KWIC index for TeXhax V90, issues 01--75
	created Tue Jun  1 16:36:09 BST 1993 by

0.03:  the level 0 draft standard (v *) -- request for comments (texhax.57)
1.13:  fweb *: new for ibm-pc, updated for other machines (texhax.58)
1.3:  oztex * (texhax.71)
1.8.3:  macintosh - dvim72-mac * using deskwriter? (texhax.72)
11.5:  exercise * of texbook (texhax.18)  re: texhax digest v90 #38 (*) (texhax.42)
2.0:  pk fonts for metafont *? (texhax.04)
2.0:  amssym.def from ams-tex * release bug (texhax.67)
2.1:  fig * available (texhax.70)
2.2:  *** announcing version * of tib *** (texhax.04)
2.3.2:  tex 3.0 on i386 xenix * using gcc (texhax.40)
3-d:  * tex and metafont (texhax.27)
3-d:  * tex (texhax digest v90 #27) (texhax.36)
3.0:  lplain for latex/tex * (texhax.25)
3.0:  new tex files needed for tex * (texhax.25)
3.0:  tex * (texhax.25)
3.0:  tex * is here! (texhax.38)
3.0:  tex * on i386 xenix 2.3.2 using gcc (texhax.40)
3.0:  **tex * (sb30)** (texhax.41)
3.0:  texbook * (texhax.64)
3.0:  texbook * (texhax.67)
3.0:  need metafont->ms windows * display font converter (texhax.68)
3.00:  tex * and hyphenation (texhax.52)
3.00:  re: tex * and hyphenation (texhax.60)
3/50:  help i want to get tex and latex for a sun * & sun 4 (texhax.52)
3/50:  huge tex on a sun * (texhax.59)
3800-3:  rotated tex fonts for * (texhax.63)
386i:  tex & sun * (texhax.37)
4.0:  changes files for turbo pascal to weave 4.1 and tangle * wanted (texhax.51)
4.1:  changes files for turbo pascal to weave * and tangle 4.0 wanted (texhax.51)
5.8a:  web2c * released (texhax.68)
7-bit:  * encodings (texhax.71)
7-bit:  * encodings (texhax digest v90 #071) (texhax.73)
89-9:  bibtex requirements * (texhax.05)
89.111:  connecting hp laser jets to unix machines (re: *) (texhax.03)
8bit:  * input (texhax.31)
\,\label{foo:  latex bug/misfeature: *} in an equation (texhax.03)
\aftergroup:  \vadjust and * questions (texhax.14)
\aftergroup:  re: \vadjust and * questions (texhax.20)
\bf:  \sf and * (texhax.73)
\bibliography:  optional argument to the * command? (texhax.06)
\big:  plain *, \big etc. macros -- problem (texhax.43)
\big:  plain \big, * etc. macros -- problem (texhax.43)
\bordermatrix:  * equivalent for latex (texhax.38)
\count's:  re: texhax114, tex * in latex (texhax.06)
\halign:  problems with expanding preamble in * (texhax.53)
\headline:  \topinsert and * (texhax.65)
\if:  numeric constants and * conditionals (texhax.30)
\if:  numeric constants and * conditionals (texhax.36)
\if:  re: texhax digest v90 #30, numeric constants and * conditionals (texhax.36)
\if:  re: texhax digest v90 #30: numeric constants and * conditionals (texhax.38)
\language:  standardising * values (texhax.01)
\large:  tex, * font (texhax.22)
\lastbox:  a bug in *?? (texhax.04)
\lefteqn:  * inside eqnarray environment (texhax.63)
\lefteqn:  * inside eqnarray environment (texhax.64)
\mathbold:  bug in lfonts.tex, * (texhax.24)
\mathbold:  re: bug in lfonts.tex, * (texhax.32)
\outer-ness:  dealing with unwanted * (texhax.51)
\parindent:  latex: implementing designs that have * zero (texhax.26)
\pmod:  * (texhax.58)
\savebox:  re: use of counters in a * command (texhax.04)
\sf:  * and \bf (texhax.73)
\special\landscape:  use of * (texhax.17)
\tempcount:  tex, * (texhax.36)
\thispagestyle:  * moving with floats? (texhax.04)
\topglue:  * (texhax.73)
\topglue:  re: * (texhax.74)
\topinsert:  * and \headline (texhax.65)
\topmark:  * in latex (texhax.52)
\uppercase:  latex, * (texhax.01)
\uppercase:  re bug, * (texhax.02)
\uppercase{\bf:  re: bug or feature in * } ? (texhax.01)
\vadjust:  * and \aftergroup questions (texhax.14)
\vadjust:  re: * and \aftergroup questions (texhax.20)
\vec:  how do i change * into boldface? (texhax.06)
\vspace:  latex * (texhax.54)
accept:  what journals * tex/latex source? (texhax.14)
accept:  re: what journals * tex/latex source? (texhax.20)
accept:  re: what journals * tex/latex source? (texhax.35)
accepting:  journals * tex/latex source (texhax.22)
accepting:  journals * tex sources (texhax.27)
accepting:  journals * tex/latex source (texhax.28)
address:  macmetafont author's * (victor ostromoukhov) (texhax.33)
addresses:  help with doublecolumns of names with * (texhax.56)
addresses:  needed: * of vendors (texhax.73)
adobe:  * fonts and textures (texhax.06)
aesthetics:  *: suggested new error message (texhax.73)
afm->tfm:  looking for * for oztex (texhax.15)
african:  re: extra letters not only for * languages (texhax.64)
african:  extra letters not only for * languages (texhax.65)
again:  dvijep * (texhax.40)
agenda:  gutenberg'90 preliminary * (texhax.36)
agfa:  * printers (texhax.21)
algorithim:  notes on: specification of * for handling rounding to (texhax.57)
algorithim:  specification of * for handling rounding to device units (texhax.57)
alignment:  * bug -- exterminated (texhax.21)
alphabets:  national * (texhax.18)
ams:  * euler and concrete roman. (texhax.34)
ams-tex:  amssym.def from * 2.0 release bug (texhax.67)
amssym.def:  * from ams-tex 2.0 release bug (texhax.67)
amstex:  re: mixing tex, latex, and * (texhax.03)
amstex:  * ver 2 fonts for latex (texhax.69)
annotated:  * bibliography (texhax.04)
announcement:  *** * sgml-tex conference 31 aug groningen 1990*** (texhax.21)
announcing:  *** * version 2.2 of tib *** (texhax.04)
announcing:  *** * tex v2.993 for vax/vms (real version!) *** (texhax.14)
announcing:  * tex-euro (texmag v3n4) (texhax.28)
announcing:  * dvim72-mac: imagewriter printing for oztex users (texhax.50)
announcing:  * a california tex users group (texhax.56)
announcing:  * the 1990 decus tex collection (texhax.62)
announcing:  * the 1990 decus tex collection (texhax.63)
announcing:  * oztex v1.3 (tex v3.0) (texhax.69)
annual:  * meeting (texhax.13)
anonymous:  makeindex for ms-dos, and a new * ftp site for tex. (texhax.73)
another:  * response to bibtex question (texhax.40)
another:  yet * latex bug? (texhax.61)
anyone:  mode_def for lps-40, *? (texhax.29)
anyone:  white-write fonts * (texhax.44)
anyone:  i haven't..does * have something like this? (texhax.63)
anyone:  re: i haven't..does * have something like this? (texhax.63)
anyone:  correct list of latex fonts, *? (texhax.73)
apl:  * fonts for tex (texhax.65)
apl:  re: * fonts for tex (texhax.68)
apple:  tex on * iigs (texhax.56)
arabic:  persion(farsi) or * fonts (texhax.17)
arabic:  * tex (texhax.47)
archive:  new tex/mf sources available on stanford's master * (texhax.13)
archive:  *** updated metafont, .bug files available from aston * *** (texhax.15)
archive:  postscript cmr fonts on aston * (texhax.31)
archive:  aston * 00* listing files (texhax.63)
archives:  pictex manual, *, public repentance (texhax.16)
argument:  optional * to the \bibliography command? (texhax.06)
arguments:  * in braces, revisited (texhax.15)
arguments:  re * in braces ... (texhax.21)
arguments:  delimiting * with control sequences (texhax.38)
around:  (wanted) frame * figures in latex (texhax.20)
array:  * environment (texhax.31)
arrows:  recycling * in [la]tex (texhax.17)
articles:  * available on ftp (texhax.07)
articles:  [ questions about recent tugboat * (texhax.16)
articles:  questions about recent tugboat * ... (texhax.16)
articles:  mssymb and 11 point latex * don't mix (texhax.25)
articles:  re: mssymb and 11 point latex * don't mix (texhax.31)
ascii:  tex -> * converter? (texhax.35)
ascii:  re: tex -> * converter? (texhax.40)
aston:  *** updated metafont, .bug files available from * archive *** (texhax.15)
aston:  postscript cmr fonts on * archive (texhax.31)
aston:  * archive 00* listing files (texhax.63)
atari:  * st dvi to epson driver (texhax.13)
attributes:  postscript printers with certain * (texhax.56)
aug:  ***call for papers sgml-tex90, groningen 31 * 1990*** (texhax.19)
aug:  *** announcement sgml-tex conference 31 * groningen 1990*** (texhax.21)
aug:  ***courses at the sgml-tex meeting 31 * 1990*** (texhax.23)
aug:  final program sgml-tex conf. 31 *, groningen. (texhax.53)
august:  correction for dvi2ln03 for * 1990 decus tex collection (texhax.73)
author's:  macmetafont * address (victor ostromoukhov) (texhax.33)
automatic:  tex, * line numbering (texhax.15)
auxiliary:  using * files with tex (texhax.74)
avenarius:  fweb (krommes) vs. fweb (* & oppermann) (texhax.19)
avenarius:  fweb (* & oppermann) vs. fweb (krommes) (texhax.38)
babel:  * system of style options, beta-testers sought (texhax.50)
balanced:  * columns in latex (texhax.10)
balanced:  [ * columns in latex] (texhax.10)
balanced:  re: * columns in latex (texhax.10)
bars:  re: vertical crowding of fraction * (texhax.59)
bars:  vertical crowding of fraction * (texhax.59)
baselineskip:  * (texhax.21)
bbfig:  new version of * available (texhax.53)
bbfig:  shar for new version of * (texhax.55)
beebe's:  * dvijep, hpiip (texhax.30)
beebe's:  nelson * reply to dvialw landscape mode inquiry (texhax.51)
been:  web for fortran 8x has * reported (texhax.14)
before:  dvi-to-hpseries ii: is there one * i write it? (texhax.25)
behaviour:  odd mf * (texhax.22)
behaviour:  odd mf * revisted (texhax.36)
bell:  slitex, * & howell, hp7475, calcomp plotmaster (texhax.09)
bembo:  * vs.bodoni (texhax digest v90 #68) (texhax.71)
beta-testers:  babel system of style options, * sought (texhax.50)
between:  interaction * code pages and tex v3 (texhax.71)
bib:  integrating multiple .* files (texhax.61)
bibliography:  annotated * (texhax.04)
bibliography:  chicago manual of style * style? (texhax.57)
bibtex:  re: * in the decus tex collection (texhax.02)
bibtex:  * requirements 89-9 (texhax.05)
bibtex:  * & makeindex for macintosh (texhax.06)
bibtex:  * and ieee.bst (texhax.20)
bibtex:  * (texhax.22)
bibtex:  landscape mode; nar and jmb/jtb * and style files (texhax.22)
bibtex:  re: * and ieee[tr].bst (texhax.26)
bibtex:  * switches (texhax.28)
bibtex:  * question (texhax.40)
bibtex:  another response to * question (texhax.40)
bibtex:  response to * question (texhax.40)
bibtex:  re: * question (texhax.43)
bibtex:  re: response to * question (v90 #40) (texhax.43)
bibtex:  problem with * for vms (texhax.48)
bibtex:  re: problem with * under vms (texhax.48)
bibtex:  tex macros for using makeindex and * (texhax.60)
bibtex:  latex, *, chicago manual of style (texhax.61)
bibtex:  *, unix, c source, tex, vax/vms (texhax.68)
bibtex-for-plain-tex:  * macros (texhax.60)
bibtex.web:  subject: problem texing weaved tex.web and * (texhax.60)
big:  * g (texhax.24)
biologists:  latex for * (texhax.72)
bipartite:  trees and * graphs in latex (texhax.75)
bit:  eight * input for tex (texhax.50)
bitmaps:  putting postscript * into latex documents (texhax.31)
bitmaps:  putting postscript * into latex documents (texhax.37)
bitstream:  * math fonts (texhax.17)
bitstream:  * fonts at high resolution (texhax.72)
blackboard:  * bold versus bold (texhax.16)
blackboard:  * bold (texhax.22)
blackboard:  * bold (texhax.28)
blackboard:  * bold (texhax.34)
blank:  bug in tex??? strange things happening with entirely * character (texhax.63)
blank:  re: bug in tex??? strange things happening with entirely * (texhax.65)
blank:  re: bug in tex? strange things happening with entirely * character (texhax.74)
blues:  circle fonts in latex - the modification * (texhax.02)
blues:  re: circle fonts in latex - the modification * (texhax.09)
bold:  blackboard * versus bold (texhax.16)
bold:  blackboard bold versus * (texhax.16)
bold:  * vectors and tensors in latex. (texhax.17)
bold:  blackboard * (texhax.22)
bold:  blackboard * (texhax.28)
bold:  * computer modern typewriter needed, bold math symbols needed (texhax.30)
bold:  bold computer modern typewriter needed, * math symbols needed (texhax.30)
bold:  * math font (texhax.31)
bold:  blackboard * (texhax.34)
boldface:  how do i change \vec into *? (texhax.06)
boldface:  * and unboldface in formulas, latex (texhax.53)
book:  * on web and thanks (texhax.35)
box:  submission: here's a macro for drawing a * with a dropshadow. (texhax.21)
braces:  tex macros requiring a paremter in * (texhax.10)
braces:  arguments in *, revisited (texhax.15)
braces:  re arguments in * ... (texhax.21)
brackets:  latex, citations, * (texhax.35)
brain:  dvi2ps * damaged ? (texhax.16)
breaking:  page * (texhax.42)
broken:  is letter.sty *? (texhax.49)
bst:  ieeetr * (texhax.14)
bug:  re: * or feature in \uppercase{\bf } ? (texhax.01)
bug:  re *, \uppercase (texhax.02)
bug:  a * in \lastbox?? (texhax.04)
bug:  *** updated metafont, .* files available from aston archive *** (texhax.15)
bug:  layout.sty, * repair and reversemarginpars (texhax.15)
bug:  * in merge.sty, fixed (texhax.20)
bug:  alignment * -- exterminated (texhax.21)
bug:  * in lfonts.tex, \mathbold (texhax.24)
bug:  fat font * (texhax.25)
bug:  1. hyphenation, 2. * in lfonts.tex (texhax.27)
bug:  re: * in lfonts.tex, \mathbold (texhax.32)
bug:  * in latex not corrected (texhax.42)
bug:  * fix for oostrum's psfonts.sty (texhax.44)
bug:  tex * in make_accent? (texhax.52)
bug:  re: tex * in make_accent (texhax.61)
bug:  yet another latex *? (texhax.61)
bug:  * in tex??? strange things happening with entirely blank character (texhax.63)
bug:  is this a * in enumerate or the ifthen.sty file? (texhax.65)
bug:  re: * in tex??? strange things happening with entirely blank (texhax.65)
bug:  amssym.def from ams-tex 2.0 release * (texhax.67)
bug:  re: * in tex? strange things happening with entirely blank character (texhax.74)
bug/misfeature:  latex *: \,\label{foo} in an equation (texhax.03)
building:  problems with * tex (texhax.44)
calcomp:  slitex, bell & howell, hp7475, * plotmaster (texhax.09)
california:  announcing a * tex users group (texhax.56)
call:  *gutenberg's news/questions (gut89#66) *last * for papers* (texhax.03)
call:  **** for papers sgml-tex90, groningen 31 aug 1990*** (texhax.19)
call:  ***texas '90 tug meeting: * for queries*** (texhax.41)
call:  * for paper--sixth european tex conference (texhax.67)
can't:  dvitovdu needs pxl fonts? (* mail to decus-tex, nor ted) (texhax.75)
captain:  quite logical, *! (texhax.18)
caption:  latex * (texhax.44)
captioning:  need help with latex figure * (texhax.59)
center:  * environment (texhax.17)
center:  re: * environment (texhax.22)
centered:  * last line of paragraph (texhax.52)
centered:  * last line of paragraph (texhax.61)
centered:  re: * last line of paragraph (texhax.61)
