/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 1997 by Ton Roosendaal, Frank van Beek and Joeri Kassenaar. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* draw.c */ /* initkubs() initsymbols() tekenrect3(s,rect) teken_ebaseverts() wire(ob) tekenpolyfast() tekenpoly() tekenpolyslow() tekensphere() gouraud(ob) tekenbase(base) tekenbase_ext(base) ****************** ************ **************** */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <gl/gl.h> #include <gl/device.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "iff.h" #include "/usr/people/include/Button.h" #include "/usr/people/include/Trace.h" extern ulong rectyellow[5][5],rectpurple[5][5]; extern void VecMulf(float *v1, float f); void mydrawmode(mode) long mode; { if(G.machine==ENTRY) { if(mode==OVERDRAW) mode=PUPDRAW; } #undef drawmode drawmode(mode); #define drawmode mydrawmode } float v[8][3] = { {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0}, {-1.0, -1.0, 1.0}, {-1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, {-1.0, 1.0, -1.0}, { 1.0, -1.0, -1.0}, { 1.0, -1.0, 1.0}, { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, { 1.0, 1.0, -1.0}, }; float v1[8][3] = { {-1.2, -1.2, -1.0}, {-1.0, -1.0, 1.0}, {-1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, {-1.2, 1.2, -1.0}, { 1.2, -1.2, -1.0}, { 1.0, -1.0, 1.0}, { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, { 1.2, 1.2, -1.0}, }; int do_drawaxes= 0; extern ulong rect_desel[16],rect_sel[16]; extern ulong rectl_desel[81],rectl_sel[81]; extern ulong rectq_desel[81],rectq_sel[81], rectq_key[81]; #define LINE3F(v1, v2) {bgnline(); v3f((float *)(v1)); v3f((float *)(v2)); endline();} void initkubs() { float vec[3]; float n[3]; makeobj(1); bgnline(); v3f(v[0]); v3f(v[1]); v3f(v[2]); v3f(v[3]); v3f(v[0]); v3f(v[4]); v3f(v[5]); v3f(v[6]); v3f(v[7]); v3f(v[4]); endline(); bgnline(); v3f(v[1]); v3f(v[5]); endline(); bgnline(); v3f(v[2]); v3f(v[6]); endline(); bgnline(); v3f(v[3]); v3f(v[7]); endline(); closeobj(); makeobj(2); n[0]=0; n[1]=0; n[2]=0; bgnpolygon(); n[0]= -1.0; n3f(n); v3f(v[0]); n3f(n); v3f(v[1]); n3f(n); v3f(v[2]); n3f(n); v3f(v[3]); n[0]=0; endpolygon(); bgnpolygon(); n[1]= -1.0; n3f(n); v3f(v[0]); n3f(n); v3f(v[4]); n3f(n); v3f(v[5]); n3f(n); v3f(v[1]); n[1]=0; endpolygon(); bgnpolygon(); n[0]= 1.0; n3f(n); v3f(v[4]); n3f(n); v3f(v[7]); n3f(n); v3f(v[6]); n3f(n); v3f(v[5]); n[0]=0; endpolygon(); bgnpolygon(); n[1]= 1.0; n3f(n); v3f(v[7]); n3f(n); v3f(v[3]); n3f(n); v3f(v[2]); n3f(n); v3f(v[6]); n[1]=0; endpolygon(); bgnpolygon(); n[2]= 1.0; n3f(n); v3f(v[1]); n3f(n); v3f(v[5]); n3f(n); v3f(v[6]); n3f(n); v3f(v[2]); n[2]=0; endpolygon(); bgnpolygon(); n[2]= -1.0; n3f(n); v3f(v[7]); n3f(n); v3f(v[4]); n3f(n); v3f(v[0]); n3f(n); v3f(v[3]); endpolygon(); closeobj(); makeobj(3); circs(0,0,1); rotate(900,'z'); rotate(900,'x'); circs(0,0,1); rotate(900,'y'); rotate(900,'z'); circs(0,0,1); closeobj(); } void drawaxes() { float v1[3], v2[3]; v1[0]=v1[1]=v1[2]=v2[0]=v2[1]=v2[2]= 0.0; /* X-AS: pijl */ v2[0]= 1.0; LINE3F(v1, v2); v1[0]= 0.8; v1[1]= -0.125; LINE3F(v1, v2); v1[1]= 0.125; LINE3F(v1, v2); /* Y-AS: pijl */ v1[0]=v1[1]=v1[2]=v2[0]=v2[1]=v2[2]= 0.0; v2[1]= 1.0; LINE3F(v1, v2); v1[1]= 0.8; v1[0]= -0.125; LINE3F(v1, v2); v1[0]= 0.125; LINE3F(v1, v2); /* Z-AS: pijl */ v1[0]=v1[1]=v1[2]=v2[0]=v2[1]=v2[2]= 0.0; v2[2]= 1.0; LINE3F(v1, v2); v1[2]= 0.8; v1[0]= -0.125; LINE3F(v1, v2); v1[0]= 0.125; LINE3F(v1, v2); linewidth(4); /* X-AS: tekst */ v1[2]=v2[2]= 0.0; v1[0]= 1.125; v1[1]= 0.125; v2[0]= 1.375; v2[1]= -0.125; LINE3F(v1, v2); v1[0]= 1.125; v1[1]= -0.125; v2[0]= 1.375; v2[1]= 0.125; LINE3F(v1, v2); /* Y-AS: tekst */ v1[1]= 1.125; v1[0]= -0.1; v2[1]= 1.375; v2[0]= 0.1; LINE3F(v1, v2); v1[1]= 1.375; v1[0]= -0.1; v2[1]= 1.25; v2[0]= 0.0; LINE3F(v1, v2); /* Z-AS: tekst */ v1[1]=v2[1]= 0.0; v1[0]= 0.125; v1[2]= 1.125; v2[0]= -0.125; v2[2]= 1.125; LINE3F(v1, v2); v1[0]= 0.125; v1[2]= 1.375; LINE3F(v1, v2); v2[0]= -0.125; v2[2]= 1.375; LINE3F(v1, v2); if(G.machine==ENTRY) linewidth(2); else linewidth(1); } void drawgourcube() /* voor ika */ { float vec[3]; float n[3]; n[0]=0; n[1]=0; n[2]=0; bgnpolygon(); n[0]= -1.0; n3f(n); v3f(v1[0]); v3f(v1[1]); v3f(v1[2]); v3f(v1[3]); n[0]=0; endpolygon(); bgnpolygon(); n[1]= -1.0; n3f(n); v3f(v1[0]); v3f(v1[4]); v3f(v1[5]); v3f(v1[1]); n[1]=0; endpolygon(); bgnpolygon(); n[0]= 1.0; n3f(n); v3f(v1[4]); v3f(v1[7]); v3f(v1[6]); v3f(v1[5]); n[0]=0; endpolygon(); bgnpolygon(); n[1]= 1.0; n3f(n); v3f(v1[7]); v3f(v1[3]); v3f(v1[2]); v3f(v1[6]); n[1]=0; endpolygon(); bgnpolygon(); n[2]= 1.0; n3f(n); v3f(v1[1]); v3f(v1[5]); v3f(v1[6]); v3f(v1[2]); n[2]=0; endpolygon(); bgnpolygon(); n[2]= -1.0; n3f(n); v3f(v1[7]); v3f(v1[4]); v3f(v1[0]); v3f(v1[3]); endpolygon(); } void drawcube() { bgnline(); v3f(v1[0]); v3f(v1[1]);v3f(v1[2]); v3f(v1[3]); v3f(v1[0]); v3f(v1[4]);v3f(v1[5]); v3f(v1[6]); v3f(v1[7]); v3f(v1[4]); endline(); bgnline(); v3f(v1[1]); v3f(v1[5]); endline(); bgnline(); v3f(v1[2]); v3f(v1[6]); endline(); bgnline(); v3f(v1[3]); v3f(v1[7]); endline(); } void initsymbols() { int a; ulong *r1,*r2; short vec[2]; r1=rect_desel; r2=rect_sel; r1[0]= r2[0]= r1[3]= r2[3]= r1[15]= r2[15]=0x707070; r1[1]= r2[1]= r1[2]= r2[2]= r1[7]= r2[7]= r1[11]= r2[11]=0; r1[9]= r2[9]=0xFFFFFF; r1[4]= r1[6]= r1[14]= 0x407070; /* geel 40% */ r2[4]= r2[6]= r2[14]= 0x702070; /* paars 40% */ r1[5]= r1[10]= r1[12]= 0x70CCCC; /* geel 70% */ r2[5]= r2[10]= r2[12]= 0xCC50CC; /* paars 70% */ r1[8]= r1[13]= 0xAAFFFF; /* geel 100% */ r2[8]= r2[13]= 0xFF80FF; /* paars 100% */ cpack(0); sboxfs(100,100,110,110); cpack(0xAAFFFF); circ(104,104,4); lrectread(100,100,108,108,rectl_desel); cpack(0xFF80FF); circ(104,104,4); lrectread(100,100,108,108,rectl_sel); cpack(0); sboxfs(100,100,110,110); cpack(0x101010); circ(104,104,4); cpack(0xAAFFFF); vec[0]=104; vec[1]=100; bgnline(); v2s(vec); vec[1]=108; v2s(vec); endline(); vec[0]=100; vec[1]=104; bgnline(); v2s(vec); vec[0]=108; v2s(vec); endline(); lrectread(100,100,108,108,rectq_desel); cpack(0xFF80FF); vec[0]=104; vec[1]=100; bgnline(); v2s(vec); vec[1]=108; v2s(vec); endline(); vec[0]=100; vec[1]=104; bgnline(); v2s(vec); vec[0]=108; v2s(vec); endline(); lrectread(100,100,108,108,rectq_sel); cpack(0xFF8800); vec[0]=104; vec[1]=100; bgnline(); v2s(vec); vec[1]=108; v2s(vec); endline(); vec[0]=100; vec[1]=104; bgnline(); v2s(vec); vec[0]=108; v2s(vec); endline(); lrectread(100,100,108,108,rectq_key); } void tekenlampcirc(short sx, short sy, short sel) { /* persp(0); */ if(sel) cpack(0xFF80FF); else cpack(0xAAFFFF); circs(sx,sy,4); /* persp(1); */ } void tekenrect9(s,rect) short *s; ulong *rect; { ulong rectt[81],*r; short a; if(s[0]<S.x && s[0]>0 && s[1]<S.vyw && s[1]>0) { lrectread(s[0]-4,s[1]-4,s[0]+4,s[1]+4,rectt); r=rectt; for(a=0;a<81;a++,rect++,r++) { if(*rect!=0) *r= *rect; } lrectwrite(s[0]-4,s[1]-4,s[0]+4,s[1]+4,rectt); } } void tekenrect4(s,rect) short *s; ulong *rect; { if(s[0]<S.x && s[0]>0 && s[1]<S.vyw && s[1]>0) lrectwrite(s[0]-1,s[1]-1,s[0]+2,s[1]+2,rect); } void tekenrect3(s,rect) short *s; ulong *rect; { if(s[0]!=3200) lrectwrite(s[0]-1,s[1]-1,s[0]+1,s[1]+1,rect); } /* ****************** BACKGROUND IMAGE **************** */ short bgpicmode=0; struct BGpic bgpic= { 0, 0.0 ,1.0, 0, 0, 25, 100, "//back" }; void freeBGpic() { if(bgpic.ibuf) freeImBuf(bgpic.ibuf); } void drawBGpic() { /* zet variabelen goed en schrijft naar Zbuf en kopieert naar scherm */ float fac, tzoom, zfac; ulong *rect; long sizex, sizey, ofsx, ofsy; long x1, x2, y1, y2, sx1, sx2, sy1, sy2, vec[3]; short ofs[2]; if(bgpic.ibuf==0) return; winset(G.winar[0]); if(bgpic.dproj!= view0.dproj) { bgpic.dproj= view0.dproj; /* bgpicsize= 1 betekent 1 pixel= 1 wereldcoordinaat */ /* dproj= 1.0 betekent 10000= 333.3 pixels */ /* dproj > 1.0 betekent uitzomen */ bgpic.zoom= (bgpic.size*333.3)/(view0.dproj*10000.0); /* afm 1 pixel */ if(bgpic.zoom>1.0) { tzoom= bgpic.zoom/fceil(bgpic.zoom); bgpic.zoom= fceil(bgpic.zoom); bgpic.xim= tzoom*bgpic.ibuf->x; bgpic.yim= tzoom*bgpic.ibuf->y; /* ipv verkleinen, kan het ook met vergroten? */ if(bgpic.yim<S.vyw/2 && bgpic.xim<640) { bgpic.zoom= (bgpic.size*333.3)/(view0.dproj*10000.0); tzoom= bgpic.zoom/ffloor(bgpic.zoom); bgpic.zoom= ffloor(bgpic.zoom); bgpic.xim= tzoom*bgpic.ibuf->x; bgpic.yim= tzoom*bgpic.ibuf->y; } rect= (ulong *)mallocN(bgpic.xim*bgpic.yim*4, "drawBGpic"); scalefastrect(bgpic.ibuf->rect, rect, bgpic.ibuf->x, bgpic.ibuf->y, bgpic.xim, bgpic.yim); } else { bgpic.xim= bgpic.zoom*bgpic.ibuf->x; bgpic.yim= bgpic.zoom*bgpic.ibuf->y; rect= (ulong *)mallocN(bgpic.xim*bgpic.yim*4, "drawBGpic"); scalefastrect(bgpic.ibuf->rect, rect, bgpic.ibuf->x, bgpic.ibuf->y, bgpic.xim, bgpic.yim); bgpic.zoom= 1.0; } if(G.machine!=ELAN) { struct ImBuf ibuf; memcpy(&ibuf, bgpic.ibuf, sizeof(struct ImBuf)); ibuf.rect= rect; ibuf.x= bgpic.xim; ibuf.y= bgpic.yim; dit2(&ibuf, 1, 4); dit2(&ibuf, 2, 4); dit2(&ibuf, 3, 4); } zdraw(1); frontbuffer(0); backbuffer(0); lrectwrite(0, 0, bgpic.xim-1, bgpic.yim-1, rect); frontbuffer(0); backbuffer(1); zdraw(0); freeN(rect); } /* de offset berekenen */ sizex= bgpic.zoom*bgpic.xim; sizey= bgpic.zoom*bgpic.yim; if(view0.persp==2) { ofsx= S.vxw/2; ofsy= S.vyw/2; } else { vec[0]=vec[1]=vec[2]= 0; berekenschermco_noclip(vec, ofs); ofsx= ofs[0]; ofsy= ofs[1]; } x1=y1= 0; x2= bgpic.xim-1; y2= bgpic.yim-1; sx1= -sizex/2+ofsx; sx2= sizex/2+ofsx; sy1= -sizey/2+ofsy; sy2= sizey/2+ofsy; if(sx1>=S.vxw || sx2<=0 || sy1>=S.vyw || sy2<=0) return; if(sx1<0) { fac= ((float)-sx1)/(float)sizex; sx1= 0; x1+= fac*bgpic.xim; } if(sy1<0) { fac= ((float)-sy1)/(float)sizey; sy1= 0; y1+= fac*bgpic.yim; } if(sx2>S.vxw) { fac= ((float)sx2-S.x)/(float)sizex; x2-= fac*bgpic.xim; } if(sy2>S.vyw) { fac= ((float)sy2-S.vyw)/(float)sizey; y2-= fac*bgpic.yim; } rectzoom(bgpic.zoom, bgpic.zoom); readsource(SRC_ZBUFFER); rectcopy(x1, y1, x2, y2, sx1, sy1); finish(); readsource(SRC_AUTO); rectzoom(1.0, 1.0); lrectread(100, 100, 100, 100, (ulong *)&x1);/* BELACHELIJK! dit moet omdat anders de rectwrite het niet meer doet */ } void loadorfreeBGpic() { /* wordt vanuit viewbuts() aangeroepen na indrukken button of verlaten tekstbut */ float fac; ulong blend1, blend2, tel; char str[100], *rt; if(bgpic.ibuf) freeImBuf(bgpic.ibuf); bgpic.ibuf= 0; if(bgpicmode & 1) { if(G.zbuf==0) { strcpy(str,bgpic.name); convertstringcode(str); bgpic.ibuf= loadiffname(str,LI_rect); } if(bgpic.ibuf) { bgpic.dproj= 0; if(bgpic.ibuf->x>S.x) { fac= S.x/(float)bgpic.ibuf->x; scalefastImBuf(bgpic.ibuf, S.x, (short)(fac*bgpic.ibuf->y)); } if(bgpic.ibuf->y>S.vyw) { fac= ((float)S.vyw)/(float)bgpic.ibuf->y; scalefastImBuf(bgpic.ibuf, (short)(fac*bgpic.ibuf->x), S.vyw); } if(bgpic.blend) { rt= (char *)bgpic.ibuf->rect; tel= bgpic.ibuf->x*bgpic.ibuf->y; blend1= 0x73*bgpic.blend; blend2= 256-bgpic.blend; while(tel>0) { rt[1]= (blend1+ blend2*rt[1])>>8; rt[2]= (blend1+ blend2*rt[2])>>8; rt[3]= (blend1+ blend2*rt[3])>>8; rt+=4; tel--; } } /* kleur veranderen */ projektie(); } else { if(G.zbuf) error("No BackGround AND Zbuffer!"); else error("Can't load BackGround"); bgpicmode-= 1; SetButs(151, 151); } } else projektie(); } /* ****************** ************ **************** */ void tekenverticeso(sel) short sel; { ulong *rect; struct EditVert *eve; short xs,ys; if(sel) rect= (ulong *)rectyellow; else rect= (ulong *)rectpurple; eve= (struct EditVert *)G.edve.first; while(eve) { if( (eve->f & 1)==sel ) { if(eve->xs!