/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* plugin.h dec 95 * * */ #ifndef PLUGIN_H #define PLUGIN_H #include "Button.h" #if !defined(__BeOS) && !defined(WIN32) #include <dlfcn.h> #endif #include "iff.h" typedef int (*TexDoit)(int, void*, float*, float*, float*); typedef void (*SeqDoit)(void*, float, float, int, int, ImBuf*, ImBuf*, ImBuf*, ImBuf*); typedef struct VarStruct { int type; char name[16]; float def, min, max; char tip[80]; } VarStruct; typedef struct _PluginInfo { char *name; char *snames; int stypes; int nvars; VarStruct *varstr; float *result; float *cfra; void (*init)(void); void (*callback)(int); TexDoit tex_doit; SeqDoit seq_doit; } PluginInfo; int plugin_tex_getversion(void); int plugin_seq_getversion(void); void plugin_getinfo(PluginInfo *); extern float hnoise(float noisesize, float x, float y, float z); extern float hnoisep(float noisesize, float x, float y, float z); extern float turbulence(float noisesize, float x, float y, float z, int nr); extern float turbulence1(float noisesize, float x, float y, float z, int nr); #endif /* PLUGIN_H */