentation of nested cells


 * Ensure blockquote and section text is always displayed

 * Ensure focused region starts the display when panToCursor

 * Fix bug in word wrap causing us to not display the relevant info

 * Fix error using braille with JavaAtkWrapper

 * Ensure we update our position when an anchor is clicked on
   via braille display

 * Hand off Braille output on NoFocus so other screen readers can
   provide information

 * Correctly display long strings of non-space characters that exceed
   the width of the braille line

 * Fix several panning issues

 * Remove fallback on VT 7


 * Use punct level 'most' when available in speech-dispatcher

 * Insert pause breaks when generating status bar items so they don't
   all run together when spoken


 * Emit region-changed events to inform other tools (e.g. magnifiers,
   highlighting tools) the object and optional text range Orca is

 * Present description change events for the current object

 * Fix crash related to non-standard tables

 * Work around Qt not exposing STATE_CHECKABLE and/or using
   ROLE_CHECK_MENU_ITEM on checkable menu items

 * Fix presentation of Qt widgets labelled by their parent

 * Gracefully handle AT-SPI2 timeout when checking validity of app

 * Add support for the Orca key being "sticky"

 * Fall back on name for labels which lack displayed text

 * Present message when the status bar cannot be found

 * Respect user's punctuation settings in app switchers

New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):

   ckb           Kurdish Sorani        Jwtiyar Nariman
   de            German                Tim Sabsch
   es            Spanish               Daniel Mustieles
   hu            Hungarian             Attila Hammer
   ro            Romanian              Daniel Șerbănescu, Florentina Mușat
   sv            Swedish               Anders Jonsson
   tr            Turkish               Emin Tufan Çetin
   uk            Ukrainian             Yuri Chornoivan