=3200) { xs= eve->xs; ys= eve->ys; lrectwrite(xs-1,ys-1,xs+1,ys,rect); } } eve= eve->next; } } void tekenvertices(sel) short sel; { extern short editbutflag; struct EditVert *eve; if((editbutflag & 32)==0) { tekenverticeso(sel); return; } if(sel) cpack(0x77FFFF); else cpack(0xFF70FF); bgnpoint(); eve= (struct EditVert *)G.edve.first; while(eve) { if( (eve->f & 1)==sel ) { if(eve->h==0) v3f(eve->co); } eve= eve->next; } endpoint(); } void tekenvertices_ext() { float omat[3][3], mat[3][3]; struct ObData *ob; if(G.zbuf) zbuffer(0); if(editbutflag & 32) { parentbase(G.ebase, mat, omat); ob= (struct ObData *)G.ebase->d; Mat4MulFloat3(mat, ob->vv->ws); multmatrix(mat); } frontbuffer(1); backbuffer(0); tekenvertices(0); tekenvertices(1); frontbuffer(0); backbuffer(1); if(G.zbuf) zbuffer(1); if(editbutflag & 32) loadmatrix(G.viewmat); } void getsingmatrix(mat) float *mat; { float pmat[4][4], wmat[4][4]; getmatrix(pmat); mmode(MPROJECTION); getmatrix(wmat); wmat[2][2]= -1; Mat4MulMat4(mat,pmat,wmat); mmode(MVIEWING); } void calc_ebaseverts() { struct EditVert *eve; float mat[4][4]; long a; if(G.edve.first==0) return; eve= (struct EditVert *)G.edve.first; getsingmatrix(mat); Mat4SwapMat4(G.persmat, mat); eve= (struct EditVert *)G.edve.first; while(eve) { if(eve->h==0) { berekenschermcofl(eve->co, &(eve->xs)); } eve= eve->next; } Mat4SwapMat4(G.persmat, mat); } void calc_Nurbverts(nurb) struct Nurb *nurb; { struct Nurb *nu; struct BezTriple *bezt; struct BPoint *bp; float mat[4][4]; long a, tot, b; short *sp; winset(G.winar[0]); getsingmatrix(mat); Mat4SwapMat4(G.persmat, mat); nu= nurb; while(nu) { if((nu->type & 7)==1) { bezt= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { berekenschermcofl(bezt->vec[0], bezt->s[0]); berekenschermcofl(bezt->vec[1], bezt->s[1]); berekenschermcofl(bezt->vec[2], bezt->s[2]); bezt++; } } else { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a--) { berekenschermcofl(bp->vec, bp->s); bp++; } } nu= nu->next; } Mat4SwapMat4(G.persmat, mat); } void drawDispList(dlbase) struct ListBase *dlbase; { struct DispList *dl; struct dl_GourFace *dlgf; long parts, nr, ofs, p1, p2, p3, p4, a, b; float *data, *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4, side; short col[3]; char *cp; if(dlbase==0) return; dl= dlbase->first; while(dl) { data= (float *)(dl+1); switch(dl->type) { case DL_SEGM: parts= dl->parts; while(parts--) { nr= dl->nr; bgnline(); while(nr--) { v3f(data); data+=3; } endline(); } break; case DL_POLY: parts= dl->parts; while(parts--) { nr= dl->nr; bgnclosedline(); while(nr--) { v3f(data); data+=3; } endclosedline(); } break; case DL_SURF: parts= dl->parts; while(parts--) { nr= dl->nr; if(dl->flag & 1) bgnclosedline(); else bgnline(); while(nr--) { v3f(data); data+=3; } if(dl->flag & 1) endclosedline(); else endline(); } ofs= 3*dl->nr; nr= dl->nr; while(nr--) { data= ( (float *)(dl+1) )+3*nr; parts= dl->parts; if(dl->flag & 2) bgnclosedline(); else bgnline(); while(parts--) { v3f(data); data+=ofs; } if(dl->flag & 2) endclosedline(); else endline(); } break; case DL_TRIA_GOUR: if(G.f & 16) { /* backbufproj */ dlgf= (struct dl_GourFace *)data; for(a=0; a<dl->parts; a++) { bgnpolygon(); v3f(dlgf->co[0]); v3f(dlgf->co[1]); v3f(dlgf->co[2]); endpolygon(); dlgf++; } } else { shademodel(GOURAUD); if( (G.f & 256)==0 ) backface(TRUE); dlgf= (struct dl_GourFace *)data; for(a=0; a<dl->parts; a++) { bgnpolygon(); cpack(dlgf->col[0]); v3f(dlgf->co[0]); cpack(dlgf->col[2]); v3f(dlgf->co[1]); cpack(dlgf->col[4]); v3f(dlgf->co[2]); endpolygon(); if( (G.f & 256)==0 ) { bgnpolygon(); cpack(dlgf->col[5]); v3f(dlgf->co[2]); cpack(dlgf->col[3]); v3f(dlgf->co[1]); cpack(dlgf->col[1]); v3f(dlgf->co[0]); endpolygon(); } dlgf++; } shademodel(FLAT); if( (G.f & 256)==0 ) backface(FALSE); } break; case DL_SURF_GOUR: case DL_SURF_SOLID: if(G.f & 16) { /* backbufproj */ for(a=0; a<dl->parts; a++) { DL_SURFINDEX(dl->flag & 1, dl->flag & 2, dl->nr, dl->parts); v1= data+ 5*p1; v2= data+ 5*p2; v3= data+ 5*p3; v4= data+ 5*p4; for(; b<dl->nr; b++) { bgnpolygon(); v3f(v1); v3f(v2); v3f(v4); v3f(v3); endpolygon(); v2= v1; v1+= 5; v4= v3; v3+= 5; } } } else if(dl->type==DL_SURF_SOLID) { shademodel(GOURAUD); if( (G.f & 256)==0 ) backface(TRUE); for(a=0; a<dl->parts; a++) { DL_SURFINDEX(dl->flag & 1, dl->flag & 2, dl->nr, dl->parts); v1= data+ 5*p1; v2= data+ 5*p2; v3= data+ 5*p3; v4= data+ 5*p4; for(; b<dl->nr; b++) { cp= (char *)(v1+3); bgnpolygon(); cpack( *( (ulong *)v1+4) ); v3f(v1); v3f(v2); v3f(v4); v3f(v3); endpolygon(); if( (G.f & 256)==0 ) { bgnpolygon(); cpack( *( (ulong *)v1+3) ); v3f(v3); v3f(v4); v3f(v2); v3f(v1); endpolygon(); } v2= v1; v1+= 5; v4= v3; v3+= 5; } } shademodel(FLAT); if( (G.f & 256)==0 ) backface(FALSE); } else { shademodel(GOURAUD); backface(TRUE); for(a=0; a<dl->parts; a++) { DL_SURFINDEX(dl->flag & 1, dl->flag & 2, dl->nr, dl->parts); v1= data+ 5*p1; v2= data+ 5*p2; v3= data+ 5*p3; v4= data+ 5*p4; for(; b<dl->nr; b++) { bgnpolygon(); cpack( *( (long *)v1+4) ); v3f(v1); cpack( *( (long *)v2+4) ); v3f(v2); cpack( *( (long *)v4+4) ); v3f(v4); cpack( *( (long *)v3+4) ); v3f(v3); endpolygon(); bgnpolygon(); cpack( *( (long *)v3+3) ); v3f(v3); cpack( *( (long *)v4+3) ); v3f(v4); cpack( *( (long *)v2+3) ); v3f(v2); cpack( *( (long *)v1+3) ); v3f(v1); endpolygon(); v2= v1; v1+=5; v4= v3; v3+=5; } } shademodel(FLAT); backface(FALSE); } break; } dl= dl->next; } } void drawhaloverts(base, kleur) struct Base *base; ulong kleur; { struct ObData *ob; struct VV *vv; struct VertOb *adrve,*a1,*a2,*a3; float fvec[3], *fp; int a, vec[3], totvert ; ob= (struct ObData *)base->d; vv= ob->vv; adrve= (struct VertOb *)(vv+1); cpack(kleur); linewidth(2); totvert= vv->vert; if(ob->ef==4) totvert= build_schiphol(base, vv->vert); /* bgnpoint(); */ if(ob->floatverts) { fp= ob->floatverts; for(a=0; a<totvert; a++) { bgnline(); v3f(fp); v3f(fp); endline(); fp+=3; } } else { for(a=0; a<totvert; a++) { bgnline(); v3s(adrve->c); v3s(adrve->c); endline(); adrve++; } } /* endpoint(); */ if(G.machine==ENTRY) linewidth(2); else linewidth(1); } void wire(base,kleur) struct Base *base; ulong kleur; { struct ObData *ob; struct VV *vv; struct VlakOb *adrvl; struct VertOb *adrve; struct EditEdge *eed; struct EditVlak *evl; float fvec[3], *f1, *f2, *f3; long a, vec[3], vv_vlak; short *a1, *a2, *a3; char test,colbcol=0; ob= (struct ObData *)base->d; vv= ob->vv; adrve=(struct VertOb *)(vv+1); adrvl=(struct VlakOb *)(adrve+vv->vert); if(G.ebase==base) kleur=0; if(G.basact==base && G.mainb==5 && kleur!=base->selcol && ob->c>1) colbcol=1; cpack(kleur); if(base==G.ebase) { /* tekenen met G.eded */ eed= (struct EditEdge *)G.eded.first; while(eed) { if(eed->h==0) { bgnline(); v3f(eed->v1->co); v3f(eed->v2->co); endline(); } eed= eed->next; } calc_ebaseverts(); if(G.zbuf) zbuffer(0); tekenvertices(0); tekenvertices(1); if(G.zbuf) zbuffer(1); if(G.f & 32) { /* normals */ cpack(0xDDDD22); evl= G.edvl.first; while(evl) { if(evl->v1->h==0 && evl->v2->h==0 && evl->v3->h==0) { CalcCent3f(fvec, evl->v1->co, evl->v2->co, evl->v3->co); bgnline(); v3f(fvec); fvec[0]+= view0.grid*evl->n[0]; fvec[1]+= view0.grid*evl->n[1]; fvec[2]+= view0.grid*evl->n[2]; v3f(fvec); endline(); } evl= evl->next; } } } else { if(ob->ef==4) vv_vlak= build_schiphol(base, vv->vlak); else vv_vlak= vv->vlak; if(G.hie && ob->floatverts) { for(a=0;a<vv_vlak;a++) { test= adrvl->ec & 224; if(test!=224) { f1= (ob->floatverts+3*adrvl->v1); f2= (ob->floatverts+3*adrvl->v2); f3= (ob->floatverts+3*adrvl->v3); if(colbcol) { if( G.colact-1 == (adrvl->ec & 15) ) cpack(0x00FFFF); else cpack(kleur); } if (test) { bgnline(); if (test & 128) { if (test & 64){ v3f(f1);v3f(f3); /* 001 */ } else { v3f(f2); v3f(f3); /* 010 */ if ((test & 32)==0) v3f(f1);/* 011 */ } } else { if (test & 64) { v3f(f2); v3f(f1); /* 100 */ if ((test & 32)==0) v3f(f3);/* 101 */ } else { v3f(f1); v3f(f2); v3f(f3); /* 110 */ } } endline(); } else { bgnclosedline(); v3f(f1); v3f(f2); v3f(f3); /* 111 */ endclosedline(); } } adrvl++; } } else { for(a=0;a<vv_vlak;a++) { test= adrvl->ec & 224; if(test!=224) { a1= (adrve+adrvl->v1)->c; a2= (adrve+adrvl->v2)->c; a3= (adrve+adrvl->v3)->c; if(colbcol) { if( G.colact-1 == (adrvl->ec & 15) ) cpack(0x00FFFF); else cpack(kleur); } if (test) { bgnline(); if (test & 128) { if (test & 64){ v3s(a1);v3s(a3); /* 001 */ } else { v3s(a2); v3s(a3); /* 010 */ if ((test & 32)==0) v3s(a1);/* 011 */ } } else { if (test & 64) { v3s(a2); v3s(a1); /* 100 */ if ((test & 32)==0) v3s(a3);/* 101 */ } else { v3s(a1); v3s(a2); v3s(a3); /* 110 */ } } endline(); } else { bgnclosedline(); v3s(a1); v3s(a2); v3s(a3); /* 111 */ endclosedline(); } } adrvl++; } } } /* NORMALEN !! adrve=(struct VertOb *)(vv+1); cpack(0x00FFFF); for(a=0;a<vv->vert;a++) { VECCOPY(vec,adrve->c); bgnline(); v3i(vec); vec[0]+=adrve->n[0]/10; vec[1]+=adrve->n[1]/10; vec[2]+=adrve->n[2]/10; v3i(vec); endline(); adrve++; } */ } void tekenpolyfast(po) struct PolyData *po; { short a,b,*p,vert; if(po==0 || po->vert==0) return; scale(po->ws,po->ws,po->ws); p=(short *)(po+1); for(a=0;a<po->poly;a++) { vert= *p; p++; bgnclosedline(); for(b=0;b<vert;b++) { v2s(p); p+=3; } endclosedline(); } } void tekenpolyzijpart(vert,vec1,vec2) long vert; long *vec1,*vec2; { long b; for(b=0;b<vert;b++) { bgnline(); v3i(vec1); v3i(vec2); endline(); vec1+=3; vec2+=3; } } void tekenpoly(po) struct PolyData *po; { long *vec,*vec1,*vec2,*vec3,*vec4,vert; short *f45,d,ext=1,a,b,c,*p,tel=0; float fac; if(po==0 || po->vert==0) return; if(po->ext) ext++; if(po->f45m!=0 || po->f45p!=0) ext*=2; if(ext==1) { tekenpolyfast(po); return; } scale(po->ws,po->ws,po->ws); /* voorberekenen alle punten */ vec1=vec=(long *)mallocN(ext*3*4*po->vert,"tekenpoly"); for(c=0;c<ext;c++) { if( (po->f45m!=0 || po->f45p!=0) && (po->f45!=0) ) { if(c<2) d= po->depth*po->ext; else d= -po->depth*po->ext; if(c==0) { fac= -po->depth*po->f45m; d+= po->depth*po->f45m; } else if(c==1) { fac= po->depth*po->f45p; d-= po->depth*po->f45p; } else if (c==2) { fac= po->depth*po->f45p; d+= po->depth*po->f45p; } else { fac= -po->depth*po->f45m; d-= po->depth*po->f45m; } fac/= 1000.0; p=(short *)(po+1); f45=po->f45; for(a=0;a<po->poly;a++) { vert= *p; p++; for(b=0;b<vert;b++) { vec1[0]= p[0]+fac*f45[0]; vec1[1]= p[1]+fac*f45[1]; vec1[2]= d; p+=3; f45+=3; vec1+=3; } } } else { if(c==0) d= po->depth*po->ext; else d= -po->depth*po->ext; p=(short *)(po+1); for(a=0;a<po->poly;a++) { vert= *p; p++; for(b=0;b<vert;b++) { vec1[0]= p[0]; vec1[1]= p[1]; vec1[2]= d; vec1+=3; p+=3; } } } } /* tekenen, vec1-4 zijn de verschillende polys */ vec1=vec; vec2=vec1+3*po->vert; vec3=vec2+3*po->vert; vec4=vec3+3*po->vert; if(ext==2) vec4= vec2; p=(short *)(po+1); for(a=0;a<po->poly;a++) { vert= *p; p++; if(po->f1 & 3 ) { bgnclosedline(); for(b=0;b<vert;b++,vec1+=3) v3i(vec1); endclosedline(); } if(po->f1 & 24) { bgnclosedline(); for(b=0;b<vert;b++,vec4+=3) v3i(vec4); endclosedline(); } if(ext==4) { if(po->f1 & 6) { bgnclosedline(); for(b=0;b<vert;b++,vec2+=3) v3i(vec2); endclosedline(); } if(po->f1 & 12) { bgnclosedline(); for(b=0;b<vert;b++,vec3+=3) v3i(vec3); endclosedline(); } } p+= 3*vert; } vec1=vec; vec2=vec1+3*po->vert; vec3=vec2+3*po->vert; vec4=vec3+3*po->vert; if(ext==4 && (po->f1 & 14)==14) { p=(short *)(po+1); for(a=0;a<po->poly;a++) { vert= *p; p++; for(b=0;b<vert;b++) { bgnline(); v3i(vec1); v3i(vec2); v3i(vec3); v3i(vec4); endline(); vec1+=3; vec2+=3; vec3+=3; vec4+=3; } p+= 3*vert; } } else { p=(short *)(po+1); for(a=0;a<po->poly;a++) { vert= *p; p++; c= 0; if(ext==2) { if(po->ext && (po->f1 & 4)!