/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include "imbuf.h" #define OBJECTBLOK "iff" ushort start_iff(struct ImBuf *ibuf, int file) { uint *point, size, *buf, start; if ((point=buf=(uint *)malloc(32768))==0) return FALSE; *point++ = FORM; /* FORMxxxxILBM in buffer */ *point++ = 0; if (IS_amiga(ibuf)){ struct BitMapHeader *bmhd; *point++ = ILBM; *point++ = CAMG; *point++ = 4; *point++ = (ibuf->ftype & 0xffff); *point++=BMHD; *point++=sizeof(struct BitMapHeader); bmhd=(struct BitMapHeader *)point; /* bmhd wijst naar plek waar bmhd moet komen */ point=(uint *)((char *)point+sizeof(struct BitMapHeader)); /* pointer alvast verder zetten */ bmhd->w=ibuf->x; bmhd->h=ibuf->y; bmhd->pageWidth=ibuf->x; bmhd->pageHeight=ibuf->y; bmhd->x=0; bmhd->y=0; bmhd->nPlanes=ibuf->depth; bmhd->masking=0; if (ibuf->flags & IB_vert){ bmhd->compression=2; } else{ bmhd->compression=1; } bmhd->pad1=0; bmhd->transparentColor=0; bmhd->xAspect=1; bmhd->yAspect=1; } else if (IS_cdi(ibuf)){ struct Ihdr *ihdr; *point++=IMAG; *point++=IHDR; *point++=sizeof(struct Ihdr); ihdr=(struct Ihdr *)point; point=(uint *)((char *)point+sizeof(struct Ihdr)); /* pointer alvast verder zetten */ ihdr->w = ibuf->x; ihdr->lsize = ibuf->x; ihdr->h = ibuf->y; ihdr->model = (ibuf->ftype & 0xffff); ihdr->dyuvkind = 0; switch (ihdr->model){ case DYUV: ihdr->depth = 8; start = getdyuvstart(); ihdr->yuvstart.y = (start >> 16) & 0xff; ihdr->yuvstart.u = (start >> 8) & 0xff; ihdr->yuvstart.v = (start >> 0) & 0xff; break; case RL7: ihdr->depth = 24; ihdr->yuvstart.y = 0; ihdr->yuvstart.u = 0; ihdr->yuvstart.v = 0; break; } } else if (IS_anim(ibuf)){ struct Adat *adat; extern float adat_gamma; extern float adat_distort; *point++ = ANIM; *point++ = ADAT; *point++ = BIG_LONG(sizeof(struct Adat)); adat = (struct Adat *)point; point = (uint *)((char *)point+sizeof(struct Adat)); /* pointer alvast verder zetten */ adat->w = BIG_SHORT(ibuf->x); adat->h = BIG_SHORT(ibuf->y); adat->type = BIG_SHORT(ibuf->ftype); adat->xorig = BIG_SHORT(ibuf->xorig); adat->yorig = BIG_SHORT(ibuf->yorig); adat->pad = 0; adat->gamma = adat_gamma; adat->distort = adat_distort; } size=((uchar *)point-(uchar *)buf); if (write(file,buf,size)!=size){ free(buf); return (FALSE); } if (ibuf->cmap){ if (IS_anim(ibuf)){ size = ibuf->maxcol * sizeof(int); buf[0] = CMAP; buf[1] = BIG_LONG(size); if (write(file,buf,8) != 8){ free(buf); return (FALSE); } if (write(file,ibuf->cmap,size) != size){ free(buf); return (FALSE); } } else{ uchar *cpoint,*cols; uint i,bits; point = buf; if (IS_amiga(ibuf)){ *(point++) = CMAP; *(point++) = BIG_LONG(3*ibuf->maxcol); } else if (IS_cdi(ibuf)){ *(point++) = PLTE; *(point++) = BIG_LONG((3*ibuf->maxcol) + 4); *(point++) = BIG_LONG(ibuf->maxcol); } cpoint = (uchar *) point; cols = (uchar *)ibuf->cmap; if ((ibuf->cbits > 0) && (ibuf->cbits < 8)){ bits = ~((1 << (8-ibuf->cbits)) - 1); } else bits = -1; if (IS_ham(ibuf)) bits = -1; for (i=0 ; i<ibuf->maxcol ; i++){ *(cpoint++) = cols[0] & bits; *(cpoint++) = cols[1] & bits; *(cpoint++) = cols[2] & bits; cols += 4; } if (ibuf->maxcol & 1) *(cpoint++)=0; size=(cpoint-(uchar *)buf); if (write(file,buf,size)!=size){ free(buf); return (FALSE); } } } if (IS_amiga(ibuf)) buf[0] = BODY; if (IS_cdi(ibuf)) buf[0] = IDAT; if (IS_anim(ibuf)) buf[0] = BODY; buf[1]=0; if (write(file,buf,8)!=8){ free(buf); return(FALSE); } free(buf); return (TRUE); } ushort update_iff(int file, int code) { int buf[2], filelen, skip; uchar nop; if (file<=0) return (FALSE); filelen = filesize(file)-8; /* filelengte berekenen */ lseek(file,0L,2); /* seek end */ if (filelen & 1){ /* lengte even maken */ switch(code){ case BODY: nop = IFFNOP; break; case IDAT: nop = 0; break; } if (write(file,&nop,1)!=1) return (FALSE); filelen++; } lseek(file,4L,0); buf[0] = BIG_LONG(filelen); if (write(file, buf, 4) != 4) return (FALSE); if (code == 0) return (TRUE); filelen-=4; lseek(file,4L,1); while (filelen>0){ /* zoek BODY op */ read(file, buf, 8); filelen -= 8; if (buf[0] == code) break; skip = BIG_LONG(buf[1]) + 1 & ~1; filelen -= skip; lseek(file, skip, 1); } if (filelen <= 0) { printf("update_iff: couldn't find chunk\n"); return (FALSE); } lseek(file, -4L, 1); buf[0] = BIG_LONG(filelen); if (write(file, buf, 4)!=4) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); }