KWIC index for UKTeX V88, issues 01--43 created Dec 23 13:17 GMT 1988 by 000directory.list: * (uktex88.13) 1.4: transfig * (uktex88.25) 10.24: are we up to $* yet?... (uktex88.08) 2.7: common tex updated to tex * (uktex88.02) 2.93b: tex * (i think) for vms (uktex88.36) 2.94: tex * for vms (uktex88.39) 3.0: dvitovdu * and psprint 3.0 (uktex88.27) 3.0: dvitovdu 3.0 and psprint * (uktex88.27) 4081-r1: dvi driver for richoh * (uktex88.12) 6/7/8/9: cmss/i/bx at magsteps * (uktex88.10) 8-ii: driver for canon lpb * laser printer (uktex88.28) 88#17: uktex * -- amsfonts, pictex, atari st (uktex88.18) \shew: * spaces (uktex88.24) \shew: re: * (uktex88.25) \stackrel: latex * query. (uktex88.34) \stackrel: * for three lines (uktex88.36) adobe: mixed * and metafont? (uktex88.30) adobe: re: mixed * and metafont? (uktex88.31) advance: * warning; files to follow... (uktex88.08) advice: * needed about dostex poolfile (uktex88.40) after: mistranslation, truncation * 80 chars (uktex88.31) after: hyphenation * 2 or 3 letters (uktex88.34) aftopl: [clayton m. elwell: re: *] (uktex88.17) aftopl: re: * (uktex88.17) again: amsfonts with dvilaser/hp * (uktex88.09) again: compression software for the archive (*) (uktex88.29) agfa: * p400 and p3400ps printers (uktex88.20) all: `subject: <informative content>' for * messages to uktex? (uktex88.34) all: bug in * versions of dvitovdu and psprint (uktex88.42) alleged: * bug (uktex88.37) allowed: /magsteps * (uktex88.10) ams: * fonts for higher resolution printers (uktex88.31) amsfonts: * with dvilaser/hp (uktex88.08) amsfonts: * with dvilaser/hp again (uktex88.09) amsfonts: uktex 88#17 -- *, pictex, atari st (uktex88.18) annoucment: special * (uktex88.34) answer: latex * (uktex88.24) anyone: can * supply a local copy of qmstex? (uktex88.03) anyone: sprite.sty *? (uktex88.09) anyone: gf to pk *? (uktex88.17) anyone: is * using vortex? (uktex88.37) anyone: does * have macbibtex? (uktex88.38) apollo's: * (uktex88.03) appear: texmag v2n6 to * soon... (uktex88.42) apple: bug in beebe * laserwriter driver (uktex88.12) apple: a4 paper in the * laser writer (uktex88.28) archive: tex * etc... (uktex88.10) archive: aston * now available by mail order!!! (uktex88.13) archive: unix "comp.sources" * at ukc. (uktex88.14) archive: getting help on the tex * server at aston. (uktex88.18) archive: tex * (file sizes) (uktex88.19) archive: centralised uk * server (uktex88.20) archive: centralised uk * server (uktex88.21) archive: unix tex in the * (uktex88.21) archive: vms backup tapes of the * (uktex88.23) archive: compression software for the * (again) (uktex88.29) archive: new sb(08)tex.arc file in * (uktex88.41) archive: copyright material in the aston *. (uktex88.42) archived: * texhax submissions (uktex88.02) archives: dostex in the *... (uktex88.17) archives: * (and how to get them). (uktex88.32) archives: * (and how to get them). (uktex88.33) ascii: how to get * code of a char in tex? (uktex88.27) ascii: * codes into count registers: uktex #27 --- graham toal. (uktex88.28) ascii: more on getting the * code of a character (uktex88.28) ascii: re: gettin the * code of a character in tex (uktex88.28) ascii: * table (uktex88.32) ascii: * table (uktex88.33) assistance: request for *, on behalf of third party. (uktex88.38) ast: * turbolaser (not an ad, honest...) (uktex88.40) aston: duplicate font files at * (uktex88.12) aston: * archive now available by mail order!!! (uktex88.13) aston: getting help on the tex archive server at *. (uktex88.18) aston: * unix mail server (uktex88.21) aston: * tex database (uktex88.22) aston: help needed for the mail-server at *! (uktex88.27) aston: copyright material in the * archive. (uktex88.42) atari: re: tex on * st ? (uktex88.17) atari: re: tex on * st ? (uktex88.18) atari: uktex 88#17 -- amsfonts, pictex, * st (uktex88.18) atari: re: tex on * st ? (uktex88.19) atari: latex for the * st (uktex88.41) atob/btoa: * source coming (uktex88.10) author: * names in bibtex (uktex88.41) availability: vortex * (uktex88.37) backup: vms * tapes of the archive (uktex88.23) beebe: bug in * apple laserwriter driver (uktex88.12) behalf: request for assistance, on * of third party. (uktex88.38) between: conversion * stream and fixed-length records (uktex88.19) bibliographies: separate chapter * with latex and bibtex (uktex88.16) bibliographies: separate chapter * with latex & bibtex (uktex88.38) bibliographies: separate * for chapters (uktex88.39) bibliographies: separate chapter * with bibtex & latex (uktex88.39) bibtex: new * (uktex88.04) bibtex: new * (uktex88.05) bibtex: * change file (uktex88.07) bibtex: * vms (uktex88.12) bibtex: separate chapter bibliographies with latex and * (uktex88.16) bibtex: * (uktex88.19) bibtex: tib vs * (uktex88.19) bibtex: tib vs * (uktex88.22) bibtex: * change file for vax/vms (uktex88.27) bibtex: * and web2c (uktex88.28) bibtex: refer to * conversion (uktex88.28) bibtex: * change file for vms (uktex88.29) bibtex: * question (uktex88.30) bibtex: does there exist a web-to-c change file for *? (uktex88.30) bibtex: refer -> * conversion (uktex88.35) bibtex: * change file for vms (follow-up) (uktex88.38) bibtex: separate chapter bibliographies with latex & * (uktex88.38) bibtex: separate chapter bibliographies with * & latex (uktex88.39) bibtex: author names in * (uktex88.41) big: dvi to ps problem (* letters) (uktex88.05) big-memory: * versions of tex under vms and unix (uktex88.25) binary: * files, uuencode & btoa (uktex88.09) bitnet: from * to janet (uktex88.31) book: new * on tex (uktex88.28) book: correction for new tex * order form. (uktex88.29) boxes: sebastian's * uktex #27 (uktex88.28) brother: dvi to * hl-8 driver? (uktex88.36) brother: * hl-8 laser printer (uktex88.37) brother: re: dvi to * hl-8 driver? (uktex88.37) btoa: binary files, uuencode & * (uktex88.09) bug: a latex * (uktex88.01) bug: * in beebe apple laserwriter driver (uktex88.12) bug: latex circle *? (uktex88.34) bug: * in ? (uktex88.37) bug: alleged * (uktex88.37) bug: dvitoln03 v2.1 * report (and fix!) (uktex88.40) bug: * in all versions of dvitovdu and psprint (uktex88.42) bugs: an early-warning system for tex system *, etc. (uktex88.16) c-tex: * update (uktex88.02) c-tex: self-dumping * (uktex88.02) calling: * (uktex88.14) canon: re: * sx mode_defs (uktex25.88) (uktex88.26) canon: driver for * lpb 8-ii laser printer (uktex88.28) card: email and credit * numbers (tug renewals etc.) (uktex88.41) cards: tug and credit * (uktex88.42) carol's: nottingham meeting: * report (uktex88.39) cartridge: tex sources on * wanted (uktex88.30) centralised: * uk archive server (uktex88.20) centralised: * uk archive server (uktex88.21) centronics: dvito * pp8 (uktex88.40) centronics: dvi to * pp8 (uktex88.43) chance: tex88 european conference and courses --- last *!! (uktex88.19) change: bibtex * file (uktex88.07) change: bibtex * file for vax/vms (uktex88.27) change: bibtex * file for vms (uktex88.29) change: does there exist a web-to-c * file for bibtex? (uktex88.30) change: bibtex * file for vms (follow-up) (uktex88.38) change: * files/statistics (uktex88.40) change-file: web differences -> * ? (uktex88.37) change-file: comparing two web files to yield a *. (uktex88.39) change/pagestyle: ucthesis * (uktex88.38) changes: crudetype * (uktex88.25) changes: vms * for mf (uktex88.39) changing: retaining font style when * size (uktex88.34) chapter: * references in latex/bibtex (uktex88.15) chapter: separate * bibliographies with latex and bibtex (uktex88.16) chapter: separate * bibliographies with latex & bibtex (uktex88.38) chapter: separate * bibliographies with bibtex & latex (uktex88.39) chapters: separate bibliographies for * (uktex88.39) char: how to get ascii code of a * in tex? (uktex88.27) character: more on getting the ascii code of a * (uktex88.28) character: re: gettin the ascii code of a * in tex (uktex88.28) character: yet more on getting the * code of a tex variable ... (uktex88.28) chars: mistranslation, truncation after 80 * (uktex88.31) chelgraph: * typesetter/cmr fonts (uktex88.38) chelgraph: * typesetter/cmr fonts (uktex88.39) chris: from * rowley, open university (uktex88.05) circle: latex * bug? (uktex88.34) clan: tex/metafont on icl * 7 (uktex88.28) clarification: postscript emulation for common printers (*) (uktex88.28) clayton: [* m. elwell: re: aftopl] (uktex88.17) cmbi10: missing font - * (uktex88.34) cmr: * outline fonts? (uktex88.39) cmss/i/bx: * at magsteps 6/7/8/9 (uktex88.10) code: how to get ascii * of a char in tex? (uktex88.27) code: more on getting the ascii * of a character (uktex88.28) code: re: gettin the ascii * of a character in tex (uktex88.28) code: yet more on getting the character * of a tex variable ... (uktex88.28) code: source * for tex (uktex88.38) codes: ascii * into count registers: uktex #27 --- graham toal. (uktex88.28) column: 3 * (uktex88.17) columns: three *, and dostex (uktex88.18) columns: triple * (uktex88.18) coming: atob/btoa source * (uktex88.10) comments: miscellaneous * on preceding issue of uk-tex (uktex88.03) comments: * on some items in issue #38, and other musings (uktex88.39) comments: * on uktex v88 #41 (uktex88.43) comments: more * on uktex v88 #41 (uktex88.43) common: * tex updated to tex 2.7 (uktex88.02) common: postscript emulation for * printers (uktex88.27) common: postscript emulation for * printers (clarification) (uktex88.28) comp.sources: unix "*" archive at ukc. (uktex88.14) comparing: * two web files to yield a change-file. (uktex88.39) compress: * problems (uktex88.07) compress: * on vms (uktex88.09) compress: * problems (uktex88.09) compress: re: * problems (uktex88.10) compress: * problems? (uktex88.11) compress: * utilities (uktex88.18) compress: * utility & tex - a marriage... (uktex88.42) compression: * software for the archive (again) (uktex88.29) conference: tex88 european * and courses --- last chance!! (uktex88.19) content: `subject: <informative *>' for all messages to uktex? (uktex88.34) conversion: re: unix_dvi to vms_dvi * (uktex88.04) conversion: unix_dvi to vms_dvi * (uktex88.04) conversion: pcwritex * driver pc-write==>tex (uktex88.05) conversion: * between stream and fixed-length records (uktex88.19) conversion: refer to bibtex * (uktex88.28) conversion: refer -> bibtex * (uktex88.35) copy: can anyone supply a local * of qmstex? (uktex88.03) copying: tex * (uktex88.16) copyright: * material in the aston archive. (uktex88.42) copyright: * material for vax/vms (uktex88.43) correction: * for new tex book order form. (uktex88.29) count: ascii codes into * registers: uktex #27 --- graham toal. (uktex88.28) courses: tex88 european conference and * --- last chance!! (uktex88.19) courses: tug tex * for september (uktex88.24) crashing: * laser writer (uktex88.21) crashing: re: * laserwriter (uktex21.88) (uktex88.22) credit: email and * card numbers (tug renewals etc.) (uktex88.41) credit: tug and * cards (uktex88.42) crudetype: * new version (uktex88.04) crudetype: * on unix (uktex88.11) crudetype: * changes (uktex88.25) ctex: * upgrade (uktex88.05) ctex: * on vax (uktex88.22) ctex: * vs. pascal tex (uktex88.23) cyrillic: * font .mf files (uktex88.16) cyrillics: *, euler etc pxl files for vaxvms (uktex88.38) dash: en and em * (uktex88.10) database: aston tex * (uktex88.22) dates: english-style * in latex (uktex88.35) deboo: dostex: * without the rsx dependency (uktex88.20) deboo: re: * (on vms, oops) (uktex88.21) decnet/span: update for tex on * (uktex88.04) decnet/span: vax/vms tex on * (uktex88.06) define's: unix_tex 'undump' #include's and #* (uktex88.04) dependency: dostex: deboo without the rsx * (uktex88.20) descriptions: * of file formats (uktex88.35) deutsches: 7. * tex-treffen in freiburg (uktex88.28) device: tex and * drivers (uktex88.22) device: tex * driver for hp laserjet plus (uktex88.29) diconix: * driver problem (uktex88.07) dictionaries: re: * (uktex88.29) dictionaries: * (uktex88.30) differences: web * -> change-file ? (uktex88.37) diffs: new tex/mf: news, * and questions (uktex88.19) digestifiers: mail * (uktex88.25) distribution: unixtex * (uktex88.03) ditributed: metafont sources * at texeter (uktex88.32) ditributed: metafont sources * at texeter (uktex88.33) doc: .* files (uktex88.27) doc: re: producing * for online viewing (latex) (uktex88.37) document: re: producing * for online viewing (latex) (uktex88.36) documents: fig pictures in tex * (uktex88.24) does: * there exist a web-to-c change file for bibtex? (uktex88.30) does: * anyone have macbibtex? (uktex88.38) doing: * a magazine in latex (uktex88.15) domain: public * tex (uktex88.19) dostex: new tex implementation for msdos: * (uktex88.07) dostex: * in the archives... (uktex88.17) dostex: three columns, and * (uktex88.18) dostex: *: deboo without the rsx dependency (uktex88.20) dostex: advice needed about * poolfile (uktex88.40) double: problem with * indices (uktex88.40) downloading: * tex files (uktex88.19) downloading: * tex files (uktex88.21) draft: * tex output from ibm pc/at to low-cost printer. (uktex88.28) drawing: * piccies (uktex88.12) driver: wanted: ln03 * for unix (uktex88.03) driver: pcwritex conversion * pc-write==>tex (uktex88.05) driver: diconix * problem (uktex88.07) driver: bug in beebe apple laserwriter * (uktex88.12) driver: dvi * for richoh 4081-r1 (uktex88.12) driver: epson * (uktex88.16) driver: * for canon lpb 8-ii laser printer (uktex88.28) driver: tex device * for hp laserjet plus (uktex88.29) driver: * for hp + (uktex88.30) driver: printronix * (uktex88.35) driver: dvi to brother hl-8 *? (uktex88.36) driver: re: dvi to brother hl-8 *? (uktex88.37) driver: a new postscript * (uktex88.39) driver: