OggS Pw SA-OpusHead8 OggS Pw 8OpusTags Lavf58.45.100 language=deu handler_name=SoundHandler encoder=Lavc58.91.100 libopus major_brand=isom minor_version=512" compatible_brands=isomiso2avc1mp41 author=Dorian Cavé genre=lecture title=Seeds of ChangeQ copyright=Licensed to the public under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 album=37C3 artist=Dorian Cavé description=Let's explore how online communities of activists can help to bring about forms of radical collective change, through decolonial practices of social (un)learning. What enabling conditions need to be put in place? And what counts as "radical change" in the first place?!OggS Pw hay;.,.#%! :qw%!O ^i@A9*SyrtGcn7dNCw0mi~D-sxj52p@n]?W2Yw{'XmkM^iN>u&N`5)CRB4< v3b[nVTVJ80yFwSKZ d#%8ud`\d#ƈ(d G 7 E ȫ2' sP *%&<#k]+0P3YK=;@:D@,`F과w[0ѣh(8ș!rGU9>BI4s 7(qW3wKFs.SkK9e&CB3+FmzM C`oab5#+8[м.\p1#P=^.%L閘d9g5jee˔3- $}Ǟ(Twc(>'*=Fv ͌ıɗGz/jۥا%}R F.?m3kΝszϜr''vvhl){AT }' ɿ]7:zlIq'Z#eD{$6 TbeFq;{B{o0 /0Þ%CE It >-2A4:U qzF6k{M2r)Pz.ܥaT4N5}heǩ8w;UQ<0go,PIYDYs$-0*5Ms&YiUN\{ יH3 Ěa