% ***** TUGBOT.TeX ***** 14 Sep 88 % % TUGboat is put together from individual files comprising individual % articles, by a "top-level" file which \input's the article files % in the appropriate order. This is a model "top-level" file. % % All articles available in general distribution are referenced in % this file. However, most are commented out; they can be activated % by removing the % at the beginning of the line which \input's them. \input tugbot.sty % definitions to format TUGboat % \input amstex % \documentstyle{tugbot} % TUGboat does not require AMS-TeX, but may call for it as an alternate % to reading in tugbot.sty directly; the results should be equivalent. \Lasertrue % assume output will be on laser printer % Publication information \vol 0, 0. % volume, issue. \issueseqno=0 % sequential issue number \issdate Thermidor, 2001. % The TUGboat editor names article files thus: tbNxxx % where tb indicates TUGboat; N = sequential issue number; % xxx is the specific file identifier. Then % \input tb99editor or \Input editor % (\Input xxx expands to \input tbNxxx as defined in TUGBOT.STY.) % Articles are arranged in sections; within sections, separate % articles by \secsep in preference to, e.g., \eject or \vskip<dimen>. % % If a page must be ended explicitly, use of \newpage will ensure % adherence to 2-column format. % % To reset page number: \pageno=<integer> % % TUGboat is divided into sections, each tagged by \sectitle ...< % This file contains (commented out) entries for all usual sections. % Here insert macros specific to this issue. % \def \_{\hbox{\hskip .1pt % \vrule height .2pt depth .2pt width .3333em \hskip .1pt}} % \_ used in Pascal data names % This replaces the ad hoc definition of \logo in TUGBOT.STY. %\font\logo=manfnt % font used for the METAFONT logo % Note: If the font is available, uncomment this line. \def \PS{Post\-Script} \def \TB{{\sl The \TeX book}} % end issue-specific macros % In production, write out page numbers for xrefs and contents. % Use two files to prevent loss of authoritative copy for final run. %\Input pages % page number file from prior run %\xdef \ppoutfile{tb\number\issueseqno pp.tex} %\openout1=\ppoutfile % file to write out page numbers % In 2-column format, additional stretch (or ragged right) is needed % to avoid overfull boxes. \StretchyTenPointSpacing \StretchyNinePointSpacing \StretchyEightPointSpacing \twocol \pageno=1001 % starting page number %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \sectitle General Delivery< % The hyphenation list is too long for a normal page; change the % length of the page, before putting anything on it. The page % length will be reset automatically at the end of the page. % A negative value will cause the page to be made longer. \ShortenThisPage by -1\baselineskip. \sectitle Software< \Input hyf % hyphenation exception log; annual, % % last issue of the year \newpage % \sectitle Fonts< % included in data file \Input cyr % Barbara Beeton, cyrillic and math symbols % % 6#3, revised % \secsep % \Input apl % Aarno Hohti/Okko Kanerva, APL font, 8#3 \newpage % \sectitle Output Devices< % \sectitle Site Reports< % \sectitle Typesetting\\on Personal Computers< % \sectitle Macros< % \Input tree % David Eppstein, Trees, 6#1 % \sectitle \LaTeX< % \sectitle Problems< % \sectitle Queries< % \sectitle Letters< % \sectitle News \& Announcements< % \sectitle TUG Business< % \sectitle Advertisements< %\def \midrtitle{Advertisement} % \onecol % \PageXref{TUGorderForm} % \input TUGorder \newpage \end