KWIC index for TeXhax V91, issues 01--51
	created Tue Jun  1 16:46:32 BST 1993 by

0.4:  mode_def collection * released (texhax.17)
0.7: * released (texhax.36)
0.8: version * released (texhax.51)
0pt:  \topskip = * produces bug in latex (texhax.15)
1.0:  version * of tex font naming scheme released (texhax.31)
1.22:  fweb * [a web system for c, c++, fortran, ratfor, and tex] (texhax.43)
1.8:  eplain * released (texhax.16)
1.9:  eplain * released (texhax.24)
2.0:  amstex * fonts with latex (texhax.05)
2.0:  upload: macbibtex * -- bibtex for the macintosh (texhax.29)
2.00:  imake-less imaketex * and schemeweb (texhax.05)
2.01:  imaketex * released for tex 3.1 and mf 2.7 (texhax.16)
2.02:  imaketex * for tex 3.14 released (texhax.35)
2.1.1:  transfig & fig * (texhax.04)
2.1.1:  fig * patchlevel 1 (texhax.05)
2.7:  metafont */ problems (texhax.15)
2.7:  imaketex 2.01 released for tex 3.1 and mf * (texhax.16)
2.93/3.14:  tex version * (texhax.45)
2nd:  fc font encoding scheme -- * draft (texhax.45)
3.0:  non-english hyphenation and tex * (texhax.21)
3.0:  non-english hyphenation and tex * (texhax.22)
3.0:  re: non-english hyphenation and tex * (texhax.24)
3.0:  help! 8-bit \catcode sometimes ignored in tex *? (texhax.40)
3.0:  help! 8-bit \catcode sometimes ignored in tex *? (texhax.43)
3.1:  imaketex 2.01 released for tex * and mf 2.7 (texhax.16)
3.1:  tex * for sgi iris machines (texhax.21)
3.1:  tex * on sgi irix (texhax.23)
3.1:  problems in tex * installation (vms) (texhax.35)
3.1:  re: problems in tex * installation (vms) [texhax v91 #35] (texhax.39)
3.14:  tex *, vax/vms (texhax.33)
3.14:  imaketex 2.02 for tex * released (texhax.35)
3.14:  tex * and other pk fonts in the distribution (texhax.37)
3.14:  making unix tex * (texhax.40)
3.14:  tex * and other pk fonts in the distribution (digest v91 #037) (texhax.41)
3up:  upload: label.tex--print * labels with plain tex (texhax.30)
4.1:  dviln03 version * on fileserv (texhax.47)
4.1.1:  summary: sunos * and x11r4 (texhax.12)
4up:  * style in latex (texhax.18)
5.84b:  web2c * released (texhax.22)
6000/ps:  printing on ricoh * (texhax.34)
600dpi:  fonts, * (texhax.07)
6th:  call for paper: * european tex conference (texhax.03)
6th:  * european tex conference and gutenberg'91 (texhax.20)
7-9pt:  upload: xarticle.sty--modified article.sty supporting * sizes (texhax.29)
7-bit:  a new * encoding scheme (texhax.04)
7-bit:  splitting an 8-bit pk file into two * pk files (texhax.18)
7-bit:  splitting an 8-bit pk file into two * pk files (texhax.22)
7.0:  problems printing tex from unix to laserwriters with driver * (texhax.31)
8-bit:  splitting an * pk file into two 7-bit pk files (texhax.18)
8-bit:  a macintosh * cmtt font is available (texhax.21)
8-bit:  re: splitting * pk (texhax.22)
8-bit:  splitting an * pk file into two 7-bit pk files (texhax.22)
8-bit:  help! * \catcode sometimes ignored in tex 3.0? (texhax.40)
8-bit:  help! * \catcode sometimes ignored in tex 3.0? (texhax.43)
8.5x11:  4 small pages on one * sheet... (texhax.19)
\+...\cr:  footnotes in * lines?? (texhax.33)
\bar:  problem with * (texhax.02)
\bgroup:  problem with * \egroup in the definition of an environment (texhax.51)
\bibliography:  latex question concerning "*" (texhax.37)
\catcode:  help! 8-bit * sometimes ignored in tex 3.0? (texhax.40)
\catcode:  help! 8-bit * sometimes ignored in tex 3.0? (texhax.43)
\cite:  spaces after commas in *. (texhax.48)
\count:  * 1 used for latex section counter (texhax.07)
\egroup:  problem with \bgroup * in the definition of an environment (texhax.51)
\expandafter:  bug off (*) (texhax.18)
\footnotemark:  re: use of * (texhax.25)
\halign:  can one use a \loop...\repeat to contribute columns to an *? (texhax.39)
\if:  an exceptionally disturbing evaluation of * (texhax.38)
\if:  an exceptionally disturbing evaluation of * (texhax.41)
\if:  an exceptionally disturbing evaluation of * (texhax.41)
\if:  *, tex (texhax.42)
\if:  re: an exceptionally disturbing evaluation of * (texhax.42)
\ifdisplay:  re: wanted *. (texhax.22)
\ifdisplaymode:  wanted: * (texhax.21)
\index:  special characters in * (texhax.03)
\input:  * in latex (texhax.15)
\input:  * in latex (texhax.19)
\itemize:  changing the character code in latex * environment (texhax.12)
\itemize:  changing the character code in latex * environment (texhax.16)
\language:  french hyphenation and the * command (texhax.15)
\loop...\repeat:  can one use a * to contribute columns to an \halign? (texhax.39)
\midinsert:  * etc. (texhax.23)
\topskip:  * = 0pt produces bug in latex (texhax.15)
\tt:  help: modifying * (texhax.12)
\tt:  help: modifying * (texhax.15)
a4.sty--new:  upload: * version (texhax.30)
abbreviated:  tex * font file names (texhax.09)
abstract:  single-col * and title in latex twocol style (texhax.16)
abstract:  re: single-col * and title in latex twocol style (texhax.20)
accented:  accessing postscript * characters (texhax.39)
accented:  hyphenation for * words (texhax.48)
accessible:  uk tex archive now * from uucp sites (texhax.27)
accessing:  * postscript accented characters (texhax.39)
additions:  * and changes to listserv and dante ftp server (texhax.14)
address:  looking for * of textset inc. (texhax.04)
address:  * of g. w. stewart (texhax.05)
address:  e-mail * for doug mcdonald (texhax.18)
address:  e-mail * (doug macdonald) (texhax.21)
address:  * files available at fileserv (texhax.51)
adobe:  re: standardization of tex names for * postscript fonts. (texhax.13)
adobe:  standardization of tex names for * postscript fonts. (texhax.13)
adobe:  * technology exchange (texhax.43)
after:  spaces * commas in \cite. (texhax.48)
again--a:  latex macro expansion * clarification (texhax.36)
agfa:  * p400ps as tex output device (texhax.41)
aiaa:  wanted: latex style file for * journal submissions (texhax.36)
aiaa.bst:  * (texhax.37)
aix:  tex on ibm * system. (texhax.26)
aix:  * version of dvi38xx (texhax.44)
aka:  diacritics over oblique pandora (* mrs. schallhorn's draft effect) (texhax.43)
all:  anyone have a left justify * equations latex style file? (texhax.38)
alphabet:  fonts for the ipa (international phonetic *) (texhax.28)
america:  style file for mathematical association of * wanted (texhax.24)
american:  bibtex style, * psychological association. (texhax.51)
amiga:  looking for bibtex for * (texhax.21)
ams-latex:  new versions of ams-tex, *, and amsfonts (texhax.35)
ams-tex:  new versions of *, ams-latex, and amsfonts (texhax.35)
ams-tex:  lams-tex for users of * (texhax.48)
amsfonts:  forwarded: * + slitex (texhax.31)
amsfonts:  new versions of ams-tex, ams-latex, and * (texhax.35)
amslatex:  * pf environment (texhax.04)
amstex:  * 2.0 fonts with latex (texhax.05)
amstex:  texcad, * (texhax.18)
amstex:  re: texcad, * (texhax.23)
and/or:  writenow * other proprietary formats to tex (texhax.38)
and/or:  writenow * other proprietary formats to tex (texhax.42)
annotated:  * bib .bst style (texhax.41)
announcement--uk:  * tex archive (texhax.38)
announcing:  * dvitoln03 v4.0 for vax/vms (texhax.17)
announcing:  * the babel system of style options (texhax.28)
another:  * dimension of newsletter -- quote.sty and italic.sty (texhax.40)
ansi:  cweb and * c (texhax.48)
ansi:  cweb and * c (texhax.50)
answers:  * to exercises in latex (texhax.10)
anyone:  tex on a decstation 5000 *? (texhax.04)
anyone:  tex on a decstation 5000 *? (texhax.05)
anyone:  * have a left justify all equations latex style file? (texhax.38)
apa:  * bibliography/citation style (texhax.08)
apologies:  * to uucp clients of (texhax.11)
applications:  style for us patent *. (texhax.21)
arabic:  * or persian (farsi) fonts for tex/latex (texhax.07)
arabtex:  * files available at fileserv (texhax.40)
arbortext:  looking for textset inc.... found * inc. (texhax.07)
archive:  uk tex * now accessible from uucp sites (texhax.27)
archive:  update: cvtbib.el moved in ymir * (texhax.29)
archive:  update: several .el files moved in ymir * (texhax.31)
archive:  announcement--uk tex * (texhax.38)
archive:  re: uktex and aston * (texhax.46)
armenian:  wanted: * in tex (texhax.13)
around:  upload: sober.sty--reduced space * heads in latex (texhax.31)
art14:  * style (texhax.17)
art14:  re: * style (texhax.21)
art14:  * - a summary (texhax.26)
article:  three topics: cyrillic, machine readable help, 2 column * (texhax.19)
article.sty:  upload: xarticle.sty--modified * supporting 7-9pt sizes (texhax.29)
ascii:  dvi to * converter (texhax.19)
asking:  * tex (texhax.07)
association:  style file for mathematical * of america wanted (texhax.24)
association:  bibtex style, american psychological *. (texhax.51)
aston:  re: uktex and * archive (texhax.46)
astron.bst:  * and chapterbib.sty (texhax.28)
astronomical:  * symbols (texhax.12)
astronomical:  * symbols (texhax.17)
astronomical:  re: * symbols and male/female symbols (texhax.23)
astronomy:  desktop publishing, *, space sciences (texhax.14)
at&t:  * patent => x will not be free. (texhax.13)
atari:  * st/mega/tt (tos): searching for dvi-driver with landscape option (texhax.15)
auc:  upload: update to * emacs lisp tex mode (texhax.29)
authors:  reversing *' names with tib (texhax.10)
authors:  re: reversing *' names with tib (texhax digest v91 #010) (texhax.15)
automatic:  * corner figure insertion (texhax.12)
babel:  announcing the * system of style options (texhax.28)
babel:  upload: * system of style options (texhax.30)
babel:  update to the * system of style files (texhax.35)
babel:  * files refreshed at listserv@hearn (texhax.37)  [*: help on tabular environment (texhax.28)  re: [*: help on tabular environment (texhax.31)
barcodes:  * from tex? (texhax.21)
barcodes:  * (texhax.23)
beebe:  modified * driver for h-p lasers (texhax.34)
been:  has this bug * fixed? (texhax.11)
beginner's:  * guide to latex (texhax.44)
beginners:  *' latex (essential.tex) (texhax.45)
berry's:  karl * modes available at fileserv@shsu.bitnet (texhax.17)
better:  a * `verbatim' environment? (texhax.35)
bib:  annotated * .bst style (texhax.41)
bibliography:  * at the end of chapters (texhax.26)
bibliography:  re: * at the end of chapters (texhax.34)
bibliography/citation:  apa * style (texhax.08)
bibtex:  looking for * for amiga (texhax.21)
bibtex:  upload: bibtex-mode.el--emacs mode for * file entry/editing (texhax.29)
bibtex:  upload: macbibtex 2.0 -- * for the macintosh (texhax.29)
bibtex:  upload: inspec2bibtex.el--convert inspec files to * (texhax.31)
bibtex:  * without latex? (texhax.36)
bibtex:  * style, american psychological association. (texhax.51)
bibtex-mode.el--emacs:  upload: * mode for bibtex file entry/editing (texhax.29)
bit:  where do i find info on new 8 * font layout? (texhax.26)
bit:  8 * input (texhax.35)
bitnet:  texhax via *. check your subscription. (texhax.10)
bitnet:  * woes (texhax.16)
bk14.sty:  * - does it exist? (texhax.19)
bk14.sty:  response to query for * (texhax.24)
bold:  typewriter *, bold italic? (texhax.11)
bold:  typewriter bold, * italic? (texhax.11)
bold:  * in latex that isn't so large (texhax.35)
bold:  * in latex that isn't so large (texhax.40)
book:  how do you insert figures in your * or paper prepared in tex? (texhax.22)
boxes:  limit subscripts and * losing information (texhax.26)
breaking:  problem with line * in twocolumn text (texhax.41)
breaking:  re: problem with line * in twocolumn text (texhax.41)