certain:  postscript printers with * attributes (texhax.56)
challenge:  latex * (texhax.47)
change:  how do i * \vec into boldface? (texhax.06)
change:  implementers: * file depository (texhax.11)
change:  * file for vm/cms (texhax.37)
change:  * typeface completely? (texhax.43)
change:  looking for a cweb * file for crudetype (texhax.52)
changed:  re latex as the cross-references may have * (texhax.71)
changed:  re latex as the cross-references may have * (texhax.72)
changes:  * files for turbo pascal to weave 4.1 and tangle 4.0 wanted (texhax.51)
changes:  updates to web sources of tex, mf, etc; vms * files for these. (texhax.66)
changing:  * page length mid-document (texhax.72)
changing:  * page length mid-document (texhax digest v90 #072) (texhax.73)
character:  a nestable verbatim environment, with escape *. (texhax.26)
character:  iso * sets (texhax.44)
character:  bug in tex??? strange things happening with entirely blank * (texhax.63)
character:  re: bug in tex? strange things happening with entirely blank * (texhax.74)
charts:  milestones/gannt * (texhax.55)
chemical:  * diagrams, tex, graphic specials (texhax.63)
chicago:  * manual of style bibliography style? (texhax.57)
chicago:  latex, bibtex, * manual of style (texhax.61)
chinese:  * metafont? (texhax.03)
chiwriter:  * and (la)tex, summary (texhax.06)
circle:  * fonts in latex - the modification blues (texhax.02)
circle:  re: * fonts in latex - the modification blues (texhax.09)
citations:  latex, *, superscripts (texhax.01)
citations:  style files for *, underlining, tables (texhax.02)
citations:  latex * (texhax.27)
citations:  (wanted) a way to keep * from extending into the margin (texhax.31)
citations:  latex * (texhax.33)
citations:  latex, *, brackets (texhax.35)
clarifications:  some * (texhax.03)
classical:  fonts for * greek (texhax.32)
classically-expanding:  * macros. (texhax.34)  hook_out macro in * (texhax.14)
cmr:  postscript * fonts on aston archive (texhax.31)
cmr10:  rotated * font (texhax.37)
cms-changes:  tex sources and * (texhax.14)
cmssbxsl:  in need of * font (texhax.59)
cmssbxsl:  * font (texhax.60)
code:  wanted: metafont * for feynman graphs (texhax.06)
code:  formatting lisp * in latex (texhax.16)
code:  * pages and tex on pcs (texhax.68)
code:  interaction between * pages and tex v3 (texhax.71)
codes:  list of iso country * (somewhat outdated) (texhax.07)
codes:  two letter * for languages (texhax.14)
collection:  re: bibtex in the decus tex * (texhax.02)
collection:  announcing the 1990 decus tex * (texhax.62)
collection:  announcing the 1990 decus tex * (texhax.63)
collection:  correction for dvi2ln03 for august 1990 decus tex * (texhax.73)
color:  2 * printing (texhax.18)
columns:  [ balanced * in latex] (texhax.10)
columns:  balanced * in latex (texhax.10)
columns:  re: balanced * in latex (texhax.10)
command:  re: use of counters in a \savebox * (texhax.04)
command:  optional argument to the \bibliography *? (texhax.06)
command:  hp pcl * query ... (texhax.65)
commands:  permuted index of tex and latex * (texhax.31)
comment:  * environment (texhax.72)
comments:  the level 0 draft standard (v 0.03) -- request for * (texhax.57)
comments:  * on tib (texhax.60)
commutative:  re: * diagrams (texhax.03)
comparison:  * of tex with word, wordperfect, etc. (texhax.68)
compatibility:  re: tfm file upward/downward * for new tex and mf (texhax.13)
compiling:  * metafont on a sun3 using gcc (texhax.18)
completely:  change typeface *? (texhax.43)
composite:  * mathematical operators (texhax.38)
computer:  latex problem formatting * output (texhax.18)
computer:  bold * modern typewriter needed, bold math symbols needed (texhax.30)
computer:  how to get * concrete macros? (texhax.50)
concrete:  ams euler and * roman. (texhax.34)
concrete:  how to get computer * macros? (texhax.50)
conditionals:  numeric constants and \if * (texhax.30)
conditionals:  numeric constants and \if * (texhax.36)
conditionals:  re: texhax digest v90 #30, numeric constants and \if * (texhax.36)
conditionals:  re: texhax digest v90 #30: numeric constants and \if * (texhax.38)
conf:  final program sgml-tex *. 31 aug, groningen. (texhax.53)
conference:  *** announcement sgml-tex * 31 aug groningen 1990*** (texhax.21)
conference:  call for paper--sixth european tex * (texhax.67)
congr\`es:  r\'eflexions sur le * gutenberg (texmag v3n4) (texhax.29)
connecting:  * hp laser jets to unix machines (re: 89.111) (texhax.03)
consecutive:  * equation numbers in latex report (texhax.39)
constants:  numeric * and \if conditionals (texhax.30)
constants:  numeric * and \if conditionals (texhax.36)
constants:  re: texhax digest v90 #30, numeric * and \if conditionals (texhax.36)
constants:  re: texhax digest v90 #30: numeric * and \if conditionals (texhax.38)
control:  re: gaining * over equation numbers (texhax.34)
control:  re: gaining * over equation numbers (texhax.34)
control:  re: gaining * over equation numbers (texhax.34)
control:  delimiting arguments with * sequences (texhax.38)
control:  re: gaining * over equation numbers (texhax.38)
control:  re: gaining * over equation numbers (texhax.38)
control:  re: equation number * (texhax.39)
control:  re: tex * words soak up spaces (texhax.39)
control:  re: gaining * over equation numbers (texhax.40)
control:  re: tex * words soak up spaces (v90 #39) (texhax.42)
control:  * sequences that gobble spaces and <'s that expand to (texhax.43)
conversion:  rtf/dca * program to tex or latex (texhax.15)
conversion:  refer->bibtex * (texhax.25)
conversion:  refer->bibtex * (texhax.31)
conversion:  refer->bibtex * (texhax.31)
converter:  tex -> ascii *? (texhax.35)
converter:  re: tex -> ascii *? (texhax.40)
converter:  need metafont->ms windows 3.0 display font * (texhax.68)
converters:  vf files and dvi-to-dvi * (texhax.15)
converting:  * the ---.idx file (texhax.09)
correct:  how to find the * .sty files ... suggestion (texhax.21)
correct:  * list of latex fonts, anyone? (texhax.73)
corrected:  bug in latex not * (texhax.42)
corrected:  tex servers: version 2 (* and updated) (texhax.45)
corrected:  tex servers: version 2 (* and updated) (texhax.46)
corrected:  tex servers: version 2 (* and updated) (texhax.47)
correction:  * for dvi2ln03 for august 1990 decus tex collection (texhax.73)
corrections:  *: info from texmag v3n4 (texhax.36)
corruption:  tex files * over networks. (texhax.48)
corruption:  re: tex files * over networks (texhax #48) (texhax.51)
corruption:  tex file * over networks (texhax.56)
count:  word * in tex (texhax.25)
counters:  re: use of * in a \savebox command (texhax.04)
country:  list of iso * codes (somewhat outdated) (texhax.07)
course:  tex output routine * (texhax.44)
course:  winter * schedule (texhax.68)
courses:  re: tug * (texhax.10)
courses:  **** at the sgml-tex meeting 31 aug 1990*** (texhax.23)
crop:  latex style for * marks (texhax.73)
cropmark.sty:  * (texhax.35)
cropmark.sty:  * (texhax.39)
cropmarks:  in re latest tex-hax (*, topglue) (texhax.74)
cross-reference:  latex * query (texhax.75)
cross-references:  re latex as the * may have changed (texhax.71)
cross-references:  re latex as the * may have changed (texhax.72)
crowding:  re: vertical * of fraction bars (texhax.59)
crowding:  vertical * of fraction bars (texhax.59)
crudetype:  * in c (texhax.16)
crudetype:  looking for a cweb change file for * (texhax.52)
crudetype:  * version 3 (texhax.70)
customized:  * form letters (how?) (texhax.57)
cweb:  looking for a * change file for crudetype (texhax.52)
cyrillic:  * in latex (texhax.60)
damaged:  dvi2ps brain * ? (texhax.16)
dataproducts:  * lzr 1260 printer (texhax.31)
date:  fixdate - latex option to fix the * on a document (texhax.49)
deal:  what's the * with yacc stack overflow? (texhax.68)
dealing:  * with unwanted \outer-ness (texhax.51)
dec:  * documentation (texhax.10)
dec:  dvi previewers for * windows (texhax.52)
dec-20s:  tex 3 for * (texhax.06)
decus:  re: bibtex in the * tex collection (texhax.02)
decus:  announcing the 1990 * tex collection (texhax.62)
decus:  announcing the 1990 * tex collection (texhax.63)
decus:  re: * tex v3.0 single-user (texhax.72)
decus:  correction for dvi2ln03 for august 1990 * tex collection (texhax.73)
decus-tex:  dvitovdu needs pxl fonts? (can't mail to *, nor ted) (texhax.75)
decwindows:  where is vms * previewer (texhax.07)
def:  metafont ln03 printer * (texhax.09)
def:  mf mode * for ibm personal pageprinter (texhax.58)
definition:  metafont mode * wanted for qms-ps 2200 (texhax.24)
delimiting:  * arguments with control sequences (texhax.38)
denoting:  * the real line in latex (texhax.43)
depository:  implementers: change file * (texhax.11)
designing:  * fonts in metafont (texhax.26)
designs:  latex: implementing * that have \parindent zero (texhax.26)
deskjet:  dvi and a hp *+ (texhax.52)
deskwriter:  macintosh - dvim72-mac 1.8.3 using *? (texhax.72)
determining:  * width of text (texhax.41)
detex:  source for * (texhax.75)
device:  * driver trip test (texhax.20)
device:  specification of algorithim for handling rounding to * units (texhax.57)
dhdurz1:  listserv at * (texhax.14)
diagrams:  re: commutative * (texhax.03)
diagrams:  different fonts; feynman * (texhax.24)
diagrams:  chemical *, tex, graphic specials (texhax.63)
diagrams:  feynman * in latex (texhax.73)
diagrams:  feynman * in latex (texhax.75)
dictionary:  tex *? (texhax.25)
different:  * fonts; feynman diagrams (texhax.24)
different:  * versions of epic? (texhax.39)
discussion:  edmac * group (texhax.54)
display:  need metafont->ms windows 3.0 * font converter (texhax.68)
displays:  online * in metafont (texhax.20)
document:  a historical latex * (texhax.02)
document:  fixdate - latex option to fix the date on a * (texhax.49)
documentation:  dec * (texhax.10)
documents:  putting postscript bitmaps into latex * (texhax.31)
documents:  putting postscript bitmaps into latex * (texhax.37)
don't:  mssymb and 11 point latex articles * mix (texhax.25)
don't:  re: mssymb and 11 point latex articles * mix (texhax.31)
dostex:  * .dvi files on vm/cms (texhax.40)
dostex:  * versus sbtex versus ? (texhax.50)
double:  latex * page landscape mode style (texhax.16)
double:  latex * page landscape mode style (texhax.21)
doublecolumns:  help with * of names with addresses (texhax.56)
doublecolumns:  *, marks in headlines (texhax.61)
doublespace:  new * style option file--setspace.sty (texhax.54)
draft:  the level 0 * standard (v 0.03) -- request for comments (texhax.57)
drawing:  submission: here's a macro for * a box with a dropshadow. (texhax.21)
drawings:  laserprep header for mac * in latex (texhax.24)
drawings:  metafont proof and smoke * (texhax.40)
driver:  pc tex -- epson * fonts (texhax.06)
driver:  atari st dvi to epson * (texhax.13)
driver:  latex/tex dvi-->printer * for toshiba pagelaser 12 (texhax.16)
driver:  ln03 * source wanted? (texhax.18)
driver:  device * trip test (texhax.20)
driver:  vax dvi2ln3 * (texhax.35)
driver:  tex for the pc * (texhax.50)
driver:  request for vms hp lj * (texhax.63)
drivers:  tex * (texhax.52)
dropshadow:  submission: here's a macro for drawing a box with a *. (texhax.21)
dvi:  * pgm. for postscript on msdos (texhax.06)
dvi:  atari st * to epson driver (texhax.13)
dvi:  * to imagewriter da? (texhax.19)
dvi:  * previewers for suntools (texhax.21)
dvi:  * previewer for news (texhax.33)
dvi:  re: tex * previewer on vaxstation (texhax.33)
dvi:  * program for qms lasergrafic 800 on vms/vax. (texhax.35)
dvi:  * to videotape (texhax.36)
dvi:  * to raster (texhax.38)
dvi:  dostex .* files on vm/cms (texhax.40)
dvi:  printing a portion of a .* or .ps file through a laser printer. (texhax.48)
dvi:  re: printing a portion of a .* or .ps file through a laser printer. (texhax.48)
dvi:  * to laserjet (texhax.51)
dvi:  * and a hp deskjet+ (texhax.52)
dvi:  * previewers for dec windows (texhax.52)
dvi:  * to laserjet plus printers (texhax.58)
dvi:  * for unix vga, right hand figures (texhax.71)
dvi:  postscript to tex or * (texhax.75)
dvi-->printer:  latex/tex * driver for toshiba pagelaser 12 (texhax.16)
dvi-driver:  * (texhax.27)
dvi-to-dvi:  vf files and * converters (texhax.15)
dvi-to-hpseries:  * ii: is there one before i write it? (texhax.25)
dvi-to-postscript:  * under sunos v4? (texhax.10)
dvi2lj:  * (texhax.27)
dvi2lj:  * for sun386i (texhax.69)
dvi2lj2:  * (texhax.20)
dvi2ln03:  correction for * for august 1990 decus tex collection (texhax.73)
dvi2ln3:  vax * driver (texhax.35)
dvi2ps:  * brain damaged ? (texhax.16)
dvi2ps:  help wanted (pk, pxl to pk, *) (texhax.16)
dvi2ps:  free * running on ms-dos using internal printer fonts? (texhax.42)
dvi2ps:  * (texhax.44)
dvi2ps:  re: free * running on ms-dos using internal printer fonts? (texhax.44)
dvi2ps:  * problem (texhax.72)
dvi2tty:  re: patch to * to make output more readable (texhax.07)
dvi2tty:  problems with * (texhax.24)
dvi2vcr:  * (texhax.40)
dvialw:  help with metafont and * (texhax.15)
dvialw:  * under vm/cms (texhax.22)
dvialw:  nelson beebe's reply to * landscape mode inquiry (texhax.51)
dvieps:  * (texhax.65)
dvijep:  * and hp ii (texhax.20)
dvijep:  * and hpii (texhax.27)
dvijep:  beebe's *, hpiip (texhax.30)
dvijep:  * again (texhax.40)
dvijep:  ibm laser, hp laserjet, * (texhax.59)
dvim72-mac:  announcing *: imagewriter printing for oztex users (texhax.50)
dvim72-mac:  * (texhax.54)
dvim72-mac:  macintosh - * 1.8.3 using deskwriter? (texhax.72)
dvinlq.exe:  * font loading problems (texhax.04)
dvipage:  * from (texhax.22)
dvipage:  * from (./tex/dvipage) (texhax.40)
dvips:  needed: psfig, vax/vms, * (texhax.63)
dvips:  * (texhax.70)
dvisun:  re: font substitution in old * (texhax.02)
dvisun:  font substitution in old * (texhax.04)
dvitovdu:  * woes (texhax.30)
dvitovdu:  * to ms-kermitv3.0? (texhax.41)
dvitovdu:  solutions to * woes (texhax.42)
dvitovdu:  * previewers (texhax.43)
dvitovdu:  * needs pxl fonts? (can't mail to decus-tex, nor ted) (texhax.75)
dvitty-program:  looking for * in c (texhax.65)
dviware:  [<> *] (texhax.17)
edmac:  * discussion group (texhax.54)
effect:  system upgrade side * on lntex (texhax.14)
eight:  * bit input for tex (texhax.50)
encodings:  7-bit * (texhax.71)
encodings:  7-bit * (texhax digest v90 #071) (texhax.73)
engine:  mf settings for write-white * (texhax.31)
english:  old * fonts (texhax.24)