=0) c=1; else if( (po->f45m | po->f45p) && (po->f1 & 2)!=0) c=1; } else { if(po->f1 & 2) c=1; if(po->f1 & 4) c+=2; if(po->f1 & 8) c+=4; } if(c & 1) tekenpolyzijpart(vert,vec1,vec2); if(c & 2) tekenpolyzijpart(vert,vec2,vec3); if(c & 4) tekenpolyzijpart(vert,vec3,vec4); vert*= 3; vec1+= vert; vec2+= vert; vec3+= vert; vec4+= vert; p+= vert; } } freeN(vec); } void tekentextcurs() { cpack(0); bgnpolygon(); v2f(G.textcurs[0]); v2f(G.textcurs[1]); v2f(G.textcurs[2]); v2f(G.textcurs[3]); endpolygon(); } void tekensphere(dim) short dim; { float fi=0; float si[60],co[60],*vec,*v; short a,b; for(a=0;a<=2*dim;a++) { si[a]= fsin(fi); co[a]= fcos(fi); fi+=PI/dim; } vec=(float *)mallocN(2*(dim+1)*(dim+1)*3*4,"spheremem"); v=vec; for(a=0;a<=2*dim;a++) { for(b=0;b<=dim;b++) { *(v++)=si[a]*si[b]; *(v++)=co[a]*si[b]; *(v++)=co[b]; } } v=vec; for(a=0;a<=2*dim;a++) { bgnline(); for(b=0;b<=dim;b++) { v3f(v); v+=3; } } v=vec; for(b=0;b<=dim;b++) { v=vec+3*b; bgnline(); for(a=0;a<=2*dim;a++) { v3f(v); v+=3*dim+3; } } freeN(vec); } ulong nurbcol[8]= { 0, 0x9090, 0x8000, 0x502080, 0, 0xd0d0, 0xdd33, 0xA090F0 }; void tekenhandlesN(nu, sel) struct Nurb *nu; short sel; { struct BezTriple *bezt; float *fp; ulong *col; long a; if(nu->hide) return; if( (nu->type & 7)==1) { if(sel) col= nurbcol+4; else col= nurbcol; bezt= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { if(bezt->hide==0) { if( (bezt->f2 & 1)==sel) { fp= bezt->vec[0]; cpack(col[bezt->h1]); bgnline(); v3f(fp); v3f(fp+3); endline(); cpack(col[bezt->h2]); bgnline(); v3f(fp+3); v3f(fp+6); endline(); } else if( (bezt->f1 & 1)==sel) { fp= bezt->vec[0]; cpack(col[bezt->h1]); bgnline(); v3f(fp); v3f(fp+3); endline(); } else if( (bezt->f3 & 1)==sel) { fp= bezt->vec[1]; cpack(col[bezt->h2]); bgnline(); v3f(fp); v3f(fp+3); endline(); } } bezt++; } } } void tekenvertsN(nu, sel) struct Nurb *nu; short sel; { struct BezTriple *bezt; struct BPoint *bp; ulong *rect; long a; if(nu->hide) return; if(sel) rect= (ulong *)rectyellow; else rect= (ulong *)rectpurple; if((nu->type & 7)==1) { bezt= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { if(bezt->hide==0) { if((bezt->f1 & 1)==sel) tekenrect3(bezt->s[0], rect); if((bezt->f2 & 1)==sel) tekenrect3(bezt->s[1], rect); if((bezt->f3 & 1)==sel) tekenrect3(bezt->s[2], rect); } bezt++; } } else { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a--) { if(bp->hide==0) { if((bp->f1 & 1)==sel) tekenrect3(bp->s, rect); } bp++; } } } void tekenNurb(base, nurb, kleur) struct Base *base; struct Nurb *nurb; ulong kleur; { struct ObData *ob; struct MoData *mo; struct Nurb *nu; struct BezTriple *bezt; struct BPoint *bp, *bp1; float seg[12], *fp, *data; long a, b, ofs; /* eerst handles niet select */ nu= nurb; while(nu) { if((nu->type & 7)==1) { tekenhandlesN(nu, 0); } nu= nu->next; } /* dan DispList */ cpack(kleur); if(base->soort==5 || base->soort==11) { ob= (struct ObData *)base->d; drawDispList( &(ob->cu->disp) ); } else if(base->soort== -2) { mo= (struct MoData *)base->d; drawDispList( &(mo->disp) ); } nu= nurb; while(nu) { if(nu->hide==0) { switch(nu->type & 7) { case 0: cpack(nurbcol[3]); bp= nu->bp; for(b=0; b<nu->pntsv; b++) { if(nu->flagu & 1) bgnclosedline(); else bgnline(); for(a=0; a<nu->pntsu; a++, bp++) { v3f(bp->vec); } if(nu->flagu & 1) endclosedline(); else endline(); } break; case 4: bp= nu->bp; for(b=0; b<nu->pntsv; b++) { bp1= bp; bp++; for(a=nu->pntsu-1; a>0; a--, bp++) { if(bp->hide==0 && bp1->hide==0) { if( (bp->f1 & 1) && ( bp1->f1 & 1) ) cpack(nurbcol[5]); else cpack(nurbcol[1]); bgnline(); v3f(bp->vec); v3f(bp1->vec); endline(); } bp1= bp; } } if(nu->pntsv > 1) { ofs= nu->pntsu; for(b=0; b<nu->pntsu; b++) { bp1= nu->bp+b; bp= bp1+ofs; for(a=nu->pntsv-1; a>0; a--, bp+=ofs) { if(bp->hide==0 && bp1->hide==0) { if( (bp->f1 & 1) && ( bp1->f1 & 1) ) cpack(nurbcol[7]); else cpack(nurbcol[3]); bgnline(); v3f(bp->vec); v3f(bp1->vec); endline(); } bp1= bp; } } } break; } } nu= nu->next; } calc_Nurbverts(nurb); if(G.zbuf) zbuffer(0); nu= nurb; while(nu) { if((nu->type & 7)==1) tekenhandlesN(nu, 1); tekenvertsN(nu, 0); tekenvertsN(nu, 1); nu= nu->next; } if(G.zbuf) zbuffer(1); } void tekencambase(base) struct Base *base; { /* een staande piramide met (0,0,0) als top */ float vec[8][3], fac, facx, facy, depth; depth= -view0.lens*1000.0/16.0; vec[0][0]= 0; vec[0][1]= 0; vec[0][2]= 1; /* GLBUG: z niet op nul vanwege picking op entry */ vec[1][0]= S.x; vec[1][1]= S.y; vec[1][2]= depth; vec[2][0]= S.x; vec[2][1]= -S.y; vec[2][2]= depth; vec[3][0]= -S.x; vec[3][1]= -S.y; vec[3][2]= depth; vec[4][0]= -S.x; vec[4][1]= S.y; vec[4][2]= depth; bgnclosedline(); v3f(vec[0]); v3f(vec[1]); v3f(vec[2]); v3f(vec[0]); v3f(vec[3]); v3f(vec[4]); endclosedline(); bgnline(); v3f(vec[2]); v3f(vec[3]); endline(); bgnline(); v3f(vec[4]); v3f(vec[1]); endline(); /* pijl aan top */ concave(1); vec[0][2]= depth; bgnpolygon(); vec[0][0]= -200; vec[0][1]= 1000; v3f(vec[0]); vec[0][0]= 200; v3f(vec[0]); vec[0][1]= 1600; v3f(vec[0]); vec[0][0]= 400; v3f(vec[0]); vec[0][0]= 0; vec[0][1]= 2000; v3f(vec[0]); vec[0][0]= -400; vec[0][1]= 1600; v3f(vec[0]); vec[0][0]= -200; v3f(vec[0]); endpolygon(); concave(0); if(base==view0.cambase && strcmp(view0.cambase->str, "Holo")==0) { /* viewplane op 'near' dist */ depth= -view0.lens*1000.0/12.0; /* deze klopt beter dan vorige */ fac= ((float)view0.near)/depth; vec[1][0]= fac*S.x; vec[1][1]= fac*S.y; vec[1][2]= -view0.near; vec[2][0]= fac*S.x; vec[2][1]= -fac*S.y; vec[2][2]= -view0.near; vec[3][0]= -fac*S.x; vec[3][1]= -fac*S.y; vec[3][2]= -view0.near; vec[4][0]= -fac*S.x; vec[4][1]= fac*S.y; vec[4][2]= -view0.near; bgnclosedline(); v3f(vec[1]); v3f(vec[2]); v3f(vec[3]); v3f(vec[4]); endclosedline(); /* x verdwijnpunt op 'len' procent afstand */ facx= (1.0+ 0.01*view0.cambase->len)*(float)view0.near; if(view0.cambase->holo1) { /* y verdwijnpunt */ facy= facx+(1.0+ 0.1*view0.cambase->holo1)*(float)view0.near; /* hoogte strookje op H2: 1.0 - (facx-near)/(facy-near) */ facy= fac*S.y*(1.0- (facx-view0.near)/(facy-view0.near) ); } else { facy= 0; facy= fac*S.y*(1.0- (facx-view0.near)/(facy-view0.near) ); } vec[0][0]= 0.0; vec[0][1]= facy; vec[0][2]= -facx; vec[5][0]= 0.0; vec[5][1]= -facy; vec[5][2]= -facx; bgnline(); v3f(vec[4]); v3f(vec[0]); v3f(vec[5]); v3f(vec[3]); endline(); bgnline(); v3f(vec[1]); v3f(vec[0]); endline(); bgnline(); v3f(vec[2]); v3f(vec[5]); endline(); if(view0.cambase->holo1) { /* verdwijnlijn in y: z= facy, breedte= (facy-facx)*fac*S.x/(facx-near) */ facy= facx+(1.0+ 0.1*view0.cambase->holo1)*(float)view0.near; fac= (facy-facx)*fac*S.x/(facx-view0.near); vec[6][0]= -fac; vec[6][1]= 0.0; vec[6][2]= -facy; vec[7][0]= fac; vec[7][1]= 0.0; vec[7][2]= -facy; bgnline(); v3f(vec[0]); v3f(vec[6]); v3f(vec[5]); endline(); bgnline(); v3f(vec[0]); v3f(vec[7]); v3f(vec[5]); endline(); bgnline(); v3f(vec[6]); v3f(vec[7]); endline(); } } } void tekenobslimits() { float sta[3],end[3],len,vec[3]; short s[2]; cpack(0); vec[0]= view0.tar[0]- view0.obs[0]; vec[1]= view0.tar[1]- view0.obs[1]; vec[2]= view0.tar[2]- view0.obs[2]; Normalise(vec); len= ((float)view0.near); sta[0]= view0.obs[0]+ len*vec[0]; sta[1]= view0.obs[1]+ len*vec[1]; sta[2]= view0.obs[2]+ len*vec[2]; len= 1000*((float)view0.far); end[0]= view0.obs[0]+ len*vec[0]; end[1]= view0.obs[1]+ len*vec[1]; end[2]= view0.obs[2]+ len*vec[2]; bgnline(); v3f(sta); v3f(end); endline(); berekenschermcofl(sta,s); if(s[0]!=3200) tekenrect3(s,rectyellow); berekenschermcofl(end,s); if(s[0]!=3200) tekenrect3(s,rectyellow); if(wrld.dofi) { cpack(0xFFFFFF); len= 1000*wrld.dofmin+view0.near; sta[0]= view0.obs[0]+len*vec[0]; sta[1]= view0.obs[1]+len*vec[1]; sta[2]= view0.obs[2]+len*vec[2]; len= 1000*wrld.dofsta+view0.near; end[0]= view0.obs[0]+len*vec[0]; end[1]= view0.obs[1]+len*vec[1]; end[2]= view0.obs[2]+len*vec[2]; bgnline(); v3f(sta); v3f(end); endline(); len= 1000*wrld.dofend+view0.near; sta[0]= view0.obs[0]+len*vec[0]; sta[1]= view0.obs[1]+len*vec[1]; sta[2]= view0.obs[2]+len*vec[2]; len= 1000*wrld.dofmax+view0.near; end[0]= view0.obs[0]+len*vec[0]; end[1]= view0.obs[1]+len*vec[1]; end[2]= view0.obs[2]+len*vec[2]; bgnline(); v3f(sta); v3f(end); endline(); } } void tekenshadbuflimits(la,mat) struct LaData *la; float mat[][4]; { extern ulong rectwhite[3][3]; float sta[3],end[3],len,lavec[3]; short s[2]; lavec[0]= -mat[2][0]; lavec[1]= -mat[2][1]; lavec[2]= -mat[2][2]; Normalise(lavec); len= 1000*((float)la->clipsta); sta[0]= mat[3][0]+ len*lavec[0]; sta[1]= mat[3][1]+ len*lavec[1]; sta[2]= mat[3][2]+ len*lavec[2]; len= 1000*((float)la->clipend); end[0]= mat[3][0]+ len*lavec[0]; end[1]= mat[3][1]+ len*lavec[1]; end[2]= mat[3][2]+ len*lavec[2]; bgnline(); v3f(sta); v3f(end); endline(); berekenschermcofl(sta, s); if(s[0]!=3200) tekenrect3(s,rectwhite); berekenschermcofl(end, s); if(s[0]!=3200) tekenrect3(s,rectwhite); } void tekenjoint( struct Joint *joint) { struct Rod *rod1, *rod2; float quat[4], nor[3], n1[3], n2[3]; float co, co1, si, len, mat[3][3], p1[3], p2[3], p3[3]; float amin, amax; rod1= joint->r1; rod2= joint->r2; amin= joint->amin; amax= joint->amax; if(joint->p1a) VecMidf(p1, joint->p1->r, joint->p1a->r); else VECCOPY(p1, joint->p1->r); if(joint->p2a) VecMidf(p2, joint->p2->r, joint->p2a->r); else VECCOPY(p2, joint->p2->r); if(joint->p3a) VecMidf(p3, joint->p3->r, joint->p3a->r); else VECCOPY(p3, joint->p3->r); VecSubf(n1, p1, p2); VecSubf(n2, p3, p2); Crossf(nor, n1, n2); Normalise(nor); /* p1 wordt vector van waaruit constraint wordt berekend */ VecAddf(p1, n1, n2); Normalise(p1); len= 0.3*MIN2(rod1->len, rod2->len); VecMulf(p1, len); /* p2 blijft draaipunt */ /* n1 wordt aminvec door p1 met 0.5*amin te roteren */ co= fcos(0.25*amin); /* halve hoek! */ si= fsin(0.25*amin); quat[0]= co; quat[1]= nor[0]*si; quat[2]= nor[1]*si; quat[3]= nor[2]*si; QuatToMat3(quat, mat); VECCOPY(n1, p1); Mat3MulVecfl(mat, n1); /* zelfde voor amax: */ co1= fcos(0.25*amax); si= fsin(0.25*amax); quat[0]= co1; quat[1]= nor[0]*si; quat[2]= nor[1]*si; quat[3]= nor[2]*si; QuatToMat3(quat, mat); VECCOPY(n2, p1); Mat3MulVecfl(mat, n2); /* tekenen */ cpack(0x505050); bgnclosedline(); VecAddf(p3, n1, p2); v3f(p3); VecAddf(p3, n2, p2); v3f(p3); v3f(p2); endclosedline(); /* de gespiegelde vectoren */ co*= 2.0*fcos(0.5*amin); co1*= 2.0*fcos(0.5*amax); n1[0]= co*p1[0]-n1[0]; n1[1]= co*p1[1]-n1[1]; n1[2]= co*p1[2]-n1[2]; n2[0]= co1*p1[0]-n2[0]; n2[1]= co1*p1[1]-n2[1]; n2[2]= co1*p1[2]-n2[2]; /* tekenen */ bgnclosedline(); v3f(p2); VecAddf(p3, n1, p2); v3f(p3); VecAddf(p3, n2, p2); v3f(p3); endclosedline(); } void tekenIka(struct Base *base, ulong kleur) { extern ListBase bpbase, rodbase, jointbase; struct IkaData *ika; struct Rod *r; struct BodyPoint *p; struct Joint *joint; float vec[3], mat4[4][4], x, y, z, *data; int ofs, nr, parts, a; ika= (struct IkaData *)base->d; /* teken en bereken rods */ if(base==G.ebase) r= rodbase.first; else r= ika->rodbase.first; if(ika->dt==2 && (G.f & 16)==0 && G.zbuf) startlighting(); /* p= bpbase.first; while(p) { bgnline(); v3f(p->r); VECCOPY(vec, p->v); VecAddf(vec, p->r, vec); v3f(vec); endline(); p= p->next; } */ while(r) { cpack(kleur); if(ika->dt==0) { if(r->type==ROD) { bgnline(); v3f( r->p1->r ); v3f( r->p2->r ); endline(); } else { bgnclosedline(); v3f( r->p1->r ); v3f( r->p2->r ); v3f( r->p3->r ); if(r->type==H_ROD) v3f( r->p4->r ); endclosedline(); } } else { pushmatrix(); Mat4CpyMat3(mat4, r->mat); if(r->type==ROD) VecMidf(mat4[3], r->p1->r, r->p2->r); else if(r->type==T_ROD) { VecMidf(vec, r->p2->r, r->p3->r); VecMidf(mat4[3], r->p1->r, vec); } else if(r->type==H_ROD) { CalcCent4f(mat4[3], r->p1->r, r->p2->r, r->p3->r, r->p4->r); } x= r->drawwidth; z= 0.45*r->lenn; mat4[0][0]*=x; mat4[0][1]*=x; mat4[0][2]*=x; mat4[1][0]*=x; mat4[1][1]*=x; mat4[1][2]*=x; mat4[2][0]*=z; mat4[2][1]*=z; mat4[2][2]*=z; multmatrix(mat4); if(G.zbuf && ika->dt==2) drawgourcube(); else drawcube(); popmatrix(); if(r->type==T_ROD) { bgnline(); v3f( r->p2->r ); v3f( r->p3->r ); endline(); } else if(r->type==H_ROD) { bgnline(); v3f( r->p1->r ); v3f( r->p2->r ); endline(); bgnline(); v3f( r->p3->r ); v3f( r->p4->r ); endline(); } } if(ika->dt) { /* teken ups met mat4 */ bgnline(); v3f(mat4[3]); mat4[3][0]+= 0.3*r->len*r->up[0]; mat4[3][1]+= 0.3*r->len*r->up[1]; mat4[3][2]+= 0.3*r->len*r->up[2]; v3f(mat4[3]); endline(); } r= r->next; } if(ika->dt==2 && (G.f & 16)==0 && G.zbuf) stoplighting(); if(base==G.ebase) { /* tekenjoints */ joint= jointbase.first; while(joint) { tekenjoint(joint); joint= joint->next; } /* teken verts en berekenschermco's */ if(G.zbuf) zbuffer(0); getsingmatrix(mat4); Mat4SwapMat4(G.persmat, mat4); p= bpbase.first; while(p) { berekenschermcofl(p->r, &(p->sx)); if(p->sx!=3200) { if(p->f & 1) lrectwrite(p->sx-2, p->sy-2, p->sx+2, p->sy+2, (ulong *)rectyellow); else lrectwrite(p->sx-2, p->sy-2, p->sx+2, p->sy+2, (ulong *)rectpurple); } p= p->next; } if(G.zbuf) zbuffer(1); Mat4SwapMat4(G.persmat, mat4); } else if(base==G.basact) { /* berekenen schermco's voor tekenrodnummers */ getsingmatrix(mat4); Mat4SwapMat4(G.persmat, mat4); p= ika->bpbase.first; while(p) { berekenschermcofl(p->r, &(p->sx)); p= p->next; } Mat4SwapMat4(G.persmat, mat4); } } int scr_centre_rod(struct Rod *rod, short *cx, short *cy) { int div=0; *cx= 0; *cy= 0; if(rod->p1->sx!=3200) { div++; *cx+= rod->p1->sx; *cy+= rod->p1->sy; } if(rod->p2->sx!=3200) { div++; *cx+= rod->p2->sx; *cy+= rod->p2->sy; } if(rod->p3 && rod->p3->sx!=3200) { div++; *cx+= rod->p3->sx; *cy+= rod->p3->sy; } if(rod->p4 && rod->p4->sx!=3200) { div++; *cx+= rod->p4->sx; *cy+= rod->p4->sy; } if(div) { *cx /= div; *cy /= div; } return div; } void tekenrodnummers(base) struct Base *base; { extern ListBase bpbase, rodbase, jointbase; struct IkaData *ika; struct Rod *rod; short cx, cy, rodnr=1; char str[12]; ika= (struct IkaData *)base->d; if(base==G.ebase) rod= rodbase.first; else rod= ika->rodbase.first; persp(0); frontbuffer(1); backbuffer(0); while(rod) { if(scr_centre_rod(rod, &cx, &cy)) { sprintf(str, "%d", rodnr); cpack(0); sboxfs(cx-2, cy-2, cx+20, cy+12); cmov2i(cx, cy); cpack(0xFFFFFF); charstr(str); } rod= rod->next; rodnr++; } persp(1); frontbuffer(0); backbuffer(1); } void tekenskelnummers(base) struct Base *base; { extern ListBase bpbase, rodbase, jointbase, skelbase; struct IkaData *ika; struct Rod *rod, **rodpp; struct Skeleton *skel; short cx, cy, a, skelnr=1, ofs; char str[12]; ika= (struct IkaData *)base->d; if(base==G.ebase) skel= skelbase.first; else skel= ika->skelbase.first; persp(0); frontbuffer(1); backbuffer(0); /* in rod->flag schrijven we een offset, eerst wissen */ if(base==G.ebase) rod= rodbase.first; else rod= ika->rodbase.first; while(rod) { rod->flag= 0; rod= rod->next; } while(skel) { sprintf(str, "%d", skelnr); rodpp= (struct Rod **)(skel+1); for(a=0; a<skel->nr; a++, rodpp++) { if(scr_centre_rod(*rodpp, &cx, &cy)) { ofs= (*rodpp)->flag; cpack(0); sboxfs(cx-2+ofs, cy-2+ofs, cx+20+ofs, cy+12+ofs); cmov2i(cx+ofs, cy+ofs); cpack(0xFFFFFF); charstr(str); (*rodpp)->flag+= 10; } } skel= skel->next; skelnr++; } persp(1); frontbuffer(0); backbuffer(1); } /* ***************************************************** */ void tekenbase(base, kleur) /* alleen doen als proj-mat 'aktief' */ struct Base *base; /* kleur!=0 : backbufproj */ ulong kleur; { extern ulong rect_desel[16],rect_sel[16]; extern struct ListBase editNurb; struct Base *pbase; struct ObData *ob; struct VV *vv; struct PerfSph *ps; struct LaData *la; struct MoData *mo; struct PolyData *po; struct CurveData *cu; struct Bezier *bez; struct Key *key; struct ColBlck *cb; float mat[4][4],x,y,z,omat[3][3]; long vec[3], *l0, tot, a, b; short solid, ok, countkeys(); static short keydraw= -1,keynr; if(base==0) return; if((base->lay & view0.lay)==0) { if(G.moving) parentbase(base,mat,omat); return; } /* duplicates voor keyposities */ /* G.keydraw 0: alleen actkey van basact 1: alle keys van basact 2: alle keys van alle bases */ if(G.ipomode==20 && base->key!=0 && keydraw== -1) { if( (base==G.basact && G.keydraw!=2) || G.keydraw==2 ) { if( countkeys() ) { keydraw=1; key= base->key; keynr=1; if(G.actkey==0) pushpopdata(base,(long)sizeof(struct Base),0); while(key) { ok= G.keydraw; if(G.keydraw==0) { if(keynr==G.actkey) ok=1; } if(ok) { l0= (long *)(key+1); memcpy(base->v,l0,12); memcpy(base->o,l0+3,12+16+36); tekenbase(base,kleur); } key=key->next; keynr++; } keydraw=0; if(G.actkey==0) pushpopdata(base,(long)sizeof(struct Base),1); else loadkeypostype(20, base, base); } } } /* i.v.m. parentkeys dit: */ if(G.moving && keydraw!=1 && base->pkey) { loadkeypos(base, base); } /* kleuren */ if(kleur==0) { kleur= 1; if(base->f & 1) { if(G.moving) kleur=0xFFFFFF; else kleur=0xFFA0FF; } if(G.moving) if(base->f & 2) kleur=0xFFFFFF; if(base->f & 128) kleur= 0x505050; /* dup */ else if(keydraw==1) { if(keynr==G.actkey) kleur=0xE0C080; else kleur=0x404000; } else if(keydraw==0) { if(G.actkey!