brief.sty--nen-conformant:  upload: * letter style (texhax.31)
bst:  annotated bib .* style (texhax.41)
bsty:  ieee * (texhax.41)
bsty:  re: ieee * (texhax.43)
bubblejet:  dvidriver for canon * wanted (texhax.41)
bubblejet:  (dvidriver for canon * wanted) texhax digest v91 #041 (texhax.43)
bug:  small * in equations.sty (texhax.04)
bug:  tex *: optional spaces are mandatory (texhax.08)
bug:  tex *: optional spaces are mandatory (texhax.10)
bug:  has this * been fixed? (texhax.11)
bug:  re: * in tex optional spaces are mandatory (texhax v91 #8) (texhax.11)
bug:  latex *?? (texhax.12)
bug:  \topskip = 0pt produces * in latex (texhax.15)
bug:  no latex * (texhax.15)
bug:  small * in equations.sty (texhax.16)
bug:  * off (\expandafter) (texhax.18)
bug:  a small * in oldlfont.sty of new font ... and (texhax.18)
bug:  a small * in oldlfont.sty of new font ... and (texhax.21)
bug:  small * in (texhax.48)
bug:  small * in (texhax.51)
c2latex:  * is on (texhax.24)
call:  * for paper: 6th european tex conference (texhax.03)
call:  * for dtp papers (texhax.26)
calling:  when * texserver, make sure you have enough room!! (texhax.38)
canon:  dvidriver for * bubblejet wanted (texhax.41)
canon:  (dvidriver for * bubblejet wanted) texhax digest v91 #041 (texhax.43)
centering:  * equation number in latex (texhax.38)
centering:  re: * equation number (texhax.41)
changes:  additions and * to listserv and dante ftp server (texhax.14)
changing:  * the character code in latex \itemize environment (texhax.12)
changing:  * the character code in latex \itemize environment (texhax.16)
chapterbib.sty:  astron.bst and * (texhax.28)
chapters:  bibliography at the end of * (texhax.26)
chapters:  re: bibliography at the end of * (texhax.34)
character:  f8hyph.tex: which * is which? (texhax.08)
character:  changing the * code in latex \itemize environment (texhax.12)
character:  changing the * code in latex \itemize environment (texhax.16)
characters:  special * in \index (texhax.03)
characters:  accessing postscript accented * (texhax.39)
characters:  need * for old english and old icelandic/old norse (texhax.43)
check:  texhax via bitnet. * your subscription. (texhax.10)
checker:  upload: lacheck--latex consistency * (texhax.30)
chinese:  * version of tex (texhax.33)
clarification:  latex macro expansion again--a * (texhax.36)
clients:  apologies to uucp * of (texhax.11)
cmr:  * postcript fonts? (texhax.36)
cms:  postscript driver for * (texhax.08)
cms:  dvi to ps for * (texhax.38)
cmsa10:  "*" (texhax.32)
cmtt:  a macintosh 8-bit * font is available (texhax.21)
code:  changing the character * in latex \itemize environment (texhax.12)
code:  changing the character * in latex \itemize environment (texhax.16)
coherent:  tex for * (texhax.01)
coherent:  tex for * (texhax.03)
collection:  mode_def * (texhax.12)
collection:  mode_def * 0.4 released (texhax.17)
column:  three topics: cyrillic, machine readable help, 2 * article (texhax.19)
columns:  can one use a \loop...\repeat to contribute * to an \halign? (texhax.39)
command:  french hyphenation and the \language * (texhax.15)
commas:  spaces after * in \cite. (texhax.48)
comments:  * on review: michael doob's a gentle... (texhax.49)
community:  formation of italic (irish tex and latex interest *) (texhax.11)
compugraphics:  mode_def for * 9600 (texhax.23)
computing:  genealogical * and tex (texhax.15)
concerning:  summary of responses * free tex for the pc. (texhax.03)
concerning:  latex question * "\bibliography" (texhax.37)
conference:  call for paper: 6th european tex * (texhax.03)
conference:  tug * proceedings summaries (texhax.13)
conference:  6th european tex * and gutenberg'91 (texhax.20)
consistency:  upload: lacheck--latex * checker (texhax.30)
contents:  tugboat 12 #2, table of * (texhax.33)
contents:  manipulating tables of * (texhax.39)
contribute:  can one use a \loop...\repeat to * columns to an \halign? (texhax.39)
conventions:  font naming * (texhax.07)
conversion:  request for * s/w (texhax.22)
conversion:  .tfm to .pk or .gf * (texhax.32)
conversion:  latex -> tex *? (texhax.32)
conversion:  tex -> rtf * program? (texhax.35)
converter:  dvi to ascii * (texhax.19)
converter:  tex utility * program pltotf.exe (texhax.45)
converting:  * pk files to ps outlines (texhax.21)
corner:  automatic * figure insertion (texhax.12)
correction:  texhax submission (*) (texhax.08)
counter:  \count 1 used for latex section * (texhax.07)
creating:  * l-amstex format file (texhax.51)
cree:  * syllabics (texhax.01)
currency:  variants for * symbols (texhax.21)
currency:  variants for * symbols (texhax.22)
current:  * version of xfig ? (texhax.23)
cvtbib.el:  update: * moved in ymir archive (texhax.29)
cweb:  * for dos ?? (texhax.40)
cweb:  * and ansi c (texhax.48)
cweb:  * and ansi c (texhax.50)
cyrillic:  * fonts (texhax.16)
cyrillic:  three topics: *, machine readable help, 2 column article (texhax.19)
cyrillic:  uwashington * fonts... (texhax.26)
d.e:  upload: web in c by sylvio levy and *. knuth (texhax.30)
dante:  additions and changes to listserv and * ftp server (texhax.14)
decstation:  tex on a * 5000 anyone? (texhax.04)
decstation:  tex on a * 5000 anyone? (texhax.05)
definition:  problem with \bgroup \egroup in the * of an environment (texhax.51)
dependencies:  space * in latex (texhax.45)
dependencies:  space * in latex (texhax.47)
deskjet:  dvi driver for hp * (pc) and deskwriter (macintosh) (texhax.21)
deskjet:  dvi driver for * (texhax.23)
deskjet:  printer driver for hp * (texhax.24)
desktop:  * publishing, astronomy, space sciences (texhax.14)
deskwriter:  dvi driver for hp deskjet (pc) and * (macintosh) (texhax.21)
detex:  * (texhax.13)
detex:  * (texhax.35)
devanagari:  * fonts (texhax.41)
device:  agfa p400ps as tex output * (texhax.41)
dhosek: and * (texhax.04)
diacritics:  * over oblique pandora (aka mrs. schallhorn's draft effect) (texhax.43)
diagrams:  upload: texdraw--macros for drawing postscript * with tex. (texhax.29)
diagrams:  feynman * (texhax.36)
dimension:  another * of newsletter -- quote.sty and italic.sty (texhax.40)
dirty:  summary of solutions to a * trick type problem (texhax.50)
distribution:  tex 3.14 and other pk fonts in the * (texhax.37)
distribution:  tex 3.14 and other pk fonts in the * (digest v91 #037) (texhax.41)
disturbing:  an exceptionally * evaluation of \if (texhax.38)
disturbing:  an exceptionally * evaluation of \if (texhax.41)
disturbing:  an exceptionally * evaluation of \if (texhax.41)
disturbing:  re: an exceptionally * evaluation of \if (texhax.42)
documents:  interactive tex/mathematica * (texhax.10)
does:  bk14.sty - * it exist? (texhax.19)
domain:  needed: public * driver for dot matrix printer (ibm pc) (texhax.28)
donald:  upload: glue.web -- example of web from * knuth (texhax.30)
doob's:  comments on review: michael * a gentle... (texhax.49)
dos:  increasing memory for metafont (sbmf under *) (texhax.05)
dos:  help with the dvips program under * (texhax.39)
dos:  cweb for * ?? (texhax.40)
dot:  needed: public domain driver for * matrix printer (ibm pc) (texhax.28)
dot-matrix:  printing wide text on wide-carriage * printers (texhax.18)
doublespacing:  * macros and new font selection scheme (texhax.04)
doug:  e-mail address for * mcdonald (texhax.18)
doug:  e-mail address (* macdonald) (texhax.21)
dpi:  85 * fonts for seetex (texhax.43)
draft:  diacritics over oblique pandora (aka mrs. schallhorn's * effect) (texhax.43)
draft:  fc font encoding scheme -- 2nd * (texhax.45)
drawing:  tree * macros (texhax.04)
drawing:  upload: texdraw--macros for * postscript diagrams with tex. (texhax.29)
driver:  tex/postscript * (texhax.01)
driver:  dvi * guidelines wanted (texhax.07)
driver:  postscript * for cms (texhax.08)
driver:  23 pin * (texhax.09)
driver:  dvi * for hp deskjet (pc) and deskwriter (macintosh) (texhax.21)
driver:  dvi * for deskjet (texhax.23)
driver:  printer * for hp deskjet (texhax.24)
driver:  needed: public domain * for dot matrix printer (ibm pc) (texhax.28)
driver:  upload: dvi--hp * in c++ (texhax.30)
driver:  problems printing tex from unix to laserwriters with * 7.0 (texhax.31)
driver:  laserjet iiip * (texhax.32)
driver:  modified beebe * for h-p lasers (texhax.34)
driver:  ibm 4019 modedef? / hp lj *! (texhax.42)
driver:  dvi * for hp laserjet iii and iiip (texhax.45)
driver:  re: dvi * for hp laserjet iii and iiip (texhax.47)
drivers:  hp * (texhax.32)
dtp:  call for * papers (texhax.26)
dtp:  * survey (texhax.27)
dutch:  upload: * hyphenation patterns (texhax.31)
dvi:  * driver guidelines wanted (texhax.07)
dvi:  * to hp laserjet iii (texhax.09)
dvi:  * to ascii converter (texhax.19)
dvi:  * driver for hp deskjet (pc) and deskwriter (macintosh) (texhax.21)
dvi:  * driver for deskjet (texhax.23)
dvi: -> * (texhax.23)
dvi:  * to gddm and psf (texhax.27)
dvi:  hp output for * for unix (texhax.32)
dvi:  selecting which pages get into the * file? (texhax.33)
dvi:  selecting which pages get into the * file? (texhax.37)
dvi:  * to ps for cms (texhax.38)
dvi:  * translator for the la324 multiprinter (texhax.38)
dvi:  re: selecting which pages get into the * file? (texhax.38)
dvi:  * to ps problems (texhax.42)
dvi:  * driver for hp laserjet iii and iiip (texhax.45)
dvi:  re: * driver for hp laserjet iii and iiip (texhax.47)
dvi--hp:  upload: * driver in c++ (texhax.30)
dvi-driver:  atari st/mega/tt (tos): searching for * with landscape option (texhax.15)
dvi2dvi:  * (texhax.15)
dvi2dvi:  * (texhax.19)
dvi2lj:  * (texhax.16)
dvi2lj:  re: * (texhax.21)
dvi38xx:  aix version of * (texhax.44)
dvidriver:  * for canon bubblejet wanted (texhax.41)
dvidriver:  (* for canon bubblejet wanted) texhax digest v91 #041 (texhax.43)
dvidvi:  * for ms/dos (texhax.38)
dview31:  * for toshiba (texhax.16)
dvihplj:  printing selected pages with emtex's * (texhax.27)
dvijep:  re: * on sgi (texhax.25)
dviln03:  * version 4.1 on fileserv (texhax.47)
dvimswin:  * (texhax.48)
dvimswin:  *, landscape tables (texhax.50)
dvipage:  * on sun slcs/ipcs (texhax.03)
dvipage:  * (texhax.48)
dvips:  * for pc (texhax.01)
dvips:  * : where can i find it? (texhax.11)
dvips:  help! *? (texhax.26)
dvips:  re: help! *? (texhax.32)
dvips:  gem and * (texhax.37)
dvips:  help with the * program under dos (texhax.39)
dvips:  * for vm/cms --- texdraw (texhax.42)
dvips:  where to get * for vax. (texhax.51)
dvitoln03:  announcing * v4.0 for vax/vms (texhax.17)
dvitps:  psfig and * problem?? (texhax.25)
dvitty/dvi2tty/dvitotty:  need * ?? (texhax.28)
e-mail:  * address for doug mcdonald (texhax.18)
e-mail:  * address (doug macdonald) (texhax.21)  incremental posting to * (texhax.42)
eberhard:  forward from * mattes: [use of pk founts under ms-dos] (texhax.14)
edmac:  help with * (texhax.24)
effect:  diacritics over oblique pandora (aka mrs. schallhorn's draft *) (texhax.43)
ega2mf: upload: * (texhax.29)
ega2mf.c:  upload: new versions of * and vga2mf.c (texhax.29)
elvish:  * fonts available (texhax.32)
emacs:  upload: update to auc * lisp tex mode (texhax.29)
emacs-lisp:  upload: enhanced * tex mode (texhax.29)
emlines:  re: * (texhax.22)
emtex's:  printing selected pages with * dvihplj (texhax.27)
emtex:  need help with * (texhax.24)
encapsulated:  incorporation of graphics via * postscript (texhax.14)
encapsulated:  * postscript (texhax.40)
encoding:  a new 7-bit * scheme (texhax.04)
encoding:  fc font * scheme -- 2nd draft (texhax.45)