english:  old * fonts (texhax.41)
entirely:  bug in tex??? strange things happening with * blank character (texhax.63)
entirely:  re: bug in tex??? strange things happening with * blank (texhax.65)
entirely:  re: bug in tex? strange things happening with * blank character (texhax.74)
enumerate:  want * labels to include nested numbers, too (texhax.56)
enumerate:  is this a bug in * or the ifthen.sty file? (texhax.65)
envelopes:  mailing * (texhax.33)
environment:  center * (texhax.17)
environment:  re: center * (texhax.22)
environment:  a nestable verbatim *, with escape character. (texhax.26)
environment:  array * (texhax.31)
environment:  escapable verbatim * (texhax.32)
environment:  an * for very large tables (texhax.59)
environment:  \lefteqn inside eqnarray * (texhax.63)
environment:  \lefteqn inside eqnarray * (texhax.64)
environment:  help with strange sort of tabular * (texhax.64)
environment:  re: help with strange sort of tabular * (texhax.68)
environment:  comment * (texhax.72)
epic:  different versions of *? (texhax.39)
epson:  pc tex -- * driver fonts (texhax.06)
epson:  atari st dvi to * driver (texhax.13)
eqnarray:  \lefteqn inside * environment (texhax.63)
eqnarray:  \lefteqn inside * environment (texhax.64)
equation:  latex bug/misfeature: \,\label{foo} in an * (texhax.03)
equation:  re: gaining control over * numbers (texhax.34)
equation:  re: gaining control over * numbers (texhax.34)
equation:  re: gaining control over * numbers (texhax.34)
equation:  re: gaining control over * numbers (texhax.38)
equation:  re: gaining control over * numbers (texhax.38)
equation:  consecutive * numbers in latex report (texhax.39)
equation:  re: * number control (texhax.39)
equation:  re: gaining control over * numbers (texhax.40)
equivalent:  \bordermatrix * for latex (texhax.38)
error:  aesthetics: suggested new * message (texhax.73)
escapable:  * verbatim environment (texhax.32)
escape:  a nestable verbatim environment, with * character. (texhax.26)
etc:  plain \big, \big *. macros -- problem (texhax.43)
etc:  updates to web sources of tex, mf, *; vms changes files for these. (texhax.66)
etc:  comparison of tex with word, wordperfect, *. (texhax.68)
euler:  ams * and concrete roman. (texhax.34)
euler:  * fonts (texhax.51)
europe:  tib in * (texhax.24)
european:  call for paper--sixth * tex conference (texhax.67)
exercise:  * 11.5 of texbook (texhax.18)
expand:  control sequences that gobble spaces and <'s that * to (texhax.43)
expanding:  * on plain.tex. (texhax.16)
expanding:  problems with * preamble in \halign (texhax.53)
exponents:  matrices in * (texhax.53)
extending:  (wanted) a way to keep citations from * into the margin (texhax.31)
exterminated:  alignment bug -- * (texhax.21)
external:  * tensor product (texhax.14)
extra:  * spaces in latex (texhax.33)
extra:  re: * letters not only for african languages (texhax.64)
extra:  * letters not only for african languages (texhax.65)
failure:  success with metafont, * with mtexdemo (texhax.18)
fancyheadings.sty:  new version of * (texhax.35)
fat:  * font bug (texhax.25)
feature:  re: bug or * in \uppercase{\bf } ? (texhax.01)
feynman:  wanted: metafont code for * graphs (texhax.06)
feynman:  different fonts; * diagrams (texhax.24)
feynman:  * diagrams in latex (texhax.73)
feynman:  * diagrams in latex (texhax.75)
fig:  * 2.1 available (texhax.70)
figprep:  * update (texhax.37)
figure:  how do i * out the final page placement of floats??? (*urgent*) (texhax.18)
figure:  * spacing in two-column (texhax.47)
figure:  need help with latex * captioning (texhax.59)
figures:  (wanted) frame around * in latex (texhax.20)
figures:  postscript * and laserprep (texhax.59)
figures:  dvi for unix vga, right hand * (texhax.71)
file:  d. hoseks idea about * names (texhax.06)
file:  network sources of texware v2 (* texserv.tex) (texhax.08)
file:  converting the ---.idx * (texhax.09)
file:  implementers: change * depository (texhax.11)
file:  re: tfm * upward/downward compatibility for new tex and mf (texhax.13)
file:  * formats (texhax.18)
file:  greek style *? (texhax.18)
file:  tex-related * formats (texhax.25)
file:  is there an nih style * out there? (texhax.34)
file:  change * for vm/cms (texhax.37)
file:  subequation numbering style * (texhax.37)
file:  printing a portion of a .dvi or .ps * through a laser printer. (texhax.48)
file:  re: printing a portion of a .dvi or .ps * through a laser printer. (texhax.48)
file:  * shadow.sty (texhax.52)
file:  looking for a cweb change * for crudetype (texhax.52)
file:  subeqn style * (texhax.52)
file:  tex * corruption over networks (texhax.56)
file:  is this a bug in enumerate or the ifthen.sty *? (texhax.65)
file--setspace.sty:  new doublespace style option * (texhax.54)
files:  latex, lfonts * (texhax.01)
files:  producing tfm * (texhax.01)
files:  style * for citations, underlining, tables (texhax.02)
files:  help needed for incorporate macdraw * to pctex... (texhax.04)
files:  *** updated metafont, .bug * available from aston archive *** (texhax.15)
files:  vf * and dvi-to-dvi converters (texhax.15)
files:  how to find the correct .sty * ... suggestion (texhax.21)
files:  landscape mode; nar and jmb/jtb bibtex and style * (texhax.22)
files:  wanted: mf * for pandora fonts (texhax.22)
files:  new tex * needed for tex 3.0 (texhax.25)
files:  dostex .dvi * on vm/cms (texhax.40)
files:  re: ps * from mac into latex (texhax.41)
files:  tex * corruption over networks. (texhax.48)
files:  changes * for turbo pascal to weave 4.1 and tangle 4.0 wanted (texhax.51)
files:  re: tex * corruption over networks (texhax #48) (texhax.51)
files:  networking tex *. (texhax.56)
files:  integrating multiple .bib * (texhax.61)
files:  aston archive 00* listing * (texhax.63)
files:  updates to web sources of tex, mf, etc; vms changes * for these. (texhax.66)
files:  using auxiliary * with tex (texhax.74)
final:  how do i figure out the * page placement of floats??? (*urgent*) (texhax.18)
final:  * program sgml-tex conf. 31 aug, groningen. (texhax.53)
find:  how to * the correct .sty files ... suggestion (texhax.21)
find:  re: texhax #21, how to * ... (texhax.28)
first:  paragraph * line (texhax.52)
fix:  bug * for oostrum's psfonts.sty (texhax.44)
fix:  fixdate - latex option to * the date on a document (texhax.49)
fixdate:  * - latex option to fix the date on a document (texhax.49)
fixed:  bug in merge.sty, * (texhax.20)
fixing:  * latex font problem on postscript printer. (texhax.10)
fixup.sty:  latex question: subeqnarray.sty and * (texhax.41)
flavors:  foreign * of tex (texhax.24)
floats:  \thispagestyle moving with *? (texhax.04)
floats:  how do i figure out the final page placement of *??? (*urgent*) (texhax.18)
flynn's:  peter * texcalc spreadsheet (texhax.42)
fmittelbach's:  * macros (texhax.51)
font:  re: * substitution in old dvisun (texhax.02)
font:  * substitution in old dvisun (texhax.04)
font:  dvinlq.exe * loading problems (texhax.04)
font:  * naming, planning, jokes (texhax.07)
font:  fixing latex * problem on postscript printer. (texhax.10)
font:  * search (texhax.17)
font:  relative * sizing in latex (texhax.19)
font:  tex, \large * (texhax.22)
font:  a gothic * for tex (texhax.25)
font:  fat * bug (texhax.25)
font:  improved * selection in latex (texmag v3n4) (texhax.28)
font:  bold math * (texhax.31)
font:  japanese * search (texhax.35)
font:  rotated cmr10 * (texhax.37)
font:  * sources (texhax.54)
font:  in need of cmssbxsl * (texhax.59)
font:  cmssbxsl * (texhax.60)
font:  need metafont->ms windows 3.0 display * converter (texhax.68)
font:  new symbol * wasy (texhax.70)
font:  re: getting zed.sty to work w/ new * selection scheme (texhax.72)
fonts:  circle * in latex - the modification blues (texhax.02)
fonts:  pk * for metafont 2.0? (texhax.04)
fonts:  adobe * and textures (texhax.06)
fonts:  pc tex -- epson driver * (texhax.06)
fonts:  re: circle * in latex - the modification blues (texhax.09)
fonts:  virtual *: more fun for grand wizards (texhax.11)
fonts:  bitstream math * (texhax.17)
fonts:  persion(farsi) or arabic * (texhax.17)
fonts:  re: virtual *: more fun for grand wizards (texhax.17)
fonts:  interletter spacing in cm * (texhax.20)
fonts:  wanted: mf files for pandora * (texhax.22)
fonts:  different *; feynman diagrams (texhax.24)
fonts:  old english * (texhax.24)
fonts:  micr * (texhax.25)
fonts:  designing * in metafont (texhax.26)
fonts:  missing * (texhax.28)
fonts:  postscript cmr * on aston archive (texhax.31)
fonts:  problem with * (texhax.31)
fonts:  rotated * for y-axis labels in latex graphics. (texhax.31)
fonts:  * for classical greek (texhax.32)
fonts:  latex and * (texhax.37)
fonts:  old english * (texhax.41)
fonts:  free dvi2ps running on ms-dos using internal printer *? (texhax.42)
fonts:  problem with textyl on vms and lasy * (texhax.42)
fonts:  re: free dvi2ps running on ms-dos using internal printer *? (texhax.44)
fonts:  white-write * anyone (texhax.44)
fonts:  macintosh latex - using postscript * (texhax.48)
fonts:  postscript * using mittelbach and schoepf (texhax.50)
fonts:  euler * (texhax.51)
fonts:  *, tex, latex (texhax.52)
fonts:  problem with wslipa * (texhax.56)
fonts:  wslipa * (texhax.61)
fonts:  rotated tex * for 3800-3 (texhax.63)
fonts:  apl * for tex (texhax.65)
fonts:  re: texhax digest v90 #64 (rotated *) (texhax.67)
fonts:  re: apl * for tex (texhax.68)
fonts:  amstex ver 2 * for latex (texhax.69)
fonts:  bitstream * at high resolution (texhax.72)
fonts:  correct list of latex *, anyone? (texhax.73)
fonts:  dvitovdu needs pxl *? (can't mail to decus-tex, nor ted) (texhax.75)
footnotes:  latex * raising (texhax.43)
foreign:  * flavors of tex (texhax.24)
foreign:  * language hyphenation (texhax.47)
form:  customized * letters (how?) (texhax.57)
form:  latex * letters (texhax.71)
format:  rtf (rich text *) to latex (texhax.38)
formats:  file * (texhax.18)
formats:  tex-related file * (texhax.25)
formatting:  * lisp code in latex (texhax.16)
formatting:  latex problem * computer output (texhax.18)
formatting:  index * (texhax.73)
formulas:  boldface and unboldface in *, latex (texhax.53)
fortran:  web for * 8x has been reported (texhax.14)
fraction:  re: vertical crowding of * bars (texhax.59)
fraction:  vertical crowding of * bars (texhax.59)
frame:  (wanted) * around figures in latex (texhax.20)
framed:  * headers and text in latex (texhax.14)
free:  * dvi2ps running on ms-dos using internal printer fonts? (texhax.42)
free:  re: * dvi2ps running on ms-dos using internal printer fonts? (texhax.44)
french:  help with hyphenation in portuguese or *. (texhax.75)
ftp'ing:  re: * tex from score / listserv (texhax.24)
ftp:  articles available on * (texhax.07)
ftp:  makeindex for ms-dos, and a new anonymous * site for tex. (texhax.73)
ftp:  * and kermit -- further info [reply to] (texhax.75)
ftp:  help with * -- (from info-tex) (texhax.75)
ftp:  re: help with * of tex on pss -- (from latex-help) (texhax.75)
ftping:  * to (texhax.09)
ftping:  * tex from score / listserv (texhax.18)
fun:  virtual fonts: more * for grand wizards (texhax.11)
fun:  re: virtual fonts: more * for grand wizards (texhax.17)
fun:  tex is a * system! (texhax.21)
further:  ftp and kermit -- * info [reply to] (texhax.75)
fweb:  * (krommes) vs. fweb (avenarius & oppermann) (texhax.19)
fweb:  fweb (krommes) vs. * (avenarius & oppermann) (texhax.19)
fweb:  * (avenarius & oppermann) vs. fweb (krommes) (texhax.38)
fweb:  fweb (avenarius & oppermann) vs. * (krommes) (texhax.38)
fweb:  * 1.13: new for ibm-pc, updated for other machines (texhax.58)
gaining:  re: * control over equation numbers (texhax.34)
gaining:  re: * control over equation numbers (texhax.34)
gaining:  re: * control over equation numbers (texhax.34)
gaining:  re: * control over equation numbers (texhax.38)
gaining:  re: * control over equation numbers (texhax.38)
gaining:  re: * control over equation numbers (texhax.40)
gains:  texserver * reverse-address sanity (texhax.58)
gaps:  interletter * (texhax.27)
gcc:  compiling metafont on a sun3 using * (texhax.18)
gcc:  tex 3.0 on i386 xenix 2.3.2 using * (texhax.40)
geneology:  * macros (texhax.52)
getting:  re: * zed.sty to work w/ new font selection scheme (texhax.72)
gftopk.c:  needed: vax vms version of * (texhax.04)
ghostscript:  re: postscript previewer? (*) (texhax.31)
gobble:  control sequences that * spaces and <'s that expand to (texhax.43)
gothic:  a * font for tex (texhax.25)
grammars:  styles for lispcode and * wanted... (texhax.57)
grand:  virtual fonts: more fun for * wizards (texhax.11)
grand:  re: virtual fonts: more fun for * wizards (texhax.17)
graphic:  chemical diagrams, tex, * specials (texhax.63)
graphics:  rotated fonts for y-axis labels in latex *. (texhax.31)
graphics:  integrating tex with * and lotus (texhax.34)
graphics:  * and memory problems (texhax.51)
graphs:  wanted: metafont code for feynman * (texhax.06)
graphs:  trees and bipartite * in latex (texhax.75)
grayscale:  * images and latex (texhax.44)
greek:  * style file? (texhax.18)
greek:  fonts for classical * (texhax.32)
greek:  trouble with levy's tex * (texhax.68)
greek:  re: trouble with levy's tex * (texhax.71)
groningen:  ***call for papers sgml-tex90, * 31 aug 1990*** (texhax.19)
groningen:  *** announcement sgml-tex conference 31 aug * 1990*** (texhax.21)
groningen:  final program sgml-tex conf. 31 aug, *. (texhax.53)
group:  edmac discussion * (texhax.54)
group:  announcing a california tex users * (texhax.56)
gut89#66:  *gutenberg's news/questions (*) *last call for papers* (texhax.03)
gutenberg'90:  * preliminary agenda (texhax.36)
gutenberg's:  ** news/questions (gut89#66) *last call for papers* (texhax.03)
gutenberg:  r\'eflexions sur le congr\`es * (texmag v3n4) (texhax.29)
halmos:  * symbol (texhax.42)
halmos:  re: * symbol (texhax.44)
hand:  dvi for unix vga, right * figures (texhax.71)
handling:  notes on: specification of algorithim for * rounding to (texhax.57)
handling:  specification of algorithim for * rounding to device units (texhax.57)
happening:  bug in tex??? strange things * with entirely blank character (texhax.63)
happening:  re: bug in tex??? strange things * with entirely blank (texhax.65)
happening:  re: bug in tex? strange things * with entirely blank character (texhax.74)
has:  web for fortran 8x * been reported (texhax.14)