searching for the dvican * (uktex88.42) drivers: information on * (uktex88.02) drivers: dvi * (uktex88.04) drivers: tex and device * (uktex88.22) drivers: hp * for pc (uktex88.23) duplicate: * font files at aston (uktex88.12) duplicate: * style files (uktex88.21) duplicate: * style files (uktex88.21) dvi: * drivers (uktex88.04) dvi: * to ps problem (big letters) (uktex88.05) dvi: * -> ps summary (from info vax) (uktex88.12) dvi: * driver for richoh 4081-r1 (uktex88.12) dvi: wanted: * re-ordering program for unix (uktex88.15) dvi: * to ibm 3820 (uktex88.28) dvi: * to brother hl-8 driver? (uktex88.36) dvi: re: * to brother hl-8 driver? (uktex88.37) dvi: * files and the l300 (uktex88.43) dvi: * to centronics pp8 (uktex88.43) dvi2ps: psfig mods for * available (uktex88.09) dvi2ps: tex * for vax/vms wanted. (uktex88.23) dvican: searching for the * driver (uktex88.42) dvidis: * previewer for vaxstation (uktex88.07) dvidoc/vms: .ch file for * (uktex88.19) dvilaser/hp: amsfonts with * (uktex88.08) dvilaser/hp: amsfonts with * again (uktex88.09) dvito: * centronics pp8 (uktex88.40) dvitoln03: * v2.1 bug report (and fix!) (uktex88.40) dvitotek: * (uktex88.26) dvitovdu: * (uktex88.04) dvitovdu: * (uktex88.15) dvitovdu: pyramid pascal versions of * & psprint (uktex88.26) dvitovdu: * 3.0 and psprint 3.0 (uktex88.27) dvitovdu: * (uktex88.34) dvitovdu: re: * (uktex88.35) dvitovdu: bug in all versions of * and psprint (uktex88.42) early-warning: an * system for tex system bugs, etc. (uktex88.16) elwell: [clayton m. *: re: aftopl] (uktex88.17) emacs: gnu * manuals (uktex88.21) emacs: * (uktex88.34) emacs: * for ibm pc (uktex33.88) (uktex88.34) emacs: *, ipa fonts etc (uktex88.34) emacs: * (uktex88.35) emacs: * (uktex88.36) email: * and credit card numbers (tug renewals etc.) (uktex88.41) emulation: postscript * for common printers (uktex88.27) emulation: postscript * for common printers (clarification) (uktex88.28) english-style: * dates in latex (uktex88.35) environment: macros for use with latex picture *. (uktex88.11) epson: * driver (uktex88.16) etc: ipa fonts *. (uktex88.02) etc: ipa fonts *. (uktex88.04) etc: ipa fonts *. (uktex88.04) etc: tex archive *... (uktex88.10) etc: an early-warning system for tex system bugs, *. (uktex88.16) etc: emacs, ipa fonts * (uktex88.34) etc: cyrillics, euler * pxl files for vaxvms (uktex88.38) etc: email and credit card numbers (tug renewals *.) (uktex88.41) euler: cyrillics, * etc pxl files for vaxvms (uktex88.38) european: tex88 * conference and courses --- last chance!! (uktex88.19) exist: does there * a web-to-c change file for bibtex? (uktex88.30) failure: ftp * (uktex88.17) failures: ftp * (uktex88.25) failures: re: ftp * (uktex88.26) fast: * laser (uktex88.16) female: male and * (uktex88.15) female: male and * (uktex88.16) fig: * (uktex88.07) fig: [supoj sutanthavibul: re: *] (uktex88.14) fig: re: * (uktex88.14) fig: re: * (uktex88.15) fig: * pictures in tex documents (uktex88.24) file: script for unix * transfer (uktex88.04) file: re: at last the * is there (uktex88.05) file: bibtex change * (uktex88.07) file: incompatible * formats (uktex88.18) file: .ch * for dvidoc/vms (uktex88.19) file: re: incompatible * formats (uktex88.19) file: tex archive (* sizes) (uktex88.19) file: bibtex change * for vax/vms (uktex88.27) file: bibtex change * for vms (uktex88.29) file: does there exist a web-to-c change * for bibtex? (uktex88.30) file: * formats (uktex88.34) file: descriptions of * formats (uktex88.35) file: re: * formats (uktex88.35) file: bibtex change * for vms (follow-up) (uktex88.38) file: new sb(08)tex.arc * in archive (uktex88.41) files: advance warning; * to follow... (uktex88.08) files: binary *, uuencode & btoa (uktex88.09) files: duplicate font * at aston (uktex88.12) files: cyrillic font .mf * (uktex88.16) files: downloading tex * (uktex88.19) files: pk-format * with ln03 and ln03+ on vms (uktex88.20) files: downloading tex * (uktex88.21) files: duplicate style * (uktex88.21) files: duplicate style * (uktex88.21) files: .doc * (uktex88.27) files: cyrillics, euler etc pxl * for vaxvms (uktex88.38) files: style *, and headsfoots. (uktex88.38) files: comparing two web * to yield a change-file. (uktex88.39) files: dvi * and the l300 (uktex88.43) files/statistics: change * (uktex88.40) fix: dvitoln03 v2.1 bug report (and *!) (uktex88.40) fixed-length: conversion between stream and * records (uktex88.19) follow: advance warning; files to *... (uktex88.08) follow: * up to fontmemo (uktex88.35) follow-up: bibtex change file for vms (*) (uktex88.38) font: duplicate * files at aston (uktex88.12) font: cyrillic * .mf files (uktex88.16) font: milstd.tex, for use with `milstd' logical symbols * (uktex88.31) font: missing * - cmbi10 (uktex88.34) font: retaining * style when changing size (uktex88.34) fontmemo: follow up to * (uktex88.35) fontmemo.tex: * (uktex88.21) fonts(indirectly: irish *) (uktex88.04) fonts: gaelic * (uktex88.02) fonts: ipa * etc. (uktex88.02) fonts: re: gaelic * (uktex88.03) fonts: ipa * etc. (uktex88.04) fonts: ipa * etc. (uktex88.04) fonts: notes on tex * (uktex88.04) fonts: mapped/unmapped * (uktex88.05) fonts: * for slitex (uktex88.10) fonts: generating *. (uktex88.11) fonts: mf sources for * (uktex88.29) fonts: re: mf sources for * (uktex88.30) fonts: ams * for higher resolution printers (uktex88.31) fonts: emacs, ipa * etc (uktex88.34) fonts: levy * (uktex88.37) fonts: chelgraph typesetter/cmr * (uktex88.38) fonts: [stephen: ps *] (uktex88.39) fonts: chelgraph typesetter/cmr * (uktex88.39) fonts: cmr outline *? (uktex88.39) fonts: slitex * (uktex88.39) footers: latex macros/documentstyles with headers and * (uktex88.24) footngs: headings and * (sic) in latex (uktex88.24) footngs: headings and * in latex (uktex88.24) footnote: latex * macros (uktex88.29) footnotes: paragraphed * (uktex88.29) forever: can tex loop *? (uktex88.27) forever: can sebastian loop *? uktex #27 (uktex88.28) form: correction for new tex book order *. (uktex88.29) formats: incompatible file * (uktex88.18) formats: re: incompatible file * (uktex88.19) formats: file * (uktex88.34) formats: descriptions of file * (uktex88.35) formats: re: file * (uktex88.35) freiburg: 7. deutsches tex-treffen in * (uktex88.28) freiburg: tex * (uktex88.28) ftp: * problem (uktex88.16) ftp: * failure (uktex88.17) ftp: * problems with [public.tex.amsfonts] (uktex88.17) ftp: vms->unix * (uktex88.17) ftp: unix * generating script (uktex88.21) ftp: * failures (uktex88.25) ftp: re: * failures (uktex88.26) gaelic: * fonts (uktex88.02) gaelic: re: * fonts (uktex88.03) generating: * fonts. (uktex88.11) generating: unix ftp * script (uktex88.21) gettin: re: * the ascii code of a character in tex (uktex88.28) getting: * help on the tex archive server at aston. (uktex88.18) getting: more on * the