end:  bibliography at the * of chapters (texhax.26)
end:  re: bibliography at the * of chapters (texhax.34)
endnotes:  * (texhax.42)
endnotes.sty:  * for latex (texhax.44)
english:  mf for old * available from (texhax.17)
english:  upload: extended us * hyphenation patterns (texhax.31)
english:  need characters for old * and old icelandic/old norse (texhax.43)
enhanced:  upload: * emacs-lisp tex mode (texhax.29)
enhancer:  upload: popinput--resident input * for tex on ms-dos (texhax.29)
enough:  when calling texserver, make sure you have * room!! (texhax.38)
entry/editing:  upload: bibtex-mode.el--emacs mode for bibtex file * (texhax.29)
envelope.sty:  * (texhax.36)
environment:  amslatex pf * (texhax.04)
environment:  changing the character code in latex \itemize * (texhax.12)
environment:  changing the character code in latex \itemize * (texhax.16)
environment:  [ help on tabular * (texhax.28)
environment:  re: help on tabular * (texhax.28)
environment:  re: [ help on tabular * (texhax.31)
environment:  a better `verbatim' *? (texhax.35)
environment:  problem with \bgroup \egroup in the definition of an * (texhax.51)
eplain:  * 1.8 released (texhax.16)
eplain:  * 1.9 released (texhax.24)
equation:  centering * number in latex (texhax.38)
equation:  re: centering * number (texhax.41)
equation:  * numbers in latex (texhax.48)
equations:  * (texhax.04)
equations:  anyone have a left justify all * latex style file? (texhax.38)
equations:  numbering * by section?? (texhax.44)
equations.sty:  small bug in * (texhax.04)
equations.sty:  small bug in * (texhax.16)
eslides.sty--typeset:  upload: * transparancies with latex not slitex (texhax.31)
essential.tex:  beginners' latex (*) (texhax.45)
etc:  \midinsert *. (texhax.23)
euler:  * latex style file? (texhax.34)
european:  call for paper: 6th * tex conference (texhax.03)
european:  6th * tex conference and gutenberg'91 (texhax.20)
evaluation:  an exceptionally disturbing * of \if (texhax.38)
evaluation:  an exceptionally disturbing * of \if (texhax.41)
evaluation:  an exceptionally disturbing * of \if (texhax.41)
evaluation:  re: an exceptionally disturbing * of \if (texhax.42)
example:  upload: glue.web -- * of web from donald knuth (texhax.30)
example:  "tex by *" files available at fileserv (texhax.36)
exceptionally:  an * disturbing evaluation of \if (texhax.38)
exceptionally:  an * disturbing evaluation of \if (texhax.41)
exceptionally:  an * disturbing evaluation of \if (texhax.41)
exceptionally:  re: an * disturbing evaluation of \if (texhax.42)
exchange:  adobe technology * (texhax.43)
excluding:  upload: version.sty--latex macros for * or including portions (texhax.29)
exercise:  * macros (texhax.08)
exercises:  answers to * in latex (texhax.10)
exist:  bk14.sty - does it *? (texhax.19)
expansion:  latex macro * (texhax.36)
expansion:  latex macro * again--a clarification (texhax.36)
expansion:  problem with latex macro * (forwarded) (texhax.36)
exporting:  * formulae from mathematica to latex (texhax.46)
exporting:  * formulae from mathematica to latex -- summary (texhax.50)
expressionist:  * to latex (texhax.48)
extended:  upload: * us english hyphenation patterns (texhax.31)
f8hyph.tex:  *: which character is which? (texhax.08)
farsi:  arabic or persian (*) fonts for tex/latex (texhax.07)
feature:  i think this is a * in latex (texhax.28)
female:  male & * symbols (texhax.18)
feynman:  * diagrams (texhax.36)
fig:  transfig & * 2.1.1 (texhax.04)
fig:  * 2.1.1 patchlevel 1 (texhax.05)
figure:  proof * macros (texhax.02)
figure:  automatic corner * insertion (texhax.12)
figure:  * placement in latex (texhax.40)
figures:  how do you insert * in your book or paper prepared in tex? (texhax.22)
figures:  tex and * (texhax.22)
file:  request: question/answers style * for latex (texhax.07)
file:  tex abbreviated font * names (texhax.09)
file:  splitting an 8-bit pk * into two 7-bit pk files (texhax.18)
file:  splitting an 8-bit pk * into two 7-bit pk files (texhax.22)
file:  style * for mathematical association of america wanted (texhax.24)
file:  upload: bibtex-mode.el--emacs mode for bibtex * entry/editing (texhax.29)
file:  selecting which pages get into the dvi *? (texhax.33)
file:  euler latex style *? (texhax.34)
file:  wanted: latex style * for aiaa journal submissions (texhax.36)
file:  selecting which pages get into the dvi *? (texhax.37)
file:  anyone have a left justify all equations latex style *? (texhax.38)
file:  re: selecting which pages get into the dvi *? (texhax.38)
file:  creating l-amstex format * (texhax.51)  * -> dvi (texhax.23)
files:  slitex font * (texhax.08)
files:  help for importing postscript * in latex (texhax.13)
files:  official new lplain and splain * (texhax.14)
files:  splitting an 8-bit pk file into two 7-bit pk * (texhax.18)
files:  converting pk * to ps outlines (texhax.21)
files:  tex/latex help * (texhax.21)
files:  splitting an 8-bit pk file into two 7-bit pk * (texhax.22)
files:  upload: pbmplus--convert pbm * to tex pk files for vms. (texhax.29)
files:  upload: pbmplus--convert pbm files to tex pk * for vms. (texhax.29)
files:  update: several .el * moved in ymir archive (texhax.31)
files:  upload: inspec2bibtex.el--convert inspec * to bibtex (texhax.31)
files:  metafont source * (texhax.33)
files:  update to the babel system of style * (texhax.35)
files:  "tex by example" * available at fileserv (texhax.36)
files:  .sty * for scientific journals (texhax.37)
files:  babel * refreshed at listserv@hearn (texhax.37)
files:  arabtex * available at fileserv (texhax.40)
files:  newsletter in tex * available at fileserv (texhax.40)
files:  address * available at fileserv (texhax.51)
fileserv:  sfptopk, pktosfp, and mergesfp available on * (texhax.33)
fileserv:  "tex by example" files available at * (texhax.36)
fileserv:  arabtex files available at * (texhax.40)
fileserv:  newsletter in tex files available at * (texhax.40)
fileserv:  new version of shadow.sty available on * (texhax.45)
fileserv:  spfontware updates available at * (texhax.46)
fileserv:  dviln03 version 4.1 on * (texhax.47)
fileserv:  midnight macros available on * (texhax.50)
fileserv:  address files available at * (texhax.51)
fileserv@shsu.bitnet:  karl berry's modes available at * (texhax.17)
filter:  -d *? (texhax.10)
find:  dvips : where can i * it? (texhax.11)
find:  where do i * info on new 8 bit font layout? (texhax.26)
fix:  * for nroff macro for tex in tex.1 leaving a space (texhax.01)
fixed:  has this bug been *? (texhax.11)
flaw:  serious * in tugboat supplement (texhax.37)
flow-diagrams:  macros for * and nassi-schneidermann available now from (texhax.32)
flynn's:  re: peter * request for latex footnotes in a paragraph (texhax.27)
font:  the mtex music * and mf2.7 (texhax.01)
font:  doublespacing macros and new * selection scheme (texhax.04)
font:  * naming conventions (texhax.07)
font:  slitex * files (texhax.08)
font:  tex abbreviated * file names (texhax.09)
font:  * scaling in latex (texhax.11)
font:  * names (texhax.13)
font:  a small bug in oldlfont.sty of new * ... and (texhax.18)
font:  a macintosh 8-bit cmtt * is available (texhax.21)
font:  a small bug in oldlfont.sty of new * ... and (texhax.21)
font:  hebrew * (texhax.21)
font:  hebrew *? (texhax.21)
font:  script * for lagrangian symbol (texhax.24)
font:  where do i find info on new 8 bit * layout? (texhax.26)
font:  texhax91.024: script * and lagrangian (texhax.28)
font:  upload: shalom--postscript * for printing hebrew (texhax.29)
font:  version 1.0 of tex * naming scheme released (texhax.31)
font:  gothic *? (texhax.38)
font:  virtual * use on the macintosh. (texhax.38)
font:  monotype * outlines (texhax.42)
font:  fc * encoding scheme -- 2nd draft (texhax.45)
fonts:  * and memory problems (texhax.02)
fonts:  tex, script math * (texhax.03)
fonts:  what are virtual *... (texhax.04)
fonts:  amstex 2.0 * with latex (texhax.05)
fonts:  naming of non-cm * (texhax.05)
fonts:  *, 600dpi (texhax.07)
fonts:  arabic or persian (farsi) * for tex/latex (texhax.07)
fonts:  re: naming of non-cm * (texhax.07)
fonts:  re: standardization of tex names for adobe postscript *. (texhax.13)
fonts:  standardization of tex names for adobe postscript *. (texhax.13)
fonts:  use of pk * under ms-dos (texhax.14)
fonts:  cyrillic * (texhax.16)
fonts:  hebrew * for latex (texhax.19)
fonts:  *, tex, latex (texhax.21)
fonts:  *, tex, latex (texhax.22)
fonts:  .tfm * (texhax.22)
fonts:  query about hebrew * (texhax.22)
fonts:  uwashington cyrillic *... (texhax.26)
fonts:  tfm * (texhax digest v91 #022) (texhax.27)
fonts:  * for the ipa (international phonetic alphabet) (texhax.28)
fonts:  upload: graham toal's cm * in ps format (texhax.30)
fonts:  elvish * available (texhax.32)
fonts:  oztex and * (texhax.32)
fonts:  hp * with tex (texhax.33)
fonts:  using hp internal * with tex (texhax.35)
fonts:  cmr postcript *? (texhax.36)
fonts:  tex 3.14 and other pk * in the distribution (texhax.37)
fonts:  devanagari * (texhax.41)
fonts:  tex 3.14 and other pk * in the distribution (digest v91 #037) (texhax.41)
fonts:  85 dpi * for seetex (texhax.43)
fonts:  * - looking for mac screen fonts for previewing (texhax.48)
fonts:  fonts - looking for mac screen * for previewing (texhax.48)
fonts:  pk * at ymir (texhax.48)
fonts:  write-white * (texhax.48)
footers:  upload: new version of headerfooter.sty--custom headers and * (texhax.29)
footnotes:  horizontal * (texhax.24)
footnotes:  horizontal * (texhax.25)
footnotes:  re: peter flynn's request for latex * in a paragraph (texhax.27)
footnotes:  * in \+...\cr lines?? (texhax.33)
footnotes:  run-on * (texhax.35)
forbidden:  tabular: * cs (texhax.36)
format:  upload: graham toal's cm fonts in ps * (texhax.30)
format:  creating l-amstex * file (texhax.51)
formation:  * of italic (irish tex and latex interest community) (texhax.11)
formats:  writenow and/or other proprietary * to tex (texhax.38)
formats:  writenow and/or other proprietary * to tex (texhax.42)
formatting:  upload: unixman.sty--manpage-like * for latex (texhax.31)
formulae:  exporting * from mathematica to latex (texhax.46)
formulae:  exporting * from mathematica to latex -- summary (texhax.50)
fortran:  fweb 1.22 [a web system for c, c++, *, ratfor, and tex] (texhax.43)
forward:  * from eberhard mattes: [use of pk founts under ms-dos] (texhax.14)
forwarded:  *: amsfonts + slitex (texhax.31)
forwarded:  problem with latex macro expansion (*) (texhax.36)
found:  looking for textset inc.... * arbortext inc. (texhax.07)
founts:  forward from eberhard mattes: [use of pk * under ms-dos] (texhax.14)
fragments:  upload: program.sty--typeset program * in latex (texhax.31)
free:  summary of responses concerning * tex for the pc. (texhax.03)
free:  at&t patent => x will not be *. (texhax.13)
french:  * hyphenation and the \language command (texhax.15)
ftp:  additions and changes to listserv and dante * server (texhax.14)
ftping:  * tex for ms-dos (texhax.05)
fweb:  * 1.22 [a web system for c, c++, fortran, ratfor, and tex] (texhax.43)
gddm:  dvi to * and psf (texhax.27)
gem:  * and dvips (texhax.37)
genealogical:  * computing and tex (texhax.15)
gentle:  comments on review: michael doob's a *... (texhax.49)
georgian:  metafont source for *? (texhax.08)
german:  * latex (texhax.42)
gftodvi:  * (texhax.01)
glue.web:  upload: * -- example of web from donald knuth (texhax.30)
gothic:  * font? (texhax.38)