have:  latex: implementing designs that * \parindent zero (texhax.26)
have:  i haven't..does anyone * something like this? (texhax.63)
have:  re: i haven't..does anyone * something like this? (texhax.63)
have:  re latex as the cross-references may * changed (texhax.71)
have:  re latex as the cross-references may * changed (texhax.72)
haven't..does:  i * anyone have something like this? (texhax.63)
haven't..does:  re: i * anyone have something like this? (texhax.63)
header:  latex * line problem (texhax.18)
header:  laserprep * for mac drawings in latex (texhax.24)
header:  re: latex * line problem (texhax.25)
headers:  framed * and text in latex (texhax.14)
headings:  re: section * (texhax.32)
headline:  need help with plain * (texhax.55)
headlines:  doublecolumns, marks in * (texhax.61)
hebrew:  * in tex (xet) (texhax.54)
help:  * needed for incorporate macdraw files to pctex... (texhax.04)
help:  * with metafont and dvialw (texhax.15)
help:  * wanted (pk, pxl to pk, dvi2ps) (texhax.16)
help:  metafont * (texhax.32)
help:  * with two simple macros (texhax.33)
help:  need * with insertions [repost] (texhax.33)
help:  tex/latex * (texhax.37)
help:  * i want to get tex and latex for a sun 3/50 & sun 4 (texhax.52)
help:  need * with plain headline (texhax.55)
help:  * with doublecolumns of names with addresses (texhax.56)
help:  * with indenting paragraphs (texhax.56)
help:  need * with latex figure captioning (texhax.59)
help:  * with strange sort of tabular environment (texhax.64)
help:  * needed for voluminous indexing in tex on pcs (texhax.65)
help:  re: * with strange sort of tabular environment (texhax.68)
help:  *, tex source.. (texhax.70)
help:  * with ftp -- (from info-tex) (texhax.75)
help:  * with hyphenation in portuguese or french. (texhax.75)
help:  [ need * in retrieving tex] (texhax.75)
help:  re: * with ftp of tex on pss -- (from latex-help) (texhax.75)
help:  re: [ need * in retrieving tex] (texhax.75)
help-equation:  tex * positioning (texhax.75)
here's:  submission: * a macro for drawing a box with a dropshadow. (texhax.21)
here:  tex 3.0 is *! (texhax.38)
high:  bitstream fonts at * resolution (texhax.72)
historical:  a * latex document (texhax.02)
hook_out:  * macro in (texhax.14)
hoseks:  d. * idea about file names (texhax.06)
howell:  slitex, bell & *, hp7475, calcomp plotmaster (texhax.09)
hp7475:  slitex, bell & howell, *, calcomp plotmaster (texhax.09)
hpii:  dvijep and * (texhax.27)
hpiip:  beebe's dvijep, * (texhax.30)
huge:  * tex on a sun 3/50 (texhax.59)
hyphenation:  tex, *, umlaut (texhax.24)
hyphenation:  1. *, 2. bug in lfonts.tex (texhax.27)
hyphenation:  foreign language * (texhax.47)
hyphenation:  tex 3.00 and * (texhax.52)
hyphenation:  * table for spanish (texhax.54)
hyphenation:  re: tex 3.00 and * (texhax.60)
hyphenation:  help with * in portuguese or french. (texhax.75)
i'll:  * trade (texhax.35)
i'll:  re: * trade (texhax.35)
i386:  tex 3.0 on * xenix 2.3.2 using gcc (texhax.40)
ibm:  * 4019 laserprinter (texhax.52)
ibm:  mf mode def for * personal pageprinter (texhax.58)
ibm:  * laser, hp laserjet, dvijep (texhax.59)
ibm:  tex for * mvs/xa (texhax.62)
ibm-pc:  fweb 1.13: new for *, updated for other machines (texhax.58)
idea:  d. hoseks * about file names (texhax.06)
idx:  converting the ---.* file (texhax.09)
ieee.bst:  bibtex and * (texhax.20)
ieee[tr].bst:  re: bibtex and * (texhax.26)
ieeetr:  * bst (texhax.14)
ifthen.sty:  is this a bug in enumerate or the * file? (texhax.65)
iigs:  tex on apple * (texhax.56)
images:  grayscale * and latex (texhax.44)
imagewriter:  dvi to * da? (texhax.19)
imagewriter:  announcing dvim72-mac: * printing for oztex users (texhax.50)
implementers:  *: change file depository (texhax.11)
implementing:  latex: * designs that have \parindent zero (texhax.26)
improved:  * font selection in latex (texmag v3n4) (texhax.28)
include:  want enumerate labels to * nested numbers, too (texhax.56)
incorporate:  help needed for * macdraw files to pctex... (texhax.04)
indentation:  latex * (texhax.36)
indenting:  help with * paragraphs (texhax.56)
index:  texhax kwic * available. (texhax.10)
index:  permuted * of tex and latex commands (texhax.31)
index:  * formatting (texhax.73)
indexing:  help needed for voluminous * in tex on pcs (texhax.65)
info:  request * about psfig/tex macro (texhax.19)
info:  corrections: * from texmag v3n4 (texhax.36)
info:  ftp and kermit -- further * [reply to] (texhax.75)
info-tex:  help with ftp -- (from *) (texhax.75)
information:  a summary of tex-related * of note (texmag v3n4) (texhax.30)
information:  request for * on tex/latex utility programs (texhax.58)
input:  8bit * (texhax.31)
input:  eight bit * for tex (texhax.50)
inquiry:  nelson beebe's reply to dvialw landscape mode * (texhax.51)
insertions:  need help with * [repost] (texhax.33)
insertions:  modifying * with the output routine (texhax.39)
inside:  \lefteqn * eqnarray environment (texhax.63)
inside:  \lefteqn * eqnarray environment (texhax.64)
integrating:  * tex with graphics and lotus (texhax.34)
integrating:  * multiple .bib files (texhax.61)
interaction:  * between code pages and tex v3 (texhax.71)
interletter:  * spacing in cm fonts (texhax.20)
interletter:  * gaps (texhax.27)
internal:  free dvi2ps running on ms-dos using * printer fonts? (texhax.42)
internal:  re: free dvi2ps running on ms-dos using * printer fonts? (texhax.44)
into:  how do i change \vec * boldface? (texhax.06)
into:  (wanted) a way to keep citations from extending * the margin (texhax.31)
into:  putting postscript bitmaps * latex documents (texhax.31)
into:  putting postscript bitmaps * latex documents (texhax.37)
into:  re: ps files from mac * latex (texhax.41)
introducing:  * latex-help (texmag v3n4) (texhax.28)
iso:  list of * country codes (somewhat outdated) (texhax.07)
iso:  * character sets (texhax.44)
issue:  re: mathmode underbar (vol. 90 * 7) (texhax.14)
issue:  texhax digest volume 90 : * 48 (texhax.50)
issues:  the previous * of tugboat. (texhax.27)
japanese:  * font search (texhax.35)
jets:  connecting hp laser * to unix machines (re: 89.111) (texhax.03)  [*: balanced columns in latex] (texhax.10)
jmb/jtb:  landscape mode; nar and * bibtex and style files (texhax.22)
jmb/nar:  * styles (texhax.33)
jokes:  font naming, planning, * (texhax.07)
journals:  what * accept tex/latex source? (texhax.14)
journals:  re: what * accept tex/latex source? (texhax.20)
journals:  * accepting tex/latex source (texhax.22)
journals:  * accepting tex sources (texhax.27)
journals:  * accepting tex/latex source (texhax.28)
journals:  latex, scientific * (texhax.32)
journals:  re: what * accept tex/latex source? (texhax.35)  dvipage from * (./tex/dvipage) (texhax.40)  dvipage from * (texhax.22)
keep:  (wanted) a way to * citations from extending into the margin (texhax.31)
kermit:  ftp and * -- further info [reply to] (texhax.75)
krommes:  fweb (*) vs. fweb (avenarius & oppermann) (texhax.19)
krommes:  fweb (avenarius & oppermann) vs. fweb (*) (texhax.38)
kron:  * notation matrices (texhax.21)
kwic:  texhax * index available. (texhax.10)
la)tex:  chiwriter and (*, summary (texhax.06)
la)tex:  predefined styles for (* (texhax.40)
la]tex:  recycling arrows in [* (texhax.17)
labels:  rotated fonts for y-axis * in latex graphics. (texhax.31)
labels:  want enumerate * to include nested numbers, too (texhax.56)
lams-tex:  how to get * (texhax.34)
lamstex:  *, a new tex macro (texhax.28)
landscape:  latex double page * mode style (texhax.16)
landscape:  latex double page * mode style (texhax.21)
landscape:  * mode; nar and jmb/jtb bibtex and style files (texhax.22)
landscape:  nelson beebe's reply to dvialw * mode inquiry (texhax.51)
landscaping:  * (texhax digest v90 #17) (texhax.22)
language:  foreign * hyphenation (texhax.47)
languages:  two letter codes for * (texhax.14)
languages:  re: extra letters not only for african * (texhax.64)
languages:  extra letters not only for african * (texhax.65)
large:  an environment for very * tables (texhax.59)
laser:  connecting hp * jets to unix machines (re: 89.111) (texhax.03)
laser:  printing latex on hp * (texhax.19)
laser:  printing latex on 14" paper on the hp * ii + (texhax.26)
laser:  printing a portion of a .dvi or .ps file through a * printer. (texhax.48)
laser:  re: printing a portion of a .dvi or .ps file through a * printer. (texhax.48)
laser:  ibm *, hp laserjet, dvijep (texhax.59)
lasergrafic:  dvi program for qms * 800 on vms/vax. (texhax.35)
laserjet:  printing on an hp *+ (texhax.04)
laserjet:  hp * modedefs for mf? (texhax.27)
laserjet:  hp * (texhax.36)
laserjet:  running tex on a pc with hp * (texhax.47)
laserjet:  dvi to * (texhax.51)
laserjet:  dvi to * plus printers (texhax.58)
laserjet:  ibm laser, hp *, dvijep (texhax.59)
laserprep:  * header for mac drawings in latex (texhax.24)
laserprep:  postscript figures and * (texhax.59)
laserprinter:  ibm 4019 * (texhax.52)
last:  *gutenberg's news/questions (gut89#66) ** call for papers* (texhax.03)
last:  centered * line of paragraph (texhax.52)
last:  centered * line of paragraph (texhax.61)
last:  re: centered * line of paragraph (texhax.61)
lasy:  problem with textyl on vms and * fonts (texhax.42)
latest:  * versions of tex and mf available for vms. (texhax.62)
latest:  in re * tex-hax (cropmarks, topglue) (texhax.74)
latex:  *, \uppercase (texhax.01)
latex:  *, citations, superscripts (texhax.01)
latex:  *, lfonts files (texhax.01)
latex:  re: supercited reference numbers in * (texhax.01)
latex:  a historical * document (texhax.02)
latex:  circle fonts in * - the modification blues (texhax.02)
latex:  re: * references as superscripts (texhax.02)
latex:  re: * references as superscripts? (no []'s) (texhax.02)
latex:  * bug/misfeature: \,\label{foo} in an equation (texhax.03)
latex:  re: mixing tex, *, and amstex (texhax.03)
latex:  how to do program text in latex/man page style for * (texhax.06)
latex:  re: texhax114, tex \count's in * (texhax.06)
latex:  re: circle fonts in * - the modification blues (texhax.09)
latex:  [ balanced columns in *] (texhax.10)
latex:  balanced columns in * (texhax.10)
latex:  fixing * font problem on postscript printer. (texhax.10)
latex:  re: balanced columns in * (texhax.10)
latex:  framed headers and text in * (texhax.14)
latex:  rtf/dca conversion program to tex or * (texhax.15)
latex:  * double page landscape mode style (texhax.16)
latex:  formatting lisp code in * (texhax.16)
latex:  * picture mode (texhax.17)
latex:  bold vectors and tensors in *. (texhax.17)
latex:  * header line problem (texhax.18)
latex:  * problem formatting computer output (texhax.18)
latex:  printing * on hp laser (texhax.19)
latex:  relative font sizing in * (texhax.19)
latex:  (wanted) frame around figures in * (texhax.20)
latex:  * double page landscape mode style (texhax.21)
latex:  times roman in *? (texhax.22)
latex:  *, tabular (texhax.24)
latex:  laserprep header for mac drawings in * (texhax.24)
latex:  mssymb and 11 point * articles don't mix (texhax.25)
latex:  re: * header line problem (texhax.25)
latex:  *: implementing designs that have \parindent zero (texhax.26)
latex:  printing * on 14" paper on the hp laser ii + (texhax.26)
latex:  * citations (texhax.27)
latex:  improved font selection in * (texmag v3n4) (texhax.28)
latex:  permuted index of tex and * commands (texhax.31)
latex:  putting postscript bitmaps into * documents (texhax.31)
latex:  re: mssymb and 11 point * articles don't mix (texhax.31)
latex:  rotated fonts for y-axis labels in * graphics. (texhax.31)
latex:  * and pictex macros (texhax.32)
latex:  *, line (texhax.32)
latex:  *, scientific journals (texhax.32)
latex:  * citations (texhax.33)
latex:  extra spaces in * (texhax.33)
latex:  *, citations, brackets (texhax.35)
latex:  * indentation (texhax.36)
latex:  * and fonts (texhax.37)
latex:  * tables (texhax.37)
latex:  putting postscript bitmaps into * documents (texhax.37)
latex:  \bordermatrix equivalent for * (texhax.38)
latex:  rtf (rich text format) to * (texhax.38)
latex:  consecutive equation numbers in * report (texhax.39)
latex:  * question (symbol for the real line) (texhax.41)
latex:  * question: subeqnarray.sty and fixup.sty (texhax.41)
latex:  * with pictex (texhax.41)
latex:  re: ps files from mac into * (texhax.41)
latex:  bug in * not corrected (texhax.42)
latex:  * footnotes raising (texhax.43)
latex:  denoting the real line in * (texhax.43)
latex:  oldstyle in * (texhax.43)
latex:  tex and * (texhax.43)
latex:  * caption (texhax.44)
latex:  grayscale images and * (texhax.44)
latex:  * challenge (texhax.47)
latex:  macintosh * - using postscript fonts (texhax.48)
latex:  *, multicolumns (texhax.49)
latex:  fixdate - * option to fix the date on a document (texhax.49)
latex:  re: *, multicolumns (texhax.49)
latex:  numbering lines in * (texhax.51)
latex:  request for * (texhax.51)
latex:  \topmark in * (texhax.52)
latex:  fonts, tex, * (texhax.52)
latex:  help i want to get tex and * for a sun 3/50 & sun 4 (texhax.52)
latex:  boldface and unboldface in formulas, * (texhax.53)
latex:  * \vspace (texhax.54)
latex:  need help with * figure captioning (texhax.59)
latex:  * newsletter style (texhax.60)
latex:  * setspace.sty (texhax.60)
latex:  cyrillic in * (texhax.60)
latex:  *, bibtex, chicago manual of style (texhax.61)
latex:  yet another * bug? (texhax.61)
latex:  re: lisa ungar`s * question (texhax.65)
latex:  * and ps (texhax.68)
latex:  amstex ver 2 fonts for * (texhax.69)
latex:  * form letters (texhax.71)
latex:  re * as the cross-references may have changed (texhax.71)
latex:  re: * and ps (texhax.71)
latex:  verbatim mode in * (problem) (texhax.71)
latex:  * for biologists (texhax.72)
latex:  re * as the cross-references may have changed (texhax.72)
latex:  * style for crop marks (texhax.73)
latex:  correct list of * fonts, anyone? (texhax.73)
latex:  feynman diagrams in * (texhax.73)
latex:  * cross-reference query (texhax.75)
latex:  feynman diagrams in * (texhax.75)
latex:  trees and bipartite graphs in * (texhax.75)
latex-help:  introducing * (texmag v3n4) (texhax.28)
latex-help:  * moved (texhax.59)
latex-help:  re: help with ftp of tex on pss -- (from *) (texhax.75)
latex/man:  how to do program text in * page style for latex (texhax.06)
latex/tex:  * dvi-->printer driver for toshiba pagelaser 12 (texhax.16)
