Vala 0.39.6
 * Highlights
  - Add --abi-stability option for ABI stability of libraries
    It ensures that the order of class/interface members in Vala sources will
    be preserved in generated C source (instance/type structs) [#789069]

 * Various bug fixes:
  - girparser:
    + Set NoAccessorMethod for non-readable and construct-only properties
    + Ignore conflicting closure/destroy indexes
    + Don't accept methods as property-accessor which throw errors [#792998]
  - codegen:
    + Infer error parameter from abstract/virtual base methods [#614294]
    + Internally generated delegates don't require a typedef [#787521]
    + Fix return-type for cancelled async creation methods of classes [#792942]
  - vala: Variadic constructors without a real first parameter are not allowed
  - libvaladoc: Keep bootstrap-support with valac >= 0.16.1

 * Bindings:
  - gtk+-3.0: Fix cheader_filename of Plug and Socket
  - gtk+-4.0: Update to 3.93.0+4d36a0bf
  - gtk+-4.0: Only override type of "event" parameters
  - posix: Add ctime(3) and fix binding of struct hostent and gethostbyname(3)