graham:  upload: * toal's cm fonts in ps format (texhax.30)
graphics:  *, tex, metafont (texhax.06)
graphics:  plotting with metafont / * in tex / mfplot (texhax.08)
graphics:  incorporation of * via encapsulated postscript (texhax.14)
graphics:  ps * in oztex (texhax.44)
grayfont:  * setting in initex (texhax.19)
greek:  * typesetting (texhax.08)
group:  turkish tex users * (texhax.20)
guide:  beginner's * to latex (texhax.44)
guidelines:  dvi driver * wanted (texhax.07)
gutenberg'91:  6th european tex conference and * (texhax.20)
h-p:  modified beebe driver for * lasers (texhax.34)
hackers:  a response to perl * (texhax.08)
has:  * this bug been fixed? (texhax.11)
have:  anyone * a left justify all equations latex style file? (texhax.38)
have:  when calling texserver, make sure you * enough room!! (texhax.38)
headerfooter.sty--custom:  upload: new version of * headers and footers (texhax.29)
headers:  upload: new version of headerfooter.sty--custom * and footers (texhax.29)
heads:  upload: sober.sty--reduced space around * in latex (texhax.31)
hebrew:  * fonts for latex (texhax.19)
hebrew:  * font (texhax.21)
hebrew:  * font? (texhax.21)
hebrew:  query about * fonts (texhax.22)
hebrew:  upload: shalom--postscript font for printing * (texhax.29)
help:  index * (texhax.01)
help:  *: modifying \tt (texhax.12)
help:  * for importing postscript files in latex (texhax.13)
help:  *: modifying \tt (texhax.15)
help:  tex * systems (texhax.16)
help:  three topics: cyrillic, machine readable *, 2 column article (texhax.19)
help:  re: tex * systems (texhax.21)
help:  tex/latex * files (texhax.21)
help:  * with edmac (texhax.24)
help:  need * with emtex (texhax.24)
help:  *! dvips? (texhax.26)
help:  [ * on tabular environment (texhax.28)
help:  re: * on tabular environment (texhax.28)
help:  re: [ * on tabular environment (texhax.31)
help:  re: *! dvips? (texhax.32)
help:  * with the dvips program under dos (texhax.39)
help:  *! 8-bit \catcode sometimes ignored in tex 3.0? (texhax.40)
help:  *! 8-bit \catcode sometimes ignored in tex 3.0? (texhax.43)
help:  * with installing tex3.14 (texhax.48)
horizontal:  * footnotes (texhax.24)
horizontal:  * footnotes (texhax.25)
hyphenation:  portuguese * (texhax.01)
hyphenation:  tex * (texhax digest v91 #005) (texhax.08)
hyphenation:  french * and the \language command (texhax.15)
hyphenation:  non-english * and tex 3.0 (texhax.21)
hyphenation:  non-english * and tex 3.0 (texhax.22)
hyphenation:  re: non-english * and tex 3.0 (texhax.24)
hyphenation:  upload: dutch * patterns (texhax.31)
hyphenation:  upload: extended us english * patterns (texhax.31)
hyphenation:  * for accented words (texhax.48)
ibm:  tex on * aix system. (texhax.26)
ibm:  needed: public domain driver for dot matrix printer (* pc) (texhax.28)
ibm:  * 4019 modedef? / hp lj driver! (texhax.42)
icarus:  style for *? (texhax.42)
icelandic/old:  need characters for old english and old * norse (texhax.43)
ieee:  * bsty (texhax.41)
ieee:  re: * bsty (texhax.43)
ignored:  help! 8-bit \catcode sometimes * in tex 3.0? (texhax.40)
ignored:  help! 8-bit \catcode sometimes * in tex 3.0? (texhax.43)
iii:  dvi to hp laserjet * (texhax.09)
iii:  dvi driver for hp laserjet * and iiip (texhax.45)
iii:  re: dvi driver for hp laserjet * and iiip (texhax.47)
iiip:  laserjet * driver (texhax.32)
iiip:  dvi driver for hp laserjet iii and * (texhax.45)
iiip:  re: dvi driver for hp laserjet iii and * (texhax.47)
imake-less:  * imaketex 2.00 and schemeweb (texhax.05)
imaketex:  imake-less * 2.00 and schemeweb (texhax.05)
imaketex:  * 2.01 released for tex 3.1 and mf 2.7 (texhax.16)
imaketex:  * 2.02 for tex 3.14 released (texhax.35)
importing:  help for * postscript files in latex (texhax.13)
inc:  looking for address of textset *. (texhax.04)
inc:  looking for textset *.... found arbortext inc. (texhax.07)
inc:  looking for textset inc.... found arbortext *. (texhax.07)
included:  postscript * in latex (texhax.38)
including:  upload: version.sty--latex macros for excluding or * portions (texhax.29)
incorporation:  * of graphics via encapsulated postscript (texhax.14)
increasing:  * memory for metafont (sbmf under dos) (texhax.05)
incremental:  * posting to (texhax.42)
index:  * help (texhax.01)
index:  * (texhax.35)
index:  re: * (texhax.39)
index:  re: * [texhax v91 #35] (texhax.39)
infinite:  * loop (texhax.01)
info:  where do i find * on new 8 bit font layout? (texhax.26)
information:  limit subscripts and boxes losing * (texhax.26)
initex:  grayfont setting in * (texhax.19)
initex:  * (texhax.42)
input:  upload: popinput--resident * enhancer for tex on ms-dos (texhax.29)
input:  8 bit * (texhax.35)
insert:  how do you * figures in your book or paper prepared in tex? (texhax.22)
insertion:  automatic corner figure * (texhax.12)
inspec:  upload: inspec2bibtex.el--convert * files to bibtex (texhax.31)
inspec2bibtex.el--convert:  upload: * inspec files to bibtex (texhax.31)
installation:  problems in tex 3.1 * (vms) (texhax.35)
installation:  re: problems in tex 3.1 * (vms) [texhax v91 #35] (texhax.39)
installing:  help with * tex3.14 (texhax.48)
interactive:  * tex/mathematica documents (texhax.10)
interest:  formation of italic (irish tex and latex * community) (texhax.11)
interface:  upload: tex/mathematica * new version (texhax.30)
internal:  using hp * fonts with tex (texhax.35)
international:  fonts for the ipa (* phonetic alphabet) (texhax.28)
into:  splitting an 8-bit pk file * two 7-bit pk files (texhax.18)
into:  splitting an 8-bit pk file * two 7-bit pk files (texhax.22)
into:  selecting which pages get * the dvi file? (texhax.33)
into:  selecting which pages get * the dvi file? (texhax.37)
into:  re: selecting which pages get * the dvi file? (texhax.38)
ipa:  fonts for the * (international phonetic alphabet) (texhax.28)
iris:  tex 3.1 for sgi * machines (texhax.21)
irish:  formation of italic (* tex and latex interest community) (texhax.11)
irix:  tex 3.1 on sgi * (texhax.23)
isn't:  bold in latex that * so large (texhax.35)
isn't:  bold in latex that * so large (texhax.40)
italic:  formation of * (irish tex and latex interest community) (texhax.11)
italic:  typewriter bold, bold *? (texhax.11)
italic.sty:  another dimension of newsletter -- quote.sty and * (texhax.40)
itemize:  * labels (texhax.15)
jgr:  * oceans style wanted (texhax.35)
jgr:  * style (texhax.39)
journal:  wanted: latex style file for aiaa * submissions (texhax.36)
journals:  .sty files for scientific * (texhax.37)
justify:  anyone have a left * all equations latex style file? (texhax.38)
karl:  * berry's modes available at fileserv@shsu.bitnet (texhax.17)
ker-mit-choo:  *! (texhax.01)
ker-mit-choo:  re: *! (texhax v91 #1) (texhax.03)
knuth:  upload: glue.web -- example of web from donald * (texhax.30)
knuth:  upload: web in c by sylvio levy and d.e. * (texhax.30)
kx-p1124:  panasonic * and sbtex3.0 (texhax.09)
kx-p1124:  re: panasonic * and sbtex3.0 (texhax.14)
l-amstex:  creating * format file (texhax.51)
la324:  dvi translator for the * multiprinter (texhax.38)
label.tex--print:  upload: * 3up labels with plain tex (texhax.30)
labels:  itemize * (texhax.15)
labels:  upload: label.tex--print 3up * with plain tex (texhax.30)
lacheck--latex:  upload: * consistency checker (texhax.30)
lagrangian:  script font for * symbol (texhax.24)
lagrangian:  texhax91.024: script font and * (texhax.28)
lams-tex:  * for users of ams-tex (texhax.48)
landscape:  atari st/mega/tt (tos): searching for dvi-driver with * option (texhax.15)
landscape:  * with plain-tex (texhax.32)
landscape:  * printing (texhax.39)
landscape:  latex in * printing mode? (texhax.48)
landscape:  dvimswin, * tables (texhax.50)
large:  bold in latex that isn't so * (texhax.35)
large:  bold in latex that isn't so * (texhax.40)
laserjet:  dvi to hp * iii (texhax.09)
laserjet:  * iiip driver (texhax.32)
laserjet:  dvi driver for hp * iii and iiip (texhax.45)
laserjet:  re: dvi driver for hp * iii and iiip (texhax.47)
laserjets:  request for opinions on hp * (texhax.45)
lasers:  modified beebe driver for h-p * (texhax.34)
laserwriters:  problems printing tex from unix to * with driver 7.0 (texhax.31)
latest:  * release of the texbook (texhax.38)
latex:  * to rtf translation (texhax.01)
latex:  * macroes for microemacs? (texhax.03)
latex:  * question (texhax.05)
latex:  amstex 2.0 fonts with * (texhax.05)
latex:  \count 1 used for * section counter (texhax.07)
latex:  request: question/answers style file for * (texhax.07)
latex:  answers to exercises in * (texhax.10)
latex:  font scaling in * (texhax.11)
latex:  formation of italic (irish tex and * interest community) (texhax.11)
latex:  * bug?? (texhax.12)
latex:  changing the character code in * \itemize environment (texhax.12)
latex:  help for importing postscript files in * (texhax.13)
latex:  \input in * (texhax.15)
latex:  \topskip = 0pt produces bug in * (texhax.15)
latex:  no * bug (texhax.15)
latex:  changing the character code in * \itemize environment (texhax.16)
latex:  single-col abstract and title in * twocol style (texhax.16)
latex:  tex, *, mutex, .pk (texhax.16)
latex:  4up style in * (texhax.18)
latex:  \input in * (texhax.19)
latex:  hebrew fonts for * (texhax.19)
latex:  re: single-col abstract and title in * twocol style (texhax.20)
latex:  fonts, tex, * (texhax.21)
latex:  fonts, tex, * (texhax.22)
latex:  * and matlab question (texhax.23)
latex:  * question (texhax.23)
latex:  re: peter flynn's request for * footnotes in a paragraph (texhax.27)
latex:  i think this is a feature in * (texhax.28)
latex:  upload: rmacro.sty--macros for russian typesetting in * (texhax.29)
latex:  upload: warn.sty--print line number in * warnings (texhax.30)
latex:  upload: eslides.sty--typeset transparancies with * not slitex (texhax.31)
latex:  upload: program.sty--typeset program fragments in * (texhax.31)
latex:  upload: sober.sty--reduced space around heads in * (texhax.31)
latex:  upload: unixman.sty--manpage-like formatting for * (texhax.31)
latex:  * -> tex conversion? (texhax.32)
latex:  euler * style file? (texhax.34)
latex:  bold in * that isn't so large (texhax.35)
latex:  * macro expansion (texhax.36)
latex:  * macro expansion again--a clarification (texhax.36)
latex:  bibtex without *? (texhax.36)
latex:  problem with * macro expansion (forwarded) (texhax.36)
latex:  wanted: * style file for aiaa journal submissions (texhax.36)
latex:  * on sun (texhax.37)
latex:  * question concerning "\bibliography" (texhax.37)
latex:  anyone have a left justify all equations * style file? (texhax.38)
latex:  centering equation number in * (texhax.38)
latex:  postscript included in * (texhax.38)
latex:  bold in * that isn't so large (texhax.40)
latex:  figure placement in * (texhax.40)
latex:  german * (texhax.42)
latex:  beginner's guide to * (texhax.44)
latex:  endnotes.sty for * (texhax.44)
latex:  beginners' * (essential.tex) (texhax.45)
latex:  space dependencies in * (texhax.45)
latex:  * - i want section numbers in the margin (texhax.46)
latex:  exporting formulae from mathematica to * (texhax.46)
latex:  space dependencies in * (texhax.47)
latex:  * in landscape printing mode? (texhax.48)
latex:  equation numbers in * (texhax.48)
latex:  expressionist to * (texhax.48)
latex:  exporting formulae from mathematica to * -- summary (texhax.50)
latex:  /special in *. (texhax.51)  * (texhax.21)