ascii code of a character (uktex88.28) getting: yet more on * the character code of a tex variable ... (uktex88.28) glotex: idxtex and * (uktex88.02) gnu: * emacs manuals (uktex88.21) graham: ascii codes into count registers: uktex #27 --- * toal. (uktex88.28) graphuk: new mailing list: * (uktex88.05) greek: upright lowercase * (uktex88.12) greek: upright lowercase * symbols in maths mode (uktex88.15) group: tex users' * membership and orders (uktex88.40) have: does anyone * macbibtex? (uktex88.38) header: meaningful * records. (uktex88.35) headers: latex macros/documentstyles with * and footers (uktex88.24) headers: latex * (uktex88.26) headings: * and footngs (sic) in latex (uktex88.24) headings: * and footngs in latex (uktex88.24) headings: latex section * (uktex88.24) headings: uktex v88 #24 - large tex, and * (uktex88.25) headsfoots: style files, and *. (uktex88.38) help: *! (uktex88.06) help: getting * on the tex archive server at aston. (uktex88.18) help: metafont * needed (uktex88.24) help: * needed for the mail-server at aston! (uktex88.27) higher: ams fonts for * resolution printers (uktex88.31) hl-8: dvi to brother * driver? (uktex88.36) hl-8: brother * laser printer (uktex88.37) hl-8: re: dvi to brother * driver? (uktex88.37) honest: ast turbolaser (not an ad, *...) (uktex88.40) howler: hyphenation * (uktex88.37) howler: may i offer this hyphenation *? (uktex88.38) hyphenation: * (uktex88.01) hyphenation: multiple * (uktex88.24) hyphenation: * after 2 or 3 letters (uktex88.34) hyphenation: * howler (uktex88.37) hyphenation: may i offer this * howler? (uktex88.38) hyphenations: multiple * (uktex88.24) hyphens: problem with * (uktex88.32) hyphens: problem with * (uktex88.33) ibm: tex previewers for * pcs (uktex88.27) ibm: draft tex output from * pc/at to low-cost printer. (uktex88.28) ibm: dvi to * 3820 (uktex88.28) ibm: emacs for * pc (uktex33.88) (uktex88.34) icl: tex/metafont on * clan 7 (uktex88.28) idxtex: * and glotex (uktex88.02) implementation: new tex * for msdos: dostex (uktex88.07) implementations: re: pc * of tex (2) (uktex88.07) implementations: re: pc * of tex (uktex88.07) include's: unix_tex 'undump' #* and #define's (uktex88.04) incompatible: * file formats (uktex88.18) incompatible: re: * file formats (uktex88.19) indexes: uktex kwic * (uktex88.28) indices: problem with double * (uktex88.40) info: dvi -> ps summary (from * vax) (uktex88.12) info: re: mail into/out of janet -- some * (v88#232) (uktex88.32) info: re: mail into/out of janet -- some * (v88#232) (uktex88.33) information: * on drivers (uktex88.02) informative: `subject: <* content>' for all messages to uktex? (uktex88.34) into: ascii codes * count registers: uktex #27 --- graham toal. (uktex88.28) into/out: re: mail * of janet -- some info (v88#232) (uktex88.32) into/out: re: mail * of janet -- some info (v88#232) (uktex88.33) ipa: * fonts etc. (uktex88.02) ipa: * fonts etc. (uktex88.04) ipa: * fonts etc. (uktex88.04) ipa: emacs, * fonts etc (uktex88.34) irish: * fonts(indirectly) (uktex88.04) iso: latex * style (uktex88.36) issue: for the next * of uktex please... (uktex88.01) issue: miscellaneous comments on preceding * of uk-tex (uktex88.03) issue: comments on some items in * #38, and other musings (uktex88.39) items: comments on some * in issue #38, and other musings (uktex88.39) janet: from bitnet to * (uktex88.31) janet: re: mail into/out of * -- some info (v88#232) (uktex88.32) janet: re: mail into/out of * -- some info (v88#232) (uktex88.33) just: , not sub: , not sub: , not subject: , * subject: ! (uktex88.34) kwic: uktex * indexes (uktex88.28) l300: dvi files and the * (uktex88.43) landscape: * printing on the hp laserjet+. (uktex88.23) large: uktex v88 #24 - * tex, and headings (uktex88.25) laser: fast * (uktex88.16) laser: crashing * writer (uktex88.21) laser: a4 paper in the apple * writer (uktex88.28) laser: driver for canon lpb 8-ii * printer (uktex88.28) laser: brother hl-8 * printer (uktex88.37) laserjet: landscape printing on the hp *+. (uktex88.23) laserjet: tex device driver for hp * plus (uktex88.29) laserwriter: bug in beebe apple * driver (uktex88.12) laserwriter: re: crashing * (uktex21.88) (uktex88.22) laserwriter: * ii ntx (uktex88.25) laserwriter: how do i get * output? (uktex88.28) laserwriter: re: a4 paper in a * (uktex88.31) last: re: at * the file is there (uktex88.05) last: tex88 european conference and courses --- * chance!! (uktex88.19) latest: * tex tape (uktex88.19) latex: a * bug (uktex88.01) latex: pictures in * (uktex88.02) latex: macros for use with * picture environment. (uktex88.11) latex: doing a magazine in * (uktex88.15) latex: lse module for * (uktex88.16) latex: separate chapter bibliographies with * and bibtex (uktex88.16) latex: * (uktex88.18) latex: tex & * (uktex88.20) latex: re: tex v. * (uktex88.21) latex: * newenvironment's (uktex88.23) latex: * answer (uktex88.24) latex: * lfonts.truesizes (uktex88.24) latex: * macros/documentstyles with headers and footers (uktex88.24) latex: * section headings (uktex88.24) latex: headings and footngs (sic) in * (uktex88.24) latex: headings and footngs in * (uktex88.24) latex: * headers (uktex88.26) latex: * newenvironments (uktex #23) (uktex88.27) latex: * footnote macros (uktex88.29) latex: multi-page tables from * (uktex88.31) latex: * \stackrel query. (uktex88.34) latex: * circle bug? (uktex88.34) latex: english-style dates in * (uktex88.35) latex: * iso style (uktex88.36) latex: re: producing document for online viewing (*) (uktex88.36) latex: re: producing doc for online viewing (*) (uktex88.37) latex: separate chapter bibliographies with * & bibtex (uktex88.38) latex: separate chapter bibliographies with bibtex & * (uktex88.39) latex: * for the atari st (uktex88.41) latex: tables and * (uktex88.42) latex/bibtex: chapter references in * (uktex88.15) letters: dvi to ps problem (big *) (uktex88.05) letters: hyphenation after 2 or 3 * (uktex88.34) levy: * fonts (uktex88.37) lfonts.truesizes: latex * (uktex88.24) limits: tex memory * : support for virtual memory systems. (uktex88.24) line: * numbering for prose. (uktex88.02) line: re: * numbers for prose (uktex88.03) lines: \stackrel for three * (uktex88.36) list: new mailing *: graphuk (uktex88.05) list: membership of tex/latex mailing *. (uktex88.07) ln03: wanted: * driver for unix (uktex88.03) ln03: pk-format files with * and ln03+ on vms (uktex88.20) ln03: pk-format files with ln03 and *+ on vms (uktex88.20) ln03r: * + psprint (uktex88.38) local: can anyone supply a * copy of qmstex? (uktex88.03) logical: milstd.tex, for use with `milstd' * symbols font (uktex88.31) longrightarrow: * (uktex88.35) loop: can tex * forever? (uktex88.27) loop: can sebastian * forever? uktex #27 (uktex88.28) low-cost: draft tex output from ibm pc/at to * printer. (uktex88.28) lowercase: upright * greek (uktex88.12) lowercase: upright * greek symbols in maths mode (uktex88.15) lpb: driver for canon * 8-ii laser printer (uktex88.28) lse: * module for latex (uktex88.16) macbibtex: does anyone have *? (uktex88.38) macintosh: textures for the * (uktex88.35) macros: * for use with latex picture environment. (uktex88.11) macros: latex footnote * (uktex88.29) macros/documentstyles: latex * with headers and footers (uktex88.24) magazine: doing a * in latex (uktex88.15) magsteps: /* allowed (uktex88.10) magsteps: cmss/i/bx at * 6/7/8/9 (uktex88.10) magsteps: *. (uktex88.11) mail: aston archive now available by * order!!! (uktex88.13) mail: * server - site report. (uktex88.16) mail: aston unix * server (uktex88.21) mail: * digestifiers (uktex88.25) mail: re: * into/out of janet -- some info (v88#232) (uktex88.32) mail: re: * into/out of janet -- some info (v88#232) (uktex88.33) mail-server: help needed for the * at aston! (uktex88.27) mail-serving: possible trans-atlantic * problems (uktex88.30) mailing: new * list: graphuk (uktex88.05) mailing: membership of tex/latex * list. (uktex88.07) male: * and female (uktex88.15) male: * and female (uktex88.16) manuals: gnu emacs * (uktex88.21) mapped/unmapped: * fonts (uktex88.05) marriage: compress utility & tex - a *... (uktex88.42) material: copyright * in the aston archive. (uktex88.42) material: copyright * for vax/vms (uktex88.43) maths: upright lowercase greek symbols in * mode (uktex88.15) may: * i offer this hyphenation howler? (uktex88.38) meaningful: * header records. (uktex88.35) meeting: nottingham *: carol's report (uktex88.39) meeting: nottingham *: sebastian's report (uktex88.39) membership: * of tex/latex mailing list. (uktex88.07) membership: tex users' group * and orders (uktex88.40) memory: tex * limits : support for virtual memory systems. (uktex88.24) memory: tex memory limits : support for virtual * systems. (uktex88.24) messages: `subject: <informative content>' for all * to uktex? (uktex88.34) metafont: * help needed (uktex88.24) metafont: mixed adobe and *? (uktex88.30) metafont: re: mixed adobe and *? (uktex88.31) metafont: * sources ditributed at texeter (uktex88.32) metafont: * sources ditributed at texeter (uktex88.33) metrics: postscript * (uktex88.40) metrics: re: postscript * (uktex88.41) metrics: postscript * (uktex88.42) milstd: milstd.tex, for use with `*' logical symbols font (uktex88.31) milstd.tex: *, for use with `milstd' logical symbols font (uktex88.31) minipages: stretching * (uktex88.42) miscellaneous: * comments on preceding issue of uk-tex (uktex88.03) missing: * font - cmbi10 (uktex88.34) mistranslation: *, truncation after 80 chars (uktex88.31) mixed: * adobe and metafont? (uktex88.30) mixed: re: * adobe and metafont? (uktex88.31) mode: upright lowercase greek symbols in maths * (uktex88.15) mode_def's: * -- where are they? (uktex88.41) mode_def: * for ti 2115 (uktex88.35) mode_defs: re: canon sx * (uktex25.88) (uktex88.26) mode_defs: * (uktex88.42) mods: psfig * for dvi2ps available (uktex88.09) modula-2: * web (uktex33.88) (uktex88.34) module: lse * for latex (uktex88.16) more: * probs (uktex88.08) more: * on getting the ascii code of a character (uktex88.28) more: yet * on getting the character code of a tex variable ... (uktex88.28) more: * comments on uktex v88 #41 (uktex88.43) msdos: new tex implementation for *: dostex (uktex88.07) multi-page: * tables from latex (uktex88.31) multilingual: * wordprocessing (45) (uktex88.07) multilingual: * wordprocessing (45) (uktex88.07) multiple: * hyphenation (uktex88.24) multiple: * hyphenations (uktex88.24) music: * notation in tex (uktex88.28) music: * printing (uktex88.28) music: typesetting * with tex (uktex88.28) music: * printing (uktex88.29) music: tex and * printing (uktex88.29) musings: comments on some items in issue #38, and other * (uktex88.39) names: author * in bibtex (uktex88.41) new: * bibtex (uktex88.04) new: crudetype * version (uktex88.04) new: * bibtex (uktex88.05) new: * mailing list: graphuk (uktex88.05) new: * tex implementation for msdos: dostex (uktex88.07) new: * tex/mf: news, diffs and questions (uktex88.19) new: * book on tex (uktex88.28) new: correction for * tex book order form. (uktex88.29) new: a * postscript driver (uktex88.39) new: * sb(08)tex.arc file in archive (uktex88.41) newenvironment's: latex * (uktex88.23) newenvironments: latex * (uktex #23) (uktex88.27) news: new tex/mf: *, diffs and questions (uktex88.19) next: for the * issue of uktex please... (uktex88.01) not: , * sub: , not sub: , not subject: , just subject: ! (uktex88.34) not: , not sub: , * sub: , not subject: , just subject: ! (uktex88.34) not: , not sub: , not sub: , * subject: , just subject: ! (uktex88.34) not: ast turbolaser (* an ad, honest...) (uktex88.40) notation: music * in tex (uktex88.28) note: response to your * (uktex88.02) nottingham: * meeting: carol's report (uktex88.39) nottingham: * meeting: sebastian's report (uktex88.39) ntx: laserwriter ii * (uktex88.25) number: pick a *... (uktex88.08) numbering: line * for prose. (uktex88.02) numbers: re: line * for prose (uktex88.03) numbers: email and credit card * (tug renewals etc.) (uktex88.41) ocr: * .mf source (uktex88.01) offer: may i * this hyphenation howler? (uktex88.38) online: re: producing document for * viewing (latex) (uktex88.36) online: re: producing doc for * viewing (latex) (uktex88.37) oops: re: deboo (on vms, *) (uktex88.21) open: from chris rowley, * university (uktex88.05) order: aston archive now available by mail *!!! (uktex88.13) order: correction for new tex book * form. (uktex88.29) orders: tex users' group membership and * (uktex88.40) other: comments on some items in issue #38, and * musings (uktex88.39) outline: cmr * fonts? (uktex88.39) output: draft tex * from ibm pc/at to low-cost printer. (uktex88.28) output: how do i get laserwriter *? (uktex88.28) overheard: *... (uktex88.27) p3400ps: agfa p400 and * printers (uktex88.20) p400: agfa * and p3400ps printers (uktex88.20) paddywhackery: re: `*' (uktex88.05) paper: a4 * in the apple laser writer (uktex88.28) paper: re: a4 * in a laserwriter (uktex88.31) paragraphed: * footnotes (uktex88.29) party: request for assistance, on behalf of third *. (uktex88.38) pascal: ctex vs. * tex (uktex88.23) pascal: tex in * vs tex in c (uktex88.23) pascal: pyramid * versions of dvitovdu & psprint (uktex88.26) pc-write==>tex: pcwritex conversion driver * (uktex88.05) pc/at: draft tex output from ibm * to low-cost printer. (uktex88.28) pcs: web on * (uktex88.05) pcs: web on * (uktex88.05) pcs: tex previewers for ibm * (uktex88.27) pctex: * (uktex88.06) pcwritex: * conversion driver pc-write==>tex (uktex88.05) phdtex: * (uktex88.38) philanthropist: * sought... (uktex88.05) photo-typesetter: * wanted (uktex88.29) piccies: drawing * (uktex88.12) pick: * a number... (uktex88.08) pictex: * (uktex88.14) pictex: * (uktex88.17) pictex: uktex 88#17 -- amsfonts, *, atari st (uktex88.18) pictex.shar: * (uktex88.31) picture: macros for use with latex * environment. (uktex88.11) pictures: * in latex (uktex88.02) pictures: fig * in tex documents (uktex88.24) pk-format: * files with ln03 and ln03+ on vms (uktex88.20) pktopx: * (uktex88.05) please: for the next issue of uktex *... (uktex88.01) plus: tex device driver for hp laserjet * (uktex88.29) poolfile: advice needed about dostex * (uktex88.40) possible: * trans-atlantic mail-serving problems (uktex88.30) possible: * tex support by rutherford (uktex88.41) postscript: * print symbiont needed for vax/vms (uktex88.21) postscript: * symbiont for vms (uktex88.22) postscript: * emulation for common printers (uktex88.27) postscript: * emulation for common printers (clarification) (uktex88.28) postscript: x support for * (uktex88.30) postscript: a new * driver (uktex88.39) postscript: * metrics (uktex88.40) postscript: * support (uktex88.41) postscript: * tfms (uktex88.41) postscript: re: * metrics (uktex88.41) postscript: * metrics (uktex88.42) pound: * sign (uktex88.01) pp8: dvito centronics * (uktex88.40) pp8: dvi to centronics * (uktex88.43) preceding: miscellaneous comments on * issue of uk-tex (uktex88.03) previewer: dvidis * for vaxstation (uktex88.07) previewers: vaxstation * (uktex88.04) previewers: tex * for ibm pcs (uktex88.27) previewers: x * and xfig (uktex88.28) print: postscript * symbiont needed for vax/vms (uktex88.21) printer: draft tex output from ibm pc/at to low-cost *. (uktex88.28) printer: driver for canon lpb 8-ii laser * (uktex88.28) printer: brother hl-8 laser * (uktex88.37) printers: hp *. (uktex88.18) printers: agfa p400 and p3400ps * (uktex88.20) printers: postscript emulation for common * (uktex88.27) printers: postscript emulation for common * (clarification) (uktex88.28) printers: ams fonts for higher resolution * (uktex88.31) printing: landscape * on the hp laserjet+. (uktex88.23) printing: music * (uktex88.28) printing: music * (uktex88.29) printing: tex and music * (uktex88.29) printronix: * driver (uktex88.35) probs: more * (uktex88.08) producing: re: * document for online viewing (latex) (uktex88.36) producing: re: * doc for online viewing (latex) (uktex88.37) program: wanted: dvi re-ordering * for unix (uktex88.15) prose: line numbering for *. (uktex88.02) prose: re: line numbers for * (uktex88.03) psfig: * mods for dvi2ps available (uktex88.09) psfig: * (uktex88.11) psprint: pyramid pascal versions of dvitovdu & * (uktex88.26) psprint: dvitovdu 3.0 and * 3.0 (uktex88.27) psprint: ln03r + * (uktex88.38) psprint: bug in all versions of dvitovdu and * (uktex88.42) public: * domain tex (uktex88.19) public.tex.amsfonts: ftp problems with [*] (uktex88.17) publisher: re: * (uktex88.01) pxl: cyrillics, euler etc * files for vaxvms (uktex88.38) pyramid: * pascal versions of dvitovdu & psprint (uktex88.26) qmstex: can anyone supply a local copy of *? (uktex88.03) query: latex \stackrel *. (uktex88.34) questions: new tex/mf: news, diffs and * (uktex88.19) questions: * to uktex and texserver (uktex88.29) re-ordering: wanted: dvi * program for unix (uktex88.15) records: conversion between stream and fixed-length * (uktex88.19) records: meaningful header *. (uktex88.35) refer: * to bibtex conversion (uktex88.28) refer: * -> bibtex conversion (uktex88.35) reference: vortex * (uktex88.38) references: chapter * in latex/bibtex (uktex88.15) registers: ascii codes into count *: uktex #27 --- graham toal. (uktex88.28) regulations: thesis * (uktex88.31) renewals: email and credit card numbers (tug * etc.) (uktex88.41) report: mail server - site *. (uktex88.16) report: nottingham meeting: carol's * (uktex88.39) report: nottingham meeting: sebastian's * (uktex88.39) report: dvitoln03 v2.1 bug * (and fix!) (uktex88.40) request: re: tex * (uktex88.14) request: * for assistance, on behalf of third party. (uktex88.38) resolution: ams fonts for higher * printers (uktex88.31) response: * to your note (uktex88.02) retaining: * font style when changing size (uktex88.34) calling * (uktex88.14) richoh: dvi driver for * 4081-r1 (uktex88.12) rowley: from chris *, open university (uktex88.05) rsx: dostex: deboo without the * dependency (uktex88.20) rutherford: possible tex support by * (uktex88.41) sb(08)tex.arc: new * file in archive (uktex88.41) sbtex.arc: * (uktex88.40) script: * for unix file transfer (uktex88.04) script: unix ftp generating * (uktex88.21) searching: * for the dvican driver (uktex88.42) sebastian's: * boxes uktex #27 (uktex88.28) sebastian's: nottingham meeting: * report (uktex88.39) sebastian: can * loop forever? uktex #27 (uktex88.28) section: latex * headings (uktex88.24) self-dumping: * c-tex (uktex88.02) separate: * chapter bibliographies with latex and bibtex (uktex88.16) separate: * chapter bibliographies with latex & bibtex (uktex88.38) separate: * bibliographies for chapters (uktex88.39) separate: * chapter bibliographies with bibtex & latex (uktex88.39) september: tug tex courses for * (uktex88.24) sequent: tex for suns and * symmetry (uktex88.17) server: mail * - site report. (uktex88.16) server: getting help on the tex archive * at aston. (uktex88.18) server: centralised uk archive * (uktex88.20) server: aston unix mail * (uktex88.21) server: centralised uk archive * (uktex88.21) sic: headings and footngs (*) in latex (uktex88.24) sign: pound * (uktex88.01) site: mail server - * report. (uktex88.16) size: retaining font style when changing * (uktex88.34) sizes: tex archive (file *) (uktex88.19) slitex: * (uktex88.08) slitex: fonts for * (uktex88.10) slitex: * fonts (uktex88.39) software: compression * for the archive (again) (uktex88.29) some: re: mail into/out of janet -- * info (v88#232) (uktex88.32) some: re: mail into/out of janet -- * info (v88#232) (uktex88.33) some: comments on * items in issue #38, and other musings (uktex88.39) soon: texmag v2n6 to appear *... (uktex88.42) sought: philanthropist *... (uktex88.05) source: ocr .mf * (uktex88.01) source: atob/btoa * coming (uktex88.10) source: * code for tex (uktex88.38) sources: mf * for fonts (uktex88.29) sources: re: mf * for fonts (uktex88.30) sources: tex * on cartridge wanted (uktex88.30) sources: metafont * ditributed at texeter (uktex88.32) sources: metafont * ditributed at texeter (uktex88.33) spaces: \shew * (uktex88.24) special: * annoucment (uktex88.34) sprite.sty: * anyone? (uktex88.09) stephen: [*: ps fonts] (uktex88.39) stream: conversion between * and fixed-length records (uktex88.19) stretching: * minipages (uktex88.42) style: duplicate * files (uktex88.21) style: duplicate * files (uktex88.21) style: retaining font * when changing size (uktex88.34) style: latex iso * (uktex88.36) style: * files, and headsfoots. (uktex88.38) sub: , not *: , not sub: , not subject: , just subject: ! (uktex88.34) sub: , not sub: , not *: , not subject: , just subject: ! (uktex88.34) subject: no * (uktex88.29) subject: , not sub: , not sub: , not *: , just subject: ! (uktex88.34) subject: , not sub: , not sub: , not subject: , just *: ! (uktex88.34) subject: `*: <informative content>' for all messages to uktex? (uktex88.34) subject: no * (uktex88.38) submission: urgent * for uk-tex. (uktex88.24) submission: re: urgent * for uk-tex (uktex88.25) submissions: archived texhax * (uktex88.02) summary: dvi -> ps * (from info vax) (uktex88.12) suns: tex for * and sequent symmetry (uktex88.17) supertabular: * (uktex88.11) supertabular: * (uktex88.34) supoj: [* sutanthavibul: re: fig] (uktex88.14) supply: can anyone * a local copy of qmstex? (uktex88.03) support: tex memory limits : * for virtual memory systems. (uktex88.24) support: x * for postscript (uktex88.30) support: possible tex * by rutherford (uktex88.41) support: postscript * (uktex88.41) sutanthavibul: [supoj *: re: fig] (uktex88.14) symbiont: postscript print * needed for vax/vms (uktex88.21) symbiont: postscript * for vms (uktex88.22) symbols: upright lowercase greek * in maths mode (uktex88.15) symbols: milstd.tex, for use with `milstd' logical * font (uktex88.31) symmetry: tex for suns and sequent * (uktex88.17) system: an early-warning * for tex system bugs, etc. (uktex88.16) system: an early-warning system for tex * bugs, etc. (uktex88.16) systems: tex memory limits : support for virtual memory *. (uktex88.24) sysv: tex2.9 on unix * (uktex88.22) table: ascii * (uktex88.32) table: ascii * (uktex88.33) tables: multi-page * from latex (uktex88.31) tables: * and latex (uktex88.42) tape: latest tex * (uktex88.19) tape: unix tex * (uktex88.22) tape: a vms tex * (uktex88.28) tapes: vms backup * of the archive (uktex88.23) tex: common * updated to tex 2.7 (uktex88.02) tex: common tex updated to * 2.7 (uktex88.02) tex: * trouble (uktex88.03) tex: re: where to get unix-flavoured * (uktex88.03) tex: notes on * fonts (uktex88.04) tex: update for * on decnet/span (uktex88.04) tex: vax/vms * on decnet/span (uktex88.06) tex: new * implementation for msdos: dostex (uktex88.07) tex: re: pc implementations of * (2) (uktex88.07) tex: re: pc implementations of * (uktex88.07) tex: * archive etc... (uktex88.10) tex: re: * request (uktex88.14) tex: * on vax/vms (uktex88.15) tex: * on vax/vms (uktex88.15) tex: * copying (uktex88.16) tex: an early-warning system for * system bugs, etc. (uktex88.16) tex: * for suns and sequent symmetry (uktex88.17) tex: re: * on atari st ? (uktex88.17) tex: getting help on the * archive server at aston. (uktex88.18) tex: re: * on atari st ? (uktex88.18) tex: * archive (file sizes) (uktex88.19) tex: downloading * files (uktex88.19) tex: latest * tape (uktex88.19) tex: public domain * (uktex88.19) tex: re: * on atari st ? (uktex88.19) tex: * & latex (uktex88.20) tex: downloading * files (uktex88.21) tex: re: * v. latex (uktex88.21) tex: unix * in the archive (uktex88.21) tex: * and device drivers (uktex88.22) tex: aston * database (uktex88.22) tex: unix * tape (uktex88.22) tex: * dvi2ps for vax/vms wanted. (uktex88.23) tex: * in pascal vs tex in c (uktex88.23) tex: ctex vs. pascal * (uktex88.23) tex: tex in pascal vs * in c (uktex88.23) tex: * memory limits : support for virtual memory systems. (uktex88.24) tex: fig pictures in * documents (uktex88.24) tex: tug * courses for september (uktex88.24) tex: big-memory versions of * under vms and unix (uktex88.25) tex: uktex v88 #24 - large *, and headings (uktex88.25) tex: * previewers for ibm pcs (uktex88.27) tex: can * loop forever? (uktex88.27) tex: how to get ascii code of a char in *? (uktex88.27) tex: * (uktex88.28) tex: * freiburg (uktex88.28) tex: a vms * tape (uktex88.28) tex: draft * output from ibm pc/at to low-cost printer. (uktex88.28) tex: music notation in * (uktex88.28) tex: new book on * (uktex88.28) tex: re: gettin the ascii code of a character in * (uktex88.28) tex: typesetting music with * (uktex88.28) tex: yet more on getting the character code of a * variable ... (uktex88.28) tex: * and music printing (uktex88.29) tex: * device driver for hp laserjet plus (uktex88.29) tex: correction for new * book order form. (uktex88.29) tex: * sources on cartridge wanted (uktex88.30) tex: * that..! (uktex88.30) tex: * (uktex88.32) tex: * (uktex88.33) tex: * for vms/microvax (uktex88.35) tex: uk * (uktex88.35) tex: * 2.93b (i think) for vms (uktex88.36) tex: source code for * (uktex88.38) tex: * 2.94 for vms (uktex88.39) tex: * users' group membership and orders (uktex88.40) tex: possible * support by rutherford (uktex88.41) tex: compress utility & * - a marriage... (uktex88.42) tex-treffen: 7. deutsches * in freiburg (uktex88.28) alleged * bug (uktex88.37) bug in * ? (uktex88.37) tex.web: * (uktex88.26) tex/latex: membership of * mailing list. (uktex88.07) tex/metafont: * and c (uktex88.24) tex/metafont: * on icl clan 7 (uktex88.28) tex/mf: new *: news, diffs and questions (uktex88.19) tex/pc: * (uktex88.02) tex2.9(2: *) (uktex88.22) tex2.9: * on unix sysv (uktex88.22) tex88: * european conference and courses --- last chance!! (uktex88.19) texcalc: * (uktex88.36) texeter: metafont sources ditributed at * (uktex88.32) texeter: metafont sources ditributed at * (uktex88.33) texmag: * v2n6 to appear soon... (uktex88.42) texnician: * or texpert? (uktex88.36) texpert: texnician or *? (uktex88.36) texserver: * (uktex88.27) texserver: questions to uktex and * (uktex88.29) text: upside-down * (uktex88.35) textures: * (uktex88.34) textures: * (uktex88.35) textures: * for the macintosh (uktex88.35) tfms: postscript * (uktex88.41) that: tex *..! (uktex88.30) them: archives (and how to get *). (uktex88.32) them: archives (and how to get *). (uktex88.33) thesis: * regulations (uktex88.31) they: mode_def's -- where are *? (uktex88.41) think: tex 2.93b (i *) for vms (uktex88.36) third: request for assistance, on behalf of * party. (uktex88.38) this: may i offer * hyphenation howler? (uktex88.38) three: * columns, and dostex (uktex88.18) three: \stackrel for * lines (uktex88.36) tib: * vs bibtex (uktex88.19) tib: * vs bibtex (uktex88.22) toal: ascii codes into count registers: uktex #27 --- graham *. (uktex88.28) trans-atlantic: possible * mail-serving problems (uktex88.30) transfer: script for unix file * (uktex88.04) transfig: * 1.4 (uktex88.25) triple: * columns (uktex88.18) trouble: tex * (uktex88.03) truncation: mistranslation, * after 80 chars (uktex88.31) tug: * (uktex88.18) tug: * tex courses for september (uktex88.24) tug: email and credit card numbers (* renewals etc.) (uktex88.41) tug: * and credit cards (uktex88.42) turbolaser: ast * (not an ad, honest...) (uktex88.40) two: comparing * web files to yield a change-file. (uktex88.39) typesetter/cmr: chelgraph * fonts (uktex88.38) typesetter/cmr: chelgraph * fonts (uktex88.39) typesetting: * music with tex (uktex88.28) ucthesis: * change/pagestyle (uktex88.38) uk-tex: miscellaneous comments on preceding issue of * (uktex88.03) uk-tex: urgent submission for *. (uktex88.24) uk-tex: re: urgent submission for * (uktex88.25) ukc: unix "comp.sources" archive at *. (uktex88.14) uktex: for the next issue of * please... (uktex88.01) uktex: * (uktex88.02) uktex: re: * v88 #02 (uktex88.03) uktex: * (uktex88.13) uktex: re: * v88 #12 (uktex88.13) uktex: * 88#17 -- amsfonts, pictex, atari st (uktex88.18) uktex: re: * v88 #17 (uktex88.18) uktex: re: * v88 #18 (uktex88.19) uktex: re: * v88 #20 (uktex88.22) uktex: re: * v88 #21 (uktex88.22) uktex: * v88 #24 - large tex, and headings (uktex88.25) uktex: latex newenvironments (* #23) (uktex88.27) uktex: * kwic indexes (uktex88.28) uktex: ascii codes into count registers: * #27 --- graham toal. (uktex88.28) uktex: can sebastian loop forever? * #27 (uktex88.28) uktex: re: * v88 #26 (uktex88.28) uktex: re: * v88 #27 (uktex88.28) uktex: sebastian's boxes * #27 (uktex88.28) uktex: questions to * and texserver (uktex88.29) uktex: `subject: <informative content>' for all messages to *? (uktex88.34) uktex: re: * v88 #37 (uktex88.38) uktex: * (uktex88.40) uktex: * v88 #40 (uktex88.40) uktex: re: * v88 #39 (uktex88.40) uktex: * v88 #40 (uktex88.41) uktex: re: * v88 #40 (uktex88.41) uktex: comments on * v88 #41 (uktex88.43) uktex: more comments on * v88 #41 (uktex88.43) uktex21.88: re: crashing laserwriter (*) (uktex88.22) uktex25.88: re: canon sx mode_defs (*) (uktex88.26) uktex33.88: emacs for ibm pc (*) (uktex88.34) uktex33.88: modula-2 web (*) (uktex88.34) under: big-memory versions of tex * vms and unix (uktex88.25) undump: unix_tex '*' #include's and #define's (uktex88.04) unget-at-able: web2c.shar * (uktex88.16) university: from chris rowley, open * (uktex88.05) unix: wanted: ln03 driver for * (uktex88.03) unix: script for * file transfer (uktex88.04) unix: crudetype on * (uktex88.11) unix: * "comp.sources" archive at ukc. (uktex88.14) unix: wanted: dvi re-ordering program for * (uktex88.15) unix: * ftp generating script (uktex88.21) unix: * tex in the archive (uktex88.21) unix: aston * mail server (uktex88.21) unix: * tex tape (uktex88.22) unix: tex2.9 on * sysv (uktex88.22) unix: big-memory versions of tex under vms and * (uktex88.25) unix-flavoured: re: where to get * tex (uktex88.03) unix_dvi: * to vms_dvi conversion (uktex88.04) unix_dvi: re: * to vms_dvi conversion (uktex88.04) unix_tex: * 'undump' #include's and #define's (uktex88.04) unixtex: * distribution (uktex88.03) update: c-tex * (uktex88.02) update: * for tex on decnet/span (uktex88.04) updated: common tex * to tex 2.7 (uktex88.02) upgrade: ctex * (uktex88.05) upright: * lowercase greek (uktex88.12) upright: * lowercase greek symbols in maths mode (uktex88.15) upside-down: * text (uktex88.35) urgent: * submission for uk-tex. (uktex88.24) urgent: re: * submission for uk-tex (uktex88.25) use: macros for * with latex picture environment. (uktex88.11) use: milstd.tex, for * with `milstd' logical symbols font (uktex88.31) use: * of mr (uktex88.36) users: tex *' group membership and orders (uktex88.40) utilities: compress * (uktex88.18) utility: compress * & tex - a marriage... (uktex88.42) uuencode: binary files, * & btoa (uktex88.09) v2.1: dvitoln03 * bug report (and fix!) (uktex88.40) v2n6: texmag * to appear soon... (uktex88.42) v88#232: re: mail into/out of janet -- some info (*) (uktex88.32) v88#232: re: mail into/out of janet -- some info (*) (uktex88.33) variable: yet more on getting the character code of a tex * ... (uktex88.28) vax: dvi -> ps summary (from info *) (uktex88.12) vax: ctex on * (uktex88.22) vax/vms: * tex on decnet/span (uktex88.06) vax/vms: tex on * (uktex88.15) vax/vms: tex on * (uktex88.15) vax/vms: postscript print symbiont needed for * (uktex88.21) vax/vms: tex dvi2ps for * wanted. (uktex88.23) vax/vms: bibtex change file for * (uktex88.27) vax/vms: copyright material for * (uktex88.43) vaxstation: * previewers (uktex88.04) vaxstation: dvidis previewer for * (uktex88.07) vaxvms: cyrillics, euler etc pxl files for * (uktex88.38) verbatim: * (uktex88.24) version: crudetype new * (uktex88.04) versions: big-memory * of tex under vms and unix (uktex88.25) versions: pyramid pascal * of dvitovdu & psprint (uktex88.26) versions: bug in all * of dvitovdu and psprint (uktex88.42) viewing: re: producing document for online * (latex) (uktex88.36) viewing: re: producing doc for online * (latex) (uktex88.37) virtual: tex memory limits : support for * memory systems. (uktex88.24) vms: compress on * (uktex88.09) vms: bibtex * (uktex88.12) vms: pk-format files with ln03 and ln03+ on * (uktex88.20) vms: re: deboo (on *, oops) (uktex88.21) vms: postscript symbiont for * (uktex88.22) vms: * backup tapes of the archive (uktex88.23) vms: big-memory versions of tex under * and unix (uktex88.25) vms: * weave (uktex88.27) vms: a * tex tape (uktex88.28) vms: bibtex change file for * (uktex88.29) vms: tex 2.93b (i think) for * (uktex88.36) vms: bibtex change file for * (follow-up) (uktex88.38) vms: * changes for mf (uktex88.39) vms: tex 2.94 for * (uktex88.39) vms->unix: * ftp (uktex88.17) vms/microvax: tex for * (uktex88.35) vms_dvi: re: unix_dvi to * conversion (uktex88.04) vms_dvi: unix_dvi to * conversion (uktex88.04) vortex: * (sp?) (uktex88.37) vortex: * (uktex88.37) vortex: * (uktex88.37) vortex: * availability (uktex88.37) vortex: is anyone using *? (uktex88.37) vortex: re * (uktex88.37) vortex: * reference (uktex88.38) warning: advance *; files to follow... (uktex88.08) weave: vms * (uktex88.27) web: * on pcs (uktex88.05) web: * on pcs (uktex88.05) web: * 2 c. (uktex88.16) web: modula-2 * (uktex33.88) (uktex88.34) web: * differences -> change-file ? (uktex88.37) web: comparing two * files to yield a change-file. (uktex88.39) web-to-c: does there exist a * change file for bibtex? (uktex88.30) web2c: bibtex and * (uktex88.28) web2c.shar: * unget-at-able (uktex88.16) when: retaining font style * changing size (uktex88.34) without: dostex: deboo * the rsx dependency (uktex88.20) wordprocessing: multilingual * (45) (uktex88.07) wordprocessing: multilingual * (45) (uktex88.07) wordstar-to-tex: * (uktex88.30) writer: crashing laser * (uktex88.21) writer: a4 paper in the apple laser * (uktex88.28) x11: xdvi for * (uktex88.26) xdvi: * for x11 (uktex88.26) xfig: x previewers and * (uktex88.28) yet: are we up to $10.24 *?... (uktex88.08) yet: * more on getting the character code of a tex variable ... (uktex88.28) yield: comparing two web files to * a change-file. (uktex88.39) your: response to * note (uktex88.02) z-tar-uucp: -*! (uktex88.08)