/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include <stdio.h> #include "util.h" #ifndef __AVI_H__ #define __AVI_H__ /* An (IMHO) admirable attempt has been/is being made to keep these structures and defines more unmudelled than the format itself has become. I failed miserably, of course. To give credit where credit is due, I must admit most of the information herein comes from aviriff.h, part of the windows AVI implementation. */ #define FCC(ch4) (ch4[0] | ch4[1]<<8 | ch4[2]<<16 | ch4[3] << 24) unsigned int GET_FCC (FILE *fp); unsigned int GET_TCC (FILE *fp); /*#define GET_FCC(fp) (getc(fp) << 0 | getc(fp) << 8 | getc(fp) << 16 | getc(fp) << 24) */ /*#define GET_TCC(fp) (getc(fp) << 0 | getc(fp) << 8)*/ #define PUT_FCC(ch4, fp) putc(ch4[0],fp); putc(ch4[1],fp); putc(ch4[2],fp); putc(ch4[3],fp) #define PUT_FCCN(num, fp) putc((num>>0)&0377,fp); putc((num>>8)&0377,fp); putc((num>>16)&0377,fp); putc((num>>24)&0377,fp) #define PUT_TCC(ch2, fp) putc(ch2[0],fp); putc(ch2[1],fp) typedef struct _AviChunk { int fcc; int size; } AviChunk; typedef struct _AviList { int fcc; int size; int ids; } AviList; typedef struct _AviMainHeader { int fcc; int size; int MicroSecPerFrame; /* MicroSecPerFrame - timing between frames */ int MaxBytesPerSec; /* MaxBytesPerSec - approx bps system must handle */ int PaddingGranularity; int Flags; #define AVIF_HASINDEX 0x00000010 /* had idx1 chunk */ #define AVIF_MUSTUSEINDEX 0x00000020 /* must use idx1 chunk to determine order */ #define AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED 0x00000100 /* AVI file is interleaved */ #define AVIF_TRUSTCKTYPE 0x00000800 #define AVIF_WASCAPTUREFILE 0x00010000 /* specially allocated used for capturing real time video */ #define AVIF_COPYRIGHTED 0x00020000 /* contains copyrighted data */ int TotalFrames; int InitialFrames; /* InitialFrames - initial frame before interleaving */ int Streams; int SuggestedBufferSize; int Width; int Height; int Reserved[4]; } AviMainHeader; typedef struct _AviStreamHeader { int fcc; int size; int Type; #define AVIST_VIDEO FCC("vids") #define AVIST_AUDIO FCC("auds") #define AVIST_MIDI FCC("mids") #define AVIST_TEXT FCC("txts") int Handler; int Flags; #define AVISF_DISABLED 0x00000001 #define AVISF_VIDEO_PALCHANGES 0x00010000 short Priority; short Language; int InitialFrames; int Scale; int Rate; int Start; int Length; int SuggestedBufferSize; int Quality; int SampleSize; short left; short top; short right; short bottom; } AviStreamHeader; typedef struct _AviBitmapInfoHeader { int fcc; int size; int Size; int Width; int Height; short Planes; short BitCount; int Compression; int SizeImage; int XPelsPerMeter; int YPelsPerMeter; int ClrUsed; int ClrImportant; } AviBitmapInfoHeader; typedef struct _AviMJPEGUnknown { int a; int b; int c; int d; int e; int f; int g; } AviMJPEGUnknown; typedef struct _AviIndexEntry { int ChunkId; int Flags; #define AVIIF_LIST 0x00000001 #define AVIIF_KEYFRAME 0x00000010 #define AVIIF_NO_TIME 0x00000100 #define AVIIF_COMPRESSOR 0x0FFF0000 int Offset; int Size; } AviIndexEntry; typedef struct _AviIndex { int fcc; int size; AviIndexEntry *entrys; } AviIndex; typedef enum { AVI_FORMAT_RGB24, /* The most basic of forms, 3 bytes per pixel, 1 per r, g, b */ AVI_FORMAT_RGB32, /* The second most basic of forms, 4 bytes per pixel, 1 per r, g, b, alpha */ AVI_FORMAT_AVI_RGB, /* Same as above, but is in the wierd AVI order (bottom to top, left to right) */ AVI_FORMAT_JMF, /* A lossless compression codec */ AVI_FORMAT_MJPEG /* Motion-JPEG */ } AviFormat; typedef struct _AviStreamRec { AviStreamHeader sh; void *sf; int sf_size; AviFormat format; } AviStreamRec; typedef struct _AviMovie { FILE *fp; int type; #define AVI_MOVIE_READ 0 #define AVI_MOVIE_WRITE 1 unsigned long size; AviMainHeader *header; AviStreamRec *streams; AviIndexEntry *entries; int index_entries; int movi_offset; int read_offset; long *offset_table; /* Local data goes here */ int interlace; int odd_fields; } AviMovie; typedef enum { AVI_ERROR_NONE=0, AVI_ERROR_COMPRESSION, AVI_ERROR_OPEN, AVI_ERROR_READING, AVI_ERROR_WRITING, AVI_ERROR_FORMAT, AVI_ERROR_ALLOC, AVI_ERROR_FOUND, AVI_ERROR_OPTION } AviError; /* The offsets that will always stay the same in AVI files we write... used to seek around to the places where we need to write the sizes */ #define AVI_RIFF_SOFF 4L #define AVI_HDRL_SOFF 16L int avi_is_avi (char *name); void avi_set_debug (int mode); int avi_get_stream (AviMovie *movie, int avist_type, int stream_num); AviError avi_print_error (AviError error); int avi_get_data_id (AviFormat format, int stream); int avi_get_format_type (AviFormat format); int avi_get_format_fcc (AviFormat format); int avi_get_format_compression (AviFormat format); void *avi_format_convert (AviMovie *movie, int stream, void *buffer, AviFormat from, AviFormat to, int *size); AviError avi_open_movie (char *name, AviMovie *movie); void *avi_read_frame (AviMovie *movie, AviFormat format, int frame, int stream); AviError avi_close (AviMovie *movie); AviError avi_open_compress (char *name, AviMovie *movie, int streams, ...); AviError avi_write_frame (AviMovie *movie, int frame_num, ...); AviError avi_close_compress (AviMovie *movie); typedef enum { AVI_OPTION_WIDTH=0, AVI_OPTION_HEIGHT, AVI_OPTION_QUALITY, AVI_OPTION_FRAMERATE } AviOption; AviError avi_set_compress_option (AviMovie *movie, int option_type, int stream, AviOption option, void *opt_data); #define AVI_OPTION_TYPE_MAIN 0 #define AVI_OPTION_TYPE_STRH 1 #define AVI_OPTION_TYPE_STRF 2 #endif /* __AVI_H__ */