latex/tex:  lplain for * 3.0 (texhax.25)
layout.sty:  *, bug repair and reversemarginpars (texhax.15)
length:  changing page * mid-document (texhax.72)
length:  changing page * mid-document (texhax digest v90 #072) (texhax.73)
letter:  two * codes for languages (texhax.14)
letter:  * re: special (texhax.69)
letter.sty:  is * broken? (texhax.49)
letters:  customized form * (how?) (texhax.57)
letters:  re: extra * not only for african languages (texhax.64)
letters:  extra * not only for african languages (texhax.65)
letters:  latex form * (texhax.71)
level:  the * 0 draft standard (v 0.03) -- request for comments (texhax.57)
levy's:  trouble with * tex greek (texhax.68)
levy's:  re: trouble with * tex greek (texhax.71)
lfonts:  latex, * files (texhax.01)
lfonts.tex:  bug in *, \mathbold (texhax.24)
lfonts.tex:  1. hyphenation, 2. bug in * (texhax.27)
lfonts.tex:  re: bug in *, \mathbold (texhax.32)
like:  i haven't..does anyone have something * this? (texhax.63)
like:  re: i haven't..does anyone have something * this? (texhax.63)
limitations:  memory * (texhax.42)
line:  tex, automatic * numbering (texhax.15)
line:  latex header * problem (texhax.18)
line:  re: latex header * problem (texhax.25)
line:  latex, * (texhax.32)
line:  * numbering in tex (texhax.41)
line:  latex question (symbol for the real *) (texhax.41)
line:  denoting the real * in latex (texhax.43)
line:  centered last * of paragraph (texhax.52)
line:  paragraph first * (texhax.52)
line:  * numbering tex output - a partial solution (texhax.56)
line:  macros for * numbering (texhax.56)
line:  centered last * of paragraph (texhax.61)
line:  re: centered last * of paragraph (texhax.61)
lines:  numbering * in latex (texhax.51)
lisa:  re: * ungar`s latex question (texhax.65)
lisp:  formatting * code in latex (texhax.16)
lispcode:  styles for * and grammars wanted... (texhax.57)
list:  * of iso country codes (somewhat outdated) (texhax.07)
list:  correct * of latex fonts, anyone? (texhax.73)
listing:  verbatim * macro (texhax.03)
listing:  aston archive 00* * files (texhax.63)
listserv:  * at dhdurz1 (texhax.14)
listserv:  ftping tex from score / * (texhax.18)
listserv:  re: ftp'ing tex from score / * (texhax.24)
ln03:  metafont * printer def (texhax.09)
ln03:  * driver source wanted? (texhax.18)
lntex:  system upgrade side effect on * (texhax.14)
loading:  dvinlq.exe font * problems (texhax.04)
logical:  quite *, captain! (texhax.18)
lookbibtex:  * (texhax.35)
looking:  * for afm->tfm for oztex (texhax.15)
looking:  * for a cweb change file for crudetype (texhax.52)
looking:  * for dvitty-program in c (texhax.65)
lotus:  integrating tex with graphics and * (texhax.34)
lplain:  * for latex/tex 3.0 (texhax.25)
lps-40:  mode_def for *, anyone? (texhax.29)
lzr:  dataproducts * 1260 printer (texhax.31)
mac:  laserprep header for * drawings in latex (texhax.24)
mac:  * tex/latex (texhax.35)
mac:  re: ps files from * into latex (texhax.41)
macdraw:  help needed for incorporate * files to pctex... (texhax.04)
machines:  connecting hp laser jets to unix * (re: 89.111) (texhax.03)
machines:  fweb 1.13: new for ibm-pc, updated for other * (texhax.58)
macintosh:  bibtex & makeindex for * (texhax.06)
macintosh:  * latex - using postscript fonts (texhax.48)
macintosh:  needed: opinions on tex for the * (texhax.54)
macintosh:  * - dvim72-mac 1.8.3 using deskwriter? (texhax.72)
macmetafont:  * author's address (victor ostromoukhov) (texhax.33)
macro:  verbatim listing * (texhax.03)
macro:  hook_out * in (texhax.14)
macro:  request info about psfig/tex * (texhax.19)
macro:  submission: here's a * for drawing a box with a dropshadow. (texhax.21)
macro:  lamstex, a new tex * (texhax.28)
macro:  mailinglabels * (texhax.43)
macro:  mailinglabels * (texhax.47)
macro:  tex * (texhax.48)
macro:  re: mailinglabels * (texhax.50)
macro:  a nice * trick. (texhax.75)
macros:  tex * requiring a paremter in braces (texhax.10)
macros:  psfig * (texhax.11)
macros:  latex and pictex * (texhax.32)
macros:  help with two simple * (texhax.33)
macros:  classically-expanding *. (texhax.34)
macros:  plain \big, \big etc. * -- problem (texhax.43)
macros:  script * (texhax.43)
macros:  how to get computer concrete *? (texhax.50)
macros:  fmittelbach's * (texhax.51)
macros:  geneology * (texhax.52)
macros:  * for line numbering (texhax.56)
macros:  bibtex-for-plain-tex * (texhax.60)
macros:  tex * for using makeindex and bibtex (texhax.60)
macros:  * for typesetting c programs (texhax.64)
magic:  * squares (texhax.27)
magnifications:  metafont * (texhax.01)
mail:  dvitovdu needs pxl fonts? (can't * to decus-tex, nor ted) (texhax.75)
mailing:  * envelopes (texhax.33)
mailinglabels:  * macro (texhax.43)
mailinglabels:  * macro (texhax.47)
mailinglabels:  re: * macro (texhax.50)
main:  pctex * memory problems (texhax.44)
make:  re: patch to dvi2tty to * output more readable (texhax.07)
make_accent:  tex bug in *? (texhax.52)
make_accent:  re: tex bug in * (texhax.61)
makeindex:  bibtex & * for macintosh (texhax.06)
makeindex:  tex macros for using * and bibtex (texhax.60)
makeindex:  * under msdos (texhax.72)
makeindex:  * for ms-dos, and a new anonymous ftp site for tex. (texhax.73)
manpage.sty:  * (texhax.74)
manual:  pictex * on (texhax.13)
manual:  pictex *, archives, public repentance (texhax.16)
manual:  re: pictex * on (texhax.16)
manual:  chicago * of style bibliography style? (texhax.57)
manual:  latex, bibtex, chicago * of style (texhax.61)
margin:  (wanted) a way to keep citations from extending into the * (texhax.31)
margin:  * notes (texhax.69)
marks:  doublecolumns, * in headlines (texhax.61)
marks:  latex style for crop * (texhax.73)
master:  new tex/mf sources available on stanford's * archive (texhax.13)
math:  bitstream * fonts (texhax.17)
math:  bold computer modern typewriter needed, bold * symbols needed (texhax.30)
math:  bold * font (texhax.31)
mathematical:  * writing (texhax.13)
mathematical:  tex, * operators (texhax.33)
mathematical:  composite * operators (texhax.38)
mathematical:  overlaying * symbols (texhax.38)
mathmode:  question about * underbar (texhax.07)
mathmode:  re: * underbar (vol. 90 issue 7) (texhax.14)
matrices:  kron notation * (texhax.21)
matrices:  * in exponents (texhax.53)
matrix:  re: * in scriptstyle ?? (texhax.50)
may:  re latex as the cross-references * have changed (texhax.71)
may:  re latex as the cross-references * have changed (texhax.72)
meeting:  annual * (texhax.13)
meeting:  ***courses at the sgml-tex * 31 aug 1990*** (texhax.23)
meeting:  ***texas '90 tug *: call for queries*** (texhax.41)
meeting:  seeking questionnaires from the tug '90 * in texas... (texhax.59)
memory:  tex's * (texhax.24)
memory:  * limitations (texhax.42)
memory:  pctex main * problems (texhax.44)
memory:  graphics and * problems (texhax.51)
merge.sty:  bug in *, fixed (texhax.20)
message:  aesthetics: suggested new error * (texhax.73)
metafont:  * magnifications (texhax.01)
metafont:  chinese *? (texhax.03)
metafont:  pk fonts for * 2.0? (texhax.04)
metafont:  wanted: * code for feynman graphs (texhax.06)
metafont:  * ln03 printer def (texhax.09)
metafont:  *** updated *, .bug files available from aston archive *** (texhax.15)
metafont:  help with * and dvialw (texhax.15)
metafont:  compiling * on a sun3 using gcc (texhax.18)
metafont:  success with *, failure with mtexdemo (texhax.18)
metafont:  * (texhax.19)
metafont:  online displays in * (texhax.20)
metafont:  * mode definition wanted for qms-ps 2200 (texhax.24)
metafont:  designing fonts in * (texhax.26)
metafont:  3-d tex and * (texhax.27)
metafont:  * help (texhax.32)
metafont:  problems with public * (texhax.33)
metafont:  * (texhax.35)
metafont:  * proof and smoke drawings (texhax.40)
metafont:  tex and * (texhax.48)
metafont:  * for ms-dos (texhax.70)
metafont->ms:  need * windows 3.0 display font converter (texhax.68)
metaplot:  * (texhax.59)
micr:  * fonts (texhax.25)  [*: questions about recent tugboat articles (texhax.16)
micropress:  * vtex (texhax.01)
mid-document:  changing page length * (texhax.72)
mid-document:  changing page length * (texhax digest v90 #072) (texhax.73)
milestones/gannt:  * charts (texhax.55)
missing:  * fonts (texhax.28)
missing:  * symbol (texhax.59)
mittelbach:  postscript fonts using * and schoepf (texhax.50)
mix:  mssymb and 11 point latex articles don't * (texhax.25)
mix:  re: mssymb and 11 point latex articles don't * (texhax.31)
mixing:  re: * tex, latex, and amstex (texhax.03)
mode:  latex double page landscape * style (texhax.16)
mode:  latex picture * (texhax.17)
mode:  latex double page landscape * style (texhax.21)
mode:  landscape *; nar and jmb/jtb bibtex and style files (texhax.22)
mode:  metafont * definition wanted for qms-ps 2200 (texhax.24)
mode:  nelson beebe's reply to dvialw landscape * inquiry (texhax.51)
mode:  mf * def for ibm personal pageprinter (texhax.58)
mode:  verbatim * in latex (problem) (texhax.71)
mode_def:  * for lps-40, anyone? (texhax.29)
modedefs:  hp laserjet * for mf? (texhax.27)
modern:  bold computer * typewriter needed, bold math symbols needed (texhax.30)
modification:  circle fonts in latex - the * blues (texhax.02)
modification:  re: circle fonts in latex - the * blues (texhax.09)
modifying:  * insertions with the output routine (texhax.39)
modular:  * tex? (texhax.27)
more:  re: patch to dvi2tty to make output * readable (texhax.07)
more:  virtual fonts: * fun for grand wizards (texhax.11)
more:  re: virtual fonts: * fun for grand wizards (texhax.17)
most:  tex * recent version (texhax.56)
moved:  latex-help * (texhax.59)
moving:  \thispagestyle * with floats? (texhax.04)
ms-dos:  free dvi2ps running on * using internal printer fonts? (texhax.42)
ms-dos:  re: free dvi2ps running on * using internal printer fonts? (texhax.44)
ms-dos:  metafont for * (texhax.70)
ms-dos:  makeindex for *, and a new anonymous ftp site for tex. (texhax.73)
ms-kermitv3.0:  dvitovdu to *? (texhax.41)
msdos:  dvi pgm. for postscript on * (texhax.06)
msdos:  makeindex under * (texhax.72)
mssymb:  * and 11 point latex articles don't mix (texhax.25)
mssymb:  re: * and 11 point latex articles don't mix (texhax.31)
mtex:  * (texhax.58)
mtexdemo:  success with metafont, failure with * (texhax.18)
multi-column:  re: tough * question (texhax.33)
multicol.sty:  * (texhax.24)
multicolumns:  latex, * (texhax.49)
multicolumns:  re: latex, * (texhax.49)
multiple:  integrating * .bib files (texhax.61)
mvs/xa:  tex for ibm * (texhax.62)
names:  d. hoseks idea about file * (texhax.06)
names:  help with doublecolumns of * with addresses (texhax.56)
naming:  font *, planning, jokes (texhax.07)
nar:  landscape mode; * and jmb/jtb bibtex and style files (texhax.22)
national:  * alphabets (texhax.18)
needs:  dvitovdu * pxl fonts? (can't mail to decus-tex, nor ted) (texhax.75)
nelson:  * beebe's reply to dvialw landscape mode inquiry (texhax.51)
nestable:  a * verbatim environment, with escape character. (texhax.26)
nested:  want enumerate labels to include * numbers, too (texhax.56)
network:  * sources of texware v2 (file texserv.tex) (texhax.08)
networking:  * tex files. (texhax.56)
networks:  tex files corruption over *. (texhax.48)
networks:  re: tex files corruption over * (texhax #48) (texhax.51)
networks:  tex file corruption over * (texhax.56)
new:  * tex/mf sources available on stanford's master archive (texhax.13)
new:  re: tfm file upward/downward compatibility for * tex and mf (texhax.13)
new:  * version of tpic available (texhax.19)
new:  * tex files needed for tex 3.0 (texhax.25)
new:  lamstex, a * tex macro (texhax.28)
new:  * version of fancyheadings.sty (texhax.35)
new:  * web2c (texhax.42)
new:  * version of bbfig available (texhax.53)
new:  * doublespace style option file--setspace.sty (texhax.54)
new:  shar for * version of bbfig (texhax.55)
new:  fweb 1.13: * for ibm-pc, updated for other machines (texhax.58)
new:  * symbol font wasy (texhax.70)
new:  re: getting zed.sty to work w/ * font selection scheme (texhax.72)
new:  aesthetics: suggested * error message (texhax.73)
new:  makeindex for ms-dos, and a * anonymous ftp site for tex. (texhax.73)
news:  dvi previewer for * (texhax.33)
news/questions:  *gutenberg's * (gut89#66) *last call for papers* (texhax.03)
newsletter:  latex * style (texhax.60)
nice:  re: * twocolumn style (texhax.10)
nice:  a * macro trick. (texhax.75)
nih:  is there an * style file out there? (texhax.34)
nor:  dvitovdu needs pxl fonts? (can't mail to decus-tex, * ted) (texhax.75)
not:  bug in latex * corrected (texhax.42)
not:  re: extra letters * only for african languages (texhax.64)
not:  extra letters * only for african languages (texhax.65)
notation:  kron * matrices (texhax.21)
note:  a summary of tex-related information of * (texmag v3n4) (texhax.30)
nroff:  * to tex (texhax.56)
number:  re: equation * control (texhax.39)
number:  real * symbol (texhax.43)
numbering:  tex, automatic line * (texhax.15)
numbering:  subequation * style file (texhax.37)
numbering:  line * in tex (texhax.41)
numbering:  * lines in latex (texhax.51)
numbering:  line * tex output - a partial solution (texhax.56)
numbering:  macros for line * (texhax.56)
numbers:  re: supercited reference * in latex (texhax.01)
numbers:  re: gaining control over equation * (texhax.34)
numbers:  re: gaining control over equation * (texhax.34)
numbers:  re: gaining control over equation * (texhax.34)
numbers:  re: gaining control over equation * (texhax.38)
numbers:  re: gaining control over equation * (texhax.38)
numbers:  consecutive equation * in latex report (texhax.39)
numbers:  re: gaining control over equation * (texhax.40)
numbers:  want enumerate labels to include nested *, too (texhax.56)
numeric:  * constants and \if conditionals (texhax.30)
numeric:  * constants and \if conditionals (texhax.36)
numeric:  re: texhax digest v90 #30, * constants and \if conditionals (texhax.36)
numeric:  re: texhax digest v90 #30: * constants and \if conditionals (texhax.38)
odd:  * mf behaviour (texhax.22)
odd:  * mf behaviour revisted (texhax.36)
old:  re: font substitution in * dvisun (texhax.02)
old:  font substitution in * dvisun (texhax.04)
old:  * english fonts (texhax.24)
old:  * english fonts (texhax.41)
oldstyle:  * in latex (texhax.43)
one:  dvi-to-hpseries ii: is there * before i write it? (texhax.25)