layout:  where do i find info on new 8 bit font *? (texhax.26)
leaving:  fix for nroff macro for tex in tex.1 * a space (texhax.01)
left:  anyone have a * justify all equations latex style file? (texhax.38)
letter:  upload: brief.sty--nen-conformant * style (texhax.31)
levy:  upload: web in c by sylvio * and d.e. knuth (texhax.30)  small bug in * (texhax.48)  small bug in * (texhax.51)
limit:  * subscripts and boxes losing information (texhax.26)
limits:  raising pctex's memory * (texhax.07)
line:  upload: warn.sty--print * number in latex warnings (texhax.30)
line:  problem with * breaking in twocolumn text (texhax.41)
line:  re: problem with * breaking in twocolumn text (texhax.41)
lines:  footnotes in \+...\cr *?? (texhax.33)
linguistics:  upload: voorbeeldom.sty--environment for typesetting * (texhax.30)
lisp:  upload: update to auc emacs * tex mode (texhax.29)
lisp:  tex for * (texhax.50)
listserv:  additions and changes to * and dante ftp server (texhax.14)
listserv@hearn:  babel files refreshed at * (texhax.37)
listserv@hearn:  new version of supertabular.sty from * (texhax.37)
literate:  re: * prolog (texhax.16)
looking:  * for address of textset inc. (texhax.04)
looking:  * for textset inc.... found arbortext inc. (texhax.07)
looking:  * for bibtex for amiga (texhax.21)
looking:  fonts - * for mac screen fonts for previewing (texhax.48)
loop:  infinite * (texhax.01)
losing:  limit subscripts and boxes * information (texhax.26)
lplain:  official new * and splain files (texhax.14)
lpr:  re: * -d (texhax.15)
lpr:  * -d: the solution (texhax.18)
mac:  fonts - looking for * screen fonts for previewing (texhax.48)
macbibtex:  upload: * 2.0 -- bibtex for the macintosh (texhax.29)
macdonald:  e-mail address (doug *) (texhax.21)
machine:  three topics: cyrillic, * readable help, 2 column article (texhax.19)
machines:  tex 3.1 for sgi iris * (texhax.21)
macintosh:  a * 8-bit cmtt font is available (texhax.21)
macintosh:  dvi driver for hp deskjet (pc) and deskwriter (*) (texhax.21)
macintosh:  upload: macbibtex 2.0 -- bibtex for the * (texhax.29)
macintosh:  virtual font use on the *. (texhax.38)
macro:  fix for nroff * for tex in tex.1 leaving a space (texhax.01)
macro:  springer-verlag * package (texhax.04)
macro:  latex * expansion (texhax.36)
macro:  latex * expansion again--a clarification (texhax.36)
macro:  problem with latex * expansion (forwarded) (texhax.36)
macroes:  latex * for microemacs? (texhax.03)
macros:  proof figure * (texhax.02)
macros:  doublespacing * and new font selection scheme (texhax.04)
macros:  tree drawing * (texhax.04)
macros:  exercise * (texhax.08)
macros:  scribe * (texhax.11)
macros:  upload: version.sty--latex * for excluding or including portions (texhax.29)
macros:  * for flow-diagrams and nassi-schneidermann available now from (texhax.32)
macros:  mathsci * (texhax.47)
macros:  midnight * available on fileserv (texhax.50)
mail2tex:  * (texhax.37)
make:  when calling texserver, * sure you have enough room!! (texhax.38)
making:  * unix tex 3.14 (texhax.40)
making/modifying:  * metafont mode_defs (texhax.01)
making/modifying:  my mistake in * mf mode_def's, and more (texhax.07)
male:  * & female symbols (texhax.18)
male/female:  re: astronomical symbols and * symbols (texhax.23)
mandatory:  tex bug: optional spaces are * (texhax.08)
mandatory:  optional spaces are * (texhax digest v91 #008) (texhax.10)
mandatory:  tex bug: optional spaces are * (texhax.10)
mandatory:  re: bug in tex optional spaces are * (texhax v91 #8) (texhax.11)
manipulating:  * tables of contents (texhax.39)
margin:  latex - i want section numbers in the * (texhax.46)
marks:  * in twocolumn (texhax.33)
math:  tex, script * fonts (texhax.03)
mathematica:  exporting formulae from * to latex (texhax.46)
mathematica:  exporting formulae from * to latex -- summary (texhax.50)
mathematical:  style file for * association of america wanted (texhax.24)
mathsci:  * macros (texhax.47)
matlab:  latex and * question (texhax.23)
matrix:  needed: public domain driver for dot * printer (ibm pc) (texhax.28)
matrix:  tex: * transformations (texhax.28)
mattes:  forward from eberhard *: [use of pk founts under ms-dos] (texhax.14)
mcdonald:  e-mail address for doug * (texhax.18)
meeting:  q and a session at the summer tug * (texhax.26)
memory:  fonts and * problems (texhax.02)
memory:  increasing * for metafont (sbmf under dos) (texhax.05)
memory:  raising pctex's * limits (texhax.07)
memory:  * size in tex (texhax.25)
mergesfp:  sfptopk, pktosfp, and * available on fileserv (texhax.33)
metafont:  making/modifying * mode_defs (texhax.01)
metafont:  postscript, * (texhax.01)
metafont:  * parameters (texhax.04)
metafont:  increasing memory for * (sbmf under dos) (texhax.05)
metafont:  graphics, tex, * (texhax.06)
metafont:  * source for georgian? (texhax.08)
metafont:  plotting with * / graphics in tex / mfplot (texhax.08)
metafont:  * 2.7/ problems (texhax.15)
metafont:  problems running *? (texhax.19)
metafont:  * (texhax.21)
metafont:  * cm params for sparcprinter (texhax.28)
metafont:  * source files (texhax.33)
metafont:  wanted: pc * (texhax.40)
mex:  tex * (texhax.28)
mf2.7:  the mtex music font and * (texhax.01)
mfplot:  plotting with metafont / graphics in tex / * (texhax.08)
michael:  comments on review: * doob's a gentle... (texhax.49)
microemacs:  latex macroes for *? (texhax.03)
midnight:  * macros available on fileserv (texhax.50)
mistake:  my * in making/modifying mf mode_def's, and more (texhax.07)
mltex:  updated version of * (texhax.33)
mode:  upload: bibtex-mode.el--emacs * for bibtex file entry/editing (texhax.29)
mode:  upload: enhanced emacs-lisp tex * (texhax.29)
mode:  upload: update to auc emacs lisp tex * (texhax.29)
mode:  latex in landscape printing *? (texhax.48)
mode_def's:  my mistake in making/modifying mf *, and more (texhax.07)
mode_def:  (ricoh *) texhax digest v91 #004 (texhax.08)
mode_def:  * collection (texhax.12)
mode_def:  * collection 0.4 released (texhax.17)
mode_def:  * for compugraphics 9600 (texhax.23)
mode_defs:  making/modifying metafont * (texhax.01)
mode_defs:  * (texhax digest v91 #001) (texhax.04)
mode_defs:  * (texhax.09)
mode_defs:  *, standardizing (texhax.16)
modedef:  ibm 4019 *? / hp lj driver! (texhax.42)
modes:  karl berry's * available at fileserv@shsu.bitnet (texhax.17)
modes:  mf * (texhax.24)  mode_def collection * 0.4 released (texhax.17)  * 0.7 released (texhax.36)  * version 0.8 released (texhax.51)
modification:  nofm.sty * (texhax.19)
modified:  * beebe driver for h-p lasers (texhax.34)
modifying:  help: * \tt (texhax.12)
modifying:  help: * \tt (texhax.15)
monotype:  * font outlines (texhax.42)
more:  my mistake in making/modifying mf mode_def's, and * (texhax.07)
move:  how to * the page number to the right of the text (texhax.48)
move:  how to * page number to right of text (texhax.50)
moved:  update: cvtbib.el * in ymir archive (texhax.29)
moved:  update: several .el files * in ymir archive (texhax.31)
mrs:  diacritics over oblique pandora (aka *. schallhorn's draft effect) (texhax.43)
ms-dos:  ftping tex for * (texhax.05)
ms-dos:  forward from eberhard mattes: [use of pk founts under *] (texhax.14)
ms-dos:  use of pk fonts under * (texhax.14)
ms-dos:  upload: popinput--resident input enhancer for tex on * (texhax.29)
ms/dos:  dvidvi for * (texhax.38)
msdos:  tex v3 for * (texhax.48)
mtex:  the * music font and mf2.7 (texhax.01)
multiprinter:  dvi translator for the la324 * (texhax.38)
music:  the mtex * font and mf2.7 (texhax.01)
mutex:  tex, latex, *, .pk (texhax.16)
names:  tex abbreviated font file * (texhax.09)
names:  reversing authors' * with tib (texhax.10)
names:  font * (texhax.13)
names:  re: standardization of tex * for adobe postscript fonts. (texhax.13)
names:  standardization of tex * for adobe postscript fonts. (texhax.13)
names:  re: reversing authors' * with tib (texhax digest v91 #010) (texhax.15)
naming:  * of non-cm fonts (texhax.05)
naming:  font * conventions (texhax.07)
naming:  re: * of non-cm fonts (texhax.07)
naming:  version 1.0 of tex font * scheme released (texhax.31)
nassi-schneidermann:  macros for flow-diagrams and * available now from (texhax.32)
new:  a * 7-bit encoding scheme (texhax.04)
new:  doublespacing macros and * font selection scheme (texhax.04)
new:  official * lplain and splain files (texhax.14)
new:  a small bug in oldlfont.sty of * font ... and (texhax.18)
new:  a small bug in oldlfont.sty of * font ... and (texhax.21)
new:  where do i find info on * 8 bit font layout? (texhax.26)
new:  upload: * version of headerfooter.sty--custom headers and footers (texhax.29)
new:  upload: * versions of ega2mf.c and vga2mf.c (texhax.29)
new:  upload: tex/mathematica interface * version (texhax.30)
new:  * versions of ams-tex, ams-latex, and amsfonts (texhax.35)
new:  * version of supertabular.sty from listserv@hearn (texhax.37)
new:  * version of shadow.sty available on fileserv (texhax.45)
newequation.sty:  * (texhax.07)
news--new:  upload: tex & tug * subarchive at ymir (texhax.30)
newsletter:  * in tex files available at fileserv (texhax.40)
newsletter:  another dimension of * -- quote.sty and italic.sty (texhax.40)
nofm.sty:  * modification (texhax.19)
non-cm:  naming of * fonts (texhax.05)
non-cm:  re: naming of * fonts (texhax.07)
non-english:  * hyphenation and tex 3.0 (texhax.21)
non-english:  * hyphenation and tex 3.0 (texhax.22)
non-english:  re: * hyphenation and tex 3.0 (texhax.24)
norse:  need characters for old english and old icelandic/old * (texhax.43)
not:  at&t patent => x will * be free. (texhax.13)
not:  upload: eslides.sty--typeset transparancies with latex * slitex (texhax.31)
note:  [svb: tex in practice / a short *.] (texhax.08)
note:  tex: how to place *? (texhax.09)
nroff:  fix for * macro for tex in tex.1 leaving a space (texhax.01)
number:  upload: warn.sty--print line * in latex warnings (texhax.30)
number:  centering equation * in latex (texhax.38)
number:  re: centering equation * (texhax.41)
number:  how to move the page * to the right of the text (texhax.48)
number:  how to move page * to right of text (texhax.50)
numbering:  * equations by section?? (texhax.44)
numbers:  symbol for real * (texhax.08)
numbers:  latex - i want section * in the margin (texhax.46)
numbers:  equation * in latex (texhax.48)
oblique:  diacritics over * pandora (aka mrs. schallhorn's draft effect) (texhax.43)
oceans:  jgr * style wanted (texhax.35)
off:  bug * (\expandafter) (texhax.18)
official:  * new lplain and splain files (texhax.14)
old:  mf for * english available from (texhax.17)
old:  need characters for * english and old icelandic/old norse (texhax.43)
old:  need characters for old english and * icelandic/old norse (texhax.43)
oldlfont.sty:  a small bug in * of new font ... and (texhax.18)
oldlfont.sty:  a small bug in * of new font ... and (texhax.21)
one:  4 small pages on * 8.5x11 sheet... (texhax.19)
one:  can * use a \loop...\repeat to contribute columns to an \halign? (texhax.39)
openwindows:  re: tex previewer for *. (texhax.12)
opinions:  request for * on hp laserjets (texhax.45)
option:  atari st/mega/tt (tos): searching for dvi-driver with landscape * (texhax.15)
optional:  tex bug: * spaces are mandatory (texhax.08)
optional:  * spaces are mandatory (texhax digest v91 #008) (texhax.10)
optional:  tex bug: * spaces are mandatory (texhax.10)
