
  author =        {Paul Pichaureau},
  month =         {January},
  note =              {\url{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/winfonts/}},
  title =         {Winfonts \& Windingbats. Two Packages to Use
                   {W}indows Core Fonts},
  year =          {2006},

  author =        {Karl Berry},
  month =         {September},
  note =
  title =         {Fontname. Filenames For {\TeX} Fonts},
  year =          {2005},

  author =        {Philipp Lehman},
  month =         {December},
  note =
  title =         {The Font Installation Guide},
  year =          {2004},

  author =        {Alan Hoenig},
  publisher =     {Oxford University Press, USA},
  title =         {{\TeX} Unbound: {\LaTeX} and {\TeX} Strategies for
                   Fonts, Graphics, and More},
  year =          {1998},

  author =        {Walter Schmidt},
  month =         {September},
  note =
  title =         {Using Common {P}ost{S}cript Fonts With {\LaTeX}.
                   {PSNFSS} Version 9.2},
  year =          {2004},

  title = 	 {The \textsf{amsart}, \textsf{amsproc}, and 
                  \textsf{amsbook} document~classes},
  author =	 {Michael Downes and Barbara Beeton},
  organization = {American Mathematical Society},
  year =	 2004,
  month =        {August},
  note =	 {\url{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/amslatex/classes}}