online:  * displays in metafont (texhax.20)
only:  re: extra letters not * for african languages (texhax.64)
only:  extra letters not * for african languages (texhax.65)
oostrum's:  bug fix for * psfonts.sty (texhax.44)
openwindows:  previewer for *? (texhax.75)
operators:  tex, mathematical * (texhax.33)
operators:  composite mathematical * (texhax.38)
opinions:  needed: * on tex for the macintosh (texhax.54)
oppermann:  fweb (krommes) vs. fweb (avenarius & *) (texhax.19)
oppermann:  fweb (avenarius & *) vs. fweb (krommes) (texhax.38)
option:  fixdate - latex * to fix the date on a document (texhax.49)
option:  new doublespace style * file--setspace.sty (texhax.54)
optional:  * argument to the \bibliography command? (texhax.06)
options:  babel system of style *, beta-testers sought (texhax.50)
ostromoukhov:  macmetafont author's address (victor *) (texhax.33)
other:  fweb 1.13: new for ibm-pc, updated for * machines (texhax.58)
out:  how do i figure * the final page placement of floats??? (*urgent*) (texhax.18)
out:  is there an nih style file * there? (texhax.34)
outdated:  list of iso country codes (somewhat *) (texhax.07)
output:  re: patch to dvi2tty to make * more readable (texhax.07)
output:  latex problem formatting computer * (texhax.18)
output:  modifying insertions with the * routine (texhax.39)
output:  tex * routine course (texhax.44)
output:  line numbering tex * - a partial solution (texhax.56)
output-driver:  * for tops10 (texhax.25)
over:  re: gaining control * equation numbers (texhax.34)
over:  re: gaining control * equation numbers (texhax.34)
over:  re: gaining control * equation numbers (texhax.34)
over:  re: gaining control * equation numbers (texhax.38)
over:  re: gaining control * equation numbers (texhax.38)
over:  re: gaining control * equation numbers (texhax.40)
over:  tex files corruption * networks. (texhax.48)
over:  re: tex files corruption * networks (texhax #48) (texhax.51)
over:  tex file corruption * networks (texhax.56)
overflow:  what's the deal with yacc stack *? (texhax.68)
overlaying:  * mathematical symbols (texhax.38)
oztex:  looking for afm->tfm for * (texhax.15)
oztex:  * and tex v3.0 (texhax.41)
oztex:  announcing dvim72-mac: imagewriter printing for * users (texhax.50)
oztex:  announcing * v1.3 (tex v3.0) (texhax.69)
oztex:  * 1.3 (texhax.71)
p/os:  tex for * (texhax.73)
page:  how to do program text in latex/man * style for latex (texhax.06)
page:  latex double * landscape mode style (texhax.16)
page:  how do i figure out the final * placement of floats??? (*urgent*) (texhax.18)
page:  latex double * landscape mode style (texhax.21)
page:  * breaking (texhax.42)
page:  changing * length mid-document (texhax.72)
page:  changing * length mid-document (texhax digest v90 #072) (texhax.73)
pagelaser:  latex/tex dvi-->printer driver for toshiba * 12 (texhax.16)
pageprinter:  mf mode def for ibm personal * (texhax.58)
pages:  code * and tex on pcs (texhax.68)
pages:  interaction between code * and tex v3 (texhax.71)
pandora:  wanted: mf files for * fonts (texhax.22)
paper:  printing latex on 14" * on the hp laser ii + (texhax.26)
paper--sixth:  call for * european tex conference (texhax.67)
papers:  *gutenberg's news/questions (gut89#66) *last call for ** (texhax.03)
papers:  ***call for * sgml-tex90, groningen 31 aug 1990*** (texhax.19)
paragraph:  * first line (texhax.52)
paragraph:  centered last line of * (texhax.52)
paragraph:  centered last line of * (texhax.61)
paragraph:  re: centered last line of * (texhax.61)
paragraphs:  help with indenting * (texhax.56)
parallel:  * two-column printing - how? (texhax.22)
parboxes:  proper spacing of * within tabbing (texhax.24)
paremter:  tex macros requiring a * in braces (texhax.10)
partial:  line numbering tex output - a * solution (texhax.56)
pascal:  changes files for turbo * to weave 4.1 and tangle 4.0 wanted (texhax.51)
pascal-web-to-cweb:  wanted: * program (texhax.58)
patch:  re: * to dvi2tty to make output more readable (texhax.07)
pc/tex:  * (texhax.70)
pcl:  hp * command query ... (texhax.65)
pcs:  help needed for voluminous indexing in tex on * (texhax.65)
pcs:  code pages and tex on * (texhax.68)
pctex:  help needed for incorporate macdraw files to *... (texhax.04)
pctex:  * main memory problems (texhax.44)
permuted:  * index of tex and latex commands (texhax.31)
persion(farsi:  *) or arabic fonts (texhax.17)
personal:  mf mode def for ibm * pageprinter (texhax.58)
peter:  * flynn's texcalc spreadsheet (texhax.42)
pgm:  dvi *. for postscript on msdos (texhax.06)
phonetic:  * symbols (texhax.51)
phonetic:  re: texhax digest v90 #51 (* symbols) (texhax.55)
pictex:  * manual on (texhax.13)
pictex:  * manual, archives, public repentance (texhax.16)
pictex:  re: * manual on (texhax.16)
pictex:  latex and * macros (texhax.32)
pictex:  latex with * (texhax.41)
pictex:  * and slitex (texhax.71)
picture:  latex * mode (texhax.17)  [<*> dviware] (texhax.17)
pktopk:  need for a * program (texhax.71)
placement:  how do i figure out the final page * of floats??? (*urgent*) (texhax.18)
plain:  * \big, \big etc. macros -- problem (texhax.43)
plain:  need help with * headline (texhax.55)
plain.tex:  expanding on *. (texhax.16)
planning:  font naming, *, jokes (texhax.07)
plotmaster:  slitex, bell & howell, hp7475, calcomp * (texhax.09)
plus:  dvi to laserjet * printers (texhax.58)
point:  mssymb and 11 * latex articles don't mix (texhax.25)
point:  re: mssymb and 11 * latex articles don't mix (texhax.31)
portion:  printing a * of a .dvi or .ps file through a laser printer. (texhax.48)
portion:  re: printing a * of a .dvi or .ps file through a laser printer. (texhax.48)
portuguese:  help with hyphenation in * or french. (texhax.75)
positioning:  tex help-equation * (texhax.75)
postscript:  dvi pgm. for * on msdos (texhax.06)
postscript:  fixing latex font problem on * printer. (texhax.10)
postscript:  * for a sun (texhax.14)
postscript:  * previewer? (texhax.15)
postscript:  * previewer? (texhax.25)
postscript:  * cmr fonts on aston archive (texhax.31)
postscript:  putting * bitmaps into latex documents (texhax.31)
postscript:  re: * previewer? (ghostscript) (texhax.31)
postscript:  putting * bitmaps into latex documents (texhax.37)
postscript:  * -> tex ? (texhax.42)
postscript:  * previewer (texhax.43)
postscript:  macintosh latex - using * fonts (texhax.48)
postscript:  * previewer? (texhax.49)
postscript:  re :* previewer (texhax.49)
postscript:  * fonts using mittelbach and schoepf (texhax.50)
postscript:  * printers with certain attributes (texhax.56)
postscript:  * figures and laserprep (texhax.59)
postscript:  * to tex or dvi (texhax.75)
preamble:  problems with expanding * in \halign (texhax.53)
predefined:  * styles for (la)tex (texhax.40)
preliminary:  gutenberg'90 * agenda (texhax.36)
pretttyprinters:  c and c++ * (texhax.06)
previewer:  where is vms decwindows * (texhax.07)
previewer:  postscript *? (texhax.15)
previewer:  wanted: * for x11 (texhax.21)
previewer:  postscript *? (texhax.25)
previewer:  re: * under x11 (texhax.27)
previewer:  tex * (texhax.27)
previewer:  re: postscript *? (ghostscript) (texhax.31)
previewer:  dvi * for news (texhax.33)
previewer:  re: tex dvi * on vaxstation (texhax.33)
previewer:  postscript * (texhax.43)
previewer:  tex * (texhax.44)
previewer:  postscript *? (texhax.49)
previewer:  re :postscript * (texhax.49)
previewer:  * for openwindows? (texhax.75)
previewers:  dvi * for suntools (texhax.21)
previewers:  dvitovdu * (texhax.43)
previewers:  dvi * for dec windows (texhax.52)
previous:  the * issues of tugboat. (texhax.27)
printer:  metafont ln03 * def (texhax.09)
printer:  fixing latex font problem on postscript *. (texhax.10)
printer:  dataproducts lzr 1260 * (texhax.31)
printer:  free dvi2ps running on ms-dos using internal * fonts? (texhax.42)
printer:  re: free dvi2ps running on ms-dos using internal * fonts? (texhax.44)
printer:  printing a portion of a .dvi or .ps file through a laser *. (texhax.48)
printer:  re: printing a portion of a .dvi or .ps file through a laser *. (texhax.48)
printers:  agfa * (texhax.21)
printers:  postscript * with certain attributes (texhax.56)
printers:  dvi to laserjet plus * (texhax.58)
printing:  * on an hp laserjet+ (texhax.04)
printing:  2 color * (texhax.18)
printing:  * latex on hp laser (texhax.19)
printing:  parallel two-column * - how? (texhax.22)
printing:  * latex on 14" paper on the hp laser ii + (texhax.26)
printing:  * a portion of a .dvi or .ps file through a laser printer. (texhax.48)
printing:  re: * a portion of a .dvi or .ps file through a laser printer. (texhax.48)
printing:  announcing dvim72-mac: imagewriter * for oztex users (texhax.50)
producing:  * tfm files (texhax.01)
product:  external tensor * (texhax.14)
program:  how to do * text in latex/man page style for latex (texhax.06)
program:  rtf/dca conversion * to tex or latex (texhax.15)
program:  dvi * for qms lasergrafic 800 on vms/vax. (texhax.35)
program:  final * sgml-tex conf. 31 aug, groningen. (texhax.53)
program:  wanted: pascal-web-to-cweb * (texhax.58)
program:  need for a pktopk * (texhax.71)
programs:  request for information on tex/latex utility * (texhax.58)
programs:  macros for typesetting c * (texhax.64)
proof:  metafont * and smoke drawings (texhax.40)
proper:  * spacing of parboxes within tabbing (texhax.24)
psdvi:  problem with * (texhax.37)
psfig:  * macros (texhax.11)
psfig:  needed: *, vax/vms, dvips (texhax.63)
psfig/tex:  request info about * macro (texhax.19)
psfonts.sty:  bug fix for oostrum's * (texhax.44)
pss:  re: help with ftp of tex on * -- (from latex-help) (texhax.75)
public:  pictex manual, archives, * repentance (texhax.16)
public:  problems with * metafont (texhax.33)
putting:  * postscript bitmaps into latex documents (texhax.31)
putting:  * postscript bitmaps into latex documents (texhax.37)
puzzles:  solutions to 2 tex * (texhax.16)
pxl:  help wanted (pk, * to pk, dvi2ps) (texhax.16)
pxl:  dvitovdu needs * fonts? (can't mail to decus-tex, nor ted) (texhax.75)
qms:  dvi program for * lasergrafic 800 on vms/vax. (texhax.35)
qms-ps:  metafont mode definition wanted for * 2200 (texhax.24)
queries:  ***texas '90 tug meeting: call for **** (texhax.41)
query:  tex * (texhax.14)
query:  tex * (texhax.43)
query:  hp pcl command * ... (texhax.65)
query:  latex cross-reference * (texhax.75)
questionnaires:  seeking * from the tug '90 meeting in texas... (texhax.59)
questions:  \vadjust and \aftergroup * (texhax.14)
questions:  * about recent tugboat articles ... (texhax.16)
questions:  [ * about recent tugboat articles (texhax.16)
questions:  re: \vadjust and \aftergroup * (texhax.20)
quite:  * logical, captain! (texhax.18)
r\'eflexions:  * sur le congr\`es gutenberg (texmag v3n4) (texhax.29)
raising:  latex footnotes * (texhax.43)
raster:  dvi to * (texhax.38)
readable:  re: patch to dvi2tty to make output more * (texhax.07)
real:  *** announcing tex v2.993 for vax/vms (* version!) *** (texhax.14)
real:  latex question (symbol for the * line) (texhax.41)
real:  * number symbol (texhax.43)
real:  denoting the * line in latex (texhax.43)
recent:  [ questions about * tugboat articles (texhax.16)
recent:  questions about * tugboat articles ... (texhax.16)
recent:  tex most * version (texhax.56)
recursivity:  * in tex (texhax.06)
recycling:  * arrows in [la]tex (texhax.17)
refer->bibtex:  * conversion (texhax.25)
refer->bibtex:  * conversion (texhax.31)
refer->bibtex:  * conversion (texhax.31)
reference:  re: supercited * numbers in latex (texhax.01)
references:  re: latex * as superscripts (texhax.02)
references:  re: latex * as superscripts? (no []'s) (texhax.02)
relative:  * font sizing in latex (texhax.19)
release:  amssym.def from ams-tex 2.0 * bug (texhax.67)
released:  web2c 5.8a * (texhax.68)
repair:  layout.sty, bug * and reversemarginpars (texhax.15)
repentance:  pictex manual, archives, public * (texhax.16)
reply:  nelson beebe's * to dvialw landscape mode inquiry (texhax.51)
reply:  ftp and kermit -- further info [* to] (texhax.75)
report:  consecutive equation numbers in latex * (texhax.39)
reported:  web for fortran 8x has been * (texhax.14)
repost:  need help with insertions [*] (texhax.33)
request:  * info about psfig/tex macro (texhax.19)
request:  * for latex (texhax.51)
request:  the level 0 draft standard (v 0.03) -- * for comments (texhax.57)
request:  * for information on tex/latex utility programs (texhax.58)
request:  * for vms hp lj driver (texhax.63)
requirements:  bibtex * 89-9 (texhax.05)
requiring:  tex macros * a paremter in braces (texhax.10)
resolution:  bitstream fonts at high * (texhax.72)
response:  * to bibtex question (texhax.40)
response:  another * to bibtex question (texhax.40)
response:  re: * to bibtex question (v90 #40) (texhax.43)
retrieving:  [ need help in * tex] (texhax.75)
retrieving:  re: [ need help in * tex] (texhax.75)
reverse-address:  texserver gains * sanity (texhax.58)
reversemarginpars:  layout.sty, bug repair and * (texhax.15)
revisited:  arguments in braces, * (texhax.15)
revisted:  odd mf behaviour * (texhax.36)
revtex:  re: * (texhax.03)
rich:  rtf (* text format) to latex (texhax.38)
right:  dvi for unix vga, * hand figures (texhax.71)  [*: need help in retrieving tex] (texhax.75)  ftp and kermit -- further info [reply to *] (texhax.75)  re: [*: need help in retrieving tex] (texhax.75)
roman:  times * in latex? (texhax.22)
roman:  ams euler and concrete *. (texhax.34)
rotated:  * fonts for y-axis labels in latex graphics. (texhax.31)
rotated:  * cmr10 font (texhax.37)
rotated:  * tex fonts for 3800-3 (texhax.63)
rotated:  re: texhax digest v90 #64 (* fonts) (texhax.67)
rounding:  notes on: specification of algorithim for handling * to (texhax.57)
rounding:  specification of algorithim for handling * to device units (texhax.57)
routine:  modifying insertions with the output * (texhax.39)
routine:  tex output * course (texhax.44)
rtf:  * (rich text format) to latex (texhax.38)
rtf/dca:  * conversion program to tex or latex (texhax.15)
running:  free dvi2ps * on ms-dos using internal printer fonts? (texhax.42)
running:  re: free dvi2ps * on ms-dos using internal printer fonts? (texhax.44)
running:  * tex on a pc with hp laserjet (texhax.47)
sanity:  texserver gains reverse-address * (texhax.58)
sb30:  **tex 3.0 (*)** (texhax.41)
sbtex:  * (texhax.41)