optional:  re: bug in tex * spaces are mandatory (texhax v91 #8) (texhax.11)
options:  announcing the babel system of style * (texhax.28)
options:  upload: babel system of style * (texhax.30)
other:  tex 3.14 and * pk fonts in the distribution (texhax.37)
other:  writenow and/or * proprietary formats to tex (texhax.38)
other:  tex 3.14 and * pk fonts in the distribution (digest v91 #037) (texhax.41)
other:  writenow and/or * proprietary formats to tex (texhax.42)
outlines:  converting pk files to ps * (texhax.21)
outlines:  monotype font * (texhax.42)
output:  hp * for dvi for unix (texhax.32)
output:  agfa p400ps as tex * device (texhax.41)
over:  diacritics * oblique pandora (aka mrs. schallhorn's draft effect) (texhax.43)
oztex:  * question (texhax.01)
oztex:  * and fonts (texhax.32)
oztex:  * and postscript (texhax.39)
oztex:  ps graphics in * (texhax.44)
p400ps:  agfa * as tex output device (texhax.41)
package:  springer-verlag macro * (texhax.04)
page:  how to move the * number to the right of the text (texhax.48)
page:  how to move * number to right of text (texhax.50)
pages:  4 small * on one 8.5x11 sheet... (texhax.19)
pages:  printing selected * with emtex's dvihplj (texhax.27)
pages:  selecting which * get into the dvi file? (texhax.33)
pages:  selecting which * get into the dvi file? (texhax.37)
pages:  re: selecting which * get into the dvi file? (texhax.38)
panasonic:  * kx-p1124 and sbtex3.0 (texhax.09)
panasonic:  re: * kx-p1124 and sbtex3.0 (texhax.14)
pandora:  diacritics over oblique * (aka mrs. schallhorn's draft effect) (texhax.43)
paper:  call for *: 6th european tex conference (texhax.03)
paper:  how do you insert figures in your book or * prepared in tex? (texhax.22)
papers:  call for dtp * (texhax.26)
paragraph:  re: peter flynn's request for latex footnotes in a * (texhax.27)
paragraphs:  tabs in * (texhax.24)
parameters:  metafont * (texhax.04)
params:  metafont cm * for sparcprinter (texhax.28)
patches:  trans/fig * (texhax.07)
patchlevel:  fig 2.1.1 * 1 (texhax.05)
patent:  at&t * => x will not be free. (texhax.13)
patent:  style for us * applications. (texhax.21)
patterns:  upload: dutch hyphenation * (texhax.31)
patterns:  upload: extended us english hyphenation * (texhax.31)
pbm:  upload: pbmplus--convert * files to tex pk files for vms. (texhax.29)
pbmplus--convert:  upload: * pbm files to tex pk files for vms. (texhax.29)
pc's:  web2c for * (texhax.04)
pcl:  re: pk -> hp * (texhax.22)
pctex's:  raising * memory limits (texhax.07)
perl:  a response to * hackers (texhax.08)
persian:  arabic or * (farsi) fonts for tex/latex (texhax.07)
peter:  re: * flynn's request for latex footnotes in a paragraph (texhax.27)
phonetic:  fonts for the ipa (international * alphabet) (texhax.28)
physical:  upload: revtex--latex styles for * review (texhax.31)
pin:  23 * driver (texhax.09)
pktosfp:  sfptopk, *, and mergesfp available on fileserv (texhax.33)
place:  tex: how to * note? (texhax.09)
placement:  figure * in latex (texhax.40)
plain:  upload: label.tex--print 3up labels with * tex (texhax.30)
plain-tex:  landscape with * (texhax.32)  metafont 2.7/ * problems (texhax.15)
plotting:  * with metafont / graphics in tex / mfplot (texhax.08)
pltotf.exe:  tex utility converter program * (texhax.45)
poem:  typesetting a * (texhax.33)
pointers:  *? (texhax.33)
popinput--resident:  upload: * input enhancer for tex on ms-dos (texhax.29)
portions:  upload: version.sty--latex macros for excluding or including * (texhax.29)
portuguese:  * hyphenation (texhax.01)
postcript:  cmr * fonts? (texhax.36)
posting:  * on special (texhax.06)
posting:  incremental * to (texhax.42)
posting-greek:  * tex (texhax.34)
postscript:  *, metafont (texhax.01)
postscript:  * driver for cms (texhax.08)
postscript:  help for importing * files in latex (texhax.13)
postscript:  re: standardization of tex names for adobe * fonts. (texhax.13)
postscript:  standardization of tex names for adobe * fonts. (texhax.13)
postscript:  incorporation of graphics via encapsulated * (texhax.14)
postscript:  upload: texdraw--macros for drawing * diagrams with tex. (texhax.29)
postscript:  * included in latex (texhax.38)
postscript:  accessing * accented characters (texhax.39)
postscript:  oztex and * (texhax.39)
postscript:  encapsulated * (texhax.40)
postscript:  problems with * (texhax.41)
practice:  [svb: tex in * / a short note.] (texhax.08)
prepared:  how do you insert figures in your book or paper * in tex? (texhax.22)
previewer:  re: tex * for openwindows. (texhax.12)
previewing:  fonts - looking for mac screen fonts for * (texhax.48)
printer:  * driver for hp deskjet (texhax.24)
printer:  needed: public domain driver for dot matrix * (ibm pc) (texhax.28)
printers:  printing wide text on wide-carriage dot-matrix * (texhax.18)
printing:  * wide text on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (texhax.18)
printing:  * selected pages with emtex's dvihplj (texhax.27)
printing:  upload: shalom--postscript font for * hebrew (texhax.29)
printing:  problems * tex from unix to laserwriters with driver 7.0 (texhax.31)
printing:  * on ricoh 6000/ps (texhax.34)
printing:  landscape * (texhax.39)
printing:  tex sources for xenix 386; * (texhax.44)
printing:  latex in landscape * mode? (texhax.48)
proceedings:  tug conference * summaries (texhax.13)
processor:  word *-> tex (texhax.01)
produces:  \topskip = 0pt * bug in latex (texhax.15)
program:  upload: program.sty--typeset * fragments in latex (texhax.31)
program:  tex -> rtf conversion *? (texhax.35)
program:  help with the dvips * under dos (texhax.39)
program:  tex utility converter * pltotf.exe (texhax.45)
program.sty--typeset:  upload: * program fragments in latex (texhax.31)
prolog:  re: literate * (texhax.16)
proof:  * figure macros (texhax.02)
proprietary:  writenow and/or other * formats to tex (texhax.38)
proprietary:  writenow and/or other * formats to tex (texhax.42)
psf:  dvi to gddm and * (texhax.27)
psfig:  * and dvitps problem?? (texhax.25)
psychological:  bibtex style, american * association. (texhax.51)
public:  needed: * domain driver for dot matrix printer (ibm pc) (texhax.28)
publishing:  desktop *, astronomy, space sciences (texhax.14)
puzzle:  tex/latex/sbtex/initex * (texhax.09)
query:  * about hebrew fonts (texhax.22)
query:  response to * for bk14.sty (texhax.24)
question/answers:  request: * style file for latex (texhax.07)
questions:  two tex * (texhax.18)
quote.sty:  another dimension of newsletter -- * and italic.sty (texhax.40)
raising:  * pctex's memory limits (texhax.07)
ratfor:  fweb 1.22 [a web system for c, c++, fortran, *, and tex] (texhax.43)
readable:  three topics: cyrillic, machine * help, 2 column article (texhax.19)
real:  symbol for * numbers (texhax.08)
refreshed:  babel files * at listserv@hearn (texhax.37)
release:  latest * of the texbook (texhax.38)
released:  eplain 1.8 * (texhax.16)
released:  imaketex 2.01 * for tex 3.1 and mf 2.7 (texhax.16)
released:  mode_def collection 0.4 * (texhax.17)
released:  web2c 5.84b * (texhax.22)
released:  eplain 1.9 * (texhax.24)
released:  version 1.0 of tex font naming scheme * (texhax.31)
released:  imaketex 2.02 for tex 3.14 * (texhax.35)
released: 0.7 * (texhax.36)
released: version 0.8 * (texhax.51)
releases:  web2c * (texhax.32)
request:  *: question/answers style file for latex (texhax.07)
request:  * for conversion s/w (texhax.22)
request:  re: peter flynn's * for latex footnotes in a paragraph (texhax.27)
request:  * for opinions on hp laserjets (texhax.45)
response:  a * to perl hackers (texhax.08)
response:  * to query for bk14.sty (texhax.24)
responses:  summary of * concerning free tex for the pc. (texhax.03)
resume:  * style (texhax.44)
reversing:  * authors' names with tib (texhax.10)
reversing:  re: * authors' names with tib (texhax digest v91 #010) (texhax.15)
review:  upload: revtex--latex styles for physical * (texhax.31)
review:  comments on *: michael doob's a gentle... (texhax.49)
revtex--latex:  upload: * styles for physical review (texhax.31)
ricoh:  (* mode_def) texhax digest v91 #004 (texhax.08)
ricoh:  printing on * 6000/ps (texhax.34)
right:  how to move the page number to the * of the text (texhax.48)
right:  how to move page number to * of text (texhax.50)
rmacro.sty--macros:  upload: * for russian typesetting in latex (texhax.29)
room:  when calling texserver, make sure you have enough *!! (texhax.38)
rs/6000:  * (texhax.40)
rtf:  latex to * translation (texhax.01)
rtf:  tex -> * conversion program? (texhax.35)
run-on:  * footnotes (texhax.35)
running:  problems * metafont? (texhax.19)
russian:  upload: rmacro.sty--macros for * typesetting in latex (texhax.29)
s/w:  request for conversion * (texhax.22)
sbmf:  increasing memory for metafont (* under dos) (texhax.05)
sbtex:  who wrote the *? (texhax.08)
sbtex3.0:  panasonic kx-p1124 and * (texhax.09)
sbtex3.0:  re: panasonic kx-p1124 and * (texhax.14)
scaling:  font * in latex (texhax.11)
schallhorn's:  diacritics over oblique pandora (aka mrs. * draft effect) (texhax.43)
scheme:  a new 7-bit encoding * (texhax.04)
scheme:  doublespacing macros and new font selection * (texhax.04)
scheme:  version 1.0 of tex font naming * released (texhax.31)
scheme:  fc font encoding * -- 2nd draft (texhax.45)
schemeweb:  imake-less imaketex 2.00 and * (texhax.05)
sciences:  desktop publishing, astronomy, space * (texhax.14)
scientific:  .sty files for * journals (texhax.37)
screen:  fonts - looking for mac * fonts for previewing (texhax.48)
scribe:  * macros (texhax.11)
script:  tex, * math fonts (texhax.03)
script:  * font for lagrangian symbol (texhax.24)
script:  texhax91.024: * font and lagrangian (texhax.28)
searching:  atari st/mega/tt (tos): * for dvi-driver with landscape option (texhax.15)
section:  \count 1 used for latex * counter (texhax.07)
section:  numbering equations by *?? (texhax.44)
section:  latex - i want * numbers in the margin (texhax.46)
seetex:  85 dpi fonts for * (texhax.43)
selected:  printing * pages with emtex's dvihplj (texhax.27)
selecting:  * which pages get into the dvi file? (texhax.33)
selecting:  * which pages get into the dvi file? (texhax.37)
selecting:  re: * which pages get into the dvi file? (texhax.38)
selection:  doublespacing macros and new font * scheme (texhax.04)
serious:  * flaw in tugboat supplement (texhax.37)
server:  additions and changes to listserv and dante ftp * (texhax.14)
session:  q and a * at the summer tug meeting (texhax.26)
setting:  grayfont * in initex (texhax.19)
several:  update: * .el files moved in ymir archive (texhax.31)
sfptopk:  *, pktosfp, and mergesfp available on fileserv (texhax.33)
sgi:  tex 3.1 for * iris machines (texhax.21)
sgi:  tex 3.1 on * irix (texhax.23)
sgi:  re: dvijep on * (texhax.25)
shadow.sty:  new version of * available on fileserv (texhax.45)
shalom--postscript:  upload: * font for printing hebrew (texhax.29)
sheet:  4 small pages on one 8.5x11 *... (texhax.19)
short:  [svb: tex in practice / a * note.] (texhax.08)
single-col:  * abstract and title in latex twocol style (texhax.16)
single-col:  re: * abstract and title in latex twocol style (texhax.20)
sites:  uk tex archive now accessible from uucp * (texhax.27)
size:  memory * in tex (texhax.25)
sizes:  upload: xarticle.sty--modified article.sty supporting 7-9pt * (texhax.29)
slcs/ipcs:  dvipage on sun * (texhax.03)
slitex:  * font files (texhax.08)
