\linespread{1.05}         % Palatino needs more leading (space between
                          % lines)
\author{Palle Jørgensen}
%\date{28. September 2006}
\title{The \texttt{foekfont} package}



The \texttt{foekfont} package is for typesetting the title of the
\madsfoek\footnote{Mads Føk, http://www.madsfoek.dk} magazine; The
students magazine at Faculty of
Science\footnote{http://www.nat.au.dk}, University of

\section{Using the \texttt{foekfont} package}

The package offers three commands; the \verb+\foekfamily+ command,
which changes the font family to the FoekFont. A command with an argument,
\verb+\foek+ for typesetting small text pieces in FoekFont, e.g.\
\verb+\foek{cheese}+ produces \foek{cheese}. Finally a fast command
for the typesetting of the magazine title, \verb+\madsfoek+.


The license of the FoekFont is GNU General Public License, GPL.

\section{Source files of the foekfont bundle}



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