 - Translation updates

 - Fix building examples without Wayland
 - Fix mx-info to use Python 3

 - Fix SPARQL syntax error
 - Fail configure if tracker-sparql is not found at all

Bugs fixed in this release:
 - https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=791921

All contributors to this release:
 - Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>
 - Piotr DrÄ…g <piotrdrag@gmail.com>
 - Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas@gnome.org>
 - Xavi Ivars <xavi.ivars@gmail.com>
 - Ting-Wei Lan <lantw@src.gnome.org>
 - ST Alfas <st.alfas5@gmail.com>
 - Pawan Chitrakar <chautari@gmail.com>
 - Kristjan SCHMIDT <kristjan.schmidt@googlemail.com>
 - hanniedu <hannie@ubuntu-nl.org>
 - Cédric Valmary <cvalmary@yahoo.fr>
 - Alexander Shopov <ash@kambanaria.org>

Added/updated translations
 - bg, courtesy of Alexander Shopov
 - ca, courtesy of Carles Ferrando Garcia
 - ca@valencia, courtesy of Xavi Ivars
 - eo, courtesy of Kristjan SCHMIDT
 - ml, courtesy of Razee Marikar
 - nb, courtesy of Kjartan Maraas
 - ne, courtesy of Pawan Chitrakar
 - nl, courtesy of Justin van Steijn
 - oc, courtesy of Cédric Valmary (totenoc.eu)