slitex:  forwarded: amsfonts + * (texhax.31)
slitex:  upload: eslides.sty--typeset transparancies with latex not * (texhax.31)
small:  * bug in equations.sty (texhax.04)
small:  * bug in equations.sty (texhax.16)
small:  a * bug in oldlfont.sty of new font ... and (texhax.18)
small:  4 * pages on one 8.5x11 sheet... (texhax.19)
small:  a * bug in oldlfont.sty of new font ... and (texhax.21)
small:  * bug in (texhax.48)
small:  * bug in (texhax.51)
sober.sty--reduced:  upload: * space around heads in latex (texhax.31)
solution:  lpr -d: the * (texhax.18)
solutions:  summary of * to a dirty trick type problem (texhax.50)
sometimes:  help! 8-bit \catcode * ignored in tex 3.0? (texhax.40)
sometimes:  help! 8-bit \catcode * ignored in tex 3.0? (texhax.43)
source:  metafont * for georgian? (texhax.08)
source:  metafont * files (texhax.33)
sources:  tex * for xenix 386; printing (texhax.44)
sources:  tex * for xenix 386 (texhax digest v91 #044) (texhax.46)
space:  fix for nroff macro for tex in tex.1 leaving a * (texhax.01)
space:  desktop publishing, astronomy, * sciences (texhax.14)
space:  upload: sober.sty--reduced * around heads in latex (texhax.31)
space:  * dependencies in latex (texhax.45)
space:  * dependencies in latex (texhax.47)
spaces:  tex bug: optional * are mandatory (texhax.08)
spaces:  optional * are mandatory (texhax digest v91 #008) (texhax.10)
spaces:  tex bug: optional * are mandatory (texhax.10)
spaces:  re: bug in tex optional * are mandatory (texhax v91 #8) (texhax.11)
spaces:  * after commas in \cite. (texhax.48)
sparcprinter:  metafont cm params for * (texhax.28)
special:  * characters in \index (texhax.03)
special:  posting on * (texhax.06)
special:  /* in latex. (texhax.51)
specials:  tpic * (texhax.28)
spfontware:  * updates available at fileserv (texhax.46)
splain:  official new lplain and * files (texhax.14)
splitting:  * an 8-bit pk file into two 7-bit pk files (texhax.18)
splitting:  * an 8-bit pk file into two 7-bit pk files (texhax.22)
splitting:  re: * 8-bit pk (texhax.22)
springer-verlag:  * macro package (texhax.04)  * (texhax.34)
st/mega/tt:  atari * (tos): searching for dvi-driver with landscape option (texhax.15)
standardization:  * of tex names for adobe postscript fonts. (texhax.13)
standardization:  re: * of tex names for adobe postscript fonts. (texhax.13)
standardizing:  mode_defs, * (texhax.16)
stewart:  address of g. w. * (texhax.05)
sty:  .* files for scientific journals (texhax.37)
style:  request: question/answers * file for latex (texhax.07)
style:  apa bibliography/citation * (texhax.08)
style:  single-col abstract and title in latex twocol * (texhax.16)
style:  art14 * (texhax.17)
style:  4up * in latex (texhax.18)
style:  re: single-col abstract and title in latex twocol * (texhax.20)
style:  * for us patent applications. (texhax.21)
style:  re: art14 * (texhax.21)
style:  * file for mathematical association of america wanted (texhax.24)
style:  announcing the babel system of * options (texhax.28)
style:  upload: babel system of * options (texhax.30)
style:  upload: brief.sty--nen-conformant letter * (texhax.31)
style:  euler latex * file? (texhax.34)
style:  jgr oceans * wanted (texhax.35)
style:  update to the babel system of * files (texhax.35)
style:  wanted: latex * file for aiaa journal submissions (texhax.36)
style:  anyone have a left justify all equations latex * file? (texhax.38)
style:  jgr * (texhax.39)
style:  annotated bib .bst * (texhax.41)
style:  * for icarus? (texhax.42)
style:  resume * (texhax.44)
style:  bibtex *, american psychological association. (texhax.51)
styles:  upload: revtex--latex * for physical review (texhax.31)
subarchive:  upload: tex & tug news--new * at ymir (texhax.30)
submission:  texhax * (correction) (texhax.08)
submissions:  wanted: latex style file for aiaa journal * (texhax.36)
subscription:  texhax via bitnet. check your *. (texhax.10)
subscripts:  limit * and boxes losing information (texhax.26)
summaries:  tug conference proceedings * (texhax.13)
summary:  * of responses concerning free tex for the pc. (texhax.03)
summary:  *: sunos 4.1.1 and x11r4 (texhax.12)
summary:  art14 - a * (texhax.26)
summary:  * of solutions to a dirty trick type problem (texhax.50)
summary:  exporting formulae from mathematica to latex -- * (texhax.50)
summer:  q and a session at the * tug meeting (texhax.26)
sun:  dvipage on * slcs/ipcs (texhax.03)
sun:  latex on * (texhax.37)  c2latex is on * (texhax.24)
sunos:  summary: * 4.1.1 and x11r4 (texhax.12)
supertab.sty--new:  upload: * version (texhax.30)
supertabular.sty:  new version of * from listserv@hearn (texhax.37)
supplement:  serious flaw in tugboat * (texhax.37)
supporting:  upload: xarticle.sty--modified article.sty * 7-9pt sizes (texhax.29)
sure:  when calling texserver, make * you have enough room!! (texhax.38)
survey:  dtp * (texhax.27)
svb:  [*: tex in practice / a short note.] (texhax.08)
syllabics:  cree * (texhax.01)
sylvio:  upload: web in c by * levy and d.e. knuth (texhax.30)
symbol:  * for real numbers (texhax.08)
symbol:  script font for lagrangian * (texhax.24)
symbols:  astronomical * (texhax.12)
symbols:  astronomical * (texhax.17)
symbols:  male & female * (texhax.18)
symbols:  variants for currency * (texhax.21)
symbols:  variants for currency * (texhax.22)
symbols:  re: astronomical * and male/female symbols (texhax.23)
symbols:  re: astronomical symbols and male/female * (texhax.23)
system:  tex on ibm aix *. (texhax.26)
system:  textures and * 7 (texhax.27)
system:  announcing the babel * of style options (texhax.28)
system:  upload: babel * of style options (texhax.30)
system:  textures and * 7 (texhax.34)
system:  update to the babel * of style files (texhax.35)
system:  fweb 1.22 [a web * for c, c++, fortran, ratfor, and tex] (texhax.43)
systems:  tex help * (texhax.16)
systems:  re: tex help * (texhax.21)
table:  tugboat 12 #2, * of contents (texhax.33)
tables:  * (texhax.08)
tables:  manipulating * of contents (texhax.39)
tables:  dvimswin, landscape * (texhax.50)
tabs:  * in paragraphs (texhax.24)
tabular:  [ help on * environment (texhax.28)
tabular:  re: help on * environment (texhax.28)
tabular:  re: [ help on * environment (texhax.31)
tabular:  *: forbidden cs (texhax.36)
technology:  adobe * exchange (texhax.43)
tex:  * for coherent (texhax.01)
tex:  fix for nroff macro for * in tex.1 leaving a space (texhax.01)
tex:  word processor-> * (texhax.01)
tex:  * for coherent (texhax.03)
tex:  *, script math fonts (texhax.03)
tex:  call for paper: 6th european * conference (texhax.03)
tex:  summary of responses concerning free * for the pc. (texhax.03)
tex:  * on a decstation 5000 anyone? (texhax.04)
tex:  * on a decstation 5000 anyone? (texhax.05)
tex:  ftping * for ms-dos (texhax.05)
tex:  graphics, *, metafont (texhax.06)
tex:  asking * (texhax.07)
tex:  * bug: optional spaces are mandatory (texhax.08)
tex:  * hyphenation (texhax digest v91 #005) (texhax.08)
tex:  [svb: * in practice / a short note.] (texhax.08)
tex:  plotting with metafont / graphics in * / mfplot (texhax.08)
tex:  * abbreviated font file names (texhax.09)
tex:  *: how to place note? (texhax.09)
tex:  * bug: optional spaces are mandatory (texhax.10)
tex:  formation of italic (irish * and latex interest community) (texhax.11)
tex:  re: bug in * optional spaces are mandatory (texhax v91 #8) (texhax.11)
tex:  re: * previewer for openwindows. (texhax.12)
tex:  re: standardization of * names for adobe postscript fonts. (texhax.13)
tex:  standardization of * names for adobe postscript fonts. (texhax.13)
tex:  wanted: armenian in * (texhax.13)
tex:  genealogical computing and * (texhax.15)
tex:  * help systems (texhax.16)
tex:  *, latex, mutex, .pk (texhax.16)
tex:  imaketex 2.01 released for * 3.1 and mf 2.7 (texhax.16)
tex:  two * questions (texhax.18)
tex:  6th european * conference and gutenberg'91 (texhax.20)
tex:  turkish * users group (texhax.20)
tex:  * 3.1 for sgi iris machines (texhax.21)
tex:  barcodes from *? (texhax.21)
tex:  fonts, *, latex (texhax.21)
tex:  non-english hyphenation and * 3.0 (texhax.21)
tex:  re: * help systems (texhax.21)
tex:  * and figures (texhax.22)
tex:  fonts, *, latex (texhax.22)
tex:  how do you insert figures in your book or paper prepared in *? (texhax.22)
tex:  non-english hyphenation and * 3.0 (texhax.22)
tex:  * 3.1 on sgi irix (texhax.23)
tex:  re: non-english hyphenation and * 3.0 (texhax.24)
tex:  memory size in * (texhax.25)
tex:  * on ibm aix system. (texhax.26)
tex:  uk * archive now accessible from uucp sites (texhax.27)
tex:  * mex (texhax.28)
tex:  *: matrix transformations (texhax.28)
tex:  upload: enhanced emacs-lisp * mode (texhax.29)
tex:  upload: pbmplus--convert pbm files to * pk files for vms. (texhax.29)
tex:  upload: popinput--resident input enhancer for * on ms-dos (texhax.29)
tex:  upload: texdraw--macros for drawing postscript diagrams with *. (texhax.29)
tex:  upload: update to auc emacs lisp * mode (texhax.29)
tex:  upload: * & tug news--new subarchive at ymir (texhax.30)
tex:  upload: label.tex--print 3up labels with plain * (texhax.30)
tex:  problems printing * from unix to laserwriters with driver 7.0 (texhax.31)
tex:  version 1.0 of * font naming scheme released (texhax.31)
tex:  * 3.?? (texhax.32)
tex:  latex -> * conversion? (texhax.32)
tex:  * 3.14, vax/vms (texhax.33)
tex:  chinese version of * (texhax.33)
tex:  hp fonts with * (texhax.33)
tex:  posting-greek * (texhax.34)
tex:  * -> rtf conversion program? (texhax.35)
tex:  imaketex 2.02 for * 3.14 released (texhax.35)
tex:  problems in * 3.1 installation (vms) (texhax.35)
tex:  using hp internal fonts with * (texhax.35)
tex:  "* by example" files available at fileserv (texhax.36)
tex:  * 3.14 and other pk fonts in the distribution (texhax.37)
tex:  announcement--uk * archive (texhax.38)
tex:  writenow and/or other proprietary formats to * (texhax.38)
tex:  re: problems in * 3.1 installation (vms) [texhax v91 #35] (texhax.39)
tex:  help! 8-bit \catcode sometimes ignored in * 3.0? (texhax.40)
tex:  making unix * 3.14 (texhax.40)
tex:  newsletter in * files available at fileserv (texhax.40)
tex:  * 3.14 and other pk fonts in the distribution (digest v91 #037) (texhax.41)
tex:  agfa p400ps as * output device (texhax.41)
tex:  \if, * (texhax.42)
tex:  writenow and/or other proprietary formats to * (texhax.42)
tex:  fweb 1.22 [a web system for c, c++, fortran, ratfor, and *] (texhax.43)
tex:  help! 8-bit \catcode sometimes ignored in * 3.0? (texhax.43)
tex:  * sources for xenix 386; printing (texhax.44)
tex:  * utility converter program pltotf.exe (texhax.45)
tex:  * version 2.93/3.14 (texhax.45)
tex:  * sources for xenix 386 (texhax digest v91 #044) (texhax.46)
tex:  * in urdu (texhax.48)
tex:  * v3 for msdos (texhax.48)
tex:  * for lisp (texhax.50)
tex.1:  fix for nroff macro for tex in * leaving a space (texhax.01)
tex/latex:  arabic or persian (farsi) fonts for * (texhax.07)
tex/latex:  * help files (texhax.21)
tex/latex/sbtex/initex:  * puzzle (texhax.09)
tex/mathematica:  interactive * documents (texhax.10)
tex/mathematica:  upload: * interface new version (texhax.30)
tex/postscript:  * driver (texhax.01)
tex3.14:  help with installing * (texhax.48)
texbook:  latest release of the * (texhax.38)
texcad:  *, amstex (texhax.18)
texcad:  re: *, amstex (texhax.23)
texdraw:  * (texhax.28)
texdraw:  dvips for vm/cms --- * (texhax.42)