sbtex:  dostex versus * versus ? (texhax.50)
schedule:  winter course * (texhax.68)
scheme:  re: getting zed.sty to work w/ new font selection * (texhax.72)
schoepf:  postscript fonts using mittelbach and * (texhax.50)
scientific:  latex, * journals (texhax.32)
score:  ftping tex from * / listserv (texhax.18)
score:  re: ftp'ing tex from * / listserv (texhax.24)
script:  * p (texhax.41)
script:  * macros (texhax.43)
scriptstyle:  re: matrix in * ?? (texhax.50)
search:  font * (texhax.17)
search:  japanese font * (texhax.35)
section:  re: * headings (texhax.32)
seeking:  * questionnaires from the tug '90 meeting in texas... (texhax.59)
selection:  improved font * in latex (texmag v3n4) (texhax.28)
selection:  re: getting zed.sty to work w/ new font * scheme (texhax.72)
sequences:  delimiting arguments with control * (texhax.38)
sequences:  control * that gobble spaces and <'s that expand to (texhax.43)
servers:  tex *: version 2 (corrected and updated) (texhax.45)
servers:  tex *: version 2 (corrected and updated) (texhax.46)
servers:  tex *: version 2 (corrected and updated) (texhax.47)
sets:  iso character * (texhax.44)
setspace.sty:  latex * (texhax.60)
settings:  mf * for write-white engine (texhax.31)
sfb.sty:  typo in * (texhax.38)
sgml-tex:  *** announcement * conference 31 aug groningen 1990*** (texhax.21)
sgml-tex:  ***courses at the * meeting 31 aug 1990*** (texhax.23)
sgml-tex:  final program * conf. 31 aug, groningen. (texhax.53)
sgml-tex90:  ***call for papers *, groningen 31 aug 1990*** (texhax.19)
shadow.sty:  file * (texhax.52)
shar:  * for new version of bbfig (texhax.55)
side:  system upgrade * effect on lntex (texhax.14)
simple:  help with two * macros (texhax.33)
single-pass.sty:  * (texhax.22)
single-user:  re: decus tex v3.0 * (texhax.72)
site:  makeindex for ms-dos, and a new anonymous ftp * for tex. (texhax.73)
sizing:  relative font * in latex (texhax.19)
slitex:  *, bell & howell, hp7475, calcomp plotmaster (texhax.09)
slitex:  * (texhax.33)
slitex:  pictex and * (texhax.71)
smoke:  metafont proof and * drawings (texhax.40)
soak:  re: tex control words * up spaces (texhax.39)
soak:  re: tex control words * up spaces (v90 #39) (texhax.42)
solution:  line numbering tex output - a partial * (texhax.56)
solutions:  * to 2 tex puzzles (texhax.16)
solutions:  * to dvitovdu woes (texhax.42)
some:  * clarifications (texhax.03)
something:  i haven't..does anyone have * like this? (texhax.63)
something:  re: i haven't..does anyone have * like this? (texhax.63)
somewhat:  list of iso country codes (* outdated) (texhax.07)
sort:  help with strange * of tabular environment (texhax.64)
sort:  re: help with strange * of tabular environment (texhax.68)
sought:  babel system of style options, beta-testers * (texhax.50)
source:  what journals accept tex/latex *? (texhax.14)
source:  ln03 driver * wanted? (texhax.18)
source:  re: what journals accept tex/latex *? (texhax.20)
source:  journals accepting tex/latex * (texhax.22)
source:  journals accepting tex/latex * (texhax.28)
source:  re: what journals accept tex/latex *? (texhax.35)
source:  bibtex, unix, c *, tex, vax/vms (texhax.68)
source:  help, tex *.. (texhax.70)
source:  * for detex (texhax.75)
sources:  network * of texware v2 (file texserv.tex) (texhax.08)
sources:  new tex/mf * available on stanford's master archive (texhax.13)
sources:  tex * and cms-changes (texhax.14)
sources:  journals accepting tex * (texhax.27)
sources:  font * (texhax.54)
sources:  updates to web * of tex, mf, etc; vms changes files for these. (texhax.66)
spaces:  extra * in latex (texhax.33)
spaces:  re: tex control words soak up * (texhax.39)
spaces:  re: tex control words soak up * (v90 #39) (texhax.42)
spaces:  control sequences that gobble * and <'s that expand to (texhax.43)
spacing:  interletter * in cm fonts (texhax.20)
spacing:  proper * of parboxes within tabbing (texhax.24)
spacing:  figure * in two-column (texhax.47)
spanish:  * tug (texhax.16)
spanish:  hyphenation table for * (texhax.54)
special:  letter re: * (texhax.69)
specials:  chemical diagrams, tex, graphic * (texhax.63)
specification:  * of algorithim for handling rounding to device units (texhax.57)
specification:  notes on: * of algorithim for handling rounding to (texhax.57)
splain:  * for tex3.0 (texhax.51)
spreadsheet:  peter flynn's texcalc * (texhax.42)
squares:  magic * (texhax.27)
stack:  what's the deal with yacc * overflow? (texhax.68)
standard:  the level 0 draft * (v 0.03) -- request for comments (texhax.57)
standardising:  * \language values (texhax.01)
stanford's:  new tex/mf sources available on * master archive (texhax.13)
strange:  bug in tex??? * things happening with entirely blank character (texhax.63)
strange:  help with * sort of tabular environment (texhax.64)
strange:  re: bug in tex??? * things happening with entirely blank (texhax.65)
strange:  re: help with * sort of tabular environment (texhax.68)
strange:  re: bug in tex? * things happening with entirely blank character (texhax.74)
sty:  how to find the correct .* files ... suggestion (texhax.21)
style:  * files for citations, underlining, tables (texhax.02)
style:  how to do program text in latex/man page * for latex (texhax.06)
style:  re: nice twocolumn * (texhax.10)
style:  latex double page landscape mode * (texhax.16)
style:  greek * file? (texhax.18)
style:  latex double page landscape mode * (texhax.21)
style:  landscape mode; nar and jmb/jtb bibtex and * files (texhax.22)
style:  is there an nih * file out there? (texhax.34)
style:  subequation numbering * file (texhax.37)
style:  babel system of * options, beta-testers sought (texhax.50)
style:  subeqn * file (texhax.52)
style:  new doublespace * option file--setspace.sty (texhax.54)
style:  chicago manual of * bibliography style? (texhax.57)
style:  chicago manual of style bibliography *? (texhax.57)
style:  latex newsletter * (texhax.60)
style:  latex, bibtex, chicago manual of * (texhax.61)
style:  latex * for crop marks (texhax.73)
styles:  jmb/nar * (texhax.33)
styles:  predefined * for (la)tex (texhax.40)
styles:  * for lispcode and grammars wanted... (texhax.57)
subeqn:  * style file (texhax.52)
subeqnarray.sty:  latex question: * and fixup.sty (texhax.41)
subequation:  * numbering style file (texhax.37)
subject:  *: problem texing weaved tex.web and bibtex.web (texhax.60)
submission:  *: here's a macro for drawing a box with a dropshadow. (texhax.21)
substitution:  re: font * in old dvisun (texhax.02)
substitution:  font * in old dvisun (texhax.04)
success:  * with metafont, failure with mtexdemo (texhax.18)
suggested:  aesthetics: * new error message (texhax.73)
suggestion:  how to find the correct .sty files ... * (texhax.21)
summary:  chiwriter and (la)tex, * (texhax.06)
summary:  a * of tex-related information of note (texmag v3n4) (texhax.30)
sun:  postscript for a * (texhax.14)
sun:  tex & * 386i (texhax.37)
sun:  help i want to get tex and latex for a * 3/50 & sun 4 (texhax.52)
sun:  help i want to get tex and latex for a sun 3/50 & * 4 (texhax.52)
sun:  huge tex on a * 3/50 (texhax.59)  pictex manual on * (texhax.13)  re: pictex manual on * (texhax.16)
sun3:  compiling metafont on a * using gcc (texhax.18)
sun386i:  dvi2lj for * (texhax.69)
sunos:  dvi-to-postscript under * v4? (texhax.10)
suntools:  dvi previewers for * (texhax.21)
supercited:  re: * reference numbers in latex (texhax.01)
superscripts:  latex, citations, * (texhax.01)
superscripts:  re: latex references as * (texhax.02)
superscripts:  re: latex references as *? (no []'s) (texhax.02)
superscripts:  tweaking * (texhax.16)
sur:  r\'eflexions * le congr\`es gutenberg (texmag v3n4) (texhax.29)
survey:  (x)fig * (texhax.47)
switches:  bibtex * (texhax.28)
symbol:  latex question (* for the real line) (texhax.41)
symbol:  halmos * (texhax.42)
symbol:  real number * (texhax.43)
symbol:  re: halmos * (texhax.44)
symbol:  missing * (texhax.59)
symbol:  new * font wasy (texhax.70)
symbols:  bold computer modern typewriter needed, bold math * needed (texhax.30)
symbols:  overlaying mathematical * (texhax.38)
symbols:  phonetic * (texhax.51)
symbols:  re: texhax digest v90 #51 (phonetic *) (texhax.55)
syntax:  tex * (texhax.66)
system:  * upgrade side effect on lntex (texhax.14)
system:  tex is a fun *! (texhax.21)
system:  babel * of style options, beta-testers sought (texhax.50)
tabbing:  proper spacing of parboxes within * (texhax.24)
table:  hyphenation * for spanish (texhax.54)
tables:  style files for citations, underlining, * (texhax.02)
tables:  latex * (texhax.37)
tables:  an environment for very large * (texhax.59)
tabular:  latex, * (texhax.24)
tabular:  help with strange sort of * environment (texhax.64)
tabular:  re: help with strange sort of * environment (texhax.68)
tangle:  changes files for turbo pascal to weave 4.1 and * 4.0 wanted (texhax.51)
ted:  dvitovdu needs pxl fonts? (can't mail to decus-tex, nor *) (texhax.75)
tensor:  external * product (texhax.14)
tensors:  bold vectors and * in latex. (texhax.17)
test:  device driver trip * (texhax.20)
tex's:  * memory (texhax.24)
tex:  * (texhax.01)
tex:  * for vms (texhax.01)
tex:  re: bibtex in the decus * collection (texhax.02)
tex:  re: mixing *, latex, and amstex (texhax.03)
tex:  * yesterday, today, and tomorrow (texhax.05)
tex:  * 3 for dec-20s (texhax.06)
tex:  * v.3 (texhax.06)
tex:  pc * -- epson driver fonts (texhax.06)
tex:  re: texhax114, * \count's in latex (texhax.06)
tex:  recursivity in * (texhax.06)
tex:  * macros requiring a paremter in braces (texhax.10)
tex:  a unix-oriented * trick (texhax.13)
tex:  re: tfm file upward/downward compatibility for new * and mf (texhax.13)
tex:  * query (texhax.14)
tex:  * sources and cms-changes (texhax.14)
tex:  *** announcing * v2.993 for vax/vms (real version!) *** (texhax.14)
tex:  *, automatic line numbering (texhax.15)
tex:  rtf/dca conversion program to * or latex (texhax.15)
tex:  solutions to 2 * puzzles (texhax.16)
tex:  re: * & unix tricks (texhax digest v90 #13) (texhax.17)
tex:  ftping * from score / listserv (texhax.18)
tex:  * is a fun system! (texhax.21)
tex:  *, \large font (texhax.22)
tex:  re: * & unix tricks (texhax digest v90 #13 (texhax.22)
tex:  *, hyphenation, umlaut (texhax.24)
tex:  foreign flavors of * (texhax.24)
tex:  re: ftp'ing * from score / listserv (texhax.24)
tex:  * 3.0 (texhax.25)
tex:  * dictionary? (texhax.25)
tex:  a gothic font for * (texhax.25)
tex:  new * files needed for tex 3.0 (texhax.25)
tex:  new tex files needed for * 3.0 (texhax.25)
tex:  word count in * (texhax.25)
tex:  * previewer (texhax.27)
tex:  3-d * and metafont (texhax.27)
tex:  journals accepting * sources (texhax.27)
tex:  modular *? (texhax.27)
tex:  lamstex, a new * macro (texhax.28)
tex:  permuted index of * and latex commands (texhax.31)
tex:  *, mathematical operators (texhax.33)
tex:  re: * dvi previewer on vaxstation (texhax.33)
tex:  integrating * with graphics and lotus (texhax.34)
tex:  * -> ascii converter? (texhax.35)
tex:  *, \tempcount (texhax.36)
tex:  3-d * (texhax digest v90 #27) (texhax.36)
tex:  * & sun 386i (texhax.37)
tex:  * for x-windows (texhax.37)
tex:  * 3.0 is here! (texhax.38)
tex:  re: * control words soak up spaces (texhax.39)
tex:  * 3.0 on i386 xenix 2.3.2 using gcc (texhax.40)
tex:  re: * -> ascii converter? (texhax.40)
tex:  *** 3.0 (sb30)** (texhax.41)
tex:  line numbering in * (texhax.41)
tex:  oztex and * v3.0 (texhax.41)
tex:  postscript -> * ? (texhax.42)
tex:  re: * control words soak up spaces (v90 #39) (texhax.42)
tex:  * and latex (texhax.43)
tex:  * query (texhax.43)
tex:  * output routine course (texhax.44)
tex:  * previewer (texhax.44)
tex:  problems with building * (texhax.44)
tex:  * servers: version 2 (corrected and updated) (texhax.45)
tex:  * servers: version 2 (corrected and updated) (texhax.46)
tex:  * servers: version 2 (corrected and updated) (texhax.47)
tex:  arabic * (texhax.47)
tex:  running * on a pc with hp laserjet (texhax.47)
tex:  * and metafont (texhax.48)
tex:  * files corruption over networks. (texhax.48)
tex:  * macro (texhax.48)
tex:  * for the pc driver (texhax.50)
tex:  eight bit input for * (texhax.50)
tex:  word for windows & * (texhax.50)
tex:  re: * files corruption over networks (texhax #48) (texhax.51)
tex:  * 3.00 and hyphenation (texhax.52)
tex:  * bug in make_accent? (texhax.52)
tex:  * drivers (texhax.52)
tex:  fonts, *, latex (texhax.52)
tex:  help i want to get * and latex for a sun 3/50 & sun 4 (texhax.52)
tex:  hebrew in * (xet) (texhax.54)
tex:  needed: opinions on * for the macintosh (texhax.54)
tex:  * file corruption over networks (texhax.56)
tex:  * most recent version (texhax.56)
tex:  * on apple iigs (texhax.56)
tex:  announcing a california * users group (texhax.56)
tex:  line numbering * output - a partial solution (texhax.56)
tex:  networking * files. (texhax.56)
tex:  nroff to * (texhax.56)
tex:  huge * on a sun 3/50 (texhax.59)
tex:  * macros for using makeindex and bibtex (texhax.60)
tex:  re: * 3.00 and hyphenation (texhax.60)
tex:  re: * bug in make_accent (texhax.61)
tex:  * for ibm mvs/xa (texhax.62)
tex:  announcing the 1990 decus * collection (texhax.62)
tex:  latest versions of * and mf available for vms. (texhax.62)
tex:  announcing the 1990 decus * collection (texhax.63)
tex:  bug in *??? strange things happening with entirely blank character (texhax.63)
tex:  chemical diagrams, *, graphic specials (texhax.63)
tex:  rotated * fonts for 3800-3 (texhax.63)
tex:  apl fonts for * (texhax.65)
tex:  help needed for voluminous indexing in * on pcs (texhax.65)
tex:  re: bug in *??? strange things happening with entirely blank (texhax.65)
tex:  * syntax (texhax.66)
tex:  updates to web sources of *, mf, etc; vms changes files for these. (texhax.66)
tex:  call for paper--sixth european * conference (texhax.67)
tex:  * and transcript (texhax.68)
tex:  bibtex, unix, c source, *, vax/vms (texhax.68)
tex:  code pages and * on pcs (texhax.68)
tex:  comparison of * with word, wordperfect, etc. (texhax.68)
tex:  re: apl fonts for * (texhax.68)
tex:  trouble with levy's * greek (texhax.68)
tex:  announcing oztex v1.3 (* v3.0) (texhax.69)
tex:  help, * source.. (texhax.70)
tex:  interaction between code pages and * v3 (texhax.71)
tex:  re: trouble with levy's * greek (texhax.71)
tex:  re: decus * v3.0 single-user (texhax.72)