=0 && (base->f & 1)) kleur=0xCA60FF; keydraw= -1; } } else { if(keydraw== 0) keydraw= -1; /* wordt hierboven gebruikt */ } cpack(kleur); parentbase(base,mat,omat); berekenschermcofl(mat[3], &base->sx); vec[0]=vec[1]=vec[2]=0; switch(base->soort) { case 1: /* object */ ob= (struct ObData *)base->d; vv= ob->vv; if(ob->ef && ob->ef<4) { bgneffect(vv); if(ob->ef==3) vertexTex(ob); else if(ob->ef==2) vlag(base); else if(ob->ef==1) golf(base); } if(ob->dt==0 && G.ebase!=base) { Mat4MulFloat3(mat, 32767.0*vv->ws); multmatrix(mat); callobj(1); if(do_drawaxes) { cpack(0xB0F060); drawaxes(); } } else { Mat4MulFloat3(mat,vv->ws); if(vv->key!=0 && vv->us>1) loadkeypos(base, base); multmatrix(mat); /* solid= (G.zbuf && ob->dt==2); */ cb= (struct ColBlck *)(ob+1); if(base->skelnr && G.moving && (base->f & 1) && base!=G.ebase) calc_deform(base); if(base==G.ebase) wire(base, kleur); else if(cb->hasize || vv->vlak==0) drawhaloverts(base, kleur); else if(ob->disp.first==0) wire(base, kleur); else drawDispList(&(ob->disp)); } loadmatrix(G.viewmat); if(ob->ef && ob->ef<4) { endeffect(vv); } break; case 2: /* lamp */ la= (struct LaData *)base->d; multmatrix(mat); setlinestyle(1); if(la->soort==1) { float lvec[3],vvec[3],x,y,z; lvec[0] = lvec[1] = 0 ; lvec[2] = 1; x = G.persmat[0][2]; y = G.persmat[1][2]; z = G.persmat[2][2]; vvec[0]=x*mat[0][0] + y*mat[0][1] + z*mat[0][2]; vvec[1]=x*mat[1][0] + y*mat[1][1] + z*mat[1][2]; vvec[2]=x*mat[2][0] + y*mat[2][1] + z*mat[2][2]; y = fcos( PI*((float)(256- la->spsi))/512.0 ); spotvolume(lvec,vvec,y); x = -la->ld; lvec[0] *= x ; lvec[1] *= x ; lvec[2] *= x; vvec[0] *= x ; vvec[1] *= x ; vvec[2] *= x; bgnline(); v3f(vvec); v3i(vec); v3f(lvec); endline(); z = x*fsqrt(1 - y*y); x *= y; translate(0.0 , 0.0 , x); circ(0.0 , 0.0 , z); /* translate(0.0 , 0.0 , -x); bgnline(); v3i(vec); vec[2]= x; v3i(vec); endline(); */ } else if(la->soort>=2) { bgnline(); v3i(vec); vec[2]= -la->ld; v3i(vec); endline(); } loadmatrix(G.viewmat); VECCOPY(vec,base->r); bgnline(); v3i(vec); vec[2]= 0; v3i(vec); endline(); setlinestyle(0); if(la->soort==1 && (la->f & 1) ) { tekenshadbuflimits(la, mat); } break; case 4: /* cambase */ multmatrix(mat); tekencambase(base); loadmatrix(G.viewmat); break; case 7: case 9: if(base==G.ebase) cpack(0xFFFF90); ob=(struct ObData *)base->d; po= ob->po; multmatrix(mat); if(ob->dt==0 && base!=G.ebase) { z= 32767.0*po->ws; scale(z, z, z); callobj(1); if(do_drawaxes) { cpack(0xB0F060); drawaxes(); } } /* tekenpolyfast(po); */ else tekenpoly(po); if(base==G.ebase && base->soort==9) tekentextcurs(); loadmatrix(G.viewmat); break; case 5: case 11: ob=(struct ObData *)base->d; cu= ob->cu; multmatrix(mat); scale(cu->ws, cu->ws, cu->ws); if(base==G.ebase) tekenNurb(base, editNurb.first, kleur); else { cpack(kleur); if(ob->dt==0) { scale(32767.0, 32767.0, 32767.0); callobj(1); if(do_drawaxes) { cpack(0xB0F060); drawaxes(); } } else drawDispList(&(cu->disp)); } loadmatrix(G.viewmat); break; case -2: mo= (struct MoData *)base->d; if(mo->disp.first) { multmatrix(mat); if(base==G.ebase) tekenNurb(base, editNurb.first, kleur); else { cpack(kleur); drawDispList(&(mo->disp)); } loadmatrix(G.viewmat); } break; case -4: multmatrix(mat); tekenIka(base, kleur); loadmatrix(G.viewmat); break; } if(keydraw==1 || (base->f & 128)) { /* return, behalve bij Quat */ if(base->soort== -2) { mo=(struct MoData *)base->d; if(mo->disp.first==0) { tekenrect9(&base->sx,rectq_key); } } return; } if(G.f & 16) { /* in backbufproj */ bgnpoint(); v3f(mat[3]); endpoint(); return; } /* parent lijnen */ if(G.hie) { if(base->p!=0 && (base->p->lay & view0.lay)) { setlinestyle(1); if(base->p->soort== -2) { mo=(struct MoData *)base->p->d; if(mo->data) { bgnline(); VECCOPY(vec,base->r); v3i(vec); vec[0]-=base->r2[0]; vec[1]-=base->r2[1]; vec[2]-=base->r2[2]; v3i(vec); endline(); } else { bgnline(); v3i(base->p->r); v3i(base->r); endline(); } } else { bgnline(); v3i(base->p->r); v3i(base->r); endline(); } setlinestyle(0); } if(base->pkey) { setlinestyle(1); key= base->pkey; while(key) { pbase= (struct Base *)(*( (long *)(key+1) )); if(pbase && (pbase->lay & view0.lay) ) { bgnline(); v3i(pbase->r); v3i(base->r); endline(); } key= key->next; } setlinestyle(0); } /* track lijnen */ if(base->t!=0 && (base->t->lay & view0.lay)) { setlinestyle(3); bgnline(); v3i(base->t->r); v3i(base->r); endline(); setlinestyle(0); } } /* symbooltjes */ if( (base->soort & 1) || base->soort==4 || base->soort== -4) { if(base->f & 1) tekenrect4(&base->sx,rect_sel); else tekenrect4(&base->sx,rect_desel); } else if(base->soort==2) { if(base->f & 1) tekenrect9(&base->sx,rectl_sel); else tekenrect9(&base->sx,rectl_desel); /* tekenlampcirc(base->sx, base->sy, base->f & 1); */ } else if(base->soort== -2) { mo=(struct MoData *)base->d; if(mo->disp.first) { if(base->f & 1) tekenrect4(&base->sx,rect_sel); else tekenrect4(&base->sx,rect_desel); } else { if(base->f & 1) tekenrect9(&base->sx,rectq_sel); else tekenrect9(&base->sx,rectq_desel); } } } void tekenbase_ext(base) /* maakt alles eerst in orde */ struct Base *base; { winset(G.winar[0]); if(G.zbuf) zbuffer(1); frontbuffer(1); backbuffer(0); tekenbase(base,0); frontbuffer(0); backbuffer(1); if(G.zbuf) zbuffer(0); } void draw_textuspace_ext() { struct Base *base; struct ObData *ob; int temp; winset(G.winar[0]); if(G.zbuf) zbuffer(1); frontbuffer(1); backbuffer(0); do_drawaxes= 1; base= G.firstbase; while(base) { if(TESTBASE(base)) { if ELEM5(base->soort, 1, 5, 7, 9, 11) { ob= (struct ObData *)base->d; temp= ob->dt; ob->dt= 0; tekenbase(base, 0x60E030); ob->dt= temp; } } base= base->next; } do_drawaxes= 0; frontbuffer(0); backbuffer(1); if(G.zbuf) zbuffer(0); }