texdraw--macros:  upload: * for drawing postscript diagrams with tex. (texhax.29)
texhax91.024:  *: script font and lagrangian (texhax.28)
texman:  * (texhax.37)
texnicolor:  c++ web and * (texhax.16)
texserver:  when calling *, make sure you have enough room!! (texhax.38)  apologies to uucp clients of * (texhax.11)
text:  printing wide * on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (texhax.18)
text:  problem with line breaking in twocolumn * (texhax.41)
text:  re: problem with line breaking in twocolumn * (texhax.41)
text:  how to move the page number to the right of the * (texhax.48)
text:  how to move page number to right of * (texhax.50)
textset:  looking for address of * inc. (texhax.04)
textset:  looking for * inc.... found arbortext inc. (texhax.07)
textures:  * and system 7 (texhax.27)
textures:  * and system 7 (texhax.34)
tfm:  .* fonts (texhax.22)
tfm:  * fonts (texhax digest v91 #022) (texhax.27)
tfm:  .* to .pk or .gf conversion (texhax.32)
that:  bold in latex * isn't so large (texhax.35)
that:  bold in latex * isn't so large (texhax.40)
think:  i * this is a feature in latex (texhax.28)
this:  has * bug been fixed? (texhax.11)
this:  i think * is a feature in latex (texhax.28)
three:  * topics: cyrillic, machine readable help, 2 column article (texhax.19)
tib:  reversing authors' names with * (texhax.10)
tib:  re: reversing authors' names with * (texhax digest v91 #010) (texhax.15)
title:  single-col abstract and * in latex twocol style (texhax.16)
title:  re: single-col abstract and * in latex twocol style (texhax.20)
toal's:  upload: graham * cm fonts in ps format (texhax.30)
topics:  three *: cyrillic, machine readable help, 2 column article (texhax.19)
tos:  atari st/mega/tt (*): searching for dvi-driver with landscape option (texhax.15)
toshiba:  dview31 for * (texhax.16)
tpic:  * specials (texhax.28)
trans/fig:  * patches (texhax.07)
transfig:  * & fig 2.1.1 (texhax.04)
transformations:  tex: matrix * (texhax.28)
translation:  latex to rtf * (texhax.01)
translator:  dvi * for the la324 multiprinter (texhax.38)
transparancies:  upload: eslides.sty--typeset * with latex not slitex (texhax.31)
tree:  * drawing macros (texhax.04)
trick:  summary of solutions to a dirty * type problem (texhax.50)
tug:  * conference proceedings summaries (texhax.13)
tug:  q and a session at the summer * meeting (texhax.26)
tug:  upload: tex & * news--new subarchive at ymir (texhax.30)
tugboat:  * 12 #2, table of contents (texhax.33)
tugboat:  serious flaw in * supplement (texhax.37)
turkish:  * tex users group (texhax.20)
two:  * tex questions (texhax.18)
two:  splitting an 8-bit pk file into * 7-bit pk files (texhax.18)
two:  splitting an 8-bit pk file into * 7-bit pk files (texhax.22)
twocol:  single-col abstract and title in latex * style (texhax.16)
twocol:  re: single-col abstract and title in latex * style (texhax.20)
twocolumn:  marks in * (texhax.33)
twocolumn:  problem with line breaking in * text (texhax.41)
twocolumn:  re: problem with line breaking in * text (texhax.41)
type:  summary of solutions to a dirty trick * problem (texhax.50)
typesetting:  greek * (texhax.08)
typesetting:  upload: rmacro.sty--macros for russian * in latex (texhax.29)
typesetting:  upload: voorbeeldom.sty--environment for * linguistics (texhax.30)
typesetting:  * a poem (texhax.33)
typewriter:  * bold, bold italic? (texhax.11)
uktex:  re: * and aston archive (texhax.46)
under:  increasing memory for metafont (sbmf * dos) (texhax.05)
under:  forward from eberhard mattes: [use of pk founts * ms-dos] (texhax.14)
under:  use of pk fonts * ms-dos (texhax.14)
under:  help with the dvips program * dos (texhax.39)
unix:  problems printing tex from * to laserwriters with driver 7.0 (texhax.31)
unix:  hp output for dvi for * (texhax.32)
unix:  making * tex 3.14 (texhax.40)
unixman.sty--manpage-like:  upload: * formatting for latex (texhax.31)
update:  *: cvtbib.el moved in ymir archive (texhax.29)
update:  upload: * to auc emacs lisp tex mode (texhax.29)
update:  *: several .el files moved in ymir archive (texhax.31)
update:  * to the babel system of style files (texhax.35)
updated:  * version of mltex (texhax.33)
updates:  spfontware * available at fileserv (texhax.46)
upload:  *: bibtex-mode.el--emacs mode for bibtex file entry/editing (texhax.29)
upload:  *: enhanced emacs-lisp tex mode (texhax.29)
upload:  *: macbibtex 2.0 -- bibtex for the macintosh (texhax.29)
upload:  *: new version of headerfooter.sty--custom headers and footers (texhax.29)
upload:  *: new versions of ega2mf.c and vga2mf.c (texhax.29)
upload:  *: pbmplus--convert pbm files to tex pk files for vms. (texhax.29)
upload:  *: popinput--resident input enhancer for tex on ms-dos (texhax.29)
upload:  *: rmacro.sty--macros for russian typesetting in latex (texhax.29)
upload:  *: shalom--postscript font for printing hebrew (texhax.29)
upload:  *: texdraw--macros for drawing postscript diagrams with tex. (texhax.29)
upload:  *: update to auc emacs lisp tex mode (texhax.29)
upload:  *: version.sty--latex macros for excluding or including portions (texhax.29)
upload:  *: xarticle.sty--modified article.sty supporting 7-9pt sizes (texhax.29)
upload: *: ega2mf (texhax.29)
upload:  *: a4.sty--new version (texhax.30)
upload:  *: babel system of style options (texhax.30)
upload:  *: dvi--hp driver in c++ (texhax.30)
upload:  *: glue.web -- example of web from donald knuth (texhax.30)
upload:  *: graham toal's cm fonts in ps format (texhax.30)
upload:  *: label.tex--print 3up labels with plain tex (texhax.30)
upload:  *: lacheck--latex consistency checker (texhax.30)
upload:  *: supertab.sty--new version (texhax.30)
upload:  *: tex & tug news--new subarchive at ymir (texhax.30)
upload:  *: tex/mathematica interface new version (texhax.30)
upload:  *: voorbeeldom.sty--environment for typesetting linguistics (texhax.30)
upload:  *: warn.sty--print line number in latex warnings (texhax.30)
upload:  *: web in c by sylvio levy and d.e. knuth (texhax.30)
upload:  *: brief.sty--nen-conformant letter style (texhax.31)
upload:  *: dutch hyphenation patterns (texhax.31)
upload:  *: eslides.sty--typeset transparancies with latex not slitex (texhax.31)
upload:  *: extended us english hyphenation patterns (texhax.31)
upload:  *: inspec2bibtex.el--convert inspec files to bibtex (texhax.31)
upload:  *: program.sty--typeset program fragments in latex (texhax.31)
upload:  *: revtex--latex styles for physical review (texhax.31)
upload:  *: sober.sty--reduced space around heads in latex (texhax.31)
upload:  *: unixman.sty--manpage-like formatting for latex (texhax.31)
urdu:  tex in * (texhax.48)
use:  * of pk fonts under ms-dos (texhax.14)
use:  forward from eberhard mattes: [* of pk founts under ms-dos] (texhax.14)
use:  re: * of \footnotemark (texhax.25)
use:  virtual font * on the macintosh. (texhax.38)
use:  can one * a \loop...\repeat to contribute columns to an \halign? (texhax.39)
used:  \count 1 * for latex section counter (texhax.07)
users:  turkish tex * group (texhax.20)
users:  lams-tex for * of ams-tex (texhax.48)
utility:  tex * converter program pltotf.exe (texhax.45)
uucp:  apologies to * clients of (texhax.11)
uucp:  uk tex archive now accessible from * sites (texhax.27)
uwashington:  * cyrillic fonts... (texhax.26)
v4.0:  announcing dvitoln03 * for vax/vms (texhax.17)
variants:  * for currency symbols (texhax.21)
variants:  * for currency symbols (texhax.22)
vax:  where to get dvips for *. (texhax.51)
vax/vms:  announcing dvitoln03 v4.0 for * (texhax.17)
vax/vms:  tex 3.14, * (texhax.33)
verbatim:  a better `*' environment? (texhax.35)
version:  current * of xfig ? (texhax.23)
version:  upload: new * of headerfooter.sty--custom headers and footers (texhax.29)
version:  upload: a4.sty--new * (texhax.30)
version:  upload: supertab.sty--new * (texhax.30)
version:  upload: tex/mathematica interface new * (texhax.30)
version:  * 1.0 of tex font naming scheme released (texhax.31)
version:  chinese * of tex (texhax.33)
version:  updated * of mltex (texhax.33)
version:  new * of supertabular.sty from listserv@hearn (texhax.37)
version:  aix * of dvi38xx (texhax.44)
version:  new * of shadow.sty available on fileserv (texhax.45)
version:  tex * 2.93/3.14 (texhax.45)
version:  dviln03 * 4.1 on fileserv (texhax.47)
version: * 0.8 released (texhax.51)
version.sty--latex:  upload: * macros for excluding or including portions (texhax.29)
versions:  upload: new * of ega2mf.c and vga2mf.c (texhax.29)
versions:  new * of ams-tex, ams-latex, and amsfonts (texhax.35)
vga2mf.c:  upload: new versions of ega2mf.c and * (texhax.29)
vgrind:  * (texhax.44)
via:  texhax * bitnet. check your subscription. (texhax.10)
via:  incorporation of graphics * encapsulated postscript (texhax.14)
virtual:  what are * fonts... (texhax.04)
virtual:  * font use on the macintosh. (texhax.38)
vm/cms:  dvips for * --- texdraw (texhax.42)
vms:  upload: pbmplus--convert pbm files to tex pk files for *. (texhax.29)
vms:  problems in tex 3.1 installation (*) (texhax.35)
vms:  re: problems in tex 3.1 installation (*) [texhax v91 #35] (texhax.39)
voorbeeldom.sty--environment:  upload: * for typesetting linguistics (texhax.30)
want:  latex - i * section numbers in the margin (texhax.46)
warn.sty--print:  upload: * line number in latex warnings (texhax.30)
warnings:  upload: warn.sty--print line number in latex * (texhax.30)
web:  c++ * and texnicolor (texhax.16)
web:  upload: * in c by sylvio levy and d.e. knuth (texhax.30)
web:  upload: glue.web -- example of * from donald knuth (texhax.30)
web:  fweb 1.22 [a * system for c, c++, fortran, ratfor, and tex] (texhax.43)
web.tex:  * (texhax.48)
web2c:  * for pc's (texhax.04)
web2c:  * 5.84b released (texhax.22)
web2c:  * releases (texhax.32)
what:  * are virtual fonts... (texhax.04)
when:  * calling texserver, make sure you have enough room!! (texhax.38)
who:  * wrote the sbtex? (texhax.08)
wide:  printing * text on wide-carriage dot-matrix printers (texhax.18)
wide-carriage:  printing wide text on * dot-matrix printers (texhax.18)
will:  at&t patent => x * not be free. (texhax.13)
without:  bibtex * latex? (texhax.36)
woes:  bitnet * (texhax.16)
word:  * processor-> tex (texhax.01)
words:  hyphenation for accented * (texhax.48)
write-white:  * fonts (texhax.48)
writenow:  * and/or other proprietary formats to tex (texhax.38)
writenow:  * and/or other proprietary formats to tex (texhax.42)
wrote:  who * the sbtex? (texhax.08)
x11r4:  summary: sunos 4.1.1 and * (texhax.12)
xarticle.sty--modified:  upload: * article.sty supporting 7-9pt sizes (texhax.29)
xenix:  tex sources for * 386; printing (texhax.44)
xenix:  tex sources for * 386 (texhax digest v91 #044) (texhax.46)
xfig:  current version of * ? (texhax.23)
xxencode:  * (texhax.01)
ymir:  update: cvtbib.el moved in * archive (texhax.29)
ymir:  upload: tex & tug news--new subarchive at * (texhax.30)
ymir:  update: several .el files moved in * archive (texhax.31)
ymir:  pk fonts at * (texhax.48)  * and dhosek (texhax.04)  mf for old english available from * (texhax.17)  *: upload: ega2mf (texhax.29)
you:  how do * insert figures in your book or paper prepared in tex? (texhax.22)
you:  when calling texserver, make sure * have enough room!! (texhax.38)
your:  texhax via bitnet. check * subscription. (texhax.10)
your:  how do you insert figures in * book or paper prepared in tex? (texhax.22)