tex:  texhax digest v90 #68 (unix *) (texhax.72)
tex:  * for p/os (texhax.73)
tex:  correction for dvi2ln03 for august 1990 decus * collection (texhax.73)
tex:  makeindex for ms-dos, and a new anonymous ftp site for *. (texhax.73)
tex:  re: bug in *? strange things happening with entirely blank character (texhax.74)
tex:  using auxiliary files with * (texhax.74)
tex:  * help-equation positioning (texhax.75)
tex:  [ need help in retrieving *] (texhax.75)
tex:  postscript to * or dvi (texhax.75)
tex:  re: [ need help in retrieving *] (texhax.75)
tex:  re: help with ftp of * on pss -- (from latex-help) (texhax.75)
tex-euro:  announcing * (texmag v3n4) (texhax.28)
tex-hax:  in re latest * (cropmarks, topglue) (texhax.74)
tex-related:  * file formats (texhax.25)
tex-related:  a summary of * information of note (texmag v3n4) (texhax.30)
tex-xet:  * (texhax.44)
tex.web:  subject: problem texing weaved * and bibtex.web (texhax.60)
tex/dvipage:  dvipage from (./*) (texhax.40)
tex/latex:  what journals accept * source? (texhax.14)
tex/latex:  re: what journals accept * source? (texhax.20)
tex/latex:  journals accepting * source (texhax.22)
tex/latex:  journals accepting * source (texhax.28)
tex/latex:  mac * (texhax.35)
tex/latex:  re: what journals accept * source? (texhax.35)
tex/latex:  * help (texhax.37)
tex/latex:  request for information on * utility programs (texhax.58)
tex/mf:  new * sources available on stanford's master archive (texhax.13)
tex3.0:  splain for * (texhax.51)
tex88:  * (texhax.28)
texas:  **** '90 tug meeting: call for queries*** (texhax.41)
texas:  seeking questionnaires from the tug '90 meeting in *... (texhax.59)
texbook:  * (texhax.03)
texbook:  exercise 11.5 of * (texhax.18)
texbook:  * 3.0 (texhax.64)
texbook:  * 3.0 (texhax.67)
texcalc:  peter flynn's * spreadsheet (texhax.42)
texhax114:  re: *, tex \count's in latex (texhax.06)
texing:  subject: problem * weaved tex.web and bibtex.web (texhax.60)
texmag:  announcing tex-euro (* v3n4) (texhax.28)
texmag:  improved font selection in latex (* v3n4) (texhax.28)
texmag:  introducing latex-help (* v3n4) (texhax.28)
texmag:  r\'eflexions sur le congr\`es gutenberg (* v3n4) (texhax.29)
texmag:  a summary of tex-related information of note (* v3n4) (texhax.30)
texmag:  corrections: info from * v3n4 (texhax.36)
texserv.tex:  network sources of texware v2 (file *) (texhax.08)
texserver:  * gains reverse-address sanity (texhax.58)
text:  how to do program * in latex/man page style for latex (texhax.06)
text:  framed headers and * in latex (texhax.14)
text:  rtf (rich * format) to latex (texhax.38)
text:  determining width of * (texhax.41)
textures:  adobe fonts and * (texhax.06)
textyl:  problem with * on vms and lasy fonts (texhax.42)
texware:  network sources of * v2 (file texserv.tex) (texhax.08)
tfm:  producing * files (texhax.01)
tfm:  re: * file upward/downward compatibility for new tex and mf (texhax.13)
tfm-problems:  * (texhax.44)
thanks:  book on web and * (texhax.35)
that:  latex: implementing designs * have \parindent zero (texhax.26)
that:  control sequences * gobble spaces and <'s that expand to (texhax.43)
that:  control sequences that gobble spaces and <'s * expand to (texhax.43)
these:  updates to web sources of tex, mf, etc; vms changes files for *. (texhax.66)
things:  bug in tex??? strange * happening with entirely blank character (texhax.63)
things:  re: bug in tex??? strange * happening with entirely blank (texhax.65)
things:  re: bug in tex? strange * happening with entirely blank character (texhax.74)
this:  i haven't..does anyone have something like *? (texhax.63)
this:  re: i haven't..does anyone have something like *? (texhax.63)
this:  is * a bug in enumerate or the ifthen.sty file? (texhax.65)
through:  printing a portion of a .dvi or .ps file * a laser printer. (texhax.48)
through:  re: printing a portion of a .dvi or .ps file * a laser printer. (texhax.48)
tib:  *** announcing version 2.2 of * *** (texhax.04)
tib:  * in europe (texhax.24)
tib:  comments on * (texhax.60)
times:  * roman in latex? (texhax.22)
today:  tex yesterday, *, and tomorrow (texhax.05)
tomorrow:  tex yesterday, today, and * (texhax.05)
too:  want enumerate labels to include nested numbers, * (texhax.56)
topglue:  in re latest tex-hax (cropmarks, *) (texhax.74)
tops10:  output-driver for * (texhax.25)
toshiba:  latex/tex dvi-->printer driver for * pagelaser 12 (texhax.16)
tough:  re: * multi-column question (texhax.33)
tpic:  new version of * available (texhax.19)
trade:  i'll * (texhax.35)
trade:  re: i'll * (texhax.35)
transcript:  tex and * (texhax.68)
trees:  * and bipartite graphs in latex (texhax.75)
trick:  a unix-oriented tex * (texhax.13)
trick:  a nice macro *. (texhax.75)
tricks:  re: tex & unix * (texhax digest v90 #13) (texhax.17)
tricks:  re: tex & unix * (texhax digest v90 #13 (texhax.22)
trim:  how to * whitespace? (texhax.17)
trip:  device driver * test (texhax.20)
trouble:  * with levy's tex greek (texhax.68)
trouble:  re: * with levy's tex greek (texhax.71)
tug:  re: * courses (texhax.10)
tug:  spanish * (texhax.16)
tug:  ***texas '90 * meeting: call for queries*** (texhax.41)
tug:  seeking questionnaires from the * '90 meeting in texas... (texhax.59)
tugboat:  [ questions about recent * articles (texhax.16)
tugboat:  questions about recent * articles ... (texhax.16)
tugboat:  the previous issues of *. (texhax.27)
turbo:  changes files for * pascal to weave 4.1 and tangle 4.0 wanted (texhax.51)
tweaking:  * superscripts (texhax.16)
two:  * letter codes for languages (texhax.14)
two:  help with * simple macros (texhax.33)
two-column:  parallel * printing - how? (texhax.22)
two-column:  figure spacing in * (texhax.47)
twocolumn:  re: nice * style (texhax.10)
typeface:  change * completely? (texhax.43)
typesetting:  macros for * c programs (texhax.64)
typewriter:  bold computer modern * needed, bold math symbols needed (texhax.30)
typo:  * in sfb.sty (texhax.38)
umlaut:  tex, hyphenation, * (texhax.24)
unboldface:  boldface and * in formulas, latex (texhax.53)
under:  dvi-to-postscript * sunos v4? (texhax.10)
under:  dvialw * vm/cms (texhax.22)
under:  re: previewer * x11 (texhax.27)
under:  re: problem with bibtex * vms (texhax.48)
under:  makeindex * msdos (texhax.72)
underbar:  question about mathmode * (texhax.07)
underbar:  re: mathmode * (vol. 90 issue 7) (texhax.14)
underlining:  style files for citations, *, tables (texhax.02)
ungar`s:  re: lisa * latex question (texhax.65)
units:  specification of algorithim for handling rounding to device * (texhax.57)
unix:  connecting hp laser jets to * machines (re: 89.111) (texhax.03)
unix:  re: tex & * tricks (texhax digest v90 #13) (texhax.17)
unix:  re: tex & * tricks (texhax digest v90 #13 (texhax.22)
unix:  bibtex, *, c source, tex, vax/vms (texhax.68)
unix:  dvi for * vga, right hand figures (texhax.71)
unix:  texhax digest v90 #68 (* tex) (texhax.72)
unix-oriented:  a * tex trick (texhax.13)
unretex:  * (texhax.51)
unretex--where:  * is it? (texhax.49)
unwanted:  dealing with * \outer-ness (texhax.51)
update:  figprep * (texhax.37)
updated:  *** * metafont, .bug files available from aston archive *** (texhax.15)
updated:  tex servers: version 2 (corrected and *) (texhax.45)
updated:  tex servers: version 2 (corrected and *) (texhax.46)
updated:  tex servers: version 2 (corrected and *) (texhax.47)
updated:  fweb 1.13: new for ibm-pc, * for other machines (texhax.58)
updates:  * to web sources of tex, mf, etc; vms changes files for these. (texhax.66)
upgrade:  system * side effect on lntex (texhax.14)
upward/downward:  re: tfm file * compatibility for new tex and mf (texhax.13)
urgent:  how do i figure out the final page placement of floats??? (***) (texhax.18)
use:  re: * of counters in a \savebox command (texhax.04)
use:  * of \special\landscape (texhax.17)
users:  announcing dvim72-mac: imagewriter printing for oztex * (texhax.50)
users:  announcing a california tex * group (texhax.56)
utility:  request for information on tex/latex * programs (texhax.58)
v.3:  tex * (texhax.06)
v1.3:  announcing oztex * (tex v3.0) (texhax.69)
v2.993:  *** announcing tex * for vax/vms (real version!) *** (texhax.14)
v3.0:  oztex and tex * (texhax.41)
v3.0:  announcing oztex v1.3 (tex *) (texhax.69)
v3.0:  re: decus tex * single-user (texhax.72)
v3n4:  announcing tex-euro (texmag *) (texhax.28)
v3n4:  improved font selection in latex (texmag *) (texhax.28)
v3n4:  introducing latex-help (texmag *) (texhax.28)
v3n4:  r\'eflexions sur le congr\`es gutenberg (texmag *) (texhax.29)
v3n4:  a summary of tex-related information of note (texmag *) (texhax.30)
v3n4:  corrections: info from texmag * (texhax.36)
values:  standardising \language * (texhax.01)
vax:  needed: * vms version of gftopk.c (texhax.04)
vax:  * dvi2ln3 driver (texhax.35)
vax/vms:  *** announcing tex v2.993 for * (real version!) *** (texhax.14)
vax/vms:  needed: psfig, *, dvips (texhax.63)
vax/vms:  bibtex, unix, c source, tex, * (texhax.68)
vaxstation:  re: tex dvi previewer on * (texhax.33)
vectors:  bold * and tensors in latex. (texhax.17)
vendors:  needed: addresses of * (texhax.73)
ver:  amstex * 2 fonts for latex (texhax.69)
verbatim:  * listing macro (texhax.03)
verbatim:  a nestable * environment, with escape character. (texhax.26)
verbatim:  escapable * environment (texhax.32)
verbatim:  * mode in latex (problem) (texhax.71)
verbatim:  re: texhax digest v90 #071 (*) (texhax.73)
version:  *** announcing * 2.2 of tib *** (texhax.04)
version:  needed: vax vms * of gftopk.c (texhax.04)
version:  *** announcing tex v2.993 for vax/vms (real *!) *** (texhax.14)
version:  new * of tpic available (texhax.19)
version:  new * of fancyheadings.sty (texhax.35)
version:  tex servers: * 2 (corrected and updated) (texhax.45)
version:  tex servers: * 2 (corrected and updated) (texhax.46)
version:  tex servers: * 2 (corrected and updated) (texhax.47)
version:  new * of bbfig available (texhax.53)
version:  shar for new * of bbfig (texhax.55)
version:  tex most recent * (texhax.56)
version:  crudetype * 3 (texhax.70)
versions:  different * of epic? (texhax.39)
versions:  latest * of tex and mf available for vms. (texhax.62)
versus:  blackboard bold * bold (texhax.16)
versus:  dostex * sbtex versus ? (texhax.50)
versus:  dostex versus sbtex * ? (texhax.50)
vertical:  * crowding of fraction bars (texhax.59)
vertical:  re: * crowding of fraction bars (texhax.59)
vga:  dvi for unix *, right hand figures (texhax.71)
victor:  macmetafont author's address (* ostromoukhov) (texhax.33)
videotape:  dvi to * (texhax.36)
virtual:  * fonts: more fun for grand wizards (texhax.11)
virtual:  re: * fonts: more fun for grand wizards (texhax.17)
vm/cms:  dvialw under * (texhax.22)
vm/cms:  change file for * (texhax.37)
vm/cms:  dostex .dvi files on * (texhax.40)
vms:  tex for * (texhax.01)
vms:  needed: vax * version of gftopk.c (texhax.04)
vms:  where is * decwindows previewer (texhax.07)
vms:  problem with textyl on * and lasy fonts (texhax.42)
vms:  problem with bibtex for * (texhax.48)
vms:  re: problem with bibtex under * (texhax.48)
vms:  latest versions of tex and mf available for *. (texhax.62)
vms:  request for * hp lj driver (texhax.63)
vms:  updates to web sources of tex, mf, etc; * changes files for these. (texhax.66)
vms/vax:  dvi program for qms lasergrafic 800 on *. (texhax.35)
vol:  re: mathmode underbar (*. 90 issue 7) (texhax.14)
volume:  texhax digest * 90 : issue 48 (texhax.50)
voluminous:  help needed for * indexing in tex on pcs (texhax.65)
vs.bodoni:  bembo * (texhax digest v90 #68) (texhax.71)
vtex:  micropress * (texhax.01)
want:  help i * to get tex and latex for a sun 3/50 & sun 4 (texhax.52)
want:  * enumerate labels to include nested numbers, too (texhax.56)
wasy:  new symbol font * (texhax.70)
way:  (wanted) a * to keep citations from extending into the margin (texhax.31)
weave:  changes files for turbo pascal to * 4.1 and tangle 4.0 wanted (texhax.51)
weaved:  subject: problem texing * tex.web and bibtex.web (texhax.60)
web:  * for fortran 8x has been reported (texhax.14)
web:  * for c. (texhax.27)
web:  book on * and thanks (texhax.35)
web:  updates to * sources of tex, mf, etc; vms changes files for these. (texhax.66)
web2c:  new * (texhax.42)
web2c:  * 5.8a released (texhax.68)
what's:  * the deal with yacc stack overflow? (texhax.68)
what:  * journals accept tex/latex source? (texhax.14)
what:  re: * journals accept tex/latex source? (texhax.20)
what:  re: * journals accept tex/latex source? (texhax.35)
white-write:  * fonts anyone (texhax.44)
whitespace:  how to trim *? (texhax.17)
width:  determining * of text (texhax.41)
windows:  word for * & tex (texhax.50)
windows:  dvi previewers for dec * (texhax.52)
windows:  need metafont->ms * 3.0 display font converter (texhax.68)
winter:  * course schedule (texhax.68)
within:  proper spacing of parboxes * tabbing (texhax.24)
wizards:  virtual fonts: more fun for grand * (texhax.11)
wizards:  re: virtual fonts: more fun for grand * (texhax.17)
woes:  dvitovdu * (texhax.30)
woes:  solutions to dvitovdu * (texhax.42)
word:  * count in tex (texhax.25)
word:  * for windows & tex (texhax.50)
word:  comparison of tex with *, wordperfect, etc. (texhax.68)
wordperfect:  comparison of tex with word, *, etc. (texhax.68)
words:  re: tex control * soak up spaces (texhax.39)
words:  re: tex control * soak up spaces (v90 #39) (texhax.42)
work:  re: getting zed.sty to * w/ new font selection scheme (texhax.72)
write:  dvi-to-hpseries ii: is there one before i * it? (texhax.25)
write-white:  mf settings for * engine (texhax.31)
writing:  mathematical * (texhax.13)
wslipa:  problem with * fonts (texhax.56)
wslipa:  * fonts (texhax.61)
x)fig:  (* survey (texhax.47)
x-windows:  tex for * (texhax.37)
x11:  wanted: previewer for * (texhax.21)
x11:  re: previewer under * (texhax.27)
xenix:  tex 3.0 on i386 * 2.3.2 using gcc (texhax.40)
xet:  hebrew in tex (*) (texhax.54)
y-axis:  rotated fonts for * labels in latex graphics. (texhax.31)
yacc:  what's the deal with * stack overflow? (texhax.68)
yesterday:  tex *, today, and tomorrow (texhax.05)
yet:  * another latex bug? (texhax.61)  ftping to * (texhax.09)
zed.sty:  re: getting * to work w/ new font selection scheme (texhax.72)
zero:  latex: implementing designs that have \parindent